You Give Me Hope 3

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You Give Me Hope 3 Page 6

by Sophia Smith

  “Grab that if you think you’re going to fall. I’ll make you feel good,” Charlotte told Brianna with a purr.

  Brianna’s eyes widened as Charlotte’s hand moved from her small tummy to the apex between her legs. She moved her fingers towards the tip, making her suddenly feel her body jolt. Brianna definitely didn’t know what to do about this, holding the rod on instinct because of the foreign sensation. But, in a sense it was nice. Brianna felt like she was being taken care of in a different level compared to what she could be. She watched as Charlotte smiled, moving towards the very edge of Brianna’s body, touching and teasing with small licks, and the movement of her hands.

  Brianna felt like all the air that was in her body was soon knocked out, making her suddenly shiver with delight, holding her there, and she soon started to cry out. She couldn’t help but feel the sudden, engaging sensation of it all. She watched as Charlotte continued to move her fingers in and out, and her lips working its sweet magic. Brianna let out a series of small cries, holding the edge of the rail there as she leaned into the touch.

  Charlotte smiled against the edge of Brianna’s muff, but she wasn’t going to finish yet. She was just getting started. She began to move a bit faster, pumping her fingers in, doing what she knew Lisa loved, but also adding some twists to it, and it was then, after a few more thrusts, she felt Brianna hold the bar, twitching against her body, and the sound of her climaxing echoing through Charlotte’s ears.

  Charlotte then watched as Brianna started tensing up, and then relaxing. She looked at Charlotte with a smile on her face, a feeling of happiness. That was much better than she thought.

  “You okay?” Charlotte asked, slightly worried she might’ve overdone it.

  “No, I’m…I’m wonderful Charlotte. I really am. That was amazing,” Brianna admitted.

  She didn’t think that she’d feel that good, and Charlotte then started to smile.

  “I’m glad that you’re here and happy,” she said.

  Brianna then started to move forward, looking at Charlotte with a blush.

  “I can return the favor. I’ll make you feel good,” Brianna said.

  Charlotte flushed, but then nodded.

  “I’d love that,” she said.

  Brianna then moved her hands downward, nervously copying similar motions to how Charlotte did. Maybe it was because she had Lisa’s heart though, but Brianna seemed to know exactly what to do, like it was a sixth sense. She moved her fingers like a pro, touching, teasing, and pumping into Charlotte. Charlotte’s eyes widened, thrusting her hips forward, and when Brianna teased her with both her fingers and her lips, Charlotte could feel her entire body growing hotter with each and every single touch. It was amazing, and it made her want nothing more than to lost control, to experience all of this, and to love it.

  She held onto the rail for a few more moments, gasping for air as she felt Brianna continue her touches. It was then though, after a few more moments, Charlotte then tensed up, feeling her own climax.

  Much to her surprise however, instead of feeling just the pleasure of the release, she felt Brianna’s lips against her own. She kissed Brianna, feeling the excitement and pleasure, and then, after a brief moment, Brianna pulled back, flushing crimson.

  “You…you good?” Brianna asked.

  “Yeah, I’m good,” Charlotte told her with a blush.

  There was a moment of silence before Charlotte spoke to Brianna, feeling nervous about her next series of words.

  “Did you…did you kiss me back there on accident, or did you know?” Charlotte said.

  “I just wanted to,” Brianna said.

  “Thanks Brianna. I loved it,” Charlotte said.

  The truth was, the only other person to do that was…Lisa. While Lisa wasn’t here anymore, she didn’t feel like she was holding onto that feeling from the past anymore. Charlotte was happy, and she didn’t want to hold back her true feelings. She wanted nothing more than to just stay with Brianna forever, and to experience this again and again.

  The two of them kissed once more before finishing up in the shower together, washing the other person’s body. They both felt happy about this, and it felt like the beginning of something more, something bigger than what they both thought. Charlotte wondered if the feelings she experienced were real, or if she was just experiencing the feelings that she had lying dormant.

  But there was something different now. She didn’t feel guilty for falling for Brianna. In fact, she felt happy for this, and she felt like this was the beginning of something more, something bigger, and it definitely made her feel a lot better, and while Charlotte didn’t know her feelings and where she fully stood yet, she felt…happier with taking a chance than she did in the past, and there was something about that which made her feel good, and made her happy as well.

  Chapter 14

  There were only a few more days left on the trip, and Charlotte and Brianna didn’t have anything planned.

  “Want to go sightseeing together?” Brianna asked. She finished all of the work-related things that she needed to get done, and she felt an inclination to go out and see new things.

  “Sure, I’d love that,” Charlotte said.

  The first place that they went to be the Met gallery, where there were many different paintings. For Brianna, it was a relaxing thing to do, and of course, Charlotte was just happy to spend time with Brianna.

  After that, they went to one of the malls that was nearby, a place selling a variety of different clothes. Charlotte found a couple of dresses, and when she tried them on, Brianna eagerly waited to see. When Charlotte came out in the beautiful garments, Brianna would feel her heart skip a beat or two.

  It wasn’t just Lisa’s feeling though anymore, it was her feelings too. She recognized that Charlotte was a radiant light in a dark world, someone who she could be with no matter what.

  After Charlotte finished trying on the last one, she turned to Brianna, blushing.

  “I feel like a princess in this, but I don’t know where I’d wear it,” she said.

  “I’m always getting invited to work functions. You can wear it whenever you come with me,” Brianna insisted.

  She felt that urge grow within her, the urge to take care of Charlotte, but then, Charlotte blushed.

  “You don’t have to buy this for me. It’s—”

  “Charlotte, I’ll take care of it. Just…trust me on this one,” Brianna said.

  Charlotte blushed, but then, she nodded.

  “Are you sure? Because I won’t say no,” she said.

  “I’m very sure,” Brianna said.

  Charlotte nodded, taking the dress off and then putting her normal clothes on. She then followed Brianna out to the register to pay for it. When they got out of there, Charlotte looked at Brianna and blushed.

  “Thank you, Brianna. I want to get you something too,” Charlotte said.

  “No problem dear. And you don’t have to do that. You’re a strong, beautiful woman, and I’m glad that I have you,” she said.

  Brianna felt like a million dollars, and Charlotte felt a strange feeling that she never felt before. Even when she was with Lisa, this couldn’t compare. They continued to shop for a bit, but then, Charlotte walked into a store.

  “Where are you going?” Brianna said, feeling slightly anxious.

  “Just wait for me on the bench,” Charlotte insisted.

  Brianna sighed, sitting down on the bench. What was she going to do? Then, after a few minutes, Brianna finally came out with a little bag.

  “Here. I thought about getting you this, since I figured you’d need it. I saw that it might be useful for you,” Charlotte said.

  “You didn’t have to get me a gift you know,” Brianna said.

  “I did it because I wanted to Brianna. I really mean it,” Charlotte insisted.

  Brianna smiled, opening the package, pulling out a small wallet and bag. They had a little set of initial emblazoned on it.

  “But how—”
r />   “I was going to get it for you in a few days, but it wasn’t ready. I called ahead yesterday to find out if it would be ready today, and they said yes. I know you needed a new bag, and I wanted to get you something memorable, something that you could use,” Charlotte insisted.

  Brianna felt like crying. This was the nicest thing that someone had ever done for her.

  “Thank you, Charlotte. I’ll…I’ll cherish it. In every moment, I’ll cherish it all, and I’ll use it as much as I can. Until I can’t use it anymore,” Brianna said.

  “Thanks Brianna. I figured I’d get you a little something nice,” Charlotte said with a smile.

  After they finished shopping, Brianna looked at the time. It was just about dinnertime, but she didn’t want to go to a small place to sit down yet. Instead, she looked over at the statue of liberty.

  ‘I’m surprised we’re so close to here,” Brianna said.

  “I wouldn’t mind going, if you’re thinking what I’m thinking,” Charlotte said.

  Brianna smiled, and she soon nodded.

  “Yeah, I’d love to go,” she said.

  They quickly got on one of the last boats out there, getting to the statue before the end of the day. After climbing a few flights of stairs, they got to the little walkway, and a beautiful view.

  They could see the water surrounding the place, along with the busy nightlife. Brianna felt a sense of happiness as she looked at the sight before her, and she wondered if there was anything more that she could do at this point.

  “I’m so happy,” Charlotte admitted.

  Brianna looked over at her lover, their eyes radiating, and it made Brianna feel whole. It wasn’t just the dredges of feelings from Lisa’s heart, but rather, it was a feeling of pure, utter happiness, and something that made Brianna feel good and happy.

  “You feel it too,” Brianna asked.

  “Yeah. I do. I feel really happy, thank you Brianna. For…for being there for me. I couldn’t have done half of what I’ve done in this life without actually getting to do it with you. I’m very happy that…we got to finally have something this strong,” Charlotte said.

  Brianna’s heart felt whole, and she couldn’t help but feel a grin fall on her face.

  “The feeling is mutual Charlotte. You know, I was a little bit scared of brining you. Because…I was worried the feelings that I had weren’t real. I was worried maybe I only loved you like a sister, and not as a lover, and not as someone I could share romantic interests with. But I definitely feel a lot happier,” Brianna said.

  Charlotte nodded.

  “Yeah. The thing is, I do still miss her, but…I think this is what Lisa wanted. She wanted me to be happy, to not hold onto the feeling of sadness forever and ever. And I’m very glad that I didn’t. I feel like…if I kept those feelings held onto like that, I wouldn’t ever truly move on. Moving on is such an interesting thing Brianna. I always felt like I could never love again, but I can. Maybe it’s because I’m actually with someone that I utterly love and cherish, but I’m definitely feeling a lot happier Brianna. I really am. I’m…very happy,” Charlotte said.

  Brianna nodded, looking at her with a grin.

  “You’re most welcome Charlotte. I feel like I can move on too. I always felt scared to admit the truth, but admitting the truth is so much easier than I thought. I’m just happy Charlotte. I really am. And I don’t regret a thing,” Brianna admitted.

  For a long time, neither of them said anything. Then, Charlotte moved closer, grabbing Brianna’s hand. The two of them looked out into the sky, and Charlotte smiled.

  “I always told Lisa I’d experience this place with her. but I never did. I felt scared of coming here because I felt like I was betraying her, but I’m not. I’m doing what makes me happy Brianna, and that is something that I’m happy about. I don’t feel like it’s the wrong thing to do either Brianna. I feel like moving on is healthy when you’re with the right person. And I mean…Lisa told me to move on, to not feel like I’m going to hold myself back or anything more. I want to be with you for the long haul Brianna. I’ve made up my mind. My past is my past, and I’m ready to face the future, face the unknown, and actually move forward,” Charlotte said.

  Brianna smiled to her.

  “I’m ready to move on too. I don’t feel bad for having this heart. This was fate’s decision, and I know that I’ve fallen for you as a person, not just because the heart I have belongs to your late lover. It’s strange but…understanding that helped out a whole lot in understanding and overcoming of the feelings that I had. So, thank you Charlotte, for being understanding, and for being the best person that you can be,” Brianna said.

  Charlotte beamed at her, feeling a weight lift off her chest.

  “I’ll always try to be. I love you Brianna,” Charlotte said.

  Charlotte’s eyes said it all. They glistened with hope for the future, with hope for their relationship, and for Brianna, she didn’t feel scared to admit the feelings that she had. Instead, she felt a feeling of happiness grow within her, making her feel a whole lot more alive than ever before.

  “I love you too Charlotte. I love you too.”

  They kissed under the night sky, admiring the view once more before heading back to the hotel. For both of them, they felt like this was the beginning of a whole new life, and it was right for them to do this. That night, they made love once again, holding one another in their arms. They only had half a day left here in New York, and even though it wasn’t much time, for both of them, it felt like all the time in the world.

  Neither of them was scared of the future, of moving on, of being happy. They were ready to do what it took, to be the best that they can be, and to move on with their lives.

  Chapter 15

  When they got back home, they went to their respective homes, but then, about three days later, Charlotte called Brianna after work. They were planning to meet up to go on a date, but Charlotte insisted that they go somewhere else first.

  “I have to talk to you about something, and I want you to be open-minded about it. I don’t want it to be weird or anything,” Charlotte explained.

  Brianna furrowed her brows, unsure of what this meant for either of them.

  “Alright, I’ll be over there as fast as I can,” Brianna said.

  When they met up, Charlotte blushed, and when Brianna sat down with her, she had a look of expectation on her face.

  “Something the matter?” Brianna asked.

  “Yeah, it’s just…I want to go and see Lisa’s parents. They asked me to come over, since we’ve been on good terms even before Lisa was diagnosed, and they know about you. I told them I was bringing someone, and I’d like them to know the truth. About…your heart and all. They are kind of like my only family I have left, and I’d love for you to meet them,” Charlotte explained.

  Brianna flushed. She didn’t think that she was that important, and it definitely made her feel nervous.

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude or anything,” Brianna said.

  “You’re not doing that at all. They want to see me happy,” Charlotte explained.

  Brianna flushed, but then, she nodded.

  “Sure, I’d like that,” Brianna replied.

  Charlotte and Brianna would go over there tomorrow night, but Brianna felt strangely nervous. would they judge her for having Lisa’s heart? She didn’t think so, but who knows.

  That night, they went over to Lisa’s parents. It was a short drive, which surprised Brianna. They lived so close, which might be why Charlotte was still talking with them so much. When they got there, Charlotte knocked on the door, and soon, an older woman with glasses and graying hair came over.


  “Hey Amelia. This is my girlfriend Brianna,” Charlotte said.

  “Oh hello! Charlotte told me about you. She said that you’ve helped her cope with a lot of things. Thank you for that,” she said.

  “Not a problem,” Brianna said, flushing at those word
s. She didn’t know if now was the time to tell the truth about her connection to Lisa.

  When they walked in, there was a balding man with a newspaper in his hand. He looked at them, and then, he smiled.

  “Hello there!” he said.

  “Hello there George. This is Brianna, my girlfriend. I’m sure Amelia told you a little bit about her over the phone.” Charlotte explained.

  “Nice to meet you,” Brianna said with a flush on her face.

  “It’s great to meet you. Thank you for taking care of Charlotte like this. She needs…all the support she can get,” he said.

  The sound in his voice was that of sadness, and Brianna felt a feeling of guilt in her body. Charlotte then quickly deterred the subject, smiling.

  “Anyways, let’s sit in the living room. I think we should tell you the important news that I told Amelia about over the phone, if that’s okay,” Charlotte explained.

  Brianna stiffened. She had no idea what the important news that Charlotte said as, but she was willing to listen to them. She quickly went with Charlotte over to the living room, sitting down with them. Brianna flushed, seeing the two of them looking at her.

  “So, what is the news?” Amelia asked.

  “Well, the truth is…I actually have Lisa’s heart. Lisa wanted to be an organ donor, and she wanted her body to go to someone special. I recently had heart surgery. I’ve had genetic defects in my heart, and I needed to get the surgery now before it was too late. So, I went in, and I found out through this that I have her donor heart. But that doesn’t really change things. I’m still me, it’s just…whenever I’m around Charlotte my heart beats faster. It’s been doing this for as long as I’ve known her. I’m very…happy to be here right now. She saved me, your daughter did. Without her, I could be dead,” Brianna said.

  That was something that did hang over her head. She was saved by that heart, and she wondered as well what kind of life she would be living if she didn’t have this heart. Would she have ever found true love? Would it have been as obvious as it was now?


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