When Knight Falls

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When Knight Falls Page 7

by Nikki Rose

  “Okay.” Belle clapped her hands together and almost knocked over her juice.

  “What’s all the excitement about?” Anthony asked as he walked back in with a chocolate cream pie in one hand and a stack of small plates in the other.

  “We’re going to plan a wedding,” Belle exclaimed.

  “You are?” Anthony gave me a questioning look.

  “Belle asked when we were getting married, so I asked her when she thought we should.”

  “I said tomorrow, but Rachel thinks that’s too soon.”

  “It might be good to give our family and friends a little notice.” Anthony chuckled and passed out the plates before starting to cut the pie. “But I agree with Belle. It should be soon. You think we could plan something in two months?”

  “Two months? To plan a wedding?” My jaw dropped.

  “Sure…why not?”

  I glanced over at Liz for help, but she was smiling excitedly so I said, “Well, there’s a lot to do, like finding a photographer, catering, a dress, a cake…” My mind started to swirl with all the planning that would be needed.

  “It doesn’t need to be anything big. Don’t tell me you and Sarah haven’t already been planning things, just waiting to put a date on it.”

  “Well, almost all girls have some ideas. But that doesn’t mean what I planned would be available in two months.”

  “I feel like I’ve waited my whole life to be with you. Our wedding will be amazing, no matter what, but it’s just the beginning. I’m ready to start our lives together,” Anthony said.

  “And I feel the same way, but why only two months? That’s hardly enough time.”

  “Well, two months from now will be fourteen years since we met, when I moved next door to you.”

  “That’s right. It will. I can’t believe you kept up with that.” I beamed at him. “I’ll see what I can do, then.”

  After we had our dessert and coffee, Tony and Liz said their goodbyes and I helped Anthony with the dishes while Belle played.

  “Do you think you can do it?” he challenged me, softly bumping hips with me at the sink. “We don’t have to get married so fast. I just thought it would be nice.”

  “I’ll need to recruit some help. I’ll call Sarah tonight.”

  “Great. Let me know what I can do to help.”

  “With only two months, you better believe I’ll be putting you to work too.”

  “I’ll start by getting Belle to bed, because I know you are just itching to call Sarah.”

  I grinned at him.

  “Come on, princess. Let’s get your bath started.”

  While Anthony got Belle into the bath, I went into the bedroom to talk to Sarah.

  I was just about make the call when the sound of knocking made me pause. I strained to hear the angry voices that erupted almost instantly, finally recognizing them as Anthony and Jess. I moved slowly to climb off the side of the bed and crept out into the hall so I could hear what was going on.

  “I know you said that I couldn’t see her today, when it’s my day. If I want to see my kid, I can see my kid,” Jess shrilled.

  “Belle wasn’t feeling up to visiting you today, so I thought it was best that she stayed home.” Anthony’s voice was strained. He was holding back the temper Jess was taunting.

  “My place is her home too. I am her mother. I should be able to say if she comes with me or not.”

  “You should do a lot of things as her mom, like be a responsible adult. But you don’t do that either. I called you earlier and thought we had reached an understanding.”

  “Where is she? I want to see my baby.” Jess’ voice grew louder and more determined.

  “I told you she was just getting into the tub.”

  I noticed a small sniffle behind me and I whirled around.

  There in the corner, near the bedroom door, Belle sat with her knees pulled up to her chest, peeking out from her arms that were crossed on her knees.

  “Belle?” I whispered. “What are you doing over there?”

  “Mommy was angry. I didn’t want to see her and I don’t want to go with her. I want to stay here with you and Daddy.”

  “It’s okay, sweetie. I’m not going to let anyone take you if you don’t want to go. Come on. Let’s go sit in Daddy’s room while they talk. You don’t have to sit in the corner.” I motioned her over to me and she hurried to my side, encircling me with her small arms. I led her into the bedroom.

  “Where the hell is she?” Jess’ voice came from right outside the door and I wished I’d closed it all the way. I heard her burst into Belle’s room next door.

  “You can’t keep her from me. I’m her mother,” Jess barked as she burst into the bedroom, almost hitting me with the door. Belle held on to me.

  Jess’ bloodshot eyes immediately locked on me. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “I—” I started.

  “Hey, Belle, come to Mommy,” Jess interrupted and Belle’s grip on me tightened.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea right now. You are clearly upset and it’s upsetting her too,” I said, trying to sound calm.

  “You are not her mother. Don’t fucking tell me what to do or how to handle my kid.”

  “Jess,” Anthony snapped at her, “you need to get out of my home…now.”

  “Like hell I—”

  “I will call the cops. Don’t test me, Jess.” Anthony was barely holding on by a thread, but his words finally seemed to cut through Jess’ drug-induced fit.

  “Fine,” she snapped. “But this is not over.” She stormed out of the room and a moment later the front door slammed shut.

  “You two okay?” Anthony rushed over and pulled both of us into his arms.

  “Yeah, I am. Belle?” I pulled her close and looked down at the sweet little girl with tears in her eyes. “Are you okay?”

  She sniffled and grabbed onto Anthony’s leg. “I don’t want to go with Mommy anymore.”

  Anthony took Belle to her room to read her a story and try to get her to sleep, insisting that I still call Sarah to tell her my news.

  I sat on the edge of the bed and pulled out my phone again to dial her, hoping it wasn’t too late. She was usually a night owl, so I figured it would be fine, but then again…

  “Hey, girl, is everything okay?” she answered after only two rings.

  “Yeah, everything’s good. You busy?”

  “Nope, just eating some Chinese. What’s up?”

  “Anthony asked me to marry him.”

  “Oh shit, seriously?”

  “Yeah. I wanted to tell you in person but I just couldn’t wait until tomorrow.”

  “I’m so happy for both of you.”

  “That’s not all.”

  “There’s more?”

  “He wants to get married in two months in the gardens with the waterfall downtown, which happens to be where he proposed too.”

  “Damn, he’s not giving you much time is he?”


  “I guess we have a lot of work to do.”

  “How do you know I said yes?”

  She laughed. “I’ll come over tomorrow and we’ll start planning.”

  “Oh my gosh, Sarah, thank you.”

  I heard Sarah typing away. “Okay, we know the location, but we need a photographer, florist, DJ and caterer. Am I missing anything?”

  “I don’t think so. Are you already making a list?” I giggled.

  “Of course I am.” She chuckled.

  “I’ll get Anthony to schedule a tux fitting with the groomsmen as soon as he picks who they’ll be and I’ll call about a time for dress fittings for us. Put dress shopping at the top of our list.”

  Anthony peeked in and waited to speak to me since I was on the phone. “Thank you so much, Sarah. I’ll call you in the morning.”

  “Okay, talk then.” We hung up, but my head was still swirling with all the things to be planned. It was good that I wasn’t working at the moment.
r />   “Hey, how’s everything going?” he asked.

  “Good, Sarah’s going to come over tomorrow to help start the real planning. How’s Belle?”

  “She’s doing fine now, fast asleep.” Anthony looked amused and kissed me. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “So this wedding… How can I help? Or do I just need to show up?”

  “I need for you to contact whoever your groomsmen are going to be—I’m assuming Ryan will be one—and set up a time to get a tux fitting.”

  “Okay, you want traditional tuxes, right?” he asked.

  “Unless you’re wanting something different.”

  “Nope. I’ll call Ryan and Dante tomorrow so we can set up a time.”

  “Will you call our dads? They’ll need tuxes too,” I reminded him. “But don’t call my dad until after noon so I can get to him with the news first.”

  “Of course.”

  “Okay, and I’ll set up a time with your mom, Courtney, Sarah, and Belle to go get dresses.” I paused and studied his face. “Are we crazy for doing this so fast?”

  “Yes, but I’m tired of waiting to make you mine.” He grabbed both sides of my head and pulled me into a deep kiss.

  “I am yours.” I breathed out once our lips parted.

  He kissed me again, softly guiding me to lie back on the bed. He ran his hands over my body, moving across my breasts, my sides, my belly, down to my hips. The warmth of his touch was intoxicating.

  He caressed my arms, lifting them above my head, but just before my hands slipped out of my shirt, he twisted the fabric to catch my wrists. I tugged lightly but couldn’t move them.


  “Mm-hmm. You said you’re mine. I’m just making sure you don’t go anywhere.” He looked at me and smirked.

  “Trust me. I’m not going anywhere unless it’s with you.”

  “You got that right.” He wrapped his strong arms around me and slid me up to the headboard, where he slipped the shirt over the decorative spindle in the center, successfully tethering me there.

  “Anthony, what are you—?”

  “Trust me, sweetheart.” He blazed a trail of heat down my hips with his touch and my body instantly responded by bowing up, begging for his touch.

  “Anthony…” I moaned helplessly and squirmed against the shirt that bound me.

  He gently glided his fingertips over my belly to the edge of my pants and slipped them off with ease. I was now only in my small black panties and matching bra. Every nerve ending ignited under his attention.

  He gently spread my legs. My body ached for him. I longed for his touch but he continued to just barely avoid the place where I craved him most.

  “Anthony, please…” I begged, lifting my hips toward his hand, but he moved to my outer thighs.

  “Shh-h. Just close your eyes. Focus on just feeling.”

  I did as he’d asked and every sensation seemed to intensify tenfold. He only caressed my sides, belly, hips and thighs—never my breasts, never where the heat was building. I throbbed and ached for him, but he never strayed from his path.

  “Anthony, please, I can’t take anymore. I need you to touch me.”

  “But I am touching you, sweetheart.”

  “You know what I mean. Please, Anthony?”

  “Soon.” He grazed over my hips and hooked his fingers into the thin lace before gliding my panties down until they slipped off. He moved closer to the apex of my thighs—but still never close enough.

  I craved the feel of him there. My body clenched but was unsatisfyingly empty.

  “Anthony, please, I’m begging you.” He trailed his hand up my thigh until I thought I would scream. I was already soaked for him, and the way he teased, I was sure he knew it.

  Anthony cupped my breasts, but the black lace that I thought might shield me from his touch only enhanced the sensation. He pulled down the cups of the bra, causing my nipples to perk up, now exposed to his touch. He teased the hard buds between his thumbs and forefingers.

  “Oh, Anthony. Please?” I cried out in need.

  He slid his hands between my knees and slowly pushed my legs farther apart. I heard the tearing sound of the foil packet and opened my eyes just in time to see him settling between my thighs while he rolled on the condom. He circled my entrance with the tip of his cock and I bucked my hips to meet him, but he pulled back. “Uh-uh. Patience, sweetheart.”

  “I don’t have any more. Anthony, please?” I pushed my hips toward him and squirmed against my binding.

  He shifted and finally glided his thick cock through my folds. He filled me, and my insides quivered. The tight muscles constricted around his shaft, pulling him deeper. A moan poured from my lips and I tilted my head back.

  He reached up and untangled the shirt. Free to explore, I ran my hands over his rippling shoulders and biceps, grasping hard at his forearms as he held himself up and thrust deep and hard, reaching my fullest depths. Waiting through his relentless teasing had awakened my body in a whole new way, every touch enhanced by the anticipation he’d built.

  Our panting breaths joined as one as we took in each other’s air. Each thrust rocked my body, sending waves of pleasure coursing through every inch of me. He entwined his fingers into my hair and kissed me with such desperation and desire that it melded us into one. We moved in unison, crying out our pleasure as it washed over us, wave after wave, until we both collapsed onto the bed, his shaft still inside me.

  Anthony leaned in to whisper breathlessly against my neck. “It feels so good inside you. I never want to leave.”

  When he finally slipped out of me, he simply pulled me to his side so that my head could find its special little nook at his shoulder. Anthony brushed the hair from my cheek and kissed my temple.

  “I love you, Anthony.”

  “I love you too, my sweetheart.”

  My eyes grew heavy and soon fluttered closed as I drifted off.

  Chapter Nine


  “So, he proposed to you in front of a waterfall with his daughter taking pictures of it. That is just the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard in my life,” my good friend Courtney said as she sipped on her champagne in the Parkers’ living room during mine and Anthony’s engagement party.

  “It was incredibly sweet and romantic. I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect moment.”

  “I’m so jealous,” Alison from Mr. Brooke’s office added. “Does he have a brother?”

  “No, sorry. He’s an only child.”

  “Pity, with genes like that.” Courtney gawked at Anthony from across the room.

  “Aren’t you married?” I teased.

  “I’m married, not dead, and Anthony is gorgeous.”

  “And he’s all mine,” I added.

  “Lucky.” Courtney continued to ogle him until I elbowed her, and we all laughed.

  “Another drink?” Anthony snuck up behind me, offering me another flute of champagne.

  I smiled and turned to face him. “I’m good. Thank you.” I pressed my lips to his.

  “You are most welcome, soon-to-be-Mrs.-Anthony-Parker.”

  “You mean you’re taking his name?” Alison interrupted and appeared to grab the attention of the group with her exasperated tone.

  “Of course I am.”

  “But that’s so old-fashioned.” She crinkled her nose.

  “I like a little tradition. Besides, what’s wrong with taking his name?”

  “I don’t know. It’s just like you’re giving up your own identity to be marked as someone’s property.”

  “I don’t look at it as giving up my own identity. I look at having his name as a symbol that we are a team.”

  “Seems more like him owning you to me. Did he trade your father a few goats and chickens for you too?”

  “Everyone is entitled to their own choices and opinions in the matter. If it works for them, why spoil their special day with all that?” Sarah interjected.
/>   “I’m just surprised, that’s all. Rachel seems like such a modern woman. I wouldn’t have pinned her as one of those old-fashioned types.” She acted as though the words left a bad taste in her mouth.

  “Old-fashioned?” My jaw dropped.

  “I love that Rachel wants to take my name.” Anthony wrapped his arms tighter around my waist. “I’m sure it’s not for everyone, but it works for us. I assume you kept your name when you got married?”

  “Oh, I’m not—” Alison blushed.

  “I see.” Anthony took a sip of his drink.

  She didn’t have much to say on the topic after that, which I was grateful for. I was a modern woman, but it didn’t mean that I had to shun all tradition. The doorbell rang and Tony answered. I caught Dante’s smiling glance as he entered the party.

  “If you’ll excuse me, ladies, I have to see a man about some goats.” Anthony gave a small smirk and kissed my temple. I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped me. Alison didn’t seem to find it as funny.

  Anthony walked over to greet Dante and I went back to chatting with the girls, trying to smooth over the tension Alison had caused.

  “So where are you going on your honeymoon?” Courtney asked.

  “I don’t know. He won’t tell me. He says he wants it to be a surprise.”

  “Oh my gosh. Could this guy be any more perfect? I mean…really?”

  “Don’t let your husband hear you say that.” I laughed.

  “Well, it sounds like he could learn a thing or two from Anthony.” She laughed, but I wasn’t sure if she was really joking. Anthony was a pretty great guy, though I was a bit biased.

  A loud commotion near the front door caught my attention. I saw a group gathering as Anthony cut through the middle of them. “What’s going on over there?” I motioned toward the door and all the girls looked.

  “What the hell?” Sarah said as she moved her way over to the crowd.

  I could hear voices raised in anger. I moved quickly when I heard Anthony’s voice above the rest. I pushed my way through everyone and saw Jess standing in the middle of our guests, along with Anthony.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Anthony asked through clenched teeth, and I knew he was trying to control his temper and keep his voice low, even as it boomed over the growing crowd.


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