When Knight Falls

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When Knight Falls Page 9

by Nikki Rose

  “Belle, I told you to let her sleep.”

  “I was just so excited. Are you staying over too, Rachel?”

  “I—uh—I didn’t know anything about it.”

  “No, Belle,” Anthony answered for me. “Rachel’s staying here. This is a special you-and-Sarah only night.” He leaned down to kiss me good morning and whispered in my ear. “I want to take you on a proper date.”

  Belle smiled excitedly. I loved how he managed to make it sound like something extra special for her instead of letting her be disappointed that I wouldn’t be going.

  Belle looked at me and frowned. “Sorry, Rachel. Maybe we can have another sleepover when you can come too.”

  She definitely got that from her dad. I smiled. “It’s okay. I’ll let Sarah have one night.”

  Belle grinned. Her eyes went big as she gasped, “I’ve got to pack!” She jumped off my bed and ran out of the room.

  Anthony and I laughed. “Typical woman,” he muttered.

  “Just wait… It’s only gonna get worse as she gets older,” I teased.

  “Oh, don’t I know it. I’ve already got some plans to scare away future boyfriends.” He clasped his hands together and rubbed them menacingly.

  “You’re terrible.”

  “Hey, it’s my right as her dad.” His laugh rumbled in his chest. “Get up. Breakfast is almost ready.”

  I always loved Saturday mornings with Anthony and Belle. Anthony had cooked us a big breakfast of waffles, sausage and fresh-cut fruit. We sat at the table, sipping our coffee and nibbling on the last of our meal when Anthony looked up from his cup.

  “I was thinking, it’s supposed to be really nice out today. Why don’t we take Belle to the park for a little while?”

  “That sounds great.” Anthony was right. It was a beautiful day, unusually warm for December, and it was nice to get out and enjoy the crisp air.

  Anthony pushed Belle on a swing while I sat next to them, swinging on my own. Belle and I competed to see who could go the highest.

  “Higher, Daddy! Higher!” she giggled. I pulled back as he pushed her higher.

  “Aww, you beat me.” I smiled at Anthony and he winked at me.

  We slowed down to a relaxing low swing.

  “I think you deserve an ice cream for winning,” Anthony said as he continued to push her.

  “Oh, yay, Rachel should get one too.”

  “Of course, she can have one for being a good sport.” He turned to me and smiled. “Chocolate cone?”

  I grinned at him. “I love how well you know me.”

  He winked at me and left Belle to swing herself while he went to get us ice cream. While Anthony was gone, I felt that familiar prickle of someone watching me. Nervousness made my heart pound in my chest and I couldn’t breathe.

  I looked around us, trying to spot someone—anyone—who looked out of place. Several families were there for a nice Saturday at the park. Nothing seemed out of place. The panic built in me. Someone was watching us. Belle. I had to get her out of there. What if Ian has returned? It wouldn’t be hard to find us. We weren’t exactly in witness protection or anything.

  I glanced around again and noticed a man sitting on a park bench, watching us from over a book. Something flashed in his eyes. He’d been caught, and although he hid the look well, I hadn’t missed it.

  “Hey, Belle, why don’t we go see how those ice cream cones are coming along?”

  “Okay.” She jumped off the swing and I took her hand and quickly walked down the sidewalk to find Anthony. He turned from the ice cream cart as we approached. Anthony must have seen the look in my eyes because his eyes widened with concern.

  “Hey, you two, couldn’t wait on those cones any longer?” He handed Belle hers and leaned into me while she was distracted. “Rachel, what’s wrong?”

  “That man, over there on the bench… He’s been watching us. Anthony, I think he’s one of Ian’s guys. We have to get out of here.”

  “He’s one of mine.”

  “He’s one of your what?” I blinked, thinking I must not have heard him right.

  “I’ve had someone watching you and Belle since we got back.”

  “Well, why the hell didn’t you tell me?” My voice rose unintentionally.

  Anthony hushed me. “I knew it would make you nervous. I wanted you to be able to get back to normal, but the truth is, Ian is still out there. I won’t risk you or Belle.”

  “Okay, I get that, but you still should have told me.”

  “Come on, Rach. You know I’m only trying to keep you two safe. You’re not going to stay mad at me, are you?”

  I sighed and Anthony smiled, clearly knowing I’d conceded. Although I wished he would have told me, Anthony was looking out for us and I loved him for that. I love him.

  “Why don’t we go for a walk while we eat our ice creams?”

  “Sounds good to me.” I smiled and started eating my chocolate cone.

  “Can we go feed the ducks, Daddy?” Belle smiled up at him with chocolate all over her face.

  “Maybe next time, princess. We have to get back home so we can get you ready to go to Sarah’s.”

  “Oh yeah, let’s go.” Belle grabbed his hand and tried to pull him along faster.

  We got back to the apartment and Anthony got Belle ready to go while I took a shower and started getting ready for our night out. He went to drop her off at Sarah’s without me. That way he could pick me up like it was a proper date. That was his idea. I thought it was a little silly but also adorable.

  I put the finishing touches on my makeup while staring at myself in the mirror.

  After I was content with my hair and makeup, I pulled out my new red dress. It had been my favorite color for so long. It made me feel sexy and beautiful. I was confident in red. More importantly, while shopping, I’d remembered why I loved to wear that color. I hadn’t thought about it in so long that I’d nearly forgotten.

  It had been my first homecoming dance. I had been a freshman and it was my first date.

  I had stood in my bedroom, staring at myself in the full-length mirror attached to the back of my door.

  ‘I can’t do this,’ I’d said in a panic.

  ‘Of course, you can, honey. You look beautiful.’ My mom had sat on my bed and watched me calmly. She had always been so calm.

  ‘What if I’m a bad dancer?’

  ‘You aren’t a bad dancer. We practiced with Dad, remember?’

  ‘What if I trip on my heels? What if I spill something on my dress? What if—’

  She’d stood and made her way over to me, holding me by the shoulders. ‘You can spend your whole life worrying about the what-ifs or you can choose to live each day and take things as they come. All the worrying in the world won’t stop bad things from happening. But if you spend all your time worrying, you can miss out on some of the best parts of life.’

  ‘Thanks, Mom.’ She’d wrapped me in her warm embrace. ‘I’m just going to walk out back and get some fresh air.’

  My mom had nodded and I'd gone downstairs. I’d stepped out into the cool night air and taken a deep breath. A noise from next door brought my attention to Mr. Cooper’s patio. I’d looked through the cracks in the fence and had seen Anthony bringing in plants from the chilly night.

  ‘Anthony?’ I’d whispered.

  ‘Jeez, Rach, you about gave me a heart attack.’

  ‘What are you doing over there?’

  ‘House sitting for Mr. Cooper. What are you up to?’


  ‘In your backyard?’

  I’d heard a rustling, then Anthony was coming over the fence and jumping down beside me.

  ‘I was just getting some fresh air before Patrick picks me up.’

  I’d never seen Anthony look at me with the heat his eyes held when he’d seen me in my floor-length red gown. The look had brought heat flooding into my face.

  ‘He’s a dork.’

  ‘Huh? Who?’

p; ‘Patrick,’ he’d said flatly.

  ‘Why do you say that?’

  Anthony had shrugged and looked away. ‘I dunno. He just is.’

  ‘Rachel!’ my mom had called from the back door. ‘Rachel, Patrick’s here.’

  I’d looked back at Anthony and given him a lopsided smile. ‘Guess I better go.’

  ‘Yeah, have a good time. But, uh…not too good of a time, okay, Rach?’

  I’d chuckled and rolled my eyes at him as I turned to go back inside.

  ‘Hey,’ Anthony had called to me and run over as I turned around.


  ‘You look beautiful. Red’s my favorite color, you know.’ He’d leaned over and kissed my cheek. It had been a small gesture, but I’d felt like I could fly from all the butterflies fluttering around inside me at that moment.

  ‘Thanks,’ I’d breathed and floated back inside to meet my date.

  I heard a gentle rapping on the front door. Walking out of our room, I went straight to the door and peeked out of the peephole.


  He stood outside his own door in an amazing classic black suit and tie, holding a single red rose. He was fidgeting. Is he nervous? Between all the craziness with Ian, Anthony’s missions and his gaining custody of Belle, we hadn’t had much time for traditional dating. The closest we’d come to a formal date had been the night of Belle’s birthday party. We’d gone out on casual dates from time to time, but nothing where we got all dressed up. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

  The view from the peephole didn’t do him justice. Anthony was gorgeous. I’d admired his looks several times over the years I’d known him, but not like that. That time—that look—it was for me. My whole body relaxed as I let out the breath I forgot I was holding. My heart fluttered from nerves or excitement or a combination of the two.

  “Anthony.” I smiled as I spoke his name on a breath.

  “Rachel, you look amazing.”

  He reached out and ran his index finger slowly along the thin strap of the dress. “Red… You remembered.” His eyes were smoldering—a swirling mass of green and brown consumed me.

  I couldn’t breathe. The heat in the room became almost unbearable under his gaze. I’d never felt anything like it. Something passed between us that I couldn’t explain. I wasn’t able to put a label or a name to what I was feeling. He was Anthony, my best friend since I was a young teenager…but he was more.

  I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t look at anything but those hazel eyes. He was the first to break the contact. He offered the rose to me.

  “This is for you.” His voice was gravelly.

  “Thank you. It’s beautiful.” I took the rose and breathed in its scent.

  “Not as beautiful as you. You’re trying to keep me from thinking clearly tonight, aren’t you?” He smiled affectionately and ran his fingers through my loose curls. “Never in a million years…”


  “Planning this date, it gave me time to think about the past and about us. I never thought I’d ever have this chance with you.”

  “I never knew…”

  He smiled and nodded. “I didn’t want to put our friendship on the line.”

  “And now?”

  “I realized I couldn’t keep holding this in any longer. It was easier to ignore when I was with Jess. I just focused on my obligations to her. It wasn’t easy, but it was better than being around you—spending so much time with you—then you were gone. God, Rach, when I thought I’d lost you, I thought I would die.”

  “Anthony…” I wasn’t sure what I was going to say, but I didn’t have much time to contemplate.

  He cradled my head. Gripping my hair with soft pressure, he crashed his lips into mine.

  My whole body melted against his from the heat of his kiss. He wrapped his arm around my back and pressed me against his hard chest. I reached up to clasp my hands behind his neck and tangled my fingers into his hair. The beating of my heart was so loud that I was almost certain Anthony would be able to hear it too.

  He pulled away slowly and rested his forehead on mine. We both panted and he just held me there for a long moment.

  He smiled at me and released his grip. “Are you ready to go?”

  I nodded and took his outstretched hand. Anthony led me downstairs and into the waiting town car.

  Chapter Twelve


  “You hired a driver for the night?” Excitement danced in Rachel’s shimmering blue eyes as I escorted her into the back seat of the town car.

  “I wanted tonight to be special. I figured a limo would be too much and I didn’t want to drive my truck. Besides, this is safer.”

  “Safer, how?”

  “Well, the way you look, I can’t take my eyes off you. It could be dangerous to not keep my eyes on the road while driving.” Okay, so maybe my reasoning was a little cheesy, but the truth was I didn’t want to waste one minute of my night out with Rachel. We’d been through so much together, and I just wanted the night to be perfect.

  “Oh well, as long as it’s for our safety.” She sat back in the luxurious leather seat and gave me one of her adorable little smiles.

  I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close. The subtle, sweet smell of her perfume was intoxicating and the feel of her in my arms was addictive. I could never get enough.

  “Besides, if I were driving, I couldn’t do this…” I pulled her closer until my lips reached hers. I pressed a tender kiss against her soft lips and her body melded to mine. A featherlight touch of my hand down her shoulder made her shiver in the best way possible.

  Rachel wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled herself against me. I craved her touch—her warmth. How could I have not seen this before? I’d had a thing for Rachel when we were younger but I’d never thought she’d feel the same for me.

  Heat flooded my body as we deepened the kiss. I used my tongue to tease hers. Needing her to be closer, I pulled her into my lap. The moment our kiss intensified, the car came to a stop.

  I pulled back to look around, disappointed to see we’d arrived at the restaurant but knowing that making her wait would only add to the enjoyment later.

  “We’re here,” I said in a deep rumble against her ear and she shivered.

  She was so sexy with her hair slightly mussed, leaning against the seat trying to catch her breath. I smoothed her hair and she adjusted her dress. There was a smudge of lipstick under her lower lip and I wiped it away with my thumb. I needed to take her right there and then, but I had to control myself. I wanted to enjoy every moment with her and this night would be well worth the wait.

  I took her small hand in mine and led her into the restaurant. It was intimate and dimly lit. The smell of fine cuisine filled my senses. A young hostess, dressed all in black, led us away from the main dining room. We rounded a small divider that hid an elevator tucked into the alcove. Rachel passed me a curious glance but I just smiled and winked at her. She was so gorgeous. The desire to touch her was too much. I slid my hand to the small of her back and guided her into the elevator car.

  It only took a moment to reach a stop. When the doors opened, we were transported into a new world. There was a single white-linen-topped table with hurricane lamps and white twinkling lights draped to illuminate the space, just as I’d instructed when arranging our night. The breeze made the candles flicker.

  “This is amazing,” Rachel breathed out.

  “I’m glad you think so.” I was sure Rachel had no idea what lengths I’d gone to for everything to be perfect. I’d left explicit details and generous tips to ensure my instructions would be followed to the letter. I led her to the table and a waitress appeared from out of nowhere with a bottle of our favorite red wine.

  She poured us each a glass and placed the rest of the bottle in the ice bucket off to the side. “Your meals will be served shortly. Until then, is there anything else I can get for either of you?”

  “That’s all for now,
thank you,” I answered and she quickly left us alone on the rooftop.

  “But we never ordered.”

  “I planned ahead.” I grinned at her and pulled a small remote from under my cloth napkin.

  “What’s that?”

  “A remote.” I pointed it in the same direction as the elevator and beautiful music poured from hidden speakers around us.

  “Oh, Anthony…”

  I pushed my chair back and stood, offering her my hand. “May I have this dance?

  She eagerly offered me hers, and with a brisk tug, I pulled her up out of her seat and into my arms.

  I kept her body firmly against mine with my hand on the small of her back. We glided around the rooftop. It felt surreal. The lights, the music and Rachel… It was perfect. I spun her around and her sexy red dress rippled around her legs until she stopped, back in my arms.

  I held her tightly and we swayed from side to side. I brought my lips close to her ear as I sang the lyrics to Lifehouse’s You and Me to her.

  I spun her out so that our arms were outstretched, but I never released her. I spun her back to me again and reveled in her warmth.

  As the music slowed to transition to a new song, I brought her to a stop and ran my hand down the side of her face. I needed to feel her. This was all like a dream, and I needed to soak her in before she disappeared. A noise brought my attention to the elevator as a waitress with a large tray stepped off.

  “It looks like our dinner has arrived,” I whispered softly in her ear.

  I pulled out her seat for her and the waitress placed our plates on the table. Steak topped with grilled shrimp skewers, truffle fries and grilled vegetables filled them. It smelled heavenly.

  “I have to say I’m relieved,” I said as we ate.

  “Relieved about what?” She looked up and took a sip of wine.

  “I’ve wanted this for so long. I was afraid if it ever happened, I would have built it up so much in my head that I’d be too nervous and screw everything up.”

  “You haven’t screwed anything up. That’s for sure. This is like a dream.”

  “I’m afraid I’m going to wake up and find out that’s all it was.”


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