When Knight Falls

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When Knight Falls Page 19

by Nikki Rose

  “Hey, T.”

  “You know we don’t take walk-ins.” He scolded him but kept his light tone.

  “I know. I had my appointment after lunch with my nephew. It’s his birthday and—”

  “I know. Kev filled me in on the situation. You are in luck. Today only, I’m going to allow this exception, just because it’s the kid’s birthday. Why don’t you go on up? Sandy is waiting for you in her room. I’ll take good care of…Cody, right?”

  “Yes, sir,” Cody said timidly.

  “Since it’s his first time here, you don’t think I should keep close for now?” Frank sounded panicked.

  “I’m sure your nephew would rather talk about his preferences without his good ol’ uncle listening in.”

  “Uh— Okay, sure. You good, Cody?”

  “Yeah, Uncle Frank, I’m good.” There was a pause. I imagined Frank was probably leaving Cody and T alone in the parlor. “So, those stairs go to the girls’ rooms?”

  “They sure do, and you’re in luck. I happen to have a soft spot for a guy who has never gotten to sample a delicacy like I’ve got here. Daytime is slow, so we have several girls available. I know you’ve never been with a girl, so tell me what type you’re attracted to and we’ll see what we can do for you.”

  “I…uh… I like all types.”

  “No preference on hair color or body type?”

  “It’s—uh—more of an overall thing for me. I want her to be hot, but it’s how all the features fit together. You know?”

  “Ah, I think understand. You want to see which one does it for you, huh?” T laughed. “Kev. Bring down all our available girls for the boy to browse.”

  “You got it, boss.”

  Wow. Cody was even more clever than I’d given him credit for. Not only had he managed to get into the house, he’d convinced T to bring Angela straight to him. I was glad I’d given the team her description.

  After a few minutes, there was the sound of several shuffling footsteps as I imagined the girls being presented to Cody.

  “Wow. And I can have any one of them I want?” Cody said in awe.

  “Whichever girl gets your motor running, kid.”

  There was silence for a couple of minutes before Cody finally spoke again.

  “Her. This is the one.”

  “An excellent pick. Kev. Take the girls back to their rooms. Angela, prepare yourself for this nice young man, and you better treat him right. It’s his birthday.” I heard the sound of T probably slapping Cody’s shoulder before there was the rustling of walking. Listen to enough missions and an operator begins to recognize the smallest changes.

  “T, you are awesome, man. Seriously, this is the best birthday ever.”

  T chuckled and slapped Cody’s shoulder again. “Well, don’t keep her waiting too long. I got some business to attend to in my office. It’s right down the hall to the left if you need anything. You have one hour. Though, if it’s your first time, it probably won’t take that long.”

  “Thanks, T.” There was no sound except for footsteps for at least a full minute before the creak of the door opened and shut.

  “Are you crying?” I heard Cody say quietly.

  “I— I’m sorry.”

  “No, it’s okay.”

  “You—you like me crying?”

  “No, but it’s okay. Just curious… Does T record any of these…sessions?”

  “No, sir. He doesn’t want the evidence in case of a raid.” Her voice was weak and trembling.


  “H-how did you want to do this?”

  God, she sounded so pitiful. My heart wrenched as I remembered her sweet smile as she had tousled my hair in the motel room. A new light had shown in her eyes after our talk. Hope.

  “Listen, we don’t have much time.”

  “We have an hour,” she said numbly.

  “No. I’m a friend of Anthony’s. We’re going to get you out of here.”

  “You are?” Her voice lifted with returning hope.

  “Yeah. Anthony? There’s an unsecured window up here in her room. Think you can get me a way down?”

  “I’ve got just the thing,” Ryan said through the headset.

  “Let’s move in,” I ordered my men and we all filed out toward the back of the house. I spotted Cody in the open window and Ryan ran over to it. With a skilled arm, he tossed Cody a coiled rope ladder. Cody unwrapped it and hooked it onto the ledge of the window before guiding Angela onto it.

  Storming in would be counterproductive, so we waited patiently at the ready, just in case there was a problem. Once Angela was down, Cody followed. They stayed low to the ground as they ran toward us and into cover.

  “Anthony,” Angela cried and wrapped her arms around my waist, hugging me tight and sobbing. “I’m sorry. I tried to do what you said, but T found me when I was sneaking out. He was so mad that he beat me and I woke up locked in my room. He kept me there for the past week. It was awful. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I can’t believe you saved me.”

  I held her to keep her trembling body upright. She was weak, malnourished and probably dehydrated too. Her frail, battered body reminded me of Rachel after I’d found her in Colombia. The thought of Rachel made my heart clench in my chest. Once this was all over, I had to make things right with her. There was no other choice.

  “We still have to get Frank out of there. They’ll know something’s up when they see me and Angela gone.”

  “Shit.” Motion from another second-story window caught my attention. Frank was climbing out of the window onto an overhang. He was clearly bailing before things blew up. Just as he shimmied along the side gutter, there was a loud crack and an explosion of blood splattered out of his chest. Kev, T’s lacky, held a shotgun. I watched as Frank fell from the roof onto the concrete patio below with a sickening crunch. There was no way he’d survived.

  “We gotta get the hell out of here.” Ryan pulled on my arm.

  Frank wasn’t an innocent man, but he had helped us get Angela back. That earned him a moment of sadness for his lost life. Maybe, in a way, that act had helped to redeem him on some level before he’d died. Then again, his hair had been disheveled and his fly was open when he’d climbed out of the window, so maybe not.

  We ran through the backyard of the neighboring house and around the old shed to finally reach our two SUVs, and spun out to safety.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “I can’t believe he just left you sitting there like that. And for her? Are you freaking kidding me?” Sarah said irritated.

  “He made it sound urgent.” I shrugged and wiped away the tears that stained my face.

  “Of all times for you not to be able to have wine.”

  I couldn’t help but let out a little chuckle, even through my shuttering breaths. Leave it to Sarah to still be able to make me laugh. “I think I’d need something a little stronger than wine in this case.”

  “You know what? If you can’t drink, then neither can I. Solidarity, sister.” Sarah put away the wine glass and went digging through her fridge.

  “You? Give up drinking?” I raised my eyebrow at her from the barstool that overlooked her kitchen.

  “Well, at least when I’m around you.” She smiled at me from over her shoulder. “Oh, I know.” She dug through her freezer with more determination. “Mint chocolate chip or peanut butter cup?” she said as she turned around holding two cartons of ice cream.

  “Peanut butter cup,” I answered definitively. “I’m pregnant. Shouldn’t I be eating a healthier dinner than ice cream?”

  “You are also going through a major ordeal right now. I think it’s warranted. Besides, ice cream has milk in it. Aren’t pregnant women supposed to have a lot of milk?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I should look into that stuff soon.” I took the carton and spoon from her and we moved to the couch to binge-watch our favorite shows. “It’s the middle of the day on a workday. Shouldn’t you be at work?”

  “I called out today.” Sarah shrugged, keeping her eyes on the screen while she scanned through the TV Guide.

  “Sarah, you didn’t have to do that.”

  “You are my best friend and you are going through hell right now. There was no way I was going to leave you here to handle all this on your own. I meant it when I said that we are in this together. I’ll do whatever I can to help you.”

  “Thanks,” I said around a bite of ice cream. I was just about to take another when my phone rang and I pulled it out of my pocket.

  “Who is it?”

  I sat up on the couch and put my ice cream on the table. “It’s Belle’s school.”

  “Why are they calling you?”

  “I don’t know. They have me as one of her emergency contacts. I gotta take this. Hello?”

  “Ms. Dae?”


  “Hi, this is Mrs. Johnson the school nurse. I’m calling about Belle.”

  “Is everything all right?”

  “She’s okay, but I believe she has a stomach bug. She threw up in class and is running a fever of one-hundred two. We can’t seem to contact Mr. Parker or Belle’s grandparents.”

  “Oh no, poor thing. You said Anthony isn’t answering his phone?”

  “No, ma’am. I was wondering if you’d be able to come pick her up?”

  “I’ll be right there.” I hung up the phone and jumped up off the couch.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Belle’s sick. She threw up in class and has a fever. I need to go get her.”

  “Anthony can’t pick up his own kid because he’s busy with her and you’re gonna rush off to pick her up?”

  “I’m not going to leave her at school sick. Even if Anthony cheated on me, it’s not her fault.”

  Sarah let out a frustrated sigh. “You want me to go with you?”

  “I’ll be okay. I’m going to pick her up and take her back to the apartment so she’s at home where she’s familiar. I’m just going to stay with her until Anthony gets home.”

  “Rachel, are you sure?”

  “Yeah, and besides, maybe I’ll get some answers when he gets there.”

  “And if they aren’t the answers you’re hoping for?”

  “Then I’ll be there to get my stuff and I’ll be back tonight.”

  “Okay. Call or text me and let me know what’s going on.”

  “I will.” I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my purse. “And, Sarah?”


  “Thanks…for everything.”

  “Any time.”

  I rushed out of the door to my car. Poor Belle. She’d been through so much lately and now she was sick. I remembered the first time I was sick after my mom died and how much I just wanted to have her wrap me in her arms. I wished my mom were still alive to see me through this. A girl needed her mom when she’s having a baby.

  * * * *

  I carried Belle out of the elevator and down the hall to the apartment, a grocery bag hanging from each wrist. She was heavier than I remembered and I kept having to readjust so I wouldn‘t drop her. I hadn’t been back since the night I’d left Anthony over a week ago. A bittersweet mix of good memories and sadness at the loss of what we had surrounded me.

  “I need to put you down for a minute, sweetie, so I can unlock the door.”

  “Okay.” Her weak little voice made my heart hurt. She was so pitiful with her pale skin and red cheeks.

  I unlocked the door and picked her up to carry her inside. I’d wondered if I should take her to the doctor, but the school nurse told me they had a stomach bug going around and to just give her plenty of fluids and lots of rest.

  Lucky for me, our local grocery store had a pick-up option. I’d ordered from my phone on the way home and they’d brought the groceries out to my car so I didn’t have to take Belle into the store. I dropped the bags on the counter and carried her to her room.

  “Let’s get you changed into some comfy clothes.”

  “These feel scratchy,” she whined.

  “I know. It’s the fever.” I helped her take off her shoes and school clothes and grabbed the softest pajamas I could find.

  “I’m cold.”

  “We’ll get you comfy cozy under the blankets, and I’ll give you some medicine to help your fever. That will make you feel better.”

  After tucking her in, I gave her some Tylenol and assured her it would help her feel better soon. “Try to drink some of the Pedialyte I got you too. It will help.”

  “You know a lot about how to make me feel better. Did your mommy teach you?”

  “She used to take care of me just like this.”

  “I don’t have a mommy anymore.” She sniffled.

  “But you have a great daddy who can take care of you.”

  “And you?”

  My heart sank and tears prickled my eyes. “Of course. And you have your grandma and grandpa. You are one very loved little girl.”

  “Will you read me a story?”

  “Sure, sweetie.”

  I slipped off my shoes and sat on the bed beside her with my back against the headboard. Belle curled up beside me and played with the little crown charm on her bracelet while I read her one of her favorite princess stories. Halfway through the book, Belle began to doze off to sleep, wrapped in my arm. I held her close. God, how I loved this little girl. I’d missed her over the past week. I’d wanted things to work out today when I’d met Anthony, but it wasn’t a good sign that he’d left me to rush off to some other girl. Not just some other girl…a prostitute he was at a motel with doing God knew what.

  “Rachel?” Belle’s sleepy little voice called out.

  “I’m right here.” I gave her a little squeeze and held her closer to my side.

  “Will you be my mommy since I don’t have one anymore?” The words ripped my heart from my chest and for a moment I couldn’t breathe. I wanted to say yes, but how could I when I didn’t even know if Anthony and I were going to be together after everything? I took a deep breath.

  “You still have a mommy. She’s just in heaven, but you have so many people here still that love and want to take care of you.”

  “Like you, Daddy, Gramma, Grampa and Em?”

  “Yes—and Sarah and Dante.”

  “Wow, I do have a lot of people who love me.” She looked up at me with heavy eyes.

  “Get some rest, sweetie. You need a nap.”

  “Will you stay with me?”

  “Of course.” I situated a pillow behind my back and settled in for the time being.

  “I love you, Rachel.” Her weak voice was laced with sleep.

  I whispered back, “I love you too.”

  A half hour passed slowly with nothing to do. I looked at this beautiful, sweet little girl curled up with her head on my chest and thought of the little baby growing inside me. Maybe it would be another girl. This one would probably have lighter hair though, since Anthony’s hair was a light brown and mine was blonde. Then again, his Italian genes could take over and we could have a dark-haired little angel. Either way, there was no doubt in my mind that I would love him or her with my whole heart. I already did.

  I rested my hand over my stomach and wondered if the little one would have Anthony’s hazel eyes. I hoped so.

  * * * *

  The sound of the front door slamming shut woke me. I was still in Belle’s bed and I looked down to see her still sound asleep in my arms. I sat up slowly, letting her head slip off my arm. The sound of heavy footsteps hurried down the hall followed by Anthony’s worried voice. “Rachel? Belle?”

  “In here,” I called out as quietly as I could, so as not to not wake her.

  He hurried into the room. “The school left a message and said she was sick.”

  “Yeah, she had a fever and threw up at school.”

  “She needs something for the fever and lots of fluids. Shit, I need to run to the store—”

  “It’s already been taken care of. I
stopped by and picked up some Pedialyte, ginger ale, soup and children’s Tylenol. Her fever is already coming down.”

  “God, what would I do without you?” Anthony’s shoulders sagged. He was already without me. He shifted uncomfortably. “Thank you so much.”

  “Can we talk since we didn’t get to earlier?” I slipped out of bed.

  “About that—”

  “Anthony?” A girl’s voice called out from the front of the apartment. My heart sank into the pit of my stomach.

  “She’s here?” I barely got the words out.

  “Rach, I can explain everything if you will just let me.”

  Tears distorted my vision and I nearly threw up as I struggled to speak. “I need to get out of here. This was a mistake. This was all a mistake.” I looked around the floor in search of my shoes.

  “Please… Listen to me, Rachel, please.” I spotted my shoes under the bed, snatched them up and, sitting in one of Belle’s little chairs, slipped them on as fast as I could. I couldn’t even look at Anthony. I just needed to get out.

  “Rachel,” he called after me as I passed him and stormed down the hall. I hadn’t thought through my exit. The moment I entered the living room, I came face to face with the girl who had destroyed everything, the girl who Anthony had chosen to cheat on me with. The image of that photo flashed in my mind and I felt ill. I turned back down the hall, running into a confused Anthony and pushing past him to the bathroom, just in time to throw up.

  “Damn, Rach, are you okay?” He gently rubbed my back as I huddled over the toilet.

  “I’m fine.” I sobbed and plopped down onto the floor, pulling my knees to my chest.

  “Are you sick? Do you have what Belle has?”

  “I’m not sick. I’m pregnant.” The words came out with more bite than I’d planned.



  “When? How?”

  “Before you went missing.”

  “When did you find out?”

  “I suspected while you were gone, but I took a test at your parents’ and it came back negative. Last week when I passed out, they told me I was pregnant.”

  “When you were at the hospital? You mean you looked right at me and didn’t tell me? You’ve known for a whole week and didn’t tell me? “His voice grew angrier.


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