When Knight Falls

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When Knight Falls Page 23

by Nikki Rose

“It was nice that she wrote you a letter for your wedding day.”

  “She always liked Anthony. I think she’d approve.” I turned to Sarah with tears in my eyes and she gave me a sympathetic smile.

  “I know she would.”

  “Do you think she’s watching?”

  “I don’t think anything could keep her from seeing you walk down that aisle. Your dad sent me to get you. Are you ready?”

  “Ready to marry Anthony? Sometimes I still can’t believe I’m about to be his wife. How’d I get so lucky?”

  “If anyone deserves it, you do. Now, let’s go get you married.”

  She linked arms with me and led me out of the tent toward the wedding area.

  “She’s all yours.” Sarah passed me over to my dad before linking arms with Ryan. They walked down the aisle after Courtney and Dante as the music played.

  Next, it was Belle’s turn. She was adorable in her flowy white flower girl’s dress. I held my breath, hoping she’d do as we’d practiced, and she did. The music shifted to signal my time. My dad offered me his arm, and I took it gratefully. My knees trembled. I was glad for my dad’s support. I held tight to the gold ribbon wrapped around the stems of the white bouquet. My heart threatened to break through my chest as I took that first step down the aisle.

  My gaze met Anthony’s. The look in his eyes was one I’d remember for the rest of my life. It was filled with admiration and love. The rest of the guests faded away. There were only the two of us in that moment as I walked closer to him. A small dot of cold fell onto my cheek and I blinked up as the flurry of soft white snowflakes fell from the sky. I couldn’t help but smile as I reached Anthony. My dad leaned in and kissed my cheek before passing my arm to him.

  “You look incredible,” he whispered to me.

  I was speechless. All I could do was smile and fight back the tears and emotions that flooded into me.

  “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…” The officiant started, but all I could focus on was Anthony standing with me, on his hand holding mine. “At this time, Anthony and Rachel would like to share their own vows.”

  Anthony went first. “Rachel, I still can’t believe we are standing here…getting married. You are my best friend and the love of my life. I’d like to say that I knew we’d always end up here, but I’ll be honest. I had my doubts—not in our love or in our desire for each other—but never in my life would I have ever thought I would be lucky enough to be standing here, marrying the most perfect woman I’ve ever met. You are incredible and you deserve every wonderful thing this world has to offer. I promise to be everything you deserve in a husband. I will be your best friend, your lover, your protector and your partner from now until the end of time.” He slipped the simple gold band onto my finger and a tear slipped down my cheek.

  Then it was my turn. “Anthony, I know exactly how you feel. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined this. I might have imagined what it would be like to marry you back when we were just kids, but my childish wishes could never grasp what we have. You are my everything. I don’t know how I got so lucky to be able to marry and spend the rest of my life with my best friend, but here I am and here we are. You are my dream come true. I promise to love you, honor you, respect and support you as your wife, your best friend and your partner, from now until the end of time.” I slid his ring onto his finger.

  “Anthony, do you take Rachel to be your lawfully wedded wife—to love, honor and cherish from this day forward?”

  “I do,” he said with such certainty that it made me tear up all over again.

  “Rachel, do you take Anthony to be your lawfully wedded husband—to love, honor, and cherish from this day forward?”

  “I do.” I couldn’t fight the huge grin that split my face as I said the words.

  “Then with the exchanging of vows and rings, it is my pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  Anthony wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me against him. With his other hand, he gently cupped my jaw. As he kissed me with such a perfect blend of love and possession, I forgot all about the gathering of our friends and family watching us as I melted into his arms and eagerly returned the kiss.

  Anthony dragged himself away from me long enough for us to turn and smile to our applauding guests. He swept me up into his arms. I gasped and wrapped my hands around his neck as he carried me up the aisle to the continued applause and a few whistles from the guys he worked with. He put me down just out of everyone’s view and kissed me again.

  “I love you so much, my wife…” He kissed me deeply and I barely pulled my lips away long enough to get the words out.

  “My husband,” I murmured before he kissed me again.

  * * * *

  I was glad that Anthony had planned for the possibility of weather problems. The snow was a beautiful surprise but I doubted our guests would have enjoyed getting covered in it. Anthony had had some of his work buddies help move the wedding chairs and set up large tents to cover the tables. He’d thought of everything, including large outdoor heaters to make sure everyone was comfortable. It couldn’t have been any more perfect.

  The guests were ushered into the main tent, which took up most of the open space of the garden, while we were given a few minutes alone before our grand entrance.

  “I can’t believe we are really married.”

  “You better believe it. You are all mine now,” Anthony said as he pulled me firm against him and kissed me.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Parker.”

  “That’s our cue.” Anthony grinned at me. “Ready, Mrs. Parker?”

  “Ready, Mr. Parker.” I beamed and offered him my hand.

  We were met with a loud cheer as we made our way to the middle of the dance floor. The lights focused into a spotlight in the middle. As the music started to play, Anthony took me into his arms, holding my hand out. He rested his other hand at the small of my back as he guided me around the dance floor. My dress swirled and rippled around my legs.

  “I have a confession to make,” Anthony whispered to me as we spun around.

  “What’s that?”

  “I thought I loved you back when I first saw you that day I moved in, but if that was love all those years ago, I don’t know what this is I’m feeling now. I thought I loved you then, but this is so much more than anything I’ve ever felt before. I love you, Rach.”

  “Oh, Anthony, you’re going to make me cry. I love you too.”

  He spun me one last time as the music came to an end. Pulling me to him, he dipped me before kissing me passionately. I could hear the whooping and hollering from the guests, but I didn’t care.

  With the song over, Anthony led us to our seats so that we could eat.

  “Congratulations, you two,” Tony said as he passed the table where we and our attendants were seated.

  “Thanks, Dad,” Anthony replied.

  “I have to say that I’ve never seen such a beautiful bride since the day I married your mother. You are one lucky man.” Tony smiled at us.

  My cheeks heated and I spoke quietly. “Thank you.”

  “This wedding is absolutely perfect.” Liz came up from behind Tony to join in the conversation.

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Sarah added from my other side.

  Ryan walked over to Anthony, clearly trying not to bring attention to himself, and whispered in his ear. I was more than curious about what was going on between them, and by the look on Anthony’s face, I knew it couldn’t be anything good. Anthony leaned over and kissed my cheek.

  “I have to take care of something. I’ll be right back.”

  With a sinking feeling in my gut, I grabbed hold of his jacket sleeve to stop him. “What’s going on?”

  “Everything’s fine. I’ll be right back.”


  I had to step away from the celebration to handle a small hiccup in our honeymoon plans. I’d arranged for a private plane to tak
e us to and from our island destination, but at the last minute, the captain couldn’t make the trip there due to some kind of technical delay, but he assured me it would be handled before it was time for us to fly home. I’d been working for weeks to plan a trip for her that I knew she would love, and I wanted to make sure it was perfect.

  After reluctantly arranging a regular flight to our honeymoon destination, I returned to Rachel, who stood in a small group of guests. I realized I hadn’t seen Belle in a little bit and worry gnawed at me, even though I knew everyone had been helping watch her all day. I was so grateful for all the help my family offered us.

  “Where’s Belle?” I asked as I wrapped my arms around Rachel from behind her.

  “Sarah can’t get her away from the chocolate fountain.” Rachel chuckled. “She was trying to talk my dad into turning his outdoor fountain into a chocolate one.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “I should go check on her before she gives herself a stomachache.”

  “Okay, I’ll go—”

  “Sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering if I could steal one dance with the bride?”

  “Greg,” Rachel exclaimed and hugged my old friend.

  “Hey, man, I was wondering if you’d made it.” I clasped his arm and shook his hand once he’d released her.

  “Just got back into town last night, but I was able to slip in right before the ceremony started.”

  “Everything go good on the mission?”

  “Smoother than my last one with you.” He chuckled.

  “I’m glad to see you’re doing so much better,” Rachel said as she placed her hand gently on his shoulder.

  “Oh yeah, and the chicks love the scar.” Greg winked at Rachel.

  She let out a small chuckle. “That’s looking on the bright side.”

  “You mind if I steal this beauty for one dance?”

  “Be my guest.”

  “Damn, that was easy. I knew I should have asked for longer. How about for the night?”

  “No.” I raised my eyebrows and gave him my best ‘don’t mess with my girl’ look, but I knew Greg was harmless.

  He laughed and slapped my shoulder. “Can’t blame a guy for trying.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I laughed and winked at Rachel, whose smile let me know that she wasn’t bothered by his innocent teasing. I was so lucky that she knew better than to take my friends seriously. They liked to mess with me and they knew the best way to do that was through her. They were a good bunch of guys. I watched as Greg led Rachel onto the dance floor before going to pry Belle away from the chocolate fountain.

  “Hey, princess, I think you’ve had enough.” I looked down at Belle, whose hands and face were covered in chocolate, along with drops on her white dress. It was a good thing I’d listened to Rachel and done the pictures before we ate.

  “Just one more piece?” Belle’s small voice was muffled by the large piece of chocolate-covered pineapple she stuffed in her mouth.

  “One more, then we need to get you cleaned up.”

  “I want one of the marshmallows.”

  She speared the marshmallow with a skewer and let the chocolate run over it before dripping it all the way to her mouth.

  “Careful… You’re making a mess.” I glanced up to see Greg swirling Rachel around the dance floor. She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen—and she was mine.

  I used a napkin to wipe up what chocolate I could from Belle’s hands, face and dress, but the chocolate was winning out and the paper kept tearing. “I think we need more than just a napkin…maybe a blow torch.”

  “Daddy,” Belle laughed.

  “My goodness, you’ve managed to make quite a mess,” my mom said as she looked Belle over. “Why don’t we stop by the bar and get some club soda to see if we can clean you up a bit?”

  “Thanks, Mom. Enjoying the reception?”

  “Oh, honey, I don’t know how Rachel pulled this off so fast. It’s beautiful.”

  “Yeah, she’s amazing.”

  “Yes, she is. You make sure you treat her well.”

  “Hey, aren’t you supposed to be telling her that, since I’m your son?”

  “Yes, but I like her better.”

  “Mom,” I said, feigning exasperation.

  She laughed and winked at me. “Come on, Belle. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

  The music changed and it was time for me to go rescue my bride from Greg’s two left feet.

  “Time’s up.”

  “Aw, no. I’m not ready to give up this beautiful woman yet.”

  “Hand over the girl and no one gets hurt.”

  He laughed, held up his hands and stepped away. “Okay, okay, no need to bring out the big guns.”

  I took Rachel in my arms, still laughing. “I missed you.”

  “It was just one dance.” She laughed.

  “I’ll miss you every second you aren’t in my arms.” I led our movements smoothly.

  “That is either the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard or the most possessive.” She smirked at me and pecked my lips.

  “Let’s go with the sweetest,” I pulled her hard against me as I swayed to the music. I just wanted to feel her against my body, in my arms and know she was near.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  I watched out of the plane’s window as the ground dropped out from under us before turning in my seat to face Anthony. “Will you tell me where we’re going now?”

  “I suppose so, since you can’t escape me from way up here anyway.”

  “Am I going to want to escape you?”


  “Then tell me where we’re going.”

  “St. Thomas.”

  “Seriously?” Excitement bubbled up inside me.

  “Seriously.” He grinned.

  “Oh, Anthony,” I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. “I’ve always wanted to go there. How’d you know?”

  “You told me.”

  “I told you? When?”

  “When we were in high school. We were talking out in that old tree house of yours like we always did. We played twenty questions and I asked you if you could travel anywhere, where would it be…”

  “And I said St. Thomas.” I’d watched a show on television with my mom the week before, where a couple went to St. Thomas, and I’d instantly related the island with love and romance. “I can’t believe you remembered that.”

  “Most girls I knew would say Paris. St. Thomas seemed like such a unique answer. I looked at you then and realizing there was so much more to learn about you. You’ve always been full of surprises.”

  I was excited, but it had been a long, wonderfully exhausting day, so it didn’t take long for me to doze off during our in-flight movie.

  * * * *

  “Rachel, Rachel. Wake up sweetheart, we are about to land.”

  I forced my eyes open and rubbed the sleep away. “How long was I out for?”

  “A couple of hours. You were worn out.”

  “I’m sorry. I was awful company.”

  “Don’t be silly. I’m glad you got some rest. You’re going to need it tonight, Mrs. Parker.” He winked at me.

  A flood of heat covered my whole body. I bit my lip out of instinct, igniting something in his eyes. “I can’t believe you are all mine.”

  It was already dark by the time we reached the hotel on the coast. We dropped off our bags and freshened up quickly. Anthony hurried me out of the room before I even had a chance to appreciate it.

  Once the elevator doors closed, leaving us alone inside, I turned to face my new husband. “Where are we going? I thought we were going to stay in tonight.” I smirked and ran my finger slowly down the middle of his chest.

  He grasped my wrist gently and gave a mischievous smile. “Oh, trust me. There will be plenty of time for that later tonight, Mrs. Parker.” He lifted my hand and tenderly pressed his lips to my palm. “I have something else planned for us first.”

p; We approached the hotel’s five-star restaurant and my stomach growled, reminding me of what little I’d managed to eat with all the excitement. “Are we going out to eat?”

  “Yes,” Anthony led us right past the restaurant, leaving me even more puzzled.

  “We aren’t going in?”

  “The hotel’s food is good, but I want us to get a taste of the island.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Come on. I’ll show you.”

  Anthony led us past all the touristy places until I was sure we were lost. That was when I heard the faint sound of island music. We went a little farther and the most unbelievably mouth-watering scent reached my nose. The smell of tropical spices filled the air as we got closer.

  There I saw a small outdoor bar, weathered and rustic, perched in the midst of palm trees and plants. Mismatched tables and chairs were sprinkled around and a large empty center space created a dance floor. The whole space was lit with exposed bulbs hanging from ropes tied between trees. The music was sensual, the kind that made my hips sway of their own accord.

  “Wow. This is amazing.” I gawked at the place then at him.

  He grinned and pulled me by the hand to a table. “Come on.” Anthony motioned to the man behind the bar, who came out to take our order. I let Anthony take the lead on ordering our meal, since he was more familiar with the restaurant, and I waited until the man left again before turning to Anthony.

  “How did you know about this place?”

  “I came here with a few buddies of mine back when we were on leave.”

  “It’s great.”

  “I thought you’d like it. I promise I’ll take you to the big fancy restaurants while we’re here too. I just really wanted to share this place with you.” Anthony squeezed my hand and lightly ran his thumb over the inside of my wrist, sending an electrical charge rippling through my body.

  The next song had a similar beat and it was my turn to take the lead. I took Anthony’s hand and pulled him to his feet along with me. “Come on.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “To dance. I want to see what kind of moves my husband has.”


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