Bright Lights Billionaire

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Bright Lights Billionaire Page 11

by Parker, Ali

  "Or they say that he did." She pulled the phone back from me. "They're lying. Obviously."

  "Why do you say that? Just cause he's some big-name actor doesn't mean he's not fucking every hot girl that walks his way." I rolled my eyes at her being naive. With the way he teased me the two times we were together, I had no doubt that at least a handful of those stories were legit.

  She laughed and pressed her fingers to her lips. "Oh my God. Listen to this one."

  I sat back and nursed my ice cream as I watched her enjoying herself. She needed a boyfriend or an office fling. Something to give her a real-life man to focus on. Ethan wasn't real at all, nor did he truly seem alive inside. Something sat at the edge of his personality that nagged me. Maybe it was the few times I'd seen him talk down to someone, or the way he moved from happy to pissed to ornery in a matter of minutes. I wasn't sure I wanted to unpeel the onion over the next ten months as his co-star. Who knew what I would find out?

  "Listen to this… Ethan Lewis is the biggest jackass in the world. I was working on one of the sets of Down Under as an extra in the bar scene, and I guess he saw something he liked." Charlotte laughed and held the phone toward me. "Look at this tramp. You really think Ethan Lewis would go after her?"

  I shrugged as she continued. "He asked me out for drinks, which was really just an invitation to come back to his trailer. He is sweet as pie and so complimentary as he's stripping you, but the minute you can't please him... he's a jerk."

  "Can't please him?" I lifted my eyebrow.

  "Let me see." Charlotte ran her finger down the screen and yelped. "Oh man. It says here that he has a monster dick, and the girl... fuck, all of these girls couldn't fit it inside of them. Gross."

  "Whatever. That's stupid." I licked at my ice cream as my stomach turned. He did have a monster cock. How did they know that? I hadn't until a couple of hours before. There was very little doubt in my mind that he had slept with some if not all of them.

  "They're totally making fun of him." She glanced up with disgust on her face. "This is so stupid. Monster cock? Get real."

  "Can you imagine if he did?" I couldn't help but push it under the false pretense of wanting to be silly. "The poor guy would be fighting off women left and right." I laughed, but she didn't. I reached across the table and touched her arm. "You're being ridiculous. He doesn't have a monster cock."

  "I know, but if he did..." She glanced up and shrugged. "It would be miserable for him too, you know? Remember that kid in high school, Barry? He was so damn nerdy, but his dick was huge. He couldn't get laid to save his life, and he was so depressed about it."

  "That's just gross, and if I remember correctly… he was too." I got up and dropped the rest of my ice cream in the trash.

  "Even though it's gross, it still sucks." She stood up and put her phone in her back pocket. "Imagine not being able to have sex because your body was deformed."

  "Deformed?" I opened the door and moved back, feeling a hundred times worse after getting into a different, although disturbing discussion over Ethan's penis.

  "Yes. Too big, too little, too long, too short." She shrugged and got in the car. "Either way, you don't get to enjoy regular sex."

  "Right... you have monster sex instead." I laughed and reached over to tickle her. I got a smile, but that was about it. "Are you really upset about this?"

  She glanced over at me. "Why are you not? He's a good guy, Ri. Don't you think he's lonely? He has no one but his older brother, Liam."

  "Wait. His brother? How do you know all of this?" I buckled and turned my attention to her, waiting for the chance to tease the fuck out of her. If she admitted to being in a support group for an Ethan Lewis addiction or being a fan club president it was so on.

  "I've read his bio. It's actually depressing." She shrugged and pulled onto the freeway.

  "His bio?" I pulled out my phone to read his text again. I'd only gotten one, but that was most likely my fault for shutting him down. Now who was being weird and obsessive?

  "Yes. He wrote a book a couple of years back that gives lots of good insight on him. Well, he didn't write it, but a ghost writer did." She shrugged. "It was really good, but like I said, depressing. His parents aren't involved in his life other than to collect a check."

  "And he put that in a book about himself?" I snorted, not ready to relent just yet. Knowing that him and his monster cock had created a group of women who were sharing all was enough to make me sick to my stomach.

  And here I was wanting him to the point of physically aching.

  "Yeah. What's up with you? You're being so crass." She pulled into the parking lot for the apartment.

  "And you're being overly sensitive. This guy is a douche. I've seen it firsthand. Fuck, I saw it today." I undid my seatbelt and let out a tight sigh. "Why are you taking up for him? You don't know him."

  "I know him better than you do. You're looking at the surface. I've been digging to find the real guy for years. You didn't see him panting outside of your dressing room today. He looked like he was going to vomit. What did you say to him?" Her tone turned accusatory.

  My phone buzzed. Deza.

  "I'll be inside in a minute. I need to take this, but we're not done with this ridiculous conversation." I got out as she yelled 'agreed' and walked toward the large building behind us.

  I moved to the front of her car and sat down on the hood, letting out a string of curses at how much I hated high school bullshit drama.

  "This is Riley." I pinched the bridge of my nose and forced myself to calm down.

  "Good news. You got the part." Deza let out a whoop, shocking me.

  "What?" The blood drained from my face and I had to reach back and press my hand to the car to make sure I wasn't going to fall over.

  "You got it!"

  "It's only been a few hours. How in the hell-"

  "Ethan made it happen. He's totally sold that the part is yours and anyone else would diminish his ability to bring home the win." She laughed. "I don't know what magic you have, but the boy sold you to the producers. They're one hundred percent behind him, and for some reason, he's behind you."

  "Wow." I didn't know what to say. Shame raced across me, but I forced myself to stay realistic about all of it. Ethan wanted a good movie, not me. The passion between us was palpable, delicious. He was a businessman, and that didn't make him a good guy all of a sudden. The guy I'd come to know over two visits was far from it.

  "So... what do you think? You want some time to think it over?" She let out an excited chuckle, which caused my lips to turn up in a smile.

  "Yeah, I need some time, but either way, let's switch things over to have you be my agent. I'll work on breaking my contract with Darren and you get one drawn up for us. Sound good?" I stood up on wobbly legs.

  "Yes, ma'am. I'll get right on it, oh, and Riley, Ethan said that he would be happy to have a sit down conversation with you any time you want to talk about his career and what to expect."

  "Awesome. I'll set that up soon. Thank you so much, Deza."

  "Don't thank me, love. Thank Ethan."

  "I will." I hung up and put the phone in my back pocket as tears filled my eyes.

  All of my dreams and hopes just came true, and yet the one man I didn't want to owe a fucking thing to was the one person I owed everything.

  "Why?" I whispered into the sky, and tried to fight back the fact that I wasn't going to come out of the next year unscathed. How could I?

  He was The Great Ethan Lewis.

  Chapter 16


  I slept like shit the night before, reading over the simple text about the press conference and reading into it more than I should have. She was shutting me down before we ever got started, but what did I expect? I was a dick to her the day before, rude and condescending. The problem was that I wasn't sure how to be anything but that.

  After shaving and fixing myself up to look presentable in public, I left to head to my brother's place. He was at the ho
use fixing up the backyard, and I figured if nothing else, I could point out where he missed a spot in cutting his grass. I was still his little brother no matter that our combined wealth was enough to buy anything that our hearts might desire.

  I rolled the windows down in my Mercedes convertible and pulled my sunglasses from the console beside me.

  "Ethan!" someone screamed as I pulled up to a light on Rodeo Drive.

  I waved and smiled as a huge gaggle of women in pretty dresses walked quickly toward the car. "Hi girls."

  "Sign this for me?" The woman handed me a pad of paper as she glanced around to her friends. "I told you to have something ready. It's our lucky day."

  "And who am I signing it for?" I gave her a warm smile and took the pen and paper as she rattled off her name. The light turned green, and the cars behind us started to honk, but I took my time signing each of their various papers. The last one moved up with a sharpie and leaned down.

  "Sign my tits?" She gave me a sexy smile.

  "You bet." I leaned over and signed my name, adding, 'love your girls' to the note. "Thanks, ladies. New movie is coming out-"

  "In ten months. We already got tickets." They blew kisses at me, and I pretended to catch them before driving off and rolling my eyes. There were parts of my job I loved... and then there were the parts I could never do again and be completely fulfilled. Faking my persona in front of women that wanted to paw at my crotch or snuggle up for a picture like we knew each other and I mattered would be the first thing to go.

  I flipped on the radio and sped through the next light, hoping to not get caught like a sitting duck again. My thoughts moved back to Riley and I groaned. I couldn't stop reliving her sitting on top of me, her white bra covering her breasts beautifully, her panties tiny, but covering her. Where most men might want a girl to strip down and bend over, I wanted her to tease me. To make me crave what I couldn't see.

  "Stop. Fuck, please." I turned down the road that led to my brother's mansion. Her smile flashed through my mind, and I smiled as my stomach tightened with need. I owed her a big fucking apology. I did have her back even though we barely knew each other.

  She could become something special in my life. A companion... someone like Deza. Or she could be more.

  "Right. Cause that works out well." I pulled into my brother's circle drive and cut off the engine, letting my head drop back. As dumb as it was, she hadn't freaked out about the size of my dick, and that meant far more than it should have. Most women acted like it was some incredible tool that was built for bringing them pleasure, and not attached to the guy they soon forgot about.

  "You sap." I got out of the car and adjusted myself. Every time I even started to think about Riley, my body reacted violently. It was going to be a long year.

  I knocked once and walked in, breathing in deeply and glancing around. "Liam? You here, buddy?"

  "In the kitchen. I was making a sandwich, waiting on your lazy ass."

  I walked in and stopped to laugh. He was in his underwear, his dark hair a mess as he juggled mayonnaise and mustard containers.

  "Lazy? It's almost noon. I was sleeping, or trying to." I ran my hand through my hair and swatted at the mustard, causing it to fly across the room.

  He grabbed the mayo and smirked at me. "Up all night because of some new girl? I heard about the open auditions. That sounds like a cesspool of fun."

  "Yeah, like an enema?" I walked over and picked up the mustard.

  "You want a sandwich? I'm only making food once today." He started to work on his lunch. I couldn't help but check out the spread in front of him.

  "This all for you?" I glanced around. "There isn't a group of girls in the back waiting on you to wait on them, right?"

  "I only serve women in one way, my man." He popped me in the chest before glancing my way. "You want food?"

  "Yeah, fuck. Stop asking. I'll take a sandwich if it will shut you up." I walked to the fridge and got a Coke as he hummed something under his voice. He always seemed so happy, so content, and yet he wasn't married, nor did he ever plan to be.

  "Tell me about the girl." He glanced over his shoulder and lifted his eyebrow at me.

  "What girl?" I took another drink of my soda and grabbed a few grapes off the plate beside him.

  "The one that's driving you nuts. You look like shit. More like shit than usual." He handed me a plate with a sandwich on it.

  "Thank you for the sandwich, and fuck you for the compliment." I turned and walked to the table. "Some of us actually work for a living."

  "Awww... don't be salty because I get to wear a business suit every day and play with people’s emotions." He walked toward me, almost bouncing on the balls of his feet as he continued to hum.

  "Yeah, cause that’s why I hate you." I took a big bite of the sandwich. "Why are you in such a good mood?"

  "I didn't hear a word you just said with your mouth full. It’s a good thing that I can understand the context clues rolling off you." He made a bunch of weird hand gestures, and I was once again thrown into the alternate reality where I was the older brother. Liam wasn't growing up. Not ever. Plain and simple.

  "Why are you so happy?" I picked up my drink and wiped my mouth on the back of my hand.

  "I dumped that chick from the other night." He shrugged and started to eat his sandwich.

  "And that's a good thing?" I burped and popped a few more grapes in my mouth.

  "Yeah. It's exciting. Everything feels new and fresh again. Women are clingy and get boring fast." He shrugged. "But enough about me. We'll get back to that fine subject later. Tell me what the fuck's up with you."

  "It's a combination of a few things." I plucked a chip from his plate.

  "Go through the list. Start with the girl."

  "How do you know there is a girl?" I laughed and got up, walking back into the kitchen in search of the bag of chips. He'd let me steal a few from his plate, but after that, we'd be fighting like small boys again. It was infantile. It was us.

  "You have that sad Eeyore look on your face. I've seen it a lot over the years. You let too many things affect you, Ethan. Too many people."

  I walked back into the dining room with two bags of chips in my hands. "So you're saying I could be a dick like you and not let anyone or anything sway my moods."

  "There is that, but again, you're diverting. Let's start with something easy. What's her name?" He softened his voice like he was speaking to a small child.

  "Riley." I picked up my sandwich. "She's the actress we're offering the role to for Down Low."

  "Ahhh... and what is it about her that drives you insane?"

  "She's real." I turned and put the full weight of my stare on him. "And most days I'm not sure that I am."

  "Oh no. Here we go again." He rolled his eyes and tapped the table. "You're not fifty, buddy. You're twenty-four. Live like you're a young man and you will be forever."

  "I feel eighty." I took another bite of my sandwich, impressed with my brother's sandwich-making skills, but he wouldn't know it. His head was so big I was afraid we were going to have to start greasing the doorframes to get him in and out of places. I'd not be adding to his ego today.

  "What is it about this girl?" He leaned in and grabbed my soda, diverting me with a caring look on his face.

  "I just told you, dude. She's real. She's sharp and seems to be highly intelligent. I don't know much about her, but I want to. It's been so long since I’ve wanted to know anything about anyone, but she just makes me come alive. I think... I think she has the type of passion inside of her that would make me a better actor."

  "You're already the best. How is that possible?"

  "Hey fuck-nugget, you're not hearing me." I thumped his fingers. "You're a brilliant business guy and yet you can't listen worth shit. How is that?"

  He sat back and let out a long sigh. "So we get the girl. That's not a problem for you. Seduce her. That dick will make any girl weep tears of gold."

  "What?" I shook my head and c
ouldn't help but laugh. "My dick is half the problem."

  "You do realize that you're the only guy on the fucking planet that is upset that his dick is too big, right? You're obsessed with this conversation by the way." He picked up a chip and flicked it at me. "Stop blaming genetics and blame your shitty choices. Get a real woman and your size won't matter. They’re pushing babies out of that thing... they can handle a dick, Ethan."

  I got up and picked up my plate, half losing my appetite. I was usually good with slamming women and talking about using them in various ways before kicking them to the curb, but I wasn't talking about Riley like that.

  Why? You don't even know this bitch.

  "Seduce her." He turned in his seat. "Get her drunk and fuck her."

  "All right. Thanks for the advice." I pulled out my phone and leaned against the counter, staring at the text again. "She might be the only woman in America that doesn't want me to seduce her."

  "All the more reason to do it." He got up and moved to stand in front of me. "Don't ease into it. Women like strong men who make decisions and move forward fast. That's who you are. Stop hiding in a cave and pretending like things are going to work out without you forcing them to. It doesn't work that way."

  "Hiding in a cave?" I mumbled and shook my head before walking to the living room and dropping down onto the couch.

  "I'm heading out back to start mowing. Text your woman and then bring your lazy ass out there and help me." He ruffled my hair.

  "We're billionaires, Liam. Why are we doing your yard again?"

  "It's the principle of the matter, besides, no one does it as good as I do." He chuckled and walked away, leaving me to my thoughts.

  I turned and pulled my legs up on the couch, laying down and letting out a long yawn. Deza wanted me to meet with Riley and talk about work-related stuff sometime soon. She felt like it would help us win the girl over.

  Why we were trying to win someone over to a career changing opportunity was beyond me, but it was a sneaky way to have some more time with her if nothing else.


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