Bright Lights Billionaire

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Bright Lights Billionaire Page 60

by Parker, Ali

  "Of course. Anything for a fan." He pulled his hand from mine and took the paper she dug out of her purse. "This is my girlfriend, Riley Phillips. She's co-starring with me in this latest film."

  "Nice." She gave me a tight look of disapproval and turned back to him. "I just love your movies. Do you do your own stunts?"

  Much to my horror, the room seemed to take notice of Ethan, and more and more people piled around us. Where Liam's house was more than capable of holding a hundred people comfortably, having all of us shoved into the foyer wasn't working so well.

  A heavyset woman with big ringlet curls and dark lipstick stepped in front of me, crushing my toe and murmuring that she was sorry, but for me to move. I'd gotten close enough.

  I rolled my eyes and slipped into the sea of bodies, heading for the kitchen.

  A dark-haired woman with smooth, tanned skin and a great body glanced up from her reclined position against the kitchen counter. "Oh. Sorry."

  "Don't mind me." I shook my head. "It's crazy in there."

  "I heard someone scream Ethan's name." She lifted her wine glass to her cherry-red lips and took a sip. "I almost feel sorry for the guy. None of those people give a shit about him. Not really. They just want a moment of feeling important because someone important talked to them."

  "Crazy how people do that." I poured a glass and turned to face her, extending my hand. "Riley."

  "Mona." She smiled. "Nice to meet you."

  "You too." I nodded back toward the mayhem. "You work with Liam?"

  "I try to." Her cheeks bled pink. "He's an asshole and a half every time I'm around." She shrugged. "But what do you do? You want to work with the best in the business, then you roll up your sleeves and take on them and all their shit."

  "Man, I know that's right." I moved over to the table and dropped down in the seat closest to me. The spread was amazing, and I went to work, trying this and that. "Liam's not too bad when you get to know him."

  "So says the woman dating his brother." She laughed and took a chair across from me, trying some of the treats spread out in front of us too. "He's super good looking, but he knows that he is, and that's something I just can't stand."

  "I can't either, but I do like the guy. I guess part of it is because he is Ethan's older brother, but I've seen a softer side to him."

  "It exists?" She smiled, but the expression faded as she stood.

  I glanced over my shoulder to see who walked in the room and stole her joy. Liam.

  "Hi, ladies. Everything going okay?" He smiled down at me and pursed his lips as he glanced up at Mona. The vein on the side of his neck began to beat wildly.

  He likes her. A lot.

  "It's fine. Your brother has everyone locked up in the foyer." I reached up and brushed something off Liam's jacket. "Hey. What do you think about giving me a chunk of money to redecorate the house?"

  "Why? You still think it's too modern?" He reached around me and picked up a stuffed mushroom, popping it in his mouth and keeping his attention on me.

  "Oh yeah. We could do so much with this place. Just give me a shot." I smiled.

  Mona spoke up, and I turned my attention to her. "She's right. This place is beautiful, but it says nothing about you or your personality."

  "No?" His voice turned cold. "And what do you think it should say?"

  "I'm not sure." She picked up her glass and walked around the table, stopping beside him. "I'm the rich asshole that owns the world, and if you don't obey me, then I will send you to the ends of the earth."

  I snorted and laughed as he growled softly. "Leave her alone. She's got a point."

  "One that's invalid." He rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.

  I turned in time to watch her watching him. Interesting.

  "So how did you guys end up working together?" I stood and walked to get another glass of wine.

  "I transferred to the company about a month ago. Liam's been in charge of making all of the advertising decisions for the firm and our clients by himself over the last few years. He's really good at what he does, but the board knew that if we continued to grow and expand, he'd need some help. So they brought me in from Italy."

  "And Liam feels threatened by you?"

  "Something like that." She shrugged.

  A long sigh from across the kitchen caught my attention, and I turned to see Ethan standing alone, his hair a little messy. "What the hell? You just left me with the wolves. What happened to us protecting each other?"

  "It's your brother's friends and work associates. Everyone is wearing a Rolex. How bad could it get?" I laughed and walked toward him, sliding my free arm around the back of his waist. "Mona, this is Ethan, Liam's younger and much more handsome brother."

  "Nice to meet you, finally. Your brother thinks you put a ladder against the sky and crawl up to hang the moon each night." She shook his hand and smiled. I liked her already, regardless of how Liam felt.

  "Does he?" Ethan shook her hand. "Well, I think you might end up his wife one day, but don't tell him I said it."

  "Ethan. Shit." I glanced up at him and gave him a really look before looking back at her. "He has no filter."

  "Neither does his brother, but I'm sure you're wrong, Mr. Lewis. I'm not interested in dating a child in a man's body. Where the sex might be great, there's nothing left when it's over. I've had that same scenario more times than I care to disclose. I learned my lesson the last time I dated a spoiled rich boy. No offense." She gave us a saucy smile.

  "None taken, but I'm not retracting my statement. Mark my words." He laughed as she rolled her eyes playfully and excused herself. He turned to me and pulled me in close. "I like her."

  "Your brother turned into a stiff asshat when he walked in, and she was in the room."

  "Cause he wants her, and she's not falling for his charms. My brother has always believed that any woman worth her salt would come crawling on her knees when he beckoned."

  "Ugh." I shook my head.

  "I know, but that's just how he is." Ethan reached up and brushed his thumb over my bottom lip as his eyes moved down my body. "Maybe she'll break him like you broke me."

  "I broke you?" I laughed and stiffened as a horde of people moved into the kitchen.

  "Ethan. Tell us about this new film," one of the guys asked.

  "Sure, or better yet, I'll let Riley tell you. She's my co-star and the new up and coming Marilyn Monroe. She's my girlfriend, and soon to be my wife, but let's not rush things, hmm?"

  "What?!?" The crowd went wild with questions.

  "Really." I gave him a look as he popped my ass and walked towards the food.

  "Yeah, really. Keep them busy. It's your turn, and you're way better at dealing with people than me. I mean look what you've done to me. Turned me into a lovesick fool that wants to serve you day and night."

  I turned back to them as a chuckle ran through me. He would forever be an actor. No matter where we were. No matter where we went.

  And I loved him all the more for it.

  Chapter 98


  "Alright." Frank moved up in front of all of us and paused. His eyes got misty, and we all gave out a soft awww. It was typical for him to get choked up when we wrapped up a film.

  "What's wrong?" Riley whispered and glanced up at me as we stood in the large studio in the heart of L.A.

  "He always does this. He's a softie." I smiled and glanced up to find him pointing at me.

  "I heard that." He brushed the back of his hand by his nose and sniffled. "I just wanted all of you to know, that though this has been the most difficult film to complete in my career, it's been the most rewarding."

  A round of applause lifted up, and I pulled my hands from around my girl and clapped with everyone else. Deza pressed her shoulder against mine as I dropped my hands, and I reached over and wrapped one arm around her and the other around Riley.

  Things had cleared up between all of us, and the past was soon forgotten, but Deza wasn't back to be
ing herself yet. I'd been too fucking busy to ask why, but if I had to guess, it had to do with Darren. It always did.

  "Great job, Boss." I winked at Frank as he rolled his eyes at me. "We're going to do this final scene with Riley and Ethan, and then we'll take all of these boxes over here to Studio Six where we can set up for our wrap up party. Your friends and family are invited as always. Tell them to be here at five.

  "Are we going to be done filming by then?" Deza pulled from me and took a step toward the stage as her shoulders stiffened.

  "Oh yeah." Frank glanced down at me and Riley. "You guys are ready to knock this one out of the park?"

  "Yep," we responded together.

  "Got your lines memorized?"


  "No drama lurking around the corner that has absolutely nothing to do with the movie, but instead with you two nugget heads falling in love?"

  Riley turned toward me and pulled me down into a long kiss that had the crew chanting for us. I was a little flustered when we pulled apart. "Damn baby. You trying to turn me on?"

  "It is a passion scene." She gave me a sexy smile and turned, jogging up the stairs. Her nightgown they had her in for the closing scene was white silk and lace, the thing barely reaching the bottom of her ass. My heart almost stopped my chest as she made her way up to the stage and gave us all a lovely view of her perfectly round rear.

  "Mine," I growled and looked back at the cast before making my way up on stage.

  "All yours, brother. Lucky bastard." Seth patted my back and stuck out his hand. "I'm not staying for the event tonight, my friend. I'm due on a set tomorrow in New Zealand."

  "Oh shit. Well, it's been good seeing you again, man. I told Frank to book your time the next time we have our film schedule open up." I shook his hand and pulled him in for a quick hug. "Be safe."

  "You too, and propose to the girl. Someone's going to move in and take her from you if you don't get a ring on that hand of hers." He winked. "Not me! I'm just saying."

  I turned and jogged up the stairs, walking onto a bedroom set. My eyes moved across her as she knelt on the bed, looking like sin incarnate. "This looks vaguely like the first scene we ever did together."

  She glanced around and smiled. "Holy shit. This is the tryout seen, isn't it."

  I nodded and laughed. "You didn't know this moment would come back to bite you in the butt?"

  "No, but I'm almost excited about it. I remember the first time we did it. You pulled my panties aside and worked me into a wet mess in front of everyone."

  My body hardened, but I kept my composure, giving her a funny look. "Now wait a minute. I don't remember that at all."

  "That's what happened." She shrugged, fully confident in her story.

  "You're starting to believe the fantasy world you're living in, Darling." I crawled up on the bed and licked my lips. "Move those panties again for me, okay?"

  "Did you wear your cup?" She lifted an eyebrow, her question causing a chuckle to rise out of me.

  "Alright guys. Let's get into character, please. We have a film to wrap up and a party to get ready for. You two can flirt when you get home tonight." Frank clapped his hands a few times.

  "No cup, angel. Just a whole lot of cock for you here," I whispered and reached for her before pausing. I turned to Frank. "I thought she was supposed to be in a bra, panties and that sexy garter thing they wore in the old days."

  He rolled his eyes. "No. It's a nightie. Stop thinking and start acting. And action!"

  I reached out and grabbed her arms, flipping us and pressing myself between her perfect thighs. I ground into her, and electricity sparked in my stomach. How badly I wanted to make love to her right there on stage. She was addictive, and I'd fallen off the deep end this time. It was the last time I would ever love someone. We were going to have to share forever, or I'd be alone.

  "You wanna play, do you?" I pressed forward and rubbed my cock down her soft center, loving that she was in a g-string which gave me a little bit of skin during my attack to enjoy.

  She opened her legs wider and groaned loudly.

  "I do," she moaned again, her body primed. Wet. She gripped my sides as my head swam. I could fuck her a zillion times, and each time it would be a new experience, a coveted activity that belonged only to me. Her soft fingers slid down my back, her nails digging into my flesh so fucking good.

  I groaned, not having to act at all. Her fingers crept into my undies and cupped my ass, forcing me to drive forward again.

  I lowered my voice and hardened it like she didn't mean shit to me. "And how would you like it, Stacy? Hard? Slow? Deep?"

  She reached down between us with the hand that was hidden by my body and slipped her panties to the side. I pressed up and ran through her wet folds as another groan left me. Bitch. I'd get her back later for her indiscretion. She was toying with me, and fuck if I didn't love it.

  I leaned down, pressing my body against hers and pushing in enough for the tip and a few inches of my dick to penetrate her, which was about all that was hanging out of my boxer briefs. "I can smell your arousal, Riley. I know you like the idea of me fucking you up here. In front of the world. Don't you, baby girl?"

  She arched her back and moved her hands to grip my hips, following the script perfectly as she pressed her lips to the top of my shoulder and squeezed me tightly.

  "I like it hard. From behind, and don't forget to pull my hair," my beautiful girl whispered roughly before pushing off and turning us. She ran her hands up her sides and cupped her breasts, rocking back and forth against my cock, creating a delicious friction between us. "That sound good, or are you one of the good guys who likes to make love?"

  "I like it both ways, you naughty bitch." I reached up and grabbed her at the base of her throat, lifting my hips.

  She shifted hers, and a few inches of me were back inside of her. She moaned loudly, pressed her hands to my chest and rolled her hips until she collapsed on top of me, our closing lines some gibberish about making our love into an adventure.

  "And cut!" Frank clapped. "Excellent! That's a wrap."

  I rolled us back over and pressed her to the bed, leaning down to suck the soft flesh of her neck into my mouth as I rolled my cock head against her tight entrance. "I wanna fuck you right here."

  "You did." She reached down and ran her hands through my hair.

  "Close the curtain please!" Deza's voice lifted, and Riley laughed as the curtain closed.

  I pushed up and impaled her, her tight wet body home to my deepest pleasure. "Don't moan too loud. They'll know what we're up to." I pumped my hips, fucking her slow and hard.

  Her breasts bounced with each thrust, and I moved down to capture her nipple in my mouth as an orgasm rode me hard. "I'm not going to last tonight."

  "Good. Take me with you when you come." She arched her back, changing our position a little.

  I lifted up and worked us both over the edge, biting my tongue to keep from yelling how fucking good it felt to lose my load deep inside of her.

  "I love you." She pulled me down and kissed me several times before smiling against my lips. "Come on. Time to go celebrate."

  "Can we just say you don't feel good and go home? We could celebrate like this a little more." I nodded down toward our stomachs.

  She laughed. "No. Get off and let’s go have some fun. We can take a shower and spend the night exploring each other after this."

  "Promise?" I pumped my hips, and her eyelashes fluttered as she panted. My naughty little whore who everyone thought was a good girl. Please.

  "Promise," she whispered roughly.

  "I'm going to hold you to it." I rolled off of her and grabbed my robe, walking off the stage and straight to my dressing room. The trailer was out back, but it was too far to walk. Being spoiled, I had several rooms that belonged to just me when I was on set.

  It was an odd way to live life, but it's the only life I knew. After a quick shower, I dressed in slacks and a polo. A knock on the door cause
d me to brush my hair quickly and answer it.

  Deza stood on the other side, her lips down-turned and dark circles under her eyes. "Hey. You need to come on. Everyone is asking for you."

  "Cause I am pop-u-lar. Hello." I pulled her into a hug and looked down at her.

  "Yeah, you are." She was unresponsive.

  Fucking Darren.

  "Alright. Go without me and tell them that I've got the shits or something."

  A faint smile lifted her lips. "Hurry up."

  "Got it." I let the door close before going in search of my phone. Someone had to put an end to the madness, and Riley was right... Darren and Deza belonged together. They just had to move past whatever the fuck was blocking them. I found the phone and called Darren, a little surprised I had his number in my phone.

  "This is D," a deep voice barked into the phone.

  "Darren. It's Ethan Lewis."

  "Oh shit. Is something wrong with Deza?" His voice pinched.

  "Yeah. She's fucking miserable, and she's ruining all of our lives. She's a killjoy, and it's your fucking fault. Get up here and make it better. Nothing is going on with me and her or her and anyone. Hell, no one wants anything to go on. She's like a wet mop. How much longer are you guys going to do this shit to yourselves."

  "You don't understand, and you don't know me, man."

  "Cause you've never let me get to know you. You might actually like me. I'm not the cock I play on the big screen. I'm a normal guy trying to figure shit out as it comes at me. I'm in love with Riley, and I'm proposing soon, but if Deza still looks like a goddamn zombie by the time my wedding comes around, I'm going to hire a hit man to come after your ass. She's going to mess up our pictures!"

  A snort from the other end of the phone let me know he understood. "You're as a crazy as she says you are, aren't you?"

  "One hundred percent." I took a quick breath. "We're having our closing party tonight. Family and friends are invited. Deza's alone, just like she has been since you guys broke up all those years ago. Come up here and talk to her. See what you guys can work through. She's not moving on, Darren. She's saving a seat beside her, and she has been for a long ass time. A seat for you."


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