The Magic of Discovery: Emerald Lakes Book One

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The Magic of Discovery: Emerald Lakes Book One Page 14

by Britt Andrews

  “Don’t fight me. You knew there would be consequences, and I’m willing to bet that you wanted this to happen.” His large hand smoothed down the curve of my ass and then snaked between my thighs on the way back up, smearing my wetness up the crack of my ass.

  “So wet for me. I wonder how much wetter you’ll be after I spank this delicious ass.”

  I want this. So much. This is uncharted waters for me, but one fact remains. I’ve never been this turned on in my fucking life. May as well rile him up a little bit more since I’m obviously crazed with lust right now. Poke the giant, Saige. Go on.

  “Quit talking and find out then.” I turned my head to look at his face for a split second before his palm cracked against my skin. My pussy clenched, and I moaned. That wasn’t so bad.

  The second slap echoed in the room, and I squealed like a baby pig.

  “Fuck. Your skin is already turning red. I can see my handprint, baby. Your ass was made for these hands, I swear to Saturn.” His palms were swirling over said handprints, and I was panting.


  “Ow! Oh my gods, that one hurt!” I yelled out then quickly smashed my face into the comforter because two fingers pushed into my pussy.

  “You are so tight, baby. Do you need me to loosen you up? Take care of you?” His voice was nothing more than a dark whisper, almost as if he were speaking his internal thoughts out loud.

  “Please. Please, Daddy.” I tried to buck my hips up, spread my thighs, anything to get more. His fingers withdrew, and I whined at the loss.

  “Three more, little witch. Take them.”

  Before I could protest or blink my eyes, three slaps rained down on my ass in quick succession. Tears pricked my eyes, and my back bowed. I squeezed my eyes shut as I was pulled upright, my thighs spread to straddle his and my arms around his neck. Cam’s chest was flush with mine.

  “You did great, baby. That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  If I were a peacock, I would’ve preened.

  What the hell just happened? Yes, it had hurt like fuck, especially the ones at the end, but the heat that was spreading across my flesh had me breathing a sigh of contentment. Closing the distance between us, I kissed him like I was a starving tiger and he was some poor crazy bitch’s husband that I was gonna eat the fuck out of. My hands threaded through his soft wavy hair. Increasing my hold, I slightly tugged the strands, breaking the kiss to look at him. His hands slid up from my hips, dipping in at my waist and then slipping to the front to palm my large breasts. Increasing my hold on his hair, I pushed my luck and pulled it a little more before I was quickly reminded that I was not the alpha in this bed. Yelping, I slapped his hands away from my hard nipples he had just squeezed.

  Chuckling, he lowered us back to the bed. Grip firm on my hips, he ground me down on his dick, the cool metal of his piercing making me gasp.

  “Climb up here and put that pretty pussy on my face.” His tongue flicked out, and he licked my bottom lip.

  I’ve never done that before either. I’m going to crush him. My ass will dwarf his head.

  “I don’t see how you’d be able to breathe. I’m more likely to smoth-” I was cut off abruptly when I felt his fingers stroking my clit.

  “Do as I ask, little witch. I can’t think of anything I want more right now. I need to lick that pussy; I had a taste earlier, and I want you to grind all over my mouth. Wrap those thick thighs around my head and mark me with your scent, baby.”

  Fucking hell. He has the filthiest mouth. Wetness slid down the inside of my thigh. Guess I’m here for it.

  “Here, lift up a minute.” Once I moved to his side, he slid so that instead of lying horizontally across the bed, his head was now on one of my pillows. “You can hold onto the headboard. Now get the fuck up here and let me worship you.”

  I clambered up his body, resting my knees on either side of his head. This felt awkward, and then it felt all kinds of fucking right. Keeping my body straight, he leaned up so that his lips could caress the inside of my thigh. His tongue worked in tandem with his soft lips, teasing me and making breathy gasps fall from my mouth. Feeling his head drop back down to the pillow, my body chased what he was offering. The moment my hips bent, his big hands gripped my ass and pulled me down firmly onto his mouth.

  Oh, my merciful moon maidens.

  Cam’s tongue moved from my opening up to my clit and all around. My hands hit the headboard as a full body shiver worked its way through my lust-filled body.

  “Fuck, Daddy! Oh, my gods. Yes. Yes.” His arms wrapped around the backs of my thighs, locking me in place so that all I could do was grind. His deep growls and slurping sounds were nothing more than the equivalent of a cheering crowd, so I picked up my pace.

  I threw my head back as his mouth sucked on my clit until a scream tore out of me as pure euphoria took over my senses. Stars danced behind my eyelids, and my muscles convulsed.

  “I need your cock. Please, fuck me. Now,” I begged as I dismounted, leaving his face glistening with my juices.

  He followed me, twisting us around so that I was sprawled out beneath him. His mouth was on mine in a flash, our tongues dueling with each other as he rubbed himself against me. I could still smell a faint hint of leather and my own arousal. He moved his mouth to my neck, and my stomach flipped as he kissed his way down to my breasts, a smirk twisting his lips just before he closed his talented mouth around my peaked nipple. Groaning, I tried to use my legs to bring his cock back to where I needed it, but he didn’t give in.

  “Fuck!” I yelped when his teeth sank into my flesh, but the pain disappeared as he swirled his wicked tongue around the bite. “I need you inside of me.”

  He reared up and looked into my eyes. My hair had come loose of the elastic at some point during our fucking, and the long red strands were splayed out in all directions. He pushed some hair off of my forehead. “You look beautiful like this, Saige. Flushed, glistening, begging for my cock. Are you up to date with your spells?”

  The magical community was lucky; we could spell ourselves each month to prevent pregnancy. It was ninety-nine percent effective, but as with any form of birth control, shit sometimes happened. I mean, exhibit A right here. Fortunately, human STDs didn’t affect us at all.

  “Yes, now get the fuck in me.”

  His eyes flashed with lightning, and he surged forward, impaling me to the hilt in one motion.

  “Oh, my gods! Ah!” My thighs clenched, holding him in place, and I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him down to me. His golden hair fell forward, creating a private little bubble, our noses touching while we let my body adjust to his size.

  “You feel even better than I imagined. So tight, so perfect for me.” He pulled back a little bit before thrusting forward again. “So responsive, baby. Take my cock.” He pulled out completely before slamming back into me, causing us both to groan.

  “Fuck me, Daddy. Make me scream.”

  Cam sat up on his knees, grabbing my thighs. He pulled my legs up to his shoulders and continued to fuck me without hesitation. My boobs were moving so fast I used my hands to keep those fuckers from knocking me out, playing with my nipples as I watched him own me. His abdominal muscles rippled, and a flash of silver drew my attention to his chest. His nipples are pierced, too? Fuck. How had I not noticed that before?

  “Look at me.” The command was more of a bark. Our gazes collided, and my thighs started trembling.

  “Oh gods,” I yelled out.

  “Come around me, little witch. Squeeze the cum out of me.” Cam’s head tilted back, and he picked up his pace, fucking me relentlessly. The sounds of our bodies slapping together were loud, but my cries of pleasure were louder.

  My orgasm hit me with the force of a speeding bullet. He slammed into me one, two, three times before he roared as his cock jerked inside of me. Cam fell forward as he let go of my legs ensuring that he stayed inside of me. My legs fell to the bed, useless jelly-filled extensions of my satisfied bo
dy. Continuing to thrust into me with slowing movements, the flutters of my waning orgasm guaranteed that I took in every drop of his cum.

  After several moments, he dropped a kiss on my lips before rolling beside me, arms above his head.

  “That was...” I began, unsure of how to finish that thought.

  “Intense? Amazing? Best sex ever?” He chuckled as his eyebrow cocked in question.

  “All of those.” I smiled at him, loving that he looked so relaxed.

  “Come here.” He extended his arm to make room for me to crawl up beside him. “Let me hold you.”

  Big Daddy Cam is a cuddler? Eek!

  I wiggled against him, resting my head on his shoulder. His arm pulled me in closer, palming my ass, and I sucked in a breath through my teeth.

  “Sore?” I could hear the smile in his question.

  “Just a little. Worth it.”

  A rumble from his chest confirmed his agreement. My eyes felt heavy, the endorphins leaving me now that the excitement was over. A yawn made an appearance, and Cam’s arm tightened around me.

  He whispered, “Sleep, little witch. You did good.”

  And I obeyed.

  The sun’s rays spilled into my room, and I sighed in disappointment when I realized the spot next to me was empty. I was hoping to talk to Cam over breakfast about what we had gotten up to last night. A moment later, the sound of a toilet flushing and running water had me sitting up in bed as my giant walked out of the bathroom.

  “You are going to need to cover those beauties up if you want to get out of bed in the next hour.” He eyed my breasts, a hungry look taking over his features.

  Feeling a little shy, I covered myself and blurted the first thing that entered my brain. “Want some breakfast? I’m starving. Let me throw some clothes on, and I’ll cook some pancakes and bacon.” I swung my legs over the side of my bed, wrapping the sheet around myself more securely as I stood up and padded over to my dresser.

  I was digging around in one of the drawers when I felt him behind me. He pushed my hair over my left shoulder before leaning down and pressing a kiss to the spot where my shoulder met my neck, drawing a shiver through me.

  “As appetizing as breakfast sounds, I do need to get some work done today, so I can’t stay too long. I will head downstairs and start making some coffee.” Another kiss, a little higher.

  “Okay,” I breathed. A little breeze against my heated skin signaled his departure, and I took a deep breath.

  Grabbing some fresh underwear and a bra, I walked over to my nightstand and picked up my cell phone. It was only 6:12 AM, but I was surprised at how well rested I felt. I was normally the kind of witch who stayed in bed as long as possible. Swiping my thumb up on the screen, I opened my messages and smiled when I saw what waited.

  Kai: I hope you’re having fun tonight with boss man. ;)

  And an hour later...

  Kai: Sounds like you’re having a LOT of fun. Damn, Sprout. Scream the house down.

  My eyes bugged out of my head, and heat warmed my cheeks. He had been here, too? I hastily tapped out a reply, my stomach growling in impatience.

  Me: You mean you were here? Outside of my house at midnight? The hell, Kai?

  I wasn’t mad. Quite the opposite, actually. The thought of Kai hearing what Cam had been doing to me last night had my body warming up... not in embarrassment. But what the fuck was he doing outside of my house like that? And why hadn’t my spells alerted me to... oh. Of course. Bagheera. Clearly, I need to tweak my spell to include sneaky, sneaky shifters.

  Determined to get some answers, I quickly dressed and took care of some necessities. Untangling my hair with one hand and brushing my teeth with the other, my mind began its daily mental checklist of what I had to accomplish.

  Coffee with Cam. Shower. Check the sick flowerbeds. See what Gran might have figured out yesterday. No work today, so I can dick around in the gardens.

  Slipping my phone into my pocket, I left my room and jogged down the steps. Clanging dishes met my ears just as the sweet smell of coffee invaded my nose. Ah, I need that.

  Seeing Cam in my kitchen had the corners of my mouth pulling into a smile, the way he moved, so graceful despite his size. His hair was loose, and he must have borrowed my brush when he used my bathroom earlier because smooth waves draped over his shoulders, not a tangle in sight. Those wicked black leather pants were squeezing his ass and thighs again, and he had on his black t-shirt from yesterday. Quietly approaching him, I trailed my fingers down his spine.

  “Thanks for making coffee. I can’t function until I get at least one cup into my system.” I opened the fridge and snagged the creamer.

  He waved me away when I tried to grab the handle of the mug. “I’m the exact same way, so I made a lot. I’ll bring your cup over to the table.” I stood in front of the sink and leaned up to look outside. Might as well rip the band-aid off right now and see what it looks like this morning.

  “Oh my gods,” I whispered.

  “What? What is it?” Cam was all business as he slid beside me and looked outside. His finger pointed at the dying plants in two different beds. “Those weren’t like that yesterday evening, were they?”

  “No, they were completely fine. I don’t know why this keeps happening.” Anger accompanied the end of my response, but I couldn’t help it. I was getting pissed. Turning my back on the shit I apparently had no control over, I trudged over to the table. Cam was right behind me, coffee in hand. Placing the steaming liquid in front of me, he took the seat beside mine.

  “Tell me what’s going on, Saige,” he ordered, concern lacing his voice. “Maybe I can help.”

  Flicking the lid of the creamer, I dumped a generous portion into my coffee and stirred. After a careful mouthful, I word vomited everything that had been going on with my plants.

  He listened attentively, absorbing everything I had to share. “Has your gran planted any of these gardens? Are any of hers affected?” he questioned, stirring his coffee with a small spoon.

  I thought about that, my heart sinking. “Shit. It’s only the ones I planted and used magic on.” My eyes widened at that revelation. “Is there something wrong with my magic?” My voice sounded shrill even to my own ears, and I winced.

  “I’ve never heard of a witch’s magic being tainted unless someone was deliberately casting against them. Hexes or curses, but even then, this is extreme. I’d sooner think that someone was sabotaging your gardens naturally than something being wrong with your magic. Honestly, Sloane is actually the best with this shit; he excels at wards. I’ll talk to him today and see if he can come out and put some protections in place. If anyone is directly sabotaging you, he’ll find out.”

  “Really? That would be great. This is driving me crazy, and I need my plants for my business. I haven’t even checked the moonstone beds or the crystal caverns. I’m scared to see if those have been tainted too.” I really, really hoped they were fine. Gran never grew crystals; I’d started that project on my own after I finished my college courses. Running my fingers through my hair, anxiety swirled in my belly like a warning of things to come. Rocks and crystals were already a finicky bunch; the slightest misstep could ruin everything, and they were a huge source of my sales in the shop.

  “Yeah, let us help you. It’s the least we can do since you’ve been so helpful by showing us around town and introducing us to everybody. I’ll see if he can come out later today or tomorrow. I know you have a hot date tonight.” He winked at me and smiled, seeming genuinely happy for me. I guess between him and Kai, that made two who were jealousy-free.

  “Kai texted me last night, and I only just saw it.” I opened my phone and slid it across the table to him.

  He chuckled. “Goddamn it, Kai.”

  “Explain,” I said flatly.

  “Kai was out last night letting Bagheera run. If he keeps the beast locked down for too long, he starts to lose it. My guess? He was running in the woods, and he picked up on our scents outsid
e. Then his super hearing picked up on something more interesting than scent, and he’s a dirty fuck, so it’s not really a surprise he eavesdropped. What do you think about that?” he asked, leaning closer to me. Instead of the question possibly going the flirty route, it seemed like he was actually interested in my feelings. What a novelty.

  “At first, I wanted to be upset, but it kind of makes me hot knowing he heard how you were making me scream, and he wasn’t mad about it,” I admitted, winding some of my hair around my finger.

  “Kaito loves to watch, little witch. Don’t get me wrong, he loves to participate, too, but he would love watching me work you over.” Cam shifted in his seat, adjusting his most likely growing erection.

  “You guys are surprising. You’re all incredibly sexy alpha males, and you don’t get jealous of each other. It’s hard to believe this is real life.” I shook my head, raising the mug to my lips to finish the little bit of coffee left in my cup.

  “Refill?” Cam held his hand out for my mug, and I gave it to him with a nod. He rose from his seat and refilled both of our mugs to the brim before bringing them back over and sitting down.

  “Like I said, we’re close. We’re more than a unit. Not brothers by blood, but I believe in my bones that we have a soul bond. I love them, and I want them to be happy. It works the same for them.”

  “But you’ve never done this before?” I needed clarification.

  “Not this, exactly. Fischer is taking you on a date, and I don’t think he’s ever taken anybody on a date before. If it would make you more comfortable, you could stop by the apartment today, and we could all talk about it?” he offered.

  I thought about that for a moment, but I trusted what Cam was telling me, and after getting the messages from Kai, I figured that conversation could come up when it needed to. “No, I’ll just go out with Fischer and tell him what happened last night. Make sure he’s okay with it. I don’t want to be tied down, Cam. After escaping that douchebag, I felt so liberated. Free. I need more time to explore what I want and need.”


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