The Magic of Discovery: Emerald Lakes Book One

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The Magic of Discovery: Emerald Lakes Book One Page 22

by Britt Andrews

  After I got done pissing, I washed my hands and looked in the mirror, giving myself a pep talk. Do not be a dickhead to your brothers’ girl. Groaning, I looked for a towel to dry my hands but came up short. The hook where one should be hanging was bare. Not seeing anywhere extras might be stored, I headed into the hallway. Bingo. Opening up the built-in closet across the hall, I snatched a gray towel, a photo fluttering to the floor and landing on my boot. What? Why the fuck would that be in there? Drying my hands, I bent down to retrieve it, freezing in place when I registered who was in the picture.

  Laura. The woman we were searching for was standing right next to Red in front of the magic shop, her gran taking up her other side. What the fuck? My eyes bounced from Laura to Saige to Gran and back. Sweat rolled down my spine as my body processed what my brain already knew to be true. Laura is Saige’s mother. Flipping the picture over, the year 2010 was written and underneath that, ‘Bette, Saige, and Laurie.’ I quickly snapped a couple of pictures of the front and the back and then returned the damning photo to its place. Spinning on my heel, I tossed the clean towel on the hook in the bathroom and walked out of her house. Holy shit.

  Of course, I’d texted Larson the moment we’d gotten back to the apartment. If Red could lead us to wherever her mother was, this assignment would be over real fucking quick. Larson had called me immediately, sounding excited about this discovery, but I detected a hint of wariness in his deep voice. After filling him in on the guys and the relationships they’d built with Saige, he ordered me not to tell them what I’d found. Since they were now emotionally involved with Red, their professionalism could be compromised. Being so close to the mark, he couldn’t expect them to do what might need to be done.

  I kept my mouth shut about what I’d discovered, promising my loyalty and silence to our boss. A little voice in the back of my head tried to protest, but when the time came to leave this place, they’d thank me for protecting them. This was definitely for the best. Now I just had to keep the mission moving forward so we could get this wrapped up. Larson asked me to retrieve one of Red’s hairs so that he could run a test to verify her relationship to Laura, and that was what led me to this moment.

  Cam and Red were hand in hand, heading outside, her head tilted up as she laughed at whatever he was saying. Ugh, when this goes south, my brother is going to be fucking wrecked. My hand landed on Fischer’s shoulder, his stride coming to a stop as he looked at me in question.

  “I’m gonna take a piss. I’ll be out in a few,” I told him, running my hand down his muscular arm and giving a gentle squeeze.

  “Sure. Bring out a few more beers when you come.” He pulled away, heading after the others.

  Backtracking to the kitchen, Kai was bent over, sprinkling all kinds of bullshit over the meat. He looked like a fucking flavor fairy, coating his meal in fairy dust with a dramatic flick of his fingers. Shaking my head, I strolled right past him without him even noticing. Now, where would the princess sleep? Spotting the stairs straight ahead, I bounded up. One door at the top of the landing was cracked, and I poked my head inside. Oh yes, this is definitely her bedroom.

  So many goddamn plants filled the green witch’s space, I felt like I’d fallen into The Jungle Book, but when I looked closer, many of the green leaves were turning brown. I was about to check her pillow for loose hair, but then I noticed the en-suite. Perfect. On the counter sat a brush, and I quickly stuffed a clump of her hair in the zip-lock baggie I’d stored in my back pocket. She’d never even know. After the bag was tucked away in my pocket, I took care of the last step: notifying Larson.

  Larson: Good work, son. Now, I want you to earn this woman’s trust. Work your way into a relationship with her just like the others.

  My eyes flew over that text message several times, my body stiffening as his words infiltrated my brain. He wants me to date her? That little voice was back again, telling me all of the ways that this was despicable, especially because of the way my brothers felt about her.

  Me: Sir, with all due respect, I don’t exactly think that’s a great idea. When the guys find out about all of this, I think they’re going to be really upset. I don’t need to be romantic with her in order to make this assignment a success.

  Larson: It’s a direct order. While you may be able to get the job done otherwise, it’s not something I’m comfortable risking. Not being this close.

  Fuuuuuck. This wasn’t good. They would probably be able to forgive me for keeping my particular orders a secret since that was just the nature of our careers. We took orders, then we executed them. An operative was worthless if he broke his boss’ explicit directives.They’d be heartbroken and pissed when they discovered I’d known about Laura being Saige’s mother, but there was just no fucking way they’d be able to avoid raising suspicion if I told them. That would put the whole assignment at risk, and I wasn’t willing to do that. Larson was right; they were too invested now to be able to hide their feelings.

  Groaning, I ran my hand through my hair, swiping the strands out of my eyes. Knowing that Larson wanted this mission to be a success, I decided that this could be an opportunity to push and get something that we wanted in return.

  Me: They are taken with her, sir. If I do this, I’d like to request permission for a personal assignment. One that helps Cam finally get some answers, sir. The opportunity could go a ways toward mending the bridges that will be damaged by this.

  I held my breath as sweat broke out across my forehead. Damn, I probably overstepped. Just as I was about to pocket my phone, Larson began typing his response.

  Larson: Fine. I will grant you and the team leave to pursue whatever you need to. They won’t harbor any ill feelings toward you. You’re doing this for them. For him.

  Me: I’ll get it done. Expect the hair to be delivered on Tuesday. I’ll send it first thing tomorrow morning and overnight it.

  Stuffing the phone back into my pocket, I slipped back down the stairs and stopped at the fridge to get some more drinks. I nearly dropped them a moment later when I saw the picture from the other night stuck on the freezer door with a magnet, Laura ripped clean out of the frame. Appears to be some family drama. Fuck, I love drama. Not in my personal life, but in my work? Fuck yeah, keeps my blood pumping and my brain working.

  Kai was gone, so he must’ve finished his marinating meat masterpiece. Passing through the kitchen, I made my way outside, nearly dropping the beers for a second time when I found Saige’s Gran practically grinding up on K as he laid the steaks on the grill. Cam was losing it, and Red was perched on Fish’s lap, his arms wrapped around her hips, matching smiles on their faces while they watched Kai as he soaked up all of Bette’s attention. He shook his ass right up against hers and spun her under his arm before dipping her in a dramatic move that had her hooting. Dude loves attention, doesn’t matter who it’s from. Dicks, chicks, or old ladies in this case.

  Fischer’s eyes locked on mine as I sank into my seat, my eyes flicking to where Red’s hands were running through his dark, thick curls, and I might have put the beer down on the table with a little more force than necessary. Fuck. I’m feeling out of control, and I need to process. Does it bother me that Fischer is seeing Red and cuddling up with her like a puppy? No. But shit, even as I thought that my stomach rolled uncomfortably. What is going on with me? I don’t get jealous. Did it bother me that I saw this ending only one way, with all of my brothers being heartbroken? Yes, yes, it fucking did. Maybe Saige had nothing to do with her mother? I’d never heard her mention her. We had only been invited to meet Gran, and I wondered if one of the others had any insight to that.

  Everyone was laughing and joking back and forth while I sat and stewed over the best way to handle everything. She owed us an explanation, and I was tired of waiting. Patient, I was not. Taking a deep breath, I mentally practiced what I wanted to say, so it hopefully wouldn’t come out wrong. I needed to win her over, so I willed myself to tame the monster who lurked beneath my skin. Yeah, that’ll

  The words burst from my mouth without permission, interrupting the conversation. “This is fun and all, but let's talk about the fact that demons have it out for Red.”

  Everyone’s eyes zeroed in on me, most of them narrowed glares. Well, shit sticks. I guess I need to try harder next time. Holding both hands up in a placating manner, I continued, “Look, I’m not trying to be an ass, but I think we all need to get on the same page here about what’s going on.”

  Cam opened his mouth to scold me, no doubt, but I was surprised when Red cut him off.

  “No, he’s right.” She looked from Cam to me. “There have been strange things happening over the past week, too many to be coincidence or ignored. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared, because I am.”

  Kai growled low in his chest over her admission, and a spark flew from Cam’s fingertips. Damn, their feelings are running deeper than I thought.

  Red glanced at her gran, and the woman gave a slight nod. Saige took a deep breath, Fish’s thumb rubbing over the top of her hand in small, reassuring circles. I hadn’t missed the way his hold had tightened on her when she admitted she was scared.

  “I’ve seen demons, first at the shop last week and then in my bedroom on Friday morning,” she said, suddenly standing up. Fish reluctantly released her from his arms, his focus solely on the witch who’d captivated him so thoroughly.

  Suddenly, everyone was talking except for myself and Bette. Leaning back into my chair, I observed Red as she paced back and forth across the paved patio, her worry shining clearly through her gaze that landed on mine every so often. Catching a glimpse of pink sequins, my eyes flicked to her gran, wanting to see her reaction to everyone losing their shit. I kept my features flat when I found myself suddenly staring into her cornflower blue eyes. Bette’s eyebrow raised, acknowledging she’d caught me studying her granddaughter. A slow smirk appeared, and I returned the expression, earning me a subtle nod of... understanding? Something that felt vaguely reminiscent of approval. Uncomfortable with that thought, I focused on the group again, the guys having finally settled down enough for Saige to continue explaining.

  “I didn’t realize what was happening when it first started. The town seers showed up at the shop on Wednesday, talking a bunch of nonsense about a prophecy they had been blessed with, and it involved all of us," she said, looking to Cam, Kai, and then Fischer before her gaze landed on mine. The fuck do I have to do with anything? "I saw the demons while they were in their trance, saying things I didn't understand. Then I saw them a second time in my bedroom, but Gran interrupted, and they disappeared. I was scared shitless, so I confessed everything to her despite the fact that I thought I was going crazy. I had no clue that demons were real. Apparently, they were just projections, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm the only one who’s seen them."

  Everyone was shifting uncomfortably as she paused, looking vulnerable and lost. Now knowing that she’d thought she was losing it, the urge to get her out of her head bloomed in my mind, shocking the hell out of me. Fischer had always told me I enjoyed the role of provider, which I shot down immediately every time he brought it up. Now, though? I was wondering if he might be onto something there. Ugh, my head is a fucking mess, and I’m giving myself whiplash.

  Red cleared her throat, her face projecting the worry in her heart. “That’s not all, unfortunately. I’ve noticed some changes with myself. Using my magic has taken on an almost euphoric reaction, like I’d imagine taking a hit of drugs would. When I get upset about something, my anger flares instantaneously, and I’ve never been quick to anger. Hell, I never even get full blown pissed off! Today, I started sweating moments after feeling angry, and a cold shower was the only thing that helped,” she huffed, clearly frustrated with the mountain of shit that was piling up in her life.

  “Tell us what the prophecy says, little witch,” Cam said encouragingly, giving Red a little boost.

  She sighed, and we all held our breath as she recited the words:

  “A witch, a mix of green and red,

  Save a race before they’re dead.

  Hurry, witch, find your five,

  If there is hope to survive.

  Change, rise, manifest,

  A soul so pure, soon possessed.

  Before the year of two and eight

  The chosen one must find her mates.

  If she should fail to meet her task,

  To another the role will pass.

  Evil will consume her heart,

  Her soul captured by the dark.”

  The silence was deafening, everyone’s minds likely running a hundred miles a second trying to work that puzzle out.

  “Did the demons say anything to you?” Kai questioned seriously, his usual joking tone long gone.

  “There were two of them, and they were talking to each other, something about finding me, how their master would be pleased, my name, and the word ‘soon.’” I studied her as a visible shudder took over her body.

  Cam walked up behind her and pulled her back against his front, his huge arms encasing her waist. She dropped her head back against his chest, the quick rise and fall of her chest abating almost immediately. His presence alone was enough to calm her. That was Cam, though. Everyone felt safe with him around; he made sure of it. He was one of the best men I had ever known, and he’d been dealt a really shit hand with his past. We were similar in that regard, but while there was hope for closure with Cam, there was no fixing my past. Having grown up with a piece of shit father who beat my mother almost daily until I was old enough to handle an ass whooping, I suppose a rough around the edges exterior was just bred into who I was.

  Anger issues were common among Pyros. Fuckin’ cliche, but true nonetheless. My picture was probably in the dictionary next to the term ‘hot head.’ I’d die before I’d ever raise a hand to a woman, though. The thought of it alone had my skin heating, and I took several deep breaths to stave off the oncoming flare of anger.

  Fischer must’ve picked up on some of my emotions because he started tapping his fingers on the table, drawing my attention to him and out of my own head. I flashed a cocky smile and ran my hand through my dark hair, swiping it out of my eyes.

  “There are a lot of things in there that line up, Sprout, as well as a lot of things that don’t. That’s the joy of prophecies; you can interpret them so many different ways, not knowing how things will turn out exactly,” Kai told her, turning his back to the grill and crossing his arms across his chest.

  “He’s right. I can definitely draw some hypotheses, but it talks about five mates, change, manifestation? I have no idea what that means...” Fish trailed off, focusing on something in the distance, probably sorting through his thoughts.

  “When’s your birthday?” I asked despite already knowing that information.

  “June twenty-fourth, in like three weeks.”

  “Okay, so on the off chance that this is actually about us,” I contemplated aloud, circling my finger around, including myself and my brothers, “there are only four of us. Who’s the fifth?”A growl tumbled from Kai’s mouth as he snatched the meat off the grill and slapped it down on a plate, his lip lifted in a snarl when he turned back to face us. No doubt Bagheera didn’t want to hear shit about another possible boyfriend.

  “Kai, it’s okay,” Saige cooed, stepping away from Cam and moving to the snarling shifter then wrapping her arms around his waist and laying her cheek against his chest. The aggressive sounds slowly turned into purrs, both the man and the beast settling down. For the love of Jupiter’s cock, these whipped assholes...

  “Let’s move this inside, boys. Everyone can process this information overload once we refresh our drinks. Plus, I’m starving, and I do love a big hunk of meat,” Bette purred, trailing her fingers over Fish’s arm as she swept past him with a surprising amount of grace.

  “For the love of the moon,” Red groaned as she checked to make sure Fish wasn’t offended.

  “She’s fine, sweeth
eart. Honestly, she’s hysterical,” he assured her, pushing to his feet. Red reached out for his hand, and they laughed together as they walked inside, leaving Cam, K, and I alone. Okay, now that Red’s gone, let’s take care of this.

  Holding off to speak until the door closed behind them, I just had to ask, “I mean, does anybody else think it’s weird that the ground is tainted with demon magic, Red is seeing demons, the seers had a vision involving the five of us, and all of this starts happening right when we show up to town? What about the fact that she’s showing some telltale demon qualities?” I threw it all out there, leaning back in my chair with my knees splayed wide.

  Growling came from K, low and menacing, again.

  “Dude, get your shit together! Your panther is in a fucking tizzy over this witch, and you need to settle the fuck down!”

  We stared each other down, not like a dominance thing, but in a ‘come on, you stubborn fuck, get a grip’ kind of way.

  Cam grunted, breaking the tension and leveling me with a glare that said he was clearly done with my shit. “She’s not a demon. That’s not even possible. We’ve seen her cast magic, and I’ve never heard of a mixing of the two races before. Maybe a possession of some type? That was mentioned in the prophecy, wasn’t it?” He crossed his arms over his wide chest, pausing for a moment. “What I find bizarre is that Larson’s been looking for this witch Laura, and she happens to pop up here of all places, then we arrive, and shit starts jumping off. It’s too weird to be a coincidence. She’s gotta have something to do with all this fuckery.”

  Oh, brother. If only you knew how much she had to do with your woman. I expected guilt to hit me, but it didn’t come. Instead, sadness did. When all of this turned to shit, these guys were going to be downright miserable to be around, and oh my gods, the feelings. So many fucking feelings. I might have to live in a hole for a while or something.


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