Falcon (Own the Skies Book 3)

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Falcon (Own the Skies Book 3) Page 16

by Emma Nichole

  She steps outside with me and closes the door behind her. “Faith is packing, so you and I are going to have a conversation.”

  “Should I be afraid?” I ask, mostly in jest.

  “You should always be afraid of me.” She places her hands on her hips.

  “I have no doubt about that. All right. Let’s talk.”

  “I’ll be the first to push Faith to make decisions like this. She has been through so much, and I want her to live her life to the fullest now and move forward as a happy, healthy person.”

  “We both want that for her.”

  “Good, I’m glad to hear that, but Falcon Masen, I swear, I’ll end you right where you stand if you hurt her in any way. I’m an attorney. I know many police officers, judges; you name it. I’ll get away with it. I’m not afraid.”

  I toss my head back and laugh, but the look on her face tells me she probably isn’t joking.

  “Faith is going to be in good hands with me, Rose, that’s a promise. I know I haven’t known her very long, but she already means more to me than I would have ever thought she could. The last thing I want to happen is something bad for her. Everyone in her life is clearly fiercely protective of her, and I’m no different.”

  “She is the strongest person I know. Don’t do anything to change that.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

  “Good.” She shifts on her feet a bit. “She’s down in her room. I need to make a couple phone calls, so I’ll just be right out here. Don’t leave before I can tell her goodbye.”


  “You’re not so bad, for a California boy.”

  “What does that even mean?”

  “I dated one of you once. Didn’t end well. Left a sour taste. It’s a long story.”

  “Yikes. Duly noted.”

  I leave her to her call and step into the house. There’s some pop song playing low on the Bluetooth speakers, much like the first time I saw her in the doorway. Was that really only a few weeks ago? It feels like a lifetime.

  I make my way down the hallway toward her bedroom and when I move into the doorway, she’s facing away from me, folding some clothes and tucking them into a suitcase, swaying her ass and body to the music. I can just make out that she’s softly singing the words to herself as she continues on with her task.

  She is wearing blue jean shorts and a basic purple tank top. She has her hair piled in a messy bun on top of her head, giving me a clear view of her neck and the cluster of freckles that resides on the back. I have to physically stop myself from marching straight over to her, curling my fingers around her hair, and sliding my tongue over each freckle.

  This is Faith in her purest form.

  The music picks up as the chorus takes over and she raises her hands above her head and dances even more.

  I lean my shoulder into the doorframe, arms crossed over my chest, and just watch with a shit-eating grin plastered all over my face.

  She wiggles her ass back and forth as she starts to spin in a slow circle and then she sets her eyes on me, which immediately go wide in fear.

  “Oh shit!” She bends over with her hand on her chest. “You scared the shit out of me!” She starts laughing at herself, and I join her.

  “I didn’t mean to, I was just enjoying the show.”

  “You’ve certainly made a habit of that, haven’t you?” She shakes her head. “Creeper.”

  I push off the door and cross the room toward her, reaching out and cupping the back of her neck. I pull her body into mine and unapologetically kiss the fuck out of her.

  She pulls away, just a bit, enough to speak. “What was that for?”

  “Because I wanted to.”

  “Fair enough.” She smiles against my lips and dives in for another kiss.

  She slides her fingers along my scalp, pulling a groan from deep in my throat.

  “Mmm. Look, as much as I want to stay here and do this all day, we have a flight to catch.”

  “You’re right.” She releases a breath and pulls away.

  “But the minute I get you into my house, we are picking up exactly where we are leaving off right now. Deal?”

  “I’m going to your house?” she says with wide eyes.

  “Um, yeah. Are you just realizing this?”

  “Kinda. I don’t know why I didn’t think about it before.”

  “Is that okay with you? Will you be okay being there with me?” I take a seat in her desk chair, resting my elbows on my knees.

  “Yeah, of course it is. I’m just...excited.”

  “You are? That excites me.”

  “I'm looking forward to being in your world, in your element. You’ve spent three weeks in mine. It’s time for the tables to turn a little,” she says.

  “You have no idea how much fun we are going to have, baby. I’m going to make sure this is a trip you never forget.”


  Letting my sister go when they drop us off at curbside check-in is absolutely the hardest thing I have done in so long. No matter how many times we have to say goodbye to one another, it never gets any easier.

  “Please be safe, Marco.” She hugs me tightly before reaching up to cup my face. “Be good and careful. I mean it.”

  “You know I will.” I give her a small kiss to the cheek before she takes a small step back and Case comes my way, extending his hand.

  “It was nice finally meeting the man, the myth, and the legend,” he says, laughing.

  “I appreciate the sarcasm. It's my native language.” I shake his hand firmly.

  “Take care of her.” He nods toward Faith, who is checking one last time that she has everything she needs in her carry-on.

  “Likewise with that one.” I tilt my chin to my sister. “And Sasha, of course.”

  “Who’s Sasha?” Case wrinkles his brows, clearly confused and I can hear Faith giggling as she approaches my side.

  “Sasha is his motorcycle, and I think he loves that thing more than he loves anything or anyone.” Nora rolls her eyes.

  “That’s not entirely true.”

  “Don’t let him lie to you. I’ve caught him talking to her before,” Nora adds, much to Faith’s amusement.

  “Seriously?” she asks.

  “How are you gonna out me like that, Sis? That wasn’t cool.”

  Nora doesn’t respond with words, she simply dives in for another hug. “I love you, Big Brother.”

  “I love you too.”

  We take a few more moments with one another, and Nora goes over to give Faith a hug. She whispers something in her ear that I can’t make out. But Faith whispers something back and smiles before giving her one more hug.

  “Okay, kids. I need to get out of here or I’ll never let you go,” Nora says, as she wipes tears from her eyes.

  “Call if you need anything at all, okay?” Case tells Faith.

  “I will. You have my word.”

  Nora gives us one last wave before slipping into the front seat of the car. Faith and I stand on the sidewalk until they officially drive away.

  “Shall we do this thing?” she asks, turning toward me.

  I lean forward and kiss her forehead. “Let’s do it.”

  Chapter 17


  The flight was easily one of the smoothest I’ve ever been on. I’m not sure if it’s because we were in first class, or if the air was cooperative, or if it was the fact I had this beautiful man beside me expertly distracting me with a very intense game of naughty Hangman.

  It's like regular Hangman, but with words that made my cheeks heat until they were bright red and I was squirming in my seat.

  He knew he was getting to me too, so he left single words behind and began phrases, and honestly, I don’t know how I made it to this very moment, waiting for our bags at baggage claim without jumping his bones.

  “Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in.” I hear a man call from behind me, and I instantly whip around to see a tall, strikingly handsome old
er man. Maybe in his fifties or so with salt-and-pepper hair and a kind smile. He’s wearing khaki slacks and a blue collared polo.

  “Joe,” Falcon says from beside me, and immediately goes to him for one of those back slapping bro hugs.

  Joe. His manager. His friend.

  I stand back, giving them some space to say hello. Meeting new people isn’t my favorite thing in the world, nor the easiest for me to do. Hello, I’m an introvert. Nice to meet you.

  “How was your trip? How are you feeling?” Joe asks, holding him at arm’s length.

  “Damn, man, you act like I’ve been gone six years to a war zone. I’m fine. I feel great.”

  The man turns his eyes toward me. “And who is this beauty you have with you?”

  I step forward and introduce myself, “Hi. I’m Faith.” I extend my hand to greet him with a handshake.

  “Faith. That’s a beautiful name. For a beautiful gal.” He shakes my hand. “I’m assuming there is a story here that you’ll fill me in on later?”

  “Sure,” Falcon says, glancing at me and smiling. “There’s a story all right, but it’s one I’d like to keep all to myself.”

  He reaches back to take my hand. “I like that idea too.”

  “All right,” Joe says, rubbing his hands together. “Once we get your bags, I’ll get you back to your house so you can settle in, then you’ve got to be in the gym bright and early, Falc.”

  “I know. I know. I’ll be there.”

  “And I’ve got the doc coming in to—”

  Falcon stops him immediately. “I don’t need to see the doctor. I know what he has to say. I don’t need to hear it ten more times, Joe. Call him and tell him he won’t be needed tomorrow and that I’ll see him on the road before the fight.”


  “Just do what I said, Joe. Damn.”

  His tone is sterner than I’ve ever heard it before. It’s harsh and to the point. The tone of a boss, and to be honest, it was kind of hot...however...I don’t disagree with Joe. I wish he’d just see the damn doctor again so he can know for sure what he needs to do.

  But it’s not my place to say anything. Not now. Not in front of Joe or in the middle of an airport.

  We collect our bags from the carousel and weave our way through the very busy Los Angeles International Airport.

  Falcon is noticed here and there, with a few people shouting his name, staring a little too long, or shaking his hand, but it’s not as chaotic as I thought it would be.

  He told me on the flight here he isn’t noticed in public too much, which makes me feel better, because honestly, the idea of that scares me. The last thing I want or would want for him is for him to be unable to live a normal life because of his career.

  We step out into the warm, California air and I take a deep breath. It’s warm, but not grossly humid like Georgia, and it’s not as quiet, to be sure, but there is something about it I immediately like.

  “Welcome to California, baby,” Falcon says, placing a kiss to the crown of my head.

  “You’re about to experience the most California thing in existence...traffic,” Joe adds, sliding on a pair of sunglasses before clicking a button on his key fob, sending the sounds of a car alarm echoing across the parking lot. “Ah. That’ll be us.”

  “I’ve heard horror stories about the traffic,” I tell him.

  “I live in the Glendale area, so coming from LAX, with traffic, we’re looking at a solid ninety minutes in the car, with Joe growing increasingly more annoyed with each mile. It’s hilarious actually. You’ll enjoy it,” Falcon says with a chuckle.

  “I look forward to it.”

  We settle into the car. I tell Falcon he can sit in the front seat with Joe, but he insists he wants to sit in the back with me, and I don’t argue. I always want to be close to him.

  I buckle my seat belt and settle in, leaning my head over on Falcon’s shoulder and he places a hand on my thigh.

  “You good?” he asks.

  “I’m perfect,” I tell him genuinely, because I am perfect. This feels perfect. Being here with him, like this, is calm for me. This man makes me feel safe. He makes me feel secure and he makes me feel special.

  That’s not something I ever thought I would feel from a man in my entire life. Then again, men who have come and gone over the last five years have been flashes in the pan. Trysts so I could still feel like a functional human being. Flings so I could have some sense of normalcy, but those pale in comparison to the man sitting beside me.

  He’s no tryst. He’s no fling. He’s no flash in the pan.

  He’s a detonation that is all consuming. He’s bright flashing lights and sparkling fire. He’s an eruptive thunderclap in a summer storm and a sky full of fireworks.

  He’s dangerous, but I’m in awe of him.

  And when he curls those strong hands over my thigh in the simplest of ways, I nearly melt into a puddle and all that would be left behind are the butterflies making a permanent home in my stomach.

  We ride is mostly silence as Joe veers his way up the 105, in and out of slow moving cars like he’s playing a game of Frogger.

  I’ve never seen such a thing. I thought Atlanta traffic was bad, but this shit is a whole new level.

  “You deal with this every day?” I ask out loud to both of them.

  “Every day. To be honest, you get used to it,” Joe says.

  “No, you don’t. It’s frustrating as hell no matter how long you’ve lived here,” Falcon says, as he leans his head back to rest on the seatback, then drops his eyes closed.

  I can make out the smallest little flicker of pain on his face.

  “Hey.” I reach over and touch his cheek. “You okay?”

  He turns his head to face me and gives a small smile as his eyes open. “Yeah, I’m okay. Just a little bit of a headache is all.”

  “I have some medicine in my bag. Do you want a couple? Maybe finish my bottle of water?”

  He simply nods. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me for caring about you, Falcon. That’s not how this works.” I lean down and dig through my purse, pulling out the bottle and popping out a couple tablets for him.

  “I’m always going to say thank you, Faith. That’s how I’m wired.”

  He downs the tablets with a few large drinks of water before twisting the cap back on.

  “Then just know I’ll never say you’re welcome.” I stick my tongue out at him like a brat and he gets back at me by tickling my side. “Hey! Don’t you dare.”

  “What? Don’t like to be tickled?” he asks, doing it again, and I laugh at the contact.

  “Stop it!” I swat his hand away. “Who DOES like being tickled?”

  “There’s a kink for that.” He smiles.

  “There’s a kink for everything. Fair enough.”

  “What’s yours, Faith Morgan?”

  I look toward Joe then back at Falcon. “I’m not answering that right now. No way.”

  “So there is one in there somewhere, huh?”

  I answer his question with an eye roll.

  He has the arrogance about him that should annoy me, but from him, it’s not too much—I actually really enjoy it.


  We come to a stop nearly an hour later outside of a security gate. It’s large, looming, and it blocks entry to a long driveway.

  Joe rolls down his window, leans out and types in a passcode that grants us access. The gate slides open and we slowly drive through.

  I was half-expecting a house to be hidden back in the hills, but what I see instead is three interestingly shaped apartment buildings. They are rich brown in color and their roofs are slanted downward in a sharp angle, giving them a modern look.

  Each building it dotted with multiple balconies and vast windows. They are beautiful.

  The property is well-maintained with green grass and clean streets. We make a turn to go between two of the buildings and I can see a large lake with a fountain ahead of us. There is a
small playground area for children with some picnic tables and park benches.

  “It’s so beautiful here.”

  “This is home. It feels like a place my mom would have liked,” he says simply.

  I look over at him and my heart nearly bursts. He’s never seemed so at ease as he does now.

  “I wish I could have met her. She sounds like an amazing woman from what Nora has told me.”

  “She was the best woman I’ve ever known. I may not have had her very long, but she shaped me into the man I am today. That, I know for sure.”

  I bring our laced hands up and kiss his knuckles as the car rolls to a stop.

  “Here we are,” Joe interrupts then turns to ask, “Need help getting your stuff upstairs?”

  “Nah. We’ve got it. Thanks,” Falcon responds, as he opens his door.

  “Thank you for the ride, Joe, and it was nice to meet you,” I tell him, opening mine.

  “The pleasure is all mine. I’m just glad you’ll be here this round to keep that one in check.” He points to Falcon.

  “Can anyone really keep him in check?” I tease.

  “I have a feeling if anyone can, it’ll be you.” He smiles. “Falc, I’ll see you tomorrow. Faith, lovely to meet you.”

  We pull our things from the trunk and wave from the sidewalk as Joe drives away.

  “Come on. Let’s get inside and I’ll show you around.” He tries to take the handle of my suitcase, but I pull it back.

  “I can manage this. It’s okay. Really. You’re carrying your duffle.”

  “You’re a stubborn, stubborn woman.”

  “Just independent. That’s how I am wired.” I throw his own words back at him.

  “That, I know all too well.”

  He leads me down the sidewalk and after entering another code into a keypad, we step into the building and take an elevator up four floors.

  When we enter his apartment, I’m instantly comfortable.

  It’s so...him.

  The walls are an eggshell, matte color and the floors are a dark gray birchwood. It’s a stunning combination.

  Directly ahead of us is a staircase that curves up to the left, which I’m assuming is where the bedrooms are.


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