Springhaven: A Tale of the Great War

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Springhaven: A Tale of the Great War Page 53

by R. D. Blackmore



  In a matter like that French invasion, which had been threatened forsuch a time, and kept so long impending, "the cry of wolf" grows staleat last, and then the real danger comes. Napoleon had reckoned uponthis, as he always did upon everything, and for that good reason he hadnot grudged the time devoted to his home affairs. These being settledaccording to his will, and mob turned into pomp as gaily as grub turnsinto butterfly, a strong desire for a little more glory arose in hismighty but ill-regulated mind. If he could only conquer England, or evenwithout that fetch her down on her knees and make her lick her own dustoff the feet of Frenchmen, from that day forth all the nations of theearth must bow down before him. Russia, Prussia, Austria, Spain, thoughthey might have had the power, never would have plucked the spirit up,to resist him hand in hand, any more than skittle-pins can back oneanother up against the well-aimed ball.

  The balance of to-be or not-to-be, as concerned our country (which manynow despise, as the mother of such disloyal children), after all thatlong suspension, hung in the clouds of that great year; and a verycloudy year it was, and thick with storms on land and sea. Storm waswhat the Frenchmen longed for, to disperse the British ships; thoughstorm made many an Englishman, pulling up the counterpane as the windowrattled, thank the Father of the weather for keeping the enemy ashoreand in a fright. But the greatest peril of all would be in the case offog succeeding storm, when the mighty flotilla might sweep across beforeour ships could resume blockade, or even a frigate intercept.

  One of the strangest points in all this period of wonders, to us whoafter the event are wise, is that even far-sighted Nelson and hiswatchful colleagues seem to have had no inkling of the enemy's mainproject. Nelson believed Napoleon to be especially intent on Egypt;Collingwood expected a sudden dash on Ireland; others were sure thathis object was Jamaica; and many maintained that he would step ashorein India. And these last came nearest to the mark upon the whole, for agreat historian (who declares, like Caryl Carne, that a French invasionis a blessing to any country) shows that, for at least a month in thespring of 1805, his hero was revolving a mighty scheme for robbing poorEngland of blissful ravage, and transferring it to India.

  However, the master of the world--as he was called already, and meantsoon to be--suddenly returned to his earlier design, and fixed the vastpower of his mind upon it. He pushed with new vigour his preparations,which had been slackened awhile, he added 30,000 well-trained soldiersto his force already so enormous, and he breathed the quick spiritof enterprise into the mighty mass he moved. Then, to clear off allobstacles, and ensure clear speed of passage, he sent sharp orders tohis Admirals to elude and delude the British fleets, and resolved toenhance that delusion by his own brief absence from the scene.

  Meanwhile a man of no importance to the world, and of very moderateambition, was passing a pleasant time in a quiet spot, content tobe scarcely a spectator even of the drama in rehearsal around him.Scudamore still abode with M. Jalais, and had won his hearty friendship,as well as the warm good-will of that important personage Madame Fropot.Neither of these could believe at first that any Englishman was kindand gentle, playful in manner, and light-hearted, easily pleased, andtherefore truly pleasing. But as soon as they saw the poor wounded oxbrought home by a ford, and settled happily in the orchard, and receivedhim as a free gift from their guest, national prejudices dwindled veryfast, and domestic good feeling grew faster. M. Jalais, although a soundFrenchman, hated the Empire and all that led up to it; and as forMadame Fropot, her choicest piece of cookery might turn into cinders,if anybody mentioned conscription in her presence. For she had losther only son, the entire hope of her old days, as well as her onlydaughter's lover, in that lottery of murder.

  Nine out of ten of the people in the village were of the same way ofthinking. A great army cannot be quartered anywhere, even for a week,without scattering brands of ill-will all around it. The swagger of thetroops, their warlike airs, and loud contempt of the undrilled swain,the dash of a coin on the counter when they deign to pay for anything,the insolent wink at every modest girl, and the coarse joke runningalong apish mouths--even before dark crime begins, native antipathy issown and thrives. And now for nearly four years this coast had neverbeen free from the arrogant strut, the clanking spur, and the loudguffaw, which in every age and every clime have been considered thestamp of valour by plough-boys at the paps of Bellona. So weary was theneighbourhood of this race, new conscripts always keeping up the pest,that even the good M. Jalais longed to hear that the armament lay atthe bottom of the Channel. And Scudamore would have been followed by thegood wishes of every house in the village, if he had lifted his hat andsaid, "Good-bye, my dear friends; I am breaking my parole."

  For this, though encouraged by the popular voice, he was notsufficiently liberal, but stayed within bounds of space and time morecarefully than if he had been watched. Captain Desportes, who had beenin every way a true friend to him, came to see him now and then, beingnow in command of a division of the prames, and naturally anxious forthe signal to unmoor. Much discourse was held, without brag on eitherside, but with equal certainty on both sides of success. And in one ofthese talks the Englishman in the simplest manner told the Frenchman allthat he had seen on Christmas Eve, and his own suspicions about it.

  "Understand this well," continued Scudamore; "if I discover anytreachery on the part of my own countrymen, I shall not be able to stophere on the terms that have been allowed me. Whatever the plan may be,I shall feel as if I were a party to it, if I accepted my free rangeand swallowed my suspicions. With your proceedings I do not meddle,according to fair compact, and the liberal conditions offered. But tosee my own countrymen playing my country false is more than I couldstand. You know more of such things than I do. But if you were anEnglishman, could you endure to stand by and hide treachery, for thesake of your own comfort?"

  "Beyond a doubt, no," Captain Desportes answered, spreading his handwith decision: "in such a case I should throw up my parole. But a meresuspicion does not justify an act so ungracious to the commander, andpersonally so unkind to me. I hoped that bright eyes might persuade youto forego hard knocks, and wear none but gentle chains among us. Natureintended you for a Frenchman. You have the gay heart, and the easymanner, and the grand philosophy of our great nation. Your name isBlyth, and I know what that intends."

  Scudamore blushed, for he knew that Madame Fropot was doing her best tocommit him with a lovely young lady not far off, who had felt a tenderinterest in the cheerful English captive. But after trying to expressonce more the deep gratitude he felt towards those who had been sowonderfully kind and friendly, he asked with a smile, and a little sighbehind it, what he must do, if compelled by duty to resign his presentprivileges.

  "My faith! I scarcely know," replied Desportes; "I have never had sucha case before. But I think you must give me a written notice, signed byyourself and by M. Jalais, and allow a week to pass, and then, unlessyou have heard from me, present yourself to the commandant of thenearest post, which must be, I suppose, at Etaples. Rather a rough manhe is; and I fear you will have reason for regret. The duty will thenremain with him. But I beg you, my dear friend, to continue as you are.Tush, it is nothing but some smuggler's work."

  Scudamore hoped that he might be right, and for some little time was notdisturbed by any appearance to the contrary. But early in the afternoonone day, when the month of March was near its close, he left his booksfor a little fresh air, and strolled into the orchard, where his friendthe ox was dwelling. This worthy animal, endowed with a virtue denied tonone except the human race, approached him lovingly, and begged to drawattention to the gratifying difference betwixt wounds and scars. Heoffered his broad brow to the hand, and his charitable ears to betickled, and breathed a quick issue of good feeling and fine feeding,from the sensitive tucks of his nostrils, as a large-hearted smokermakes the air go up with gratitude.

  But as a burnt child dreads the fire, the seriously perforated ani
malkept one eye vigilant of the northern aspect, and the other studiousof the south. And the gentle Scuddy (who was finding all things happy,which is the only way to make them so) was startled by a sharp jerk ofhis dear friend's head. Following the clue of gaze, there he saw, comingup the river with a rollicking self-trust, a craft uncommonly like thatcraft which had mounted every sort of rig and flag, and carried everykind of crew, in his many dreams about her. This made him run back tohis room at once, not only in fear of being seen upon the bank, but alsothat he might command a better view, with the help of his landlord's oldspy-glass.

  Using this, which he had cleaned from the dust of ages, he could clearlysee the faces of the men on board. Of these there were six, of whom fiveat least were Englishmen, or of English breed. As the pilot-boat drewnearer, and the sunlight fell upon her, to his great surprise he becameconvinced that the young man at the tiller was Dan Tugwell, the sonof the captain of Springhaven. Four of the others were unknown to him,though he fancied that he had seen two of them before, but could notremember when or where. But he watched with special interest the tallman lounging against the little door of the cuddy in the bows, whoseprofile only was presented to him. Then the boat canted round towardsthe entrance of the creek, and having his glass upon the full face ofthe man, he recognised him as Caryl Carne, whom he had met more thanonce at Springhaven.

  His darkest suspicions were at once redoubled, and a gush of latentjealousy was added to them. In happier days, when he was near hislady-love, some whispers had reached him about this fellow, whosecountenance had always been repulsive to him, arrogant, moody, andmysterious. His good mother also, though most careful not to harasshim, had mentioned that Carne in her latest letter, and by no means ina manner to remove his old misgivings. As a matter now of duty to hiscountry and himself, the young sailor resolved to discover, at any risk,what traitorous scheme had brought this dark man over here.

  To escape the long circuit by the upper bridge, he had obtained leave,through M. Jalais, to use an old boat which was kept in a bend of theriver about a mile above the house. And now, after seeing that Englishboat make for the creek where she had been berthed on Christmas Eve, hebegged Madame Fropot to tell his host not to be uneasy about him, andtaking no weapon but a ground-ash stick, set forth to play spy upontraitors. As surely as one foot came after the other, he knew that everystep was towards his grave, if he made a mistake, or even met bad luck;but he twirled his light stick in his broad brown hand, and gentlyinvaded the French trees around with an old English song of the dayswhen still an Englishman could compose a song. But this made him thinkof that old-fashioned place Springhaven; and sadness fell upon him, thatthe son of its captain should be a traitor.

  Instead of pulling across the river, to avoid the splash of oars hesculled with a single oar astern, not standing up and wallowing in theboat, but sitting and cutting the figure of 8 with less noise than askater makes. The tide being just at slack-water, this gave him quiteas much way as he wanted, and he steered into a little bight of thesouthern bank, and made fast to a stump, and looked about; for he durstnot approach the creek until the light should fade and the men havestowed tackle and begun to feed. The vale of the stream afforded shelterto a very decent company of trees, which could not have put up with thetyranny of the west wind upon the bare brow of the coast. Most of thesetrees stood back a little from the margin of high tide, reluctant to seethemselves in the water, for fear of the fate of Narcissus. But wherethat clandestine boat had glided into gloom and greyness, a fosse ofNature's digging, deeply lined with wood and thicket, offered snugharbourage to craft and fraud.

  Scudamore had taken care to learn the ups and downs of the riverside erethis, and knew them now as well as a native, for he had paid many visitsto the wounded ox, whom he could not lead home quite as soon as he hadhoped, and he had found a firm place of the little river, easy to crosswhen the tide was out. With the help of this knowledge he made his wayto the creek, without much risk of being observed, and then, as he cameto the crest of the thicket, he lay down and watched the interlopers.

  There was the boat, now imbedded in the mud, for the little creek wasnearly dry by this time. Her crew had all landed, and kindled a fire,over which hung a kettle full of something good, which they seemed toregard with tender interest; while upon a grassy slope some few yards tothe right a trooper's horse was tethered. Carne was not with them, buthad crossed the creek, as the marks of his boots in the mud declared;and creeping some little way along the thicket, Scudamore descriedhim walking to and fro impatiently in a little hollow place, where thesailors could not see him. This was on Scudamore's side of the creek,and scarcely fifty yards below him. "He is waiting for an interviewwith somebody," thought Scuddy: "if I could only get down to that littleshanty, perhaps I should hear some fine treason. The wind is the rightway to bring me every word he says."

  Keeping in shelter when the traitor walked towards him, and stealing onsilently when his back was turned, the young sailor managed to ensconcehimself unseen in the rough little wattle shed made by his own hands forthe shelter of his patient, when a snow-storm had visited the valley ofthe Canche last winter. Nothing could be better fitted for his presentpurpose, inasmuch as his lurking-place could scarcely be descried frombelow, being sheltered by two large trees and a screen of droopingivy, betwixt and below which it looked no more than a casual meetingof bushes; while on the other hand the open space beneath it was curvedlike a human ear, to catch the voice and forward it.

  While Scudamore was waiting here and keenly watching everything, thelight began to falter, and the latest gleam of sunset trembled with thebreath of Spring among the buds and catkins. But the tall man continuedhis long, firm stride, as if the watch in his pocket were the only thingworth heeding. Until, as the shadows lost their lines and flowed intothe general depth, Carne sprang forward, and a horse and rider burstinto the silence of the grass and moss and trees.

  Carne made a low obeisance, retired a little, and stood hat in hand,until it should please the other man to speak. And Scudamore saw, with astart of surprise, that the other man was Napoleon.

  This great man appeared, to the mild English eyes that were watchinghim so intently, of a very different mood and visage from those of theirlast view of him. Then the face, which combined the beauty of Athenswith the strength of Rome, was calm, and gentle, and even sweet, withthe rare indulgence of a kindly turn. But now, though not disturbed withwrath, nor troubled by disappointment, that face (which had helped tomake his fortune, more than any woman's had ever done for her) was cast,even if the mould could be the same, in a very different metal. Sternforce and triumphant vigour shone in every lineament, and the hardbright eyes were intent with purpose that would have no denial.

  Refusing Carne's aid, he remained on his horse, and stroked his mane fora moment, for he loved any creature that served him well, and was tenderof heart when he could afford it; which added to his power with mankind.

  "Are all your men well out of earshot?" he asked; and receivingassurance from Carne, went on. "Now you will be satisfied at length. Youhave long been impatient. It is useless to deny it. All is arranged, andall comes to a head within three months, and perhaps within two. Onlyfour men will know it besides yourself, and three of those four arecommanders of my fleet. A short time will be occupied in misleadingthose British ships that beleaguer us; then we concentrate ours, andcommand the Channel; if only for three days, that will be enough. Idepart for Italy in three days or in four, to increase the security ofthe enemy. But I shall return, without a word to any one, and as fastas horses can lay belly to the ground, when I hear that our ships havebroken out. I shall command the invasion, and it will be for England tofind a man to set against me."

  "England will have difficulty, sire, in doing that," Carne answered,with a grim smile, for he shared the contempt of English Generals thenprevalent. "If the Continent cannot do it, how can the poor England?Once let your Majesty land, and all is over. But what are your Majesty'sorders for me? And where
do you propose to make the landing?"

  "Never ask more than one question at a time," Napoleon answered, withhis usual curtness; "my orders to you are to return at once. Prepareyour supplies for a moment's notice. Through private influence ofsome fair lady, you have command of the despatches of that officer atSpringport, who has the control of the naval forces there. Ha! whatwas that? I heard a sound up yonder. Hasten up, and see if there is anylistener. It seemed to be there, where the wood grows thick."

  Blyth Scudamore, forgetful of himself, had moved, and a dry stickcracked beneath his foot. Carne, at the Emperor's glance and signal,sprang up the bank, with the help of some bushes, drew his sword andpassed it between the wattles, then parted them and rushed through, butsaw no sign of any one. For Scuddy had slipped away, as lightly as ashadow, and keeping in a mossy trough, had gained another shelter. Herehe was obliged to slink in the smallest possible compass, kneelingupon both knees, and shrugging in both shoulders. Peering very sharplythrough an intertwist of suckers (for his shelter was a stool of hazel,thrown up to repair the loss of stem), he perceived that the Emperor hadmoved his horse a little when Carne rejoined and reassured him. And thisprevented Scudamore from being half so certain as he would have liked tobe, about further particulars of this fine arrangement.

  "No," was the next thing he heard Napoleon say whose power of saying"no" had made his "yes" invincible; "no, it is not to be done like that.You will await your instructions, and not move until you receive themfrom my own hand. Make no attempt to surprise anybody or anything, untilI have ten thousand men ashore. Ten thousand will in six hours attain tofifty thousand, if the shore proves to be as you describe; so great isthe merit of flat-bottomed boats. Your duty will be to leave the rightsurprise to us, and create a false one among the enemy. This you must doin the distance of the West, as if my Brest fleet were ravaging there,and perhaps destroying Plymouth. You are sure that you can command thesignals for this?"

  "Sire, I know everything as if I sat among it. I can do as I please withthe fair secretary; and her father is an ancient fool."

  "Then success is more easy than I wish to have it, because it will notmake good esteem. If Nelson comes at all, he will be too late, as hegenerally is too early. London will be in our hands by the middle ofJuly at the latest, probably much earlier, and then Captain Carne shallname his own reward. Meanwhile forget not any word of what I said. Makethe passage no more. You will not be wanted here. Your services are farmore important where you are. You may risk the brave Charron, but notyourself. Send over by the 20th of May a letter to me, under care ofDecres, to be opened by no hand but mine, upon my return from Italy, andlet the messengers wait for my reply. Among them must be the young manwho knows the coast, and we will detain him for pilot. My reply will fixthe exact date of our landing, and then you will despatch, through themeans at your command, any English force that might oppose our landing,to the West, where we shall create a false alarm. Is all this clear toyou? You are not stupid. The great point is to do all at the right time,having consideration of the weather."

  "All is clear, and shall be carried out clearly, to the best of yourMajesty's humble servant's power."

  Napoleon offered his beautiful white hand, which Carne raised to hislips, and then the Emperor was gone. Carne returned slowly to theboat, with triumph written prematurely on his dark stern face; whileScudamore's brisk and ruddy features were drawn out to a wholly unwontedlength, as he quietly made his way out of the covert.


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