Custom Built

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Custom Built Page 18

by Chantal Fernando

  When we head back to the clubhouse, Quinn is fast asleep, so we hang out there for a while, chilling with Temper, Abbie, Renny and Izzy. It’s nice to just hang out with them—it feels like so long since we’ve just sat around and had a drink.

  When Quinn wakes up crying, though, I’m happy to hold her, and be with her again, too.

  That’s what life is about, right? Balance.

  My goal is to try to have some of that.

  And later that night, after Quinn is fast asleep in her crib, I put in a little effort, dressing in a sexy lace nightie, and sit on the bed, waiting for Crow.

  When he steps into the room and sees me, his eyes turn dark with want, and he quickly closes the door behind him.

  I can see the outline of his cock through his gray sweatpants, and tell how much he wants me. It’s an empowering feeling, knowing that the attraction between us is so strong, and not just physical. It’s mental and emotional, too.

  “I’m not going to last long with you looking like that,” he teases as he pulls off his shirt and throws it on the ground. Everything else follows until he’s standing naked in front of me.

  “I don’t even care,” I reply as he comes to the bed, reaching out to touch his cock, stroking it with my hands. I move to the edge of the bed, wanting to drive him crazy, and put my mouth on him. I suck on the head and tease him for a little while, and then I go deeper, taking as much of him as I can into my mouth. I love taking my time with him, and I truly enjoy pleasuring this man. His fingers get lost in my hair, his head leaning back as his mouth drops open in pleasure. I love the growling sounds he makes; they turn me on even more.

  “Fuck, Bronte,” he breathes, his husky tone making me moan a little around his length. He tries to step back but I hold on to his thighs, pulling him into me. I know he doesn’t want this to be over yet, but I want him to come in my mouth, and then we can continue and start again. It’s not like he needs much recovery time.

  He moans loudly as he comes, and I swallow every drop, and continue to gently suck even when it’s over, making his thighs tremble at the sensitivity.

  I wipe my mouth and bring my eyes to his.

  “That was... Fuck” is all he can seem to say with a satisfied smile, followed by, “Your turn.”

  He pushes me back and lifts up my nightie. Seeing that I’m wearing nothing underneath, he spreads my thighs and slowly starts to feast, returning the favor, teasing me and dragging it out until I’m ready to explode. My back arches as I can feel myself on the verge of coming, and my eyes close of their own accord, lost in the moment and the pleasure.

  “Fucking hell, Crow,” I moan, spreading my thighs farther apart and lifting my hips. His tongue dashes on my clit at the same time he slides a finger inside of me, and then it’s all over for me.

  After I’ve come, we slowly make love with him on top, and then behind me, and then me on top, taking our time and just enjoying being with each other.

  Aaaannnd I’m back.

  * * *

  I take Quinn to Dad’s headstone. We place flowers down, sit in front of it and just talk to him. I came here today for a reason, and it was to tell him what Nadia and I found out about Jean.

  “Jean committed suicide, Dad,” I say, sighing. “I don’t know how much you cared about her or if you loved her, but I thought you should hear it from me. Her daughter asked Nadia to look for her, and we found her when we were reviewing records of unidentified decedents. Maybe she’s sitting with you right now. I don’t really know.”

  I don’t know how to feel about the whole thing. I never thought this would be the outcome when we took on this case, and now that we’ve gotten to the bottom of it, I just feel sad about how it all turned out.

  “This is the first time I’m bringing Quinn to your headstone, but I’m going to make sure we come every week at least. I wish you could have held her. She’d have you wrapped around her little finger,” I say, smiling sadly. I take a deep breath. “I miss you, Dad, so much. But I know that you are watching over us.”

  Not too closely, because Crow and I have been all over each other every single night as of recent, and I hope he can’t see that.

  “And just know that you are so loved, and that you’re the best dad I could have ever asked for. I love you. We love you.”

  We sit there for a while longer, and then move to Billie’s headstone. I place her flowers down and talk to her until Quinn gets a little fussy, so we head home. I’m putting her in her car seat when, in a flash, I’m pushed into the back seat, and the door is slammed behind me.

  Two people get in the front: a blond woman and a dark-haired man.

  “What are you doing? Let us out, please, you can take the car and anything else in it,” I beg them, looking at Quinn safely strapped in her car seat. Fear fills me, and I don’t know what to do.

  They start to drive off, and I could easily jump out, but not with Quinn.

  “Help!” I yell, trying to get someone’s attention. There is no one close by, and the ones on the other side of the cemetery can’t hear me.

  “Stay quiet, shut up!” the woman yells. “Or your daughter won’t make it.”

  Pure panic takes over me, and I start to freak out. I figure if they kick me out, maybe it’s better to have my daughter in my arms? Letting them drive off with her isn’t an option—there’s no saying what they would do to her. I unbuckle Quinn’s belt but then reconsider. What if they crash the car? I don’t know what to do. Which is going to be the safest option for us?

  “Please don’t hurt her,” I say, glancing between them as they speed off. I realize that I recognize the woman—she’s the one who came up to us in the grocery store to tell me how cute Quinn was. Has she been following me that entire time? That was months ago.

  I pull out my phone and send Crow a quick message. I know that he can track me from my phone. Just in case he doesn’t check his, I send the same message on the group chat with all the Knights in there.

  Someone will come for me, I know that, but is it going to be in time?

  The two of them obviously aren’t professional criminals—they didn’t take my phone away from me—so I have no idea what they want. They haven’t stolen anything. What is their motive?

  “Just stay quiet,” the woman says. “You’ll get what you deserve.”

  What I deserve?

  What have I done to any of them?

  I’m missing something, and I need to figure out what it is before it’s too late.

  What is the connection here?

  This has to be one of the boldest kidnappings in broad daylight, but because of Quinn there’s not much I can do. I can’t fight both of them off, I can’t take her and jump, and I can’t kick and scream and attack them in case they crash the car and hurt my baby. I’m vulnerable, and they know it.

  “I don’t even know who you are, but whatever you want, please. I will give it to you, just do not hurt my daughter,” I continue, hoping they can get it through their thick skulls.

  I’ll give anything to keep her safe, even my life without a second thought.

  “Put this on your head, and she will get to our destination safely,” the man says, handing me a fabric sack.

  I hesitate for a second, and he starts yelling, saying he will hurt Quinn if I don’t comply.

  I don’t have much of an option.

  Praying, I put the sack on my head, and all I can see is darkness. I hold on to Quinn’s leg so that I know she’s still there right next to me. I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared in my life. My daughter wakes to all the noise, but luckily goes back to sleep, completely unaware of the danger we are in.

  I want to cry and scream, but it’s not going to help me right now. I need to think and stay calm. I have no idea where they are taking us, or why they targeted us. I don’t care what I have to do to make sure it happens, but I’m
going to find a way to survive this.

  Or at least make sure my daughter does.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The car comes to a stop and I’m told I can remove the sack. When I do, I see that we are parked in a garage now. It’s a small space, just enough to fit in two cars, and that’s about it. I wonder who lives here.

  “Take her and come inside,” the woman says. She’s obviously running the show, and is the mastermind behind this whole plan. She’s going on her emotions, which makes me think this is personal. “And if you try to run, we will shoot you down.”

  I don’t know what kind of monster would harm an innocent baby, but I know people like that are out there. I don’t get what a young woman and man would benefit from it.


  It must be.

  The garage door is closed, so there’s nowhere for me to run anyway. I could try to open it, but I wouldn’t make it out in time. With my baby in my arms, I don’t want to do anything reckless, but I might have to if it increases my chances of getting out of here alive.

  “Can you tell me what you want?” I ask as I get out of the car, Quinn held against my chest. With one of them in front of me and one behind me, we walk inside the house, which seems to be well kept, tidy and normal, from what I can see. Nothing out of the ordinary at all.

  Nothing makes sense.

  “We will,” the woman replies, gesturing for me to sit down on the couch. I do so, cradling my daughter. There is anger and hate in her eyes, and it’s all directed at me.

  “Do you have something against the Knights?” I ask, trying to figure out why she hates me so much.

  Is that why I’m here? Or did my uncle do something and they found out that tie?

  Why am I here?

  “No, I don’t. I have something against you,” the woman says, snarling. “You have no idea, do you? You ruined my life. Because of you, my mother killed herself, because she couldn’t live with the guilt over your father’s death. And you sit there all happy, enjoying your life with your family. If I don’t have my family, why should you have yours? My dad is in prison because of you. You’ve fucked up my entire world, and now you’re going to pay for it.”


  “Anne?” I guess.

  It must be. Jean spoke of her college-age daughter, which fits the woman in front of me. In an alternate universe, Anne could have been my stepsister. Yet here she is, trying to hurt me and my family.

  But I’m not going to stand for it.

  I’ve been through too much and fought so hard to be where I am right now, and there is no way in hell I’m going to give that up.

  “So you know who I am.” She smirks, starting to pace up and down. “She was all that I had, you know. Her and Jasper. He wasn’t a perfect dad, but he was there for me. And now because of you, she is gone forever, and my dad is rotting behind bars.”

  “Your mom made her own decision. It had nothing to do with me,” I say, brows drawing together. “And Jasper is a criminal who killed my father. Behind bars is where he’s meant to be.”

  She starts yelling at me. “This is all your fault! And you can’t just get away with this! If I have to suffer, then so should you.”

  Her eyes are wide, and her fists are clenched. She basically has steam coming out of her ears. I don’t know how she has justified blaming this all on me when it was her parents’ own decisions that led them to where they are now. I guess everyone needs someone else to blame, but this is taking it to a whole new level. She’s going to be following Jasper’s footsteps and heading straight to prison.

  The man who I assume is her boyfriend tries to calm her down. I’m hoping he has more sense than her, but she’s obviously gotten him to go along with this whole thing, so maybe not. “It’s okay, Anne. You will get your revenge. Don’t let her get to you.”

  “Imagine the amount of people who are going to come after you if you harm me, or especially my daughter,” I say, gritting my teeth. “The Knights of Fury MC won’t give up until you’re both dead. And do you even know who my uncle is? I also have a powerful family. Have you thought any of this through?” I don’t care that I’m spilling secrets. They need to know the people who will come after them.

  Do I feel bad her mom committed suicide? Sure. It’s not nice for anyone to lose a parent and their support system. However, this blood is not on my hands.

  I know it won’t be long until Crow is here. I just need to make sure these two don’t freak out and do something rash, like hurt me and Quinn. I slowly look around for a weapon of some kind, or anything I can use to defend myself.

  I’m just thankful Quinn went back to sleep. Her cries definitely wouldn’t have helped the situation any.

  Anne shows no emotion, like she doesn’t care who the Knights are, and I wonder just how well researched this whole thing was. She’s obviously not thinking rationally, and she just wants to lash out at me not caring about the consequences. That makes her dangerous. “You have no idea what you’ve done, do you?”

  The man starts looking a little nervous. He obviously isn’t here for personal revenge—he just wants to support his girlfriend. “I know who the Knights are. Fucking hell, Anne, you didn’t tell me that she was with one of them.”

  Hope fills me.

  “I didn’t know, but who cares? It doesn’t change anything. She is still the reason I’ve lost my mom. It doesn’t matter who she knows,” she says, scowling. “And if you love me and want to be with me, you’ll stick to the plan. Now watch her while I go and get the gun. I’ll make it fast and painless.”

  How kind of her.

  She leaves and I start in on the weakest link here. With my daughter in my arms I can’t physically fight, but words can be a weapon, too.

  “If you hurt us, they’re going to kill you both. Is that worth it for you? This isn’t even your battle. You said you’ve heard of the Knights, then you’ll know how severe the repercussions will be. My daughter’s father is a club member. What do you think they will do to you both if either of us are harmed?”

  He shifts on his feet, eyes darting all over the place. “My older brother, he just started prospecting for the Knights. He’s going to kill me if he knows I’m involved in this. I don’t know what to do. He already thinks I’m a fucking disappointment.”

  Shit. I didn’t see that one coming.

  I’ve met the three new prospects, and what are the chances that his brother ended up being one of them?

  If this were my brother, I would be highly unimpressed too.

  “You need to get us out of here unharmed,” I whisper-yell to him. “Do you realize they will be on their way now and your brother could be with them? Don’t ruin your life for a woman you won’t even end up being with.”

  “Fuck,” he curses, covering his ears with his hands, like that is going to help the situation. “Okay, I need to think. Fuck. Come on then, I just want this over with now.”

  I stand and follow him to the front door, glancing behind me to make sure Anne isn’t there with her gun. The last thing I want is to be shot in the back.

  We reach the door and he pulls it open, and to my surprise and happiness, there stand Crow, Temper, Saint, Renny and Dee, guns in their hands, ready to fuck shit up.

  “Fucking hell,” Crow whispers as he pulls me into his arms, and turns around, covering us with his body.

  “Take her,” I tell him, passing him Quinn, needing to breathe and calm down. I brace myself on my knees for a moment. My daughter is going to be fine. I’m going to be fine.

  We did it.

  Temper grabs the boy and points a gun at his back.

  “She’s in there. Anne. She’s Jean’s daughter,” I say to them. “She has a gun. And him. He was going to let me go. Don’t hurt him. His brother is one of your new prospects.”

  I feel like I’m going to faint, my br
eath catching, as the reality of the situation hits me at full force.

  I almost lost my daughter today.

  And it wasn’t because of the Knights, or my drug king uncle. It was because of me.

  Crow holds on to me by one arm and pulls me to the car. “Are you okay? You’re both safe now.”

  “I will be. My car is in the garage,” I say, and he nods. “What are they going to do with them?”

  “I don’t know,” he replies, buckling us both in the car. He grabs my face and looks into my eyes. “I fucking love you. They’re lucky that you’re okay, because if not...”

  “I love you too. I knew you’d come for me.”

  “I’ll always come for you.”

  “What’s going to happen to the boy?” I ask.

  “Don’t worry, Bronte, we will sort it,” he promises, getting in the front seat, and driving us away.

  Relief fills me.

  Crow would have made it inside before Anne got to me, but even if he didn’t, I would have gotten out of there anyway. That guy would have opened the door and I would have run for my life, gone next door, done anything I had to to make sure my daughter was safe.

  The other men stay behind, and I don’t know exactly what they do, but Anne gets arrested. Her boyfriend, Smith, does too. Crow tells me that by pinpointing Smith as the weak link and using that, I saved myself and Quinn.

  “You used your intelligence to make him an ally and to save yourself and our daughter. You bought yourself the time that you needed. Sometimes the heroes aren’t the ones with the big muscles and guns, babe. Sometimes they are the ones with brains and courage.”

  God, I love this man.

  Temper drives my car home, and the first thing I do when I get there is take a shower and cry.

  I don’t know what I would have done if I lost my daughter. Without her, I wouldn’t even want to be in this world, and just the pressure and responsibility of being the one to protect her... If I’d made a wrong move, she could have died and that would have been on me.


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