Bang on Loosely

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Bang on Loosely Page 16

by Valente, Lili

  And then he drags my panties down my thighs, leaving me too dizzy to agree with him.

  But I do.

  I can’t imagine anything better than this.

  Except that, oh yes, that, I think as he strips off my dress and my bra and his mouth closes around my diamond-hard nipple, making starlight flash behind my eyes.

  I’m never going to forget the name of this hotel or this night or the moment, many red-hot minutes later, when Cutter finally pushes inside me, giving me what I’ve been dreaming about for months.

  But this is so much better than any dream.

  So much better…

  Chapter Eighteen


  God, she’s fucking incredible, so much better than even my filthiest fantasies.

  But it isn’t filthy with her. Even when I flip her onto her stomach and fist my hand in her hair, taking her hard from behind as she makes these impossibly hot sounds every time my cock drives home, there’s something sweet about being inside Theo.

  Maybe not sweet. But real. Honest.

  I trust that she’ll let me know what she wants—and doesn’t want—so when we eventually end up sideways on the bed with my hand wrapped lightly around her throat as we writhe together, getting closer to the edge with every wild thrust, I know exactly what the light tap of her fingers on the back of my knuckles means.

  I pull my hand from her neck without breaking rhythm, bringing my hands to cup her breasts instead. “But a little choking can be fun,” I breathe into her ear. “With the right guy.”

  “I’m having a hard enough time breathing as it is—” I pinch her nipples tight, and she breaks off with a sexy as hell cry that nearly unravels me, but I clench my jaw and fight off the wave of pleasure threatening to sweep me under.

  I’m not done with her yet. I need to taste her again, feel her salty heat rushing over my tongue.

  “No, don’t stop,” she begs as I pull out. But when I flip her onto her back and kiss my way down her trembling stomach, she doesn’t try to stop me. And when I swirl my tongue around her clit, she loses her damn mind. A beat later, her hands tangle in my hair, holding me where she wants me as she bucks into my lips.

  I love knowing I’m giving her what she needs, and the rush that rockets through me as she comes, flooding my mouth with the salty-sweet-perfect taste of her, makes me lose my mind right along with her.

  I surge up, sliding back inside her with a savage sound as I feel her pussy clench tight around me as she comes again from that first deep, clit-grinding thrust.

  “Fuck, baby, yes,” I growl as I ride her hard, loving the way she lifts to meet me, taking my cock so deep I feel as though I’m going to drown in her. In this moment. In pleasure. “I love feeling you come for me.”

  She wraps her legs tighter around my hips in response, blissed-out nonsense spilling from her mouth as I grip her ass tight, pulling her even closer at the end of every thrust.

  And then we’re both there, falling apart together, shattering and splintering, reduced to raw material, to single-celled organisms that don’t know much aside from pleasure and pain, but know those two things with a singularity of focus that complex creatures like humans so rarely experience.

  It’s only at moments like these that the bullshit in my head is obliterated, and I exist purely in the moment—no past or future, no regret or remorse, no would-haves or should-haves—just breath and life and touch and bliss.

  That, and Theo’s arms around me, catching me as I come tumbling down.

  “I thought the last time was the best,” she finally whispers, wrapped loosely around me as her now-warm fingertips skim up and down my back. “But I was wrong. That was the best.”

  “Best for now.” I push up on sex-depleted arms to stare at her flushed face. “Hmm…orgasms look good on you.”

  She grins. “You, too. You look like a very happy cat.”

  “I like your happy cat,” I murmur, tutting under my breath as she laughs. “No, woman. No laughing. I need to stay inside you.”

  “You should take the condom off,” she says, before adding in a softer voice, “then you can make my cat happy again. Though I’m not sure she can handle much more.”

  “Yes, she can. You need to believe in yourself, Theodora.” I pull out and tug the condom off. “And in me.”

  She rolls onto her side, knees drawing up to her belly as she watches me walk toward the bathroom. “Oh, I’m a believer, Comstock. A big believer. You more than live up to the hype.”

  I pause in the doorway, studying her in the dim light, wanting to remember how sexy she looks with her lips swollen from my kiss and her hair wild around her bare shoulders. “Ditto,” I murmur.

  She arches a brow. “I don’t think I have much hype, sex prowess-wise.”

  “You should. Want me to start telling everyone what goddess you are in the sack?”

  “No, but thanks,” she says with a smile. “I’m good with keeping that just between us.”

  Just between us…

  I like the sound of it. I like it so much that I keep Theo up until three in the morning proving how smitten I am with every delicious part of her, from her perfect toes to her fingers and every sexy inch in between.

  When we finally fall asleep in a tangle of exhausted limbs, my last thought is of all the things still left on my list of “Ways I Want to Make Theo Moan.” Thank God we gave up on that “friends without benefits” thing. Even if we only have a few months left as bang buddies before we call it off, I know I’ll treasure every second in bed with this woman.

  And the time out of bed, too.

  “I had an amazing time with you tonight, baby,” I murmur sleepily, spooning against Theo’s back and hugging her more tightly against me.

  “Me, too,” she says, hooking her foot over my ankle and pressing a kiss to my fingers. “I’m never going to forget it. Not ever.”

  “Me, either.” And I won’t. Even if I end up committed to another woman for the rest of my life, I’ll always remember this night as something special.

  And that song is always going to be Theo’s. Always.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I wake to the morning sun cutting through the crack in the blackout curtains, leaving a streak of golden light across the bed and Theo’s bare shoulder. She’s asleep on her stomach, her face burrowed into the pillow and her hair puffed out in wild curls. It’s like I’m sleeping next to a Persian cat who had an unfortunate accident involving a paw and a light socket.

  I love it.

  Lips curving, I reach out, drawing a finger through the soft swirls, remembering how hot it was to fist my hand in these strands last night.

  She was incredible, so eager and passionate and generous that just thinking about it gets me aching for a repeat performance.

  I lean over, pressing a kiss to her sun-warmed shoulder.

  I’m mentally charting my wake-and-make-out seduction strategy when my phone dings on the bedside table. I ignore it, figuring whoever it is can wait while I attend to more pressing matters, but the damn thing dings three more times in rapid succession.

  With a soft growl and a silent promise to Theo’s delicious shoulder to be back to kiss it again ASAP, I roll onto my other side and reach for the phone, pulling up four increasingly disturbing messages from Megan—

  Can we have coffee this morning instead of drinks this afternoon? Things are getting even crazier with the divorce, and I could really use a friend to talk to. A level-headed friend who isn’t going to freak out and tell me to get plastic surgery and flee the country.

  My mom is really scared.

  Honestly, I guess I am, too.

  You don’t think John would hurt me or Beatrice, do you? No matter how angry he gets sometimes, he’s not a monster. Right?

  I sit up fast, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I pull in a head-clearing breath and hit the call button.

  Megan answers on the first ring, “Hey, I’m sorry to text so early. Di
d I wake you?”

  “It’s nine thirty. It’s not early,” I say in a scratchy voice.

  “It’s early for you. I know you like to stay in bed until noon when you have the chance.”

  “Stop it, woman. You can call or text me anytime, especially when you’re in trouble. What the hell is going on with John?”

  She exhales a ragged breath. “I don’t know for sure, but I think one of his spies must have seen us having coffee after the dog park. I knew he had people following me, but I didn’t think he’d go crazy because I had a cappuccino with an ex-boyfriend. But yesterday, when I went into Beatrice’s room to get her out of her crib, there was a note taped to the mobile above her bed.”

  “What the fuck,” I mutter, my stomach knotting. “What did it say?”

  “It said that Bea deserved better than a whore for a mother. And that if I didn’t honor my marriage vows, there would be consequences.” Her voice trembles, and for good reason, I’d say. “The thought that John or one of his goons was here in the house while we were all asleep… It has me spooked, Cutter. I’ve done my best to stay calm for my mom and Bea, but I haven’t slept since I found the note, and the anxiety just keeps getting worse.”

  “Did you go to the police?”

  “I did, but they said there’s no way to prove it was from John. One of them even inferred that I might have typed it and planted it myself to make him look bad when we go to court in a few weeks.”

  I curse. “There are some real assholes on that police force.”

  “But some great people, too. A couple of the officers make it a point to drive by my mom’s place every night to check on us. And Detective Reynolds gave me her home phone number and told me to call anytime I feel afraid.”

  Megan’s always been generous, always looked for the bright side.

  But this situation doesn’t have much of one, and I can tell she needs more than a sympathetic ear. She needs a friend to wrap her up in a big hug and promise her there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.

  And if that friend also has the spare cash to hire a full-time security guard to watch over Megan and her daughter until her divorce is final—even better.

  “Okay, hang in there. We’re going to sort this out and make sure you and Beatrice and your mom are safe.” I pin the phone between my shoulder and ear as I pull on my boxer briefs and reach for my jeans on the floor. “I’m in Portland, but I’ll be back in town in an hour or so. We should probably meet somewhere more private than the coffee shop on the square, though. In case you’re still being followed.”

  “I’m sure I am, but I can lose my tail. I’ll go out the back gate and sneak over to the bus stop on foot. There’s a new donut shop in the strip mall at the edge of town, the one with the old health food store? I’ve never been there before, and John and his people shouldn’t expect me to show up in that part of town. Especially not by bus.”

  “Got it. I know where that is. Meet you there at ten forty-five? Eleven?”

  “Let’s do eleven. I’ll get there early and scope things out. If I think I’ve been followed, I’ll text and warn you to stay away.”

  I exhale as I stand, T-shirt in hand. “Sounds good. But be careful, okay? I can’t stand the thought of anything happening to you, Megs. Or your little bug.”

  “Thanks,” she says softly. “You’re a good man, Cutter. Thanks for giving me hope that my taste in men isn’t universally awful.”

  “Of course it isn’t,” I say. “And you deserve the best, sweetheart. Stay strong, and we’ll figure this out. Everything is going to be okay. I promise.”

  I end the call and jam my cell into my back pocket. I wrench my T-shirt on and turn back to the bed, ready to break the news to Theo that I’ll have to take a rain check on our lazy-morning-in-bed, but she’s already standing on the other side of the king mattress. She has her red dress on, and she’s smoothing her hair into a messy bun.

  “I heard. I’m almost ready to go,” she says, her gaze fixed on the sunbeam on the mattress.

  “Yeah, sorry. Megan needs to move up our meeting. Her ex is being crazy. He saw us having coffee the other day, jumped to a bunch of insane conclusions, and started making threats.”

  “Well, they’re not insane conclusions, are they?” She finishes with her hair and sits at the foot of the bed to pull on her boots. “You are in love with her.”

  “We were just talking.” Tightness creeps in at the back of my tongue. “I mean, I hugged her goodbye, but that was it. And even if we’d made out on her front porch, that’s no excuse to break into her house to leave threatening notes.”

  “Of course it isn’t. I didn’t mean that. I just meant…” She drags the zipper up on her boot with a shake of her head. “I’m not sure what I meant. I’m not awake yet, I guess. But yes, you’re right. She absolutely needs support from her friends and family. And probably a restraining order.”

  I grunt. “Those aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. Crazy people don’t care about court orders. They care about someone bigger and stronger than they are standing between them and the person they want to fuck with. I’m going to hire full-time security for Megan and her family.” I glance at the clock and do some quick math. “It’s a little early on the West Coast, but my connection should be up soon. I’ll call him in the car on the way back to town.”

  “Sounds good.” Theo grabs her purse from the bedside table and nods toward the door, still not looking my way. “But if we can spare time to grab a quick coffee and a pastry or something downstairs on the way out, I’d appreciate it. I’m pretty hungry.”

  “Of course.” I laugh beneath my breath. “I’m not going to starve you to death, woman.” I move toward her, reaching to loop my arm around her waist, but she’s already across the room.

  “Great. I appreciate it.”

  I follow her to the door, catching her elbow before she can grasp the handle. “Hey, is everything okay? With you…and me?”

  She glances back, her lips curved in a smile that doesn’t reach her dark eyes. “Of course. Last night was fun, but we both have real life waiting for us at home. I get it. I never expected hearts and flowers and a touchy-feely morning after.”

  “I like a touchy-feely morning after. The touchier, the better.” I pull her close, but she doesn’t melt into me the way she did last night. She remains stiff and unyielding. Finally, I shake her hip gently. “Hey, I meant what I said… I love being with you. And I want to do it again as soon as possible. I just need to take care of Megan right now. She’s in danger. I’d do the same if it was you being threatened by a psycho ex-boyfriend.”

  Theo nods, her smile widening as her gaze drops to the carpet. “I’m sure you would. And yeah, I loved being with you, too. It was really great.”

  I catch her chin in my hand, applying gentle pressure until her eyes lift to mine. “It was really great. And things don’t have to be weird. That’s the best part about being friends with benefits. You’re still friends when you wake up in the morning, with no worries about where the relationship is going. It already is what it is, you know?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I get it, Cutter. I’m just starving. I’m pretty sure we burned a few thousand calories last night. My body needs sustenance.”

  I grin. “Your body is fine as hell. You should wear this dress all the time. I had no idea your ass was this fucking delicious.” I spank her bottom lightly.

  She laughs and reaches for the door. “But not as delicious as chocolate croissants.”

  “Nah, I’ll take ass over pastry any day,” I say, following her down the hall to the elevators. “And I’d like to bite yours again at your earliest convenience. What are you up to tonight?”

  “Aren’t you going to be with Megan?” she asks, punching the down button.

  “Probably not.” I rake a hand through my hair. “She’s busy with the baby and all the ex craziness. But if she thinks she might want company tonight, I can let you know ASAP so you can make other
plans. I should know by no later than one o’clock.” The elevator doors glide open, and we step inside. “While you’re getting coffee, I’ll swing into the shop for toothbrushes and toothpaste, maybe a hairbrush. Anything else you need to feel pretty for the drive home?”

  She shakes her head, crossing her arms over her chest as the car zips downward. “Nope. Toothbrush and toothpaste should do it for me. I can’t remember the last time I went to bed without brushing my teeth.” She shudders, her shoulders drawing up to her ears. “It’s so gross. You’re a bad influence.”

  I laugh. “One night of debauchery won’t kill you. I once went three whole days without flossing, and I’ve still got a gorgeous set of teeth.”

  She casts me a narrow-eyed and sideways glance. “People who floss regularly live six years longer on average than people who don’t.”

  “So I’m giving up years eighty-two through eighty-eight in exchange for the freedom to floss sporadically?” I push my lips out, considering it as we step out into the lobby. “I’ll take that. I doubt I’ll be much fun in my eighties, anyway.”

  “I think you’ll probably always be fun, Cutter,” Theo says, a wistful lilt in her voice. “At least in some ways.”

  Before I can respond, she jabs a finger at the old-fashioned soda shop counter in the corner of the lobby. “I’ll kill breakfast, you kill toiletries, and we’ll meet at the valet stand in ten minutes?”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I give her a quick salute and head to the gift shop, making a mental note to tell her I’m sure she’ll always be fun, too.

  Some people just get better with age, and Theo is absolutely one of them.

  But by the time we get in the car, Bridget is calling Theo from her honeymoon in Paris. She and Theo chat for a good thirty minutes, and after they hang up, I place my call to the security firm in LA. They’re not in yet, but I leave a message. After I hang up, Theo and I discuss all the Parisian sights Shep and Bridget have seen so far, and all the better, cooler things I think they should see instead.


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