Majyk Reborn (Skazka Chronicles Book 2)

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Majyk Reborn (Skazka Chronicles Book 2) Page 21

by Valia Lind

  "She's...She's the prophesied return of Koscheii Besmertnii."

  An almost physical shudder pulses through the room, as Vasilisa turns to me, her eyes full of terror. It's a good look on her.


  "It doesn't matter," she retorts, finding her voice and cutting off my taunting. "You're just a child."

  My smile dies on my lips, rage replacing the very air I breathe, as I move towards her.

  "You have trained me as a solider," I spit in her direction, my hand playing with the fire still burning there. "You have sent me to front lines, you have used me for your own advancement. Me, and hundreds of other children, trained to be warriors for your wicked crown. So don't tell me I'm just a child. I am so much more than you will ever be. And you will answer for your crimes."

  She shakes her head at me, all royalty, to the very last hair strand. There is an undeniable power about her, a pull of strength that has kept her on the throne. She's not giving up without a fight, but I didn't expect her to.

  "You have no idea what I'm capable of, little girl."

  She doesn't wait for me to wonder, as her majyk flies towards me, sweeping me off my feet. I land hard on my back, seeing stars for just a second, before I'm back in fighting position, my hand reaching for my sword. Cornelius runs from the room and I don't have time to stop him as she comes at me. One blast of majyk after the other and she's right, I'm untrained in my majyk. She catches me up, slamming me on the floor. But I don't tire easily.

  I drive my majyk into my hand, focusing it on Vasilisa. She is now holding her own sword, but I blast it straight out of her hand. She pushes back, but this time I'm ready. A wall goes up between us, and her majyk slams into it hard enough to push her a few steps back.

  "How did you know we were coming?" I shout, because I need answers more than I need her dead right now. I need to know if I can trust the people on my team, or if it's something else. She doesn't answer, sending another wave of majyk at me and this time I land face first. She knows what she's doing and I'm tired and bruised and hurt. I can't get Brendan's still body out of my head and while that helps the rage, it doesn't help the focus.

  "You are out of your element."

  "Maybe, but I'm a quick study."

  This time, I don't try to protect myself. Instead, I push my majyk and body towards her at the same time, taking her by surprise. We crash together, my dirty dress staining her immaculate gown. She knows combat and she can give as good as she takes. Slamming my fist into her face, I wrap my hands around her neck, as I push my majyk down on her like a weight. She struggled under it and I realize I could probably end her right here and now. That moment of hesitation costs me, as she pushes me off her, driving her hand up into my face. I fall backwards, twisting at the last second as I bring my blade up. She's already coming at me and can't stop her momentum one time, as she skewers her arm on my sword.

  I rip it out, her blood gushing from the large hole instantly. I see her pull her majyk into the wound, stumbling back from me. Sounds come from behind me and I realize someone is shouting my name. Vasilisa gets to her feet, holding her arm, but still as determined as I am to finish this. But then a blast comes through the air and she's flying back. I twist around to find the rest of my group in the room now, Baba Yaga's hands outstretched. I shift to look back at Vasilisa, but she's already gone.

  Angrily I turn back on Baba Yaga, my emotions still burning through me.

  "You allowed her to escape!" I shout, and my friends take a step back from the venom in my voice.

  "She is inconsequential at this time and you know it," Baba Yaga doesn't even flinch. "You have to pull yourself together or you won't be controlling your majyk. It'll be controlling you."

  "Right now, I'd like to control it right into slicing you from head to toe," I reply, moving toward the door Cornelius took earlier, but Baba Yaga is already there.

  "You wanted my guidance, then here it. Let them go. Right now, we need to take possession of the royal court. Once that's in place, we'll go from there."

  Listening to her doesn't sit well with me, but I know she's right. No matter how much hatred and majyk burns within me, we have precedent things to take care of.

  Turning to look at the rest of my friends, I ask, "Where is Brendan?"

  "In with the healers. They don't know if they can help," Maxwell replies, swallowing down the emotion and clearing his throat. "But they will try."

  I nod at that, and my skin burns with the desire to go to Brendan. Right now, I think he's the only one who would be able to pull me from this edge I'm standing on. Everything is too much and too fast. I'm spinning into the new order of things, without realizing all the consequences that'll follow. But it's not like I can continue allowing Vasilisa to sit on the throne. Seeing Cornelius here, knowing he lied, it just fuels me that much more. It’s not a surprise, but it’s a puzzle piece I needed.

  "Let's go," I say, walking toward the opposite door without waiting to see if anyone will follow. Baba Yaga falls into step with me automatically, and I wonder once again, what exactly is in this for her. I know she'd betray me at the drop of a hat if it served her a better purpose, but for now, I'm not about to let her out of my sight.

  When we step into the throne room, my breath hitches at the back of my throat. The place is beautiful, nearly untouched by the death and destruction that is right outside these doors. The majyk here is ancient and strong and I walk down the aisle, just like I did all those eons ago when I was being presented for marriage. Briefly I wonder if William survived and I try to feel some emotion towards him. But there’s nothing.

  The design is still there in backs of the thrones, the incarnations and spells of those who came before us. Baba Yaga walks all the way toward Vasilisa's throne, before stopping beside it.

  "Well?" She motions me forward, after I seem to be frozen, just staring at the beautiful design in front of me. Devra moves into my line of vision, her eyes on me.

  "Cali, what's going on?" I can see she's confused, and I don't blame her. I've made promises to my friends and to myself. Except that they weren't the same ones and now, my true colors are showing and my friends don't know what to do with me.

  "Did you know," I say, looking over at her and Rus, as Maxwell comes to stand right beside me. "No one can just take the throne's power? A person must be escorted to it, much like we're escorted to dinner. How weird is that?" I laugh without humor, and I can tell they still don't understand. But I still have to do it. I glance over at Baba Yaga and she reaches out her hand, beckoning me forward. That's when Maxwell seems to realize what we're doing.

  "This is not what we agreed on," Maxwell says, fear evident in every word. A part of me wants to comfort him, but that part is the one being pushed down into the vault now. I cannot be weak. Never again.

  "I guess that just proves that you shouldn't trust me, doesn't it?" I say, my voice full of sneer. Baba Yaga stands by the throne, waiting patiently. Even she didn't see this coming at first, but she understands it is what needs to be done. Slowly, I take a step towards her, but Maxwell is there.

  "Think about this, Cali. Think about everything we've been through. You cannot allow her to take the throne."

  I freeze in my tracks, staring at him in surprise. That's his fear? That I would escort her to the position of queen? I guess I can see why he would come to that conclusion. But I think he'll like the alternative even less.

  "Silly, Max," I say, putting a particular emphasis on his name, as I pat him on the cheek. "She's not taking the throne. I am."

  He gasps as he realizes everything that’ll entail and I use that moment to walk past him. The rest of my crew stand to the side, shocked into silence. I can't blame them, but the hurt I feel is still there. To them, I'm not better suited than Baba Yaga is. It's plainly evident in their faces.

  "Cali, don't—"

  "Don't what?" I turn on him, getting right back into his face. "Don't save this land? Don't put yourself at risk for the sake
of all of you? Don't tell me what to do, Maxwell," I spit out. "Not when I've sacrificed everything for this land."

  He knows I mean Brendan above all, because I don't know if he'll ever wake up. I don't know how to deal with that and when Maxwell reaches for me, I realize he doesn't either.

  "We'll find a way. We always do. This isn't it."

  "So what? The throne will stand empty? How am I to get anyone to listen to me if the crown isn't backing me up? This kills two birds with one stone." I'm calm once again, the rising emotion, pushed down and put away. After all, isn’t that how a queen rules? Even though I'm still on this rollercoaster and I can't seem to get off. It may destroy me, once and for all, but I can't get off just yet.

  "You know if the unworthy takes the throne, the majyk balance is off. It'll take its toll on you. On you, Calista."

  He's pleading with me now and I can see he's afraid of losing me. I can see how much it costs him not to grab me and drag me out of here forever.

  "It doesn't matter, Maxwell," I say, reaching over and squeezing his arm. "I promised to do what it takes and I will do that." Glancing over at Baba Yaga, I turn back to Maxwell. "She will stay on as my advisor. You may not like what comes next, but I want you by my side. You and Devra and Rus. It's war out there and it's only just begun. There’s no good or evil in this fight. It’s us against all of them. I will do what needs to be done."

  He doesn't reply, but he doesn't try to stop me again as I turn and walk over to the throne. Taking Baba Yaga's hand, she leads me over in front of the podium, mumbling words I don't understand.

  "Do you, Calista of the house of Afanasyev, the daughter of warriors, descendant of the greatest koldun, accept the invitation and the responsibility of this throne?" She asks, watching me carefully. She's is unsure of me as I am of her, but I'm not backing down.

  I told Brendan that I wasn't planning on surviving and if he doesn't, I have no use trying. But I did promise him to fight, until my last breath, to save Skazka and everything it stands for. Even as the dark majyk boils inside of me, threatening to overtake, I'm not afraid of it. That's what makes the difference. I will learn it and I will use it. No longer will I run from my heritage. No longer will I hide behind walls.

  When the time comes, Skazka will be safe and I will be able to rest. So when I answer Baba Yaga, my voice is clearer and stronger than it has ever been.

  "I do."


  Note from the Author

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  Thunderbird Academy Trilogy

  My power could save my friends—or destroy them.

  As I start a new semester at Thunderbird Academy, I have a lot to live up to. News of my sisters' courageous fight against the Ancient evil has spread, and now, everyone expects the same greatness from me.

  But all I want to do is:

  1) Find my dad.

  2) Figure out why my magic has suddenly gone on the fritz.

  It would be a lot easier if I didn't have to keep dealing with the ever-annoying Aiden Lawson. Shifter, nemesis, ridiculously gorgeous. I don't care how he makes my pulse race, I will not be deterred from my mission.

  But the war with the Ancients is just beginning, and now, Thunderbird Academy has become a sanctuary as well as a school. Each attack is deadlier than the last, and when the academy ends up under siege, my friends and I have no choice but to fight.

  Am I brave enough to trust my magic to save us? Or will my world come crashing down around me by my own hands?

  I'm in a fight for my life, and I, Maddie Hawthorne, have no idea what I'm doing.

  Welcome to my year at Thunderbird Academy.

  Full of magic, adventure, and romance, Thunderbird Academy is an completed addicting young adult paranormal romance series by USA Today bestselling author Valia Lind that will keep you reading late into the night!

  About the Author

  USA Today bestselling author. Photographer. Artist. Born and raised in St. Petersburg, Russia, Valia Lind has always had a love for the written word. She wrote her first published book on the bathroom floor of her dormitory, while procrastinating to study for her college classes. Upon graduation, she has moved her writing to more respectable places, and has found her voice in Young Adult fiction. Her YA thriller, Pieces of Revenge is the recipient of the 2015 Moonbeam Children's Book Award.

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  Also by Valia Lind

  Blackwood Supernatural Prison Series

  Witch Condemned (#1)

  Witch Unchained - Coming June 2020!

  Hawthorne Chronicles - Season One

  Guardian Witch (Hawthorne Chronicles, #1)

  Witch’s Fire (Hawthorne Chronicles, #2)

  Witch’s Heart (Hawthorne Chronicles, #3)

  Tempest Witch (Hawthorne Chronicles, #4)

  The Complete Season One Box Set

  Hawthorne Chronicles - Season Two

  Of Water and Moonlight (Thunderbird Academy, #1)

  Of Destiny and Illusions (Thunderbird Academy, #2)

  Of Storms and Triumphs (Thunderbird Academy, #3)

  The Skazka Chronicles

  Remembering Majyk (Skazka #1)

  Majyk Reborn (Skazka #2)

  The Faithful Soldier (Skazka #2.5)

  Majyk Reclaimed (Skazka #3)

  Havenwood Falls (PNR standalone)


  The Titanium Trilogy

  Pieces of Revenge (Titanium, #1)

  Scarred by Vengeance (Titanium, #2)

  Ruined in Retribution (Titanium, #3)

  Complete Box Set

  Falling Duology

  Falling by Design

  Edge of Falling




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