Song Of The Psychopath

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Song Of The Psychopath Page 25

by Mark Tilbury

  Her mother walked into the room, waving her hand in front of her face to clear the smoke. ‘DS Baker’s here.’

  Danielle’s heart stalled. She flicked her cigarette onto the patio, took a deep breath, and followed Rachel into the lounge.

  Baker stood by the window as if expecting unwanted visitors. He turned around and nodded. ‘Good morning, Danielle.’

  Danielle thought it was anything but a good morning. Try disastrous with a liberal dose of tragic. ‘Have you found him?’

  Baker shook his head. Attempted a weak smile. ‘I’m sorry. I wish I had something positive to tell you. I just wanted to give you an update.’

  ‘Take a seat, Detective,’ Rachel said. ‘Would you like a cup of tea? Coffee?’

  ‘No thanks.’ He sat at the dining table and took out his notebook. Leafed through the pages. ‘First things first, we’ve spoken to the owner of the flat. He told us Mr Bowen took a short, three-month lease on the place. Said he found Mr Bowen to be pleasant, polite, and a good tenant.’

  Danielle snorted. ‘And?’

  Baker referred to his notes again. ‘He let him have the place cheap on account the last tenant had done a bunk when the rent was due, and there was a lot of the guy’s stuff still in the flat. Mr Bowen was perfectly amiable with this arrangement.’

  Danielle’s eyes widened. ‘So, most of that crap wasn’t even Dean’s?’

  Baker shook his head. ‘It appears not. We’ve also contacted all the local garages, and no one recalled hiring a car to a Dean Bowen. What’s more, they said they’d never provide such a dilapidated vehicle as a courtesy car.’

  Danielle’s stomach lurched.

  ‘Obviously, the investigation is still at an early stage, but it’s fair to say Mr Bowen may not be who he says he is.’

  Danielle sat on the sofa. Tugged at some loose strands of hair. Chewed a nail. ‘Shit.’

  ‘We’ve also contacted the hospitals in Oxfordshire, but there’s no record of Dean or Tommy ever being admitted.’

  ‘You think Dean’s taken my son?’ Rachel said.

  ‘Not necessarily, Mrs Scarlett. It’s merely a possibility at this stage. We’ve checked some of the CCTV footage in Chorley from the railway station and the local convenience store. There’s no sign of either of them on film. We’re currently looking at several locations in Feelham to check the CCTV, but as yet, nothing’s turned up.’

  ‘But they could be anywhere,’ Danielle said. ‘Dean’s not gonna parade him around town if he’s abducted him, is he?’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Baker said. ‘I promise you we’re doing all we can to locate them.’

  Which is sweet fuck all, Danielle thought. ‘I can’t believe Dean would do something like this. It just doesn’t seem right.’

  ‘We welcomed him into our home,’ Rachel said. ‘Treated him like one of the family. You really can’t trust anyone these days.’

  That’s right, Mum. The old days were so much better, weren’t they? No one ever got hurt or killed, did they?

  ‘It’s important not to jump to conclusions,’ Baker said. ‘It’s possible Mr Bowen didn’t want to admit to driving an old banger and living in a pigsty.’ Baker referred to his notebook again. ‘We’ve also talked to the witness who saw Tommy and Mr Bowen leaving the building. Mr Cantwell was adamant Tommy appeared intoxicated, and Mr Bowen had to help him into the car. He was also certain they weren’t with anyone else.’

  ‘What if someone lured them somewhere?’ Rachel said. ‘Then abducted them.’

  ‘It’s possible,’ Baker agreed. ‘And it’s certainly one line of inquiry we’re working on.’

  Rachel stared at her hands for a moment as if seeking inspiration. ‘What do you think’s really happened, Detective?’

  ‘I wouldn’t like to speculate. All we know for sure is Tommy and Mr Bowen left the flat in Chorley around one-thirty p.m. and they haven’t been seen since.’

  ‘What about the car?’

  ‘We’re looking into it. All cameras in the area are being checked.’

  ‘Dean had a phone,’ Rachel said. ‘Can’t you trace it from one of those tower things?’

  ‘We’ve checked the records. I’m afraid the phone was reported stolen about a year ago. It’s been inactive since Saturday morning.’

  ‘Maybe it broke,’ Rachel suggested, her eyes contradicting her words.

  Baker closed his notebook and said to Danielle, ‘Did Mr Bowen ever give you any cause for concern in the time you were dating him?’

  ‘No. He always treated me well. Never pushy like some blokes who think buying you a drink is a ticket to the bedroom.’

  ‘Did he ever talk about his other residence?’

  ‘Only to say it was being renovated.’

  ‘What about Tommy? Did Dean offer an opinion as to what had happened to him?’

  Danielle glanced at the conservatory. She needed another cigarette to prevent her nerves catching fire. ‘He seemed really sympathetic. Said he wanted to help Tommy in any way he could. He even refused to go to the police when Tommy attacked him.’

  Baker raised an eyebrow. ‘Attacked him?’

  ‘Tommy had another one of his turns,’ Rachel said. ‘But it was all something and nothing. Over in a few minutes.’

  ‘Was Mr Bowen hurt?’ Baker asked.

  ‘Not really,’ Rachel said. ‘A bit shook up, but nothing more than that.’

  ‘Does Tommy remember anything about what happened?’ Baker asked.

  Rachel nodded. ‘He was extremely remorseful. But Dean was really good about it. That’s the reason he invited Tommy to the flat on Saturday to show there were no hard feelings.’

  Baker turned to Danielle. ‘How did Mr Bowen seem to you after the incident?’

  ‘Fine. He said he understood what Tommy was going through and just wanted to help him.’

  ‘Has Mr Bowen ever taken you anywhere to meet his friends or family?’

  Danielle shook her head. ‘He said he had a pretty rough upbringing and he didn’t have anything to do with his family.’

  ‘What about friends?’

  ‘He never mentioned anyone.’

  ‘Oh, by the way, we can’t find any record of a cleaning company in Oxfordshire by the name of Done and Dusted.’

  What a surprise, Danielle thought.

  ‘There’s a good possibility he didn’t register it,’ Baker continued. ‘A lot of these types of businesses don’t bother. Too much paperwork and hassle to make it worthwhile.’

  ‘Or maybe there is no cleaning company,’ Danielle said.

  Baker didn’t respond. He stood, put his notebook in his pocket, and said, ‘Okay, that’s all for now. I’ll be in touch if there’re any further developments. Any questions?’

  Danielle had dozens, but she didn’t need to ask them because DS Baker didn’t have the answers. No one did.

  ‘I think you’ve covered everything,’ Rachel said. ‘I’ll show you out.’

  Danielle walked into the conservatory and lit a cigarette. Inhaled. Things were going from bad to worse to terrible. She hunted her head for reasons other than what was becoming obvious, but all roads led to Dean. Far too many discrepancies. The car, the flat, the phone, and the bogus cleaning company.

  Hindsight, that cocky I told you so voice, lived up to its reputation. How could you be so gullible? How many times have you heard of some random guy walking into the supermarket and asking a member of staff for a date?

  The answer was, of course, a big fat never. She puffed on the cigarette as if it was the only thing stopping her from completely losing her sanity.

  Rachel joined her in the conservatory. ‘I haven’t got a clue what to make of all this. I can’t believe it’s happened. Jesus Christ, what the hell’s going on?’

  Danielle glared at her. ‘Why did you tell the detective Tommy’s episode was just something and nothing? Tommy held a fuckin’ knife to Dean’s throat.’

  ‘Please don’t use that kind of language, Danielle.’
  She flicked her butt out the door. ‘What if this has got nothing to do with Tommy’s first abduction, and Dean’s out for revenge after what Tommy did?’

  ‘You don’t believe that any more than I do.’

  Danielle followed her cigarette butt into the garden. Breathed deeply the cold October air. No, she didn’t believe it. She didn’t believe anything anymore. Everything was a lie wrapped up in a riddle, and trying to get to the truth was about as pointless as life itself.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Tommy was drifting in and out of consciousness when Bella returned to the basement with Number Seven hobbling down the steps in front of her. Seven had a steel collar around his neck which was secured to his wrists by a long chain and handcuffs.

  Bella was dressed in a pink tracksuit. A large shoulder bag bounced off her hip as she walked.

  She ordered the boy to stand against the wall. ‘Hello, Number Nine. Look who’s come to see you.’

  Seven stared at the floor. His hair was matted with blood, and his scrawny body seemed as if it was getting ready for the grave.

  ‘Say hello to Number Nine, Seven.’

  The boy mumbled something that might have been fuck you.

  ‘Number Seven’s in a bit of a grump, but he’s only got himself to blame for refusing to eat.’

  ‘Eat my own puke,’ Seven said. ‘My own fuckin’ puke.’

  ‘Tell Number Nine why you were ordered to eat your own sick.’

  Seven shook his head.

  ‘Let me help you,’ Bella said. She turned to Tommy. ‘Number Seven threw up in front of a client. A valued one at that.’

  Seven shook his head. ‘A fat bastard who was trying to stick his dick in my mouth.’

  ‘For your information, that fat bastard, as you so eloquently describe him, paid The Master a lot of money for your services. Your job is to do whatever you’re told or face the consequences.’

  Seven stared at the floor.

  ‘And well you might lower your head in shame, you insolent little runt. But looking like a sorry puppy with a pile of poo at its feet isn’t going to help you. Not one bit.’


  Tommy wanted to tell Seven to ignore her. She was an insane, cruel bitch. Instead, he stared at the wall and begged God to send an earthquake to destroy this house of horrors.

  Bella strode up to Number Seven. She pulled a Taser from her shoulder bag and aimed it at his chest. ‘It’s high time you learned to have some respect for your betters. Wouldn’t you agree?’

  Seven didn’t respond.

  ‘Do you want a few thousand volts up your backside to help articulate your thoughts?’

  He shook his head. Bloody scabs littered his scalp.

  ‘I can’t hear you.’


  ‘Do you, or do you not, confess to the crime of collusion?’


  Bella turned to an imaginary audience. ‘Let it be known Number Seven has been struck dumb. For the record, he’s just denied his guilt.’

  Shut up. Shut up. Shut the fuck up, Tommy thought. He was tempted to knock himself unconscious on the headboard again, but he was scared of what the bitch might do to his friend.

  Bella raised the Taser and aimed it at the boy’s chest. ‘Did you, or did you not, collaborate with Number Nine concerning his arranged visit to Mr Clancy?’

  Seven lifted his head slightly. ‘I don’t know what you mean.’

  ‘Let’s put it another way: did you encourage Number Nine to try to escape?’


  ‘Did you tell Number Nine Mr Clancy had acted in an unnecessarily cruel way to you while you were in his company?’


  Bella waved the Taser under the boy’s nose. ‘That’s not what Number Six says. He told us you told Number Nine a load of nonsense about being burned with a cigar and almost drowned. I put it to you this went a long way to convincing Nine he had to get away.’

  ‘He never said nothing to me,’ Tommy said, unable to contain his thoughts any longer. ‘For fuck’s sake, leave him alone.’

  Bella pointed the Taser at Tommy. ‘I’d strongly advise you to remain silent unless I directly ask you a question.’

  ‘Number Six is lying,’ Tommy said. ‘And that’s the truth.’

  Bella laughed. ‘I don’t think so. People rarely lie when they’re on their deathbed. Especially when they’re begging to be put out of their misery.’

  Tommy’s insides curdled. Another kid murdered, just for being a kid with no one to look out for him.

  Bella returned her attention to Number Seven. ‘I fully understand uneducated brats tell lies for fun, but I’m warning you, you’re on thin ice. Now, tell the truth. Did you warn Nine about visiting Mr Clancy?’

  Seven nodded.

  ‘Thank you. And did you also tell him to throw himself out of the car?’


  Bella stepped closer and pulled the trigger.

  The boy screamed and collapsed. He writhed on the floor, body convulsing, scorch marks blistering his skin.

  ‘Let that be a warning, Number Seven. I will not tolerate lies. Especially from scum like you.’

  Tommy closed his eyes. The other boy’s screams embedded in his brain like shrapnel.

  ‘Open your eyes, Nine. Look at me.’

  Tommy refused.

  ‘You want the same as Seven?’


  ‘Then open your fuckin’ eyes.’

  Tommy squinted at her through half-closed lids.

  ‘That’s better.’

  ‘Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?’

  What fuckin’ truth? There’s no such thing in this place.

  ‘First things first, I want you to tell me why you threw yourself out of the car, Number Nine. I’m obliged to warn you, failure to answer honestly will result in more pain and suffering for that idiot over there.’

  ‘Why do you think?’ Tommy said.

  ‘Answering a question with a question is not an answer. Why did you throw yourself out of the car? Was it because Seven told you to?’


  ‘Was it some insane plan you hatched to betray me?’


  ‘Do you know how many boys we have left thanks to you?’

  Tommy didn’t.

  ‘Two. Well, technically four if you include you pair of idiots. Not to mention we’ve also lost the driver. How do you propose we run a business with next to no stock?’

  ‘I… don’t know.’

  ‘What you did,’ Bella continued, ‘was tantamount to mutiny. If Thorndike House was a ship, you’d both be waiting to walk the plank. So, I’ll ask you for the last time, why did you throw yourself out of the car?’

  ‘It was just something I did on the spur of the moment.’

  ‘I put it to you Number Seven told you to do it.’


  Bella strode across the room. Aimed the Taser at Seven and fired another shot of voltage at the naked boy.

  Seven didn’t scream this time. He mewled like an injured cat, body twisting and writhing on the floor.

  Bella returned to Tommy. ‘Still maintaining Seven’s innocence?’

  Tommy’s mind fragmented. Seven was damned no matter what he said. ‘He did tell me what happened to him when he was taken to Clancy’s house. But that’s it. I promise you, that’s all he said.’

  Bella leaned closer. ‘So, are you telling me he coerced you with tales of cruelty?’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Filled your head with unsubstantiated horror stories in order to make you do what he wanted.’


  ‘I know you’re not the brightest star in the sky, Nine, but you’ve already told me that’s exactly what he did. Let me be clear: every time you lie to me, Seven will be punished. And I promise you, he’ll be begging for the Taser by the time I’ve finished with him.’

  ‘Okay. Maybe what he told me about Clancy did have something to do with it. Who the fuck wants to be burned and drowned?’

  Bella snorted. ‘Don’t be so melodramatic. He’s still alive, isn’t he?’

  Barely, thanks to you fucking paedophiles and murderers.

  ‘If anyone wanted to really hurt any of the boys, they wouldn’t be a member of The Playhouse. Seven’s confusing foreplay with brutality. I’d agree there’s a fine line, but none of our members have ever crossed it. Including Sir Bernard Clancy.’

  So, what do you call murdering them? Tasering them? Forcing them to eat their own puke? Gentle fuckin’ persuasion? Tommy thought. The level of madness in this place was beyond comprehension.

  Bella put the Taser back in her bag and pulled out a small glass bottle. She held it up to the light and inspected its contents. ‘Do you know what this is, Number Nine?’

  Tommy didn’t.

  ‘It’s hydrochloric acid. Funny how innocent these chemicals appear when sitting in a container, isn’t it? You could almost mistake it for water. But it’s much more dangerous than that. Acts like holy water on a demon.’

  You should fuckin’ know.

  ‘Would you like me to exorcise your demons, Number Nine?’

  Tommy’s bladder let go. He shook his head.

  Bella leaned closer. ‘Oh dear, it seems like you need a toilet break. Never mind, seems as if that ship’s already sailed on an ocean of piss.’

  Number Seven groaned. Curled himself into a foetal position.

  ‘Or perhaps I should demonstrate its corrosive powers on Number Seven in case you’re under any illusion I’m bluffing.’

  ‘No,’ Tommy shouted. ‘For fuck’s sake, leave him alone.’

  Bella grinned. ‘I do find for fuck’s sake an interesting phrase. I mean, who is fuck, and why is it always for their sake? Why not for Number Seven’s sake? Or Uncle Tom Cobley’s sake?’

  Tommy’s mind grappled with her deranged ramblings as he gawped at the innocuous-looking liquid.

  ‘Final time of asking,’ Bella said. ‘Did Number Seven cook up a plot to destroy Thorndike House?’

  Tommy shook his head.

  Bella carefully placed the bottle on the floor, took a pair of surgical gloves from her bag, and put them on. She picked up the bottle, walked across the basement, and stood over Number Seven’s trembling body. ‘It seems Number Nine, for reasons only known to his limited brain, is determined to deny all charges and therefore condemn you to further suffering. Have you anything you would like to say to him?’


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