Tower of Gates Omnibus

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Tower of Gates Omnibus Page 3

by Paul Bellow

  “Don’t be rude,” Pudgy said.

  “Or what?” The other brownie stepped toward him, still smiling. “What are you going to do?”

  “Don’t fight over me,” I said. “Let me pass, and I’ll be on my way.”

  “Who are you?” pudgy asked.

  “My name is Kali,” I said. “And I’m in a hurry. Tell me if I can help you two with something, or I’ll be on my way. I’m a mage, and I have no time for games.”

  “You’re a mage?” the thinner brownie asked. “I love mages. My name’s Evan, and I dream of marrying a mage someday.”

  He lowered his blade and stuck out his other hand. I smiled and reached forward to shake it.

  “Not that you care, but I’m Ewen,” the big brownie mumbled.

  “Why are you two arguing?” I asked.

  Evan pointed south, the direction I’d been traveling.

  “We’re on our way to Fishguard,” he said. “And this bozo got us going the wrong way. I told him we’d missed our turn at the last tree, but he doesn’t listen.”

  “The whole forest’s full of trees,” Ewen yelled. “You’re an idiot.”

  “I’m going to Fishguard to meet some friends,” I said. “You two can join me if you want. I’d enjoy the company.”

  “That’s great!” Evan said, bouncing up and down excitedly like a young child who’d eaten too much sugar. “We have jobs cleaning houses in the city if we can make it there in one piece.”

  “Yeah, that’s it,” Ewen added. “We’re house cleaners.”

  He shook his head, his bountiful belly also moving.

  “Can you help us make it to Fishguard, Kali?” Evan asked. “Please?”

  “Sure,” I said. “Why not.”

  A notification popped up.

  New Side Quest!

  Help Evan and Ewen make it to Fishguard.

  Potential experience points: 500xp

  Not bad for a babysit the caravan mission, I thought, pleased with myself as the game mechanics drew me in.

  “Let’s get going,” I said. “We have a lot of ground to cover, and I don’t want you two slowing me down. Can you keep up with me?”

  “Sure thing, Kali,” Evan said, stepping ridiculously close.

  “Fishguard is this way,” I said, stepping south. “Follow me.”

  The brownies whispered back and forth before jogging to catch up.

  How long did I need to play the game? I wondered. Would it take days to find the others? How much time would pass outside the game?

  Evan grabbed my arm and tugged.

  “Stop,” he said in a low voice.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, looking down at him.

  He pointed to the brush on the left side of the path.

  “I don’t see anything,” I said.

  “Something’s coming,” Ewen said. “Something big.”

  I heard rustling nearby. Then a throaty growl.

  “Wolf?” I asked, wondering if we should run. “Can you two even fight?”

  “I’ll kill anything for you,” Evan said.

  He looked up at me with a dreamy expression.

  “Pay attention,” Ewen hissed. “It’s coming.”

  Up ahead, two wolves stepped onto the path. Both turned to us, growling like vicious curs. A rush swept through my body.

  Time to cast my first spell.

  I moved my arms and legs in a dance-like way as strange words fell from my lips. Golden bolts of magical energy formed in the air then shot toward the wolves.

  All five struck, causing one to yelp in pain.

  Your Golden Bolts INJURE a gray wolf for 13 damage!

  You have [14/24] mana remaining.

  The wolves both yelped then turned to run back into the forest.

  “Oh, no you don’t,” I said, then repeated the spell.

  Five more bolts of magic golden energy shot from my palms.

  I sent three bolts to the wolf on the left and the remaining two to the other.

  Your Golden Bolts INJURE a gray wolf for 5 damage!

  A grey wolf is dead!

  Your Golden Bolts INJURE a gray wolf for 4 damage!

  You have [4/24] mana remaining.

  The Brownies, sensing our overwhelming position, rushed forward with their daggers. Another yelp filled the forest as they stuck the other wolf.

  A grey wolf is dead!

  Combat is Over!

  You get +50 xp divided by one party member.

  You have a 10% OOC penalty

  You get 45 xp

  You have 45 xp

  You need 2,956 xp for level two Mage

  “We got him, Kali,” Evan shouted triumphantly.

  “Keep it down,” I hissed. “We don’t want to attract any more attention to ourselves.”

  “We’re invisible,” Evan yelled, still cheering.

  “You mean invincible, bozo,” Ewen chided.

  “Settle down, you two.” I peered into the dark forest. “Let’s keep moving. We’ll need to find somewhere to camp for tonight. I can’t cast any spells until I rest.”

  The brownies continued bickering as we walked past the dead wolves.

  I saw their blood and smelled the stench of death.

  I pulled up my stats as we continued south toward the city of Fishguard, intent on learning more about myself.

  > Stats

  Name: Kali Tracaryn

  Race: Elf

  Class: Mage

  Level: 1

  XP: 45 (2955 for next level)

  Alignment: +75 (Very Good)

  HEALTH: 8 (8)

  MANA: 4 (24)

  Strength: 72 (+10%)

  Dexterity: 96 (+35%)

  Constitution: 52 (+0%)

  Intelligence: 93 (+30%)

  Wisdom: 43 (+0%)

  Charisma: 44 (+0%)

  Nearly out of mana isn’t good with so many miles to go. Maybe I should try to use my bow for some physical damage.

  “Wait up, Kali,” Evan said. “You’re walking too fast.”

  I slowed down and glanced over my shoulder.

  “Hurry up, slow-pokes,” I teased.

  “We’re vicious wolf killers,” Evan said. “You’re smart to let us escort you to Fishguard.”

  “I’m escorting you two,” I said.

  “You’re the best escort ever,” Evan said, smiling innocently.

  I feigned a smile then turned around.

  The ludicrousness of the entire situation hit me in that moment.

  As we walked, I thought about Eric and Josh.

  Why hadn’t they started closer to me? And why was the game sucking me in?

  While the world around me wasn’t real, it was the closest simulation of reality I’d ever seen or experienced before. Addictive.

  Evan tugged at my arm again.

  “Watch out,” he said.

  I heard even louder sounds coming from the forest to my left. As the noise got nearer, I unshouldered my bow.

  “Stay close, you two,” I said as I drew an arrow.

  Could I use a bow as well as I could cast spells?

  The brownies stepped in front of me, holding their daggers.

  I squinted my eyes while staring at the source of the noise.

  What now? I wondered as I waited for something to appear.


  Half-Orc Warrior Spawns in Mang


  My eyes widened after walking through the trippy portal of light. I found myself in an empty room with mud walls.

  What the...

  Before I finished my thought, a burly pig-human creature stepped into the room. I saw the words “[NPC] Orc” hovering over its head.

  “Jonan,” he said. “What are you still doing in here? I told you to get to work. You need to respect your elders.”

  “Where’s Sarah?” I asked.

  You received an OOC Penalty!

  -10% experience points next encounter.

  You have five minutes to talk OOC.

it with the notifications,” I shouted.

  The orc’s brow furrowed.

  “Who’s Sarah?” he asked. “Are you messing with human women again? Have you been drinking already today? Or smoking that wizard weed again?”

  “Sarah’s my girlfriend,” I said. “And I want to see her. Now.”

  I stepped forward, realizing I had a huge body with bulging muscles. A fur cloak and loincloth barely covered other man parts.

  “Are you Eric or something?” I asked.

  The orc slammed his fist against the wall.

  “Stop messing around,” he shouted.

  “This game sucks,” I muttered.

  “What language are you speaking?” the orc asked.

  He continued staring at me, face scrunched up in anger.

  “I’m out of here,” I said, walking toward the opening he’d come in.

  “Stop,” the orc yelled. “Don’t disrespect me. I’m your father.”

  Despite his pleas, I kept walking.

  Something hit me on the back of the head.

  “Hey,” I said, spinning around. “What’s your problem?”

  “Pay attention when I’m talking to you,” the orc said.

  I instinctively reached back and grabbed my club.

  The elder orc laughed as my anger boiled over.

  “You don’t have it in you,” he snorted.

  I lifted the club then brought it down with my powerful arms. The wood struck the surprised orc on the side of the head. Blood spattered against the bare mud walls.

  Your Father is Dead!

  Combat is Over!

  You get 333 xp

  You have a -10% xp penalty

  You get 300 xp

  You have 300 xp

  You need 1,000 xp for level two warrior

  “Whoa!” I said, freaking out at the realistic violence. “This game is messed up. Did I kill him with one hit?”

  Heart still racing, I turned and rushed outside. Dozens of other orcs—male and female—walked up and down the street in front of the adobe building. Some of them stopped to stare and point.

  “What are you looking at?” I yelled as I walked to the left.

  Eric would pay once I found him. He probably started me away from him and Sarah to bust a move on her. Typical nerd playbook. I’ll teach him a lesson as soon as I find him.

  “Jonan,” someone yelled behind me.

  I stopped and turned. An orc wearing leather armor with metal spikes rushed over. He stopped in front of me.

  “What’s going on, brother?” he asked.

  “I need to find Sarah,” I said.

  “There’s no time for whoring around.”

  “Don’t talk that way about her,” I said then pushed his chest.

  He backed away a few steps as a snarl came over his face.

  “What’s gotten into you?” he asked. “I thought we were going raiding today. Are you chickening out again?”

  “No time,” I said. “Sarah needs my help.”

  “You’re going to choose a woman over your own flesh and blood?”

  He shook his head. “You’re a disgrace to the family name. I’m going to talk with father before we leave.”

  “No, wait,” I said, grabbing his arm. “Let’s just go.”

  I wanted to avoid any problems and find Eric and Sarah.

  Could I trust my brother in the game? I asked the game for more information about the new NPC named Jokan.

  [NPC] – Jokan

  Jokan is your half-brother and a full orc. He will inherit the family’s wealth after your father passes. He dislikes you because of your half-human heritage, and he constantly teases you about it.

  “Your human side is showing again,” Jokan said.

  He shoved my chest, almost sending me to the ground.

  “We should leave now,” I said. “Let’s go.”

  Jokan smiled, showing sharp yellow teeth. “You’re finally talking sense.”

  I turned and kept walking.

  “The horses are over here,” he said. “Are you drinking already today?”

  “No,” I said. “Just a lot on my mind.”

  “I bet.”

  He grinned. “Chasing human women takes it out of you.”

  He laughed then walked toward a nearby stable. I followed him inside, admiring all the attention to detail.

  We saddled two horses, climbed on, then rode toward the edge of the haphazard and rundown settlement.

  A notification appeared in front of me.

  New Quest – Join Your Party

  * * *

  Jonan, you have a new quest. Travel to Fishguard on the Southern Coast to join a band of adventurers determined to find fame and glory. You have four (4) days to complete this quest. On completion, you will receive 1,000 xp.

  Quest or not, I need to find the others. That’s my priority.

  “Where’s Fishguard?” I asked.

  Jokan glanced over, squinting.

  “What are you talking about?” he asked. “Are you sure you haven’t been drinking?”

  “Never mind,” I said. “Forget about it.”

  “You’re losing your mind, brother…”

  His voice trailed off, and we rode in silence, soon reaching the edge of the rough settlement in the middle of nowhere. I’d participated in VR chats before, but none of them compared to what I’m experiencing.

  Where’s Sarah?

  Thoughts of her consumed my mind as Jokan picked up the pace. I clenched my legs together, speeding up. We followed a faint trail into the wastelands.

  The hot sun burned my bare back. In some ways, the game was too real.

  My thoughts turned to Eric as I rode.

  Is he laughing at me while he plays alone with Sarah? Maybe I should quit.

  Careful not to talk about the game out loud, I pulled up the menu screen. No matter where I looked, I didn’t see a quit option.

  That’s weird.

  Jokan slowed to a stop. I did the same, watching as he tilted his head back and sniffed the air a few times.

  What’s he doing?

  He smiled in satisfaction.

  “There’s the smell,” he said.

  I sniffed through my huge nostrils but smelled nothing.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked.

  He chuckled then shook his head.

  “I forgot,” he said. “Your human senses aren’t as good as mine.”

  “Just tell me what you smell,” I said.

  “Man flesh,” Jokan replied, drool dripping down his chin.

  “That sounds fun and all, but I want to find my friends,” I said.

  Jokan stopped smiling and bared his teeth.

  “Are you backing out on me?” he asked then shook his head again. “I knew you’d never kill humans like a true orc.”

  Didn’t he understand I only wanted to find Eric and Sarah?

  And what kind of stupid game doesn’t let you quit?

  “I bet you wish you were full human,” Jokan said, his words filled with contempt.

  “That’s not it…” I stopped talking, unsure of what to say.

  He wasn’t like any characters I’d seen in video games before.

  “Then help me kill these humans,” he said. “We’ll feast on their flesh under the open stars tonight. Tomorrow, we’ll convince father to give me control of the tribe.”

  “Sounds good to me,” I said, not caring in the slightest.

  The only thing I wanted to do was find Sarah and get out of the game. The reservations I’d made for dinner hadn’t been easy to get.

  “Yah!” he yelled then spurred his horse.

  The black beast sprinted forward. I followed close behind.

  A caravan of wagons came into view as we rode hard and fast.

  “Show them no mercy,” Jokan yelled as he pulled out a sword.

  Why does he get a sword and I have a stupid club?

  I reached back and pulled out my weapon. It felt good in my hand.
  The wagons stopped as we got closer. Men and women scurried about.

  “Orcs!” someone yelled, pointing in our direction.

  I smiled as adrenaline shot through my body. The rush felt real—like when I ran thirty or more yards to make a touchdown but even better. Jokan reached them first, and he brought his sword down. One of the men screamed and fell to the ground.

  I slowed down my horse, watching them run.

  Who should I attack first? Just the men?

  “Come on,” Jokan shouted. “Kill them.”

  Two arrows whizzed by my head.

  “Hey,” I shouted then rode forward.

  As I reached the archers, I brought my club down.

  Your bash HITS the villager for 7 damage.

  The villager is dead!

  -10 alignment penalty

  What’s that? I wondered then put it out of my mind.

  The other man dropped his bow and ran. I climbed off my horse, as an arrow shot into my bicep, sending pain through my entire body.

  The arrow SCRATCHES you for 2 damage.

  You have [16/18] health remaining.

  “Ow,” I screamed then yanked it out. “Come here, you.”

  I ran forward and swung my club like a baseball bat.

  Your bash HITS the villager for 8 damage.

  The villager is dead!

  -10 alignment penalty

  The man—his head bloodied to a pulp—collapsed to the ground. All my anger and aggression bubbled up to the surface of my mind.

  I hadn’t felt so alive in a long time. Another man yelled and ran to me. He stopped when my club solidly slammed into his right arm.

  Your bash HITS the villager for 7 damage.

  The villager is dead!

  -10 alignment penalty

  Maybe this game isn’t so bad after all, I thought as I spun around.

  Jokan pulled his sword out of a defenseless woman. She fell to the ground, not moving. Was it Sarah?

  As I ran over to him, a notification window appeared.

  Combat is Over!

  You get 444 xp

  You have a -10% OOC penalty

  You get +400 xp


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