Tremors of the Past

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Tremors of the Past Page 25

by Jamie A. Waters

  Felix lifted his head from the tablet he’d been studying. “Shit. We’ve got a major problem. They were able to trace the signal transmission location from your conversation with Veridian. Seara’s ordering the temporary camp to move out of range.”

  “Dammit,” Alec swore, his hands clenching into fists. “We’re going to have to go in hard.”

  “Wait,” Kayla urged, grabbing his arm to stop him. She turned back to Felix. “How do you know? Did they see anyone?”

  “Not yet,” he admitted. “The trace just completed. We don’t have more than a few minutes.”

  She studied the doors. “Can you tell where the trace originated?”

  Felix’s eyes lit up in understanding and he grinned. “From inside the towers.”

  “Perfect,” Kayla replied and pointed at his tablet. “We need to open up the communication again and make sure they use the right door.”

  Carl arched an eyebrow, a small smile playing on his lips. “If we can’t get the doors open, you want the Coalition to open them for us?”

  Kayla nodded. “Something must have gone wrong. Cruncher should have gotten the doors open by now, unless something happened.”

  “If they traced our location, it’s safe to assume they traced the other end too,” Felix said with a frown. “I hope your friends cleared their system or abandoned their hardware.”

  “Do it,” Alec ordered. “We’re running out of time.”

  With a nod, Felix pulled up the channel map. He held out the device, and Kayla spoke into the microphone. “V, this is Kayla. Are you there?”

  He didn’t respond, but Kayla didn’t expect him to either. Even so, she tried to bury her worry over the lack of a response. She waited several heartbeats and repeated the transmission. If they hurt Veridian or anyone else, she’d kill them.

  “They’re tracing it,” Felix informed her.

  Carl reached over and squeezed her hand. “I’m sure they’re fine.”

  With a nod, she repeated the transmission a third time before abandoning the ruse. “That should be enough to get them to open the door. Anything more will have them suspicious.”

  Alec glanced over at Felix’s screen. “How long until they lock on our location?”

  Felix entered a few commands. “No more than a few minutes. They’ve already narrowed down the area based on the previous transmission. At the very least, it’s unlikely the other camp will be a target.”

  As soon as he finished speaking, the bay doors began to open. A wave of armed guards wearing the dark-gray of the Coalition emerged on speeders. The harsh sun glinted off the metal on their speeders, nearly blinding in its brilliance.

  Kayla wiggled her fingers at Alec. “How about that finger wiggle now?”

  He gave her a wry smile and looked over at Lars. “How about it, cousin? A game of bowling with Coalition soldiers? See which of us can knock over more?”

  Lars’s eyes widened a fraction and then narrowed. “Kayla’s rubbed off on you.”

  Both men stood, and the air became infused with electricity. Kayla breathed in the sharp and slightly sweet smell of ozone as they both raised their hands. A thunderous crack pierced the air as they expelled the built-up energy in a crashing wave. Coalition soldiers were thrown from their speeders like a handful of pebbles tossed carelessly in the dirt.

  Leo swore and stumbled backward from where he’d been perched in a crouch. Kayla held out her hand, helping to pull him upright. “Now will you believe me?”

  “What the fuck is this?” the older ruin rat demanded. He jerked away from her, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. “You can do this shit too?”

  She shifted her weight, avoiding his gaze. “Not exactly. I’m still learning. I keep causing earthquakes for some reason.”

  When Leo started swearing, Mack intervened. “Kayla’s still the same person. She just has a bit more kick now. Let’s do this and be thankful they’re on our side.”

  Tossing Mack a grateful look, she hurried after the advancing group. Alec and Lars were doing something with their energy, preventing the soldiers from rising. Kayla ran and caught up to them just in time to see Brant shoot one of the prone guards.

  She skidded to a halt, jerking her gaze to Brant. He grabbed her arm, propelling her forward. “He was a Shadow. We need to move. I don’t know how long Alec and Lars can keep this up.”

  Kayla lifted her head. She could see the perspiration on both men. The waves of energy threaded through the air in complex patterns she couldn’t begin to decipher. They were also doing something to hold the bay doors open, but the strain was taking its toll.

  She waved the rest of the group forward. “Run! Head for the doors!”

  Dropping her head to her chest, Kayla tucked in her shoulders and ran for all she was worth. Her feet hit the floor of the bay, and she slid forward on the slick surface, trying to stop her momentum.

  Alec and Lars were both faltering but moving forward slowly, the strands of energy in the air becoming weaker. The Coalition soldiers were starting to rouse, the ones further away managing to regain their footing. The rest of her group was rushing toward the towers, but it wasn’t fast enough. Leo stumbled, and Carl stopped to help the older man up. Her heart was beating wildly in her chest. They were too far away. Kayla stepped forward, determined to provide Alec and Lars with additional energy to give everyone more time.

  Brant grabbed her, yanking her backward. “No, Kayla. You need to conserve your energy.”

  She struggled against his ironclad grip. “They can’t keep it up. The soldiers are getting up.”

  Brant cursed when a particularly painful jab landed in his side. “Dammit, woman. Stop fighting me.”

  Kayla elbowed him in the gut, trying to make him release her. She didn’t want to hurt him, but she needed to get to Alec and Lars. “Let go of me, Brant. They need my help.”

  “Stop struggling and look at the damn energy threads,” he snapped.

  She squinted her eyes, trying to see what he was talking about. Alec and Lars had woven a bubble of suppressing protective energy around their group. As they moved closer to the entrance, the energy moved with them. They were struggling, but it was clear they were conserving their energy to protect everyone.

  “Oh,” she murmured.

  “Uh huh,” Brant agreed and released her. “Sometimes I think you’re more fire channeler than anything else. Come on. We need to get control of the doors.”

  She turned, spotting Felix at a nearby control panel. “Can you hack it?”

  Felix frowned but didn’t look away from the screen. “Working on it.”

  Kayla moved over next to him and pulled up the security overlay on the monitor beside him. Their fingers flew over the controls in an intricate dance as they anticipated one another’s moves and countermoves.

  Footsteps pounded on the concrete, and she lifted her head just as the remainder of the group rushed inside. The doors slammed shut behind them, sealing the Coalition soldiers outside.

  “Got it!” Felix announced. “I’ve temporarily overridden the doors. The soldiers are locked out, but we can’t keep it like this for long.”

  Alec leaned against the wall, trying to catch his breath. “It’ll have to be enough. They already know we’re inside. We need to move out now.”

  Stealth was a necessary sacrifice for speed. Their footsteps echoed on the floor as the group rushed down an abandoned corridor. The fluorescent glow of the overhead lights flickered, casting a sickly light on the eggshell walls. Every few yards, an emergency light would flash a warning. A computerized voice spoke over the loudspeaker announcing a mandatory lockdown. All residents were urged to return to their family quarters immediately and await further instructions.

  They turned a corner, and Alec held up his hand, halting their progress. In a low voice, he said, “There’s no way to know how many are in the control center. I’ll go in first and draw them away from the door. Brant, stay with Kayla and point out the Shadows. There may be more t
han one.”

  “No,” Lars objected. “Let me go in first with Kayla. They know we’re here, but they may not know which side I’m on. The confusion may be enough to buy some time. Brant can follow behind us. The Shadows can pick up our energy signatures, but they won’t be expecting him as out of place.”

  Alec shook his head. “It’s too risky. We might have a chance to subdue them if we all go in.”

  Lars put his hand on Alec’s arm, and a ripple of energy charged the air. Kayla straightened, looking back and forth between them, understanding they were communicating silently but not able to listen in.

  After a long moment, Lars released Alec. “You need to trust me, cousin. The Coalition knew Kayla was my target, and it won’t be surprising that she’s with me.”

  Alec pinched the bridge of his nose and nodded. “Very well.”

  Lars glanced down at Kayla. “Follow my lead and stay close. They need to know you’re under my control. With any luck, they’ll think you’re bonded to me.”

  “Shit,” Kayla muttered with a scowl. “I hate playing a fucking damsel in distress.”

  Carl’s hand on her back was a warm and comforting weight. That simple gesture was a reminder of everything at stake.

  She sighed. “Fine. Whatever. Let’s just do this.”

  Lars took her arm, motioning for the rest of the group to stay back. Kayla glanced back at Carl, the worry in his eyes landing like a heavy weight in the pit of her stomach. She looked away and took a deep breath, curling her fingers into fists. The pressure of her nails cut into her palms, the pain bringing her back to the present.

  With renewed determination, they approached a large double door. A palm print reader was embedded in the wall adjacent to it. A small, almost unnoticeable red light shone over the doors, indicating the presence of a security camera. Lars ignored the palm print reader, staring fixedly at the light, and waited. His head was thrown back as though silently demanding the door to open.

  After a long moment, the door beeped and slid open.

  Huh. Go figure. She’d never tried just staring down a camera before. She’d have to try that sometime.

  The control room was larger than Kayla had expected, with security monitors affixed to every wall. Individual stations were set up for dozens of people, and the images on the screens flickered to show countless places around the towers.

  A group of armed men wearing Coalition uniforms pointed their weapons at them. One of the soldiers approached, quickly searching them and removing their weapons. Kayla took the opportunity to study the room while she was patted down.

  At least twenty more Coalition forces occupied the surveillance stations, while a group of bound OmniLab personnel sat on the floor against one wall. Two more armed men watched over them. It was promising that they hadn’t been killed outright. At least the Coalition was making an effort to preserve life.

  Another soldier stepped forward, and his eyes narrowed on them. This one appeared to be in some sort of position of power. He spoke a few words in a foreign language to Lars, gesturing to Kayla with his free hand as he spoke. Lars replied, pulling Kayla tighter against him. While they argued back and forth, Kayla’s eyes fell on another man standing on the far side of the room. The naked hatred and menace in his eyes left her with a cold chill.

  He wore the OmniLab security uniform with the gold ouroboros symbol fastened to his arm. The weapon at his side was holstered, but his hand grazed the weapon as he walked toward them. It was a subtle taunt, reminding her he viewed her as an enemy and wouldn’t blink an eye if he used his weapon on them. There was no doubt in her mind he was a Shadow.

  “Well, if it isn’t the Cerulis bastard and Alec Tal’Vayr’s little bitch,” the man said with a sneer.

  Lars straightened, his body ramrod straight as he focused on the Shadow. “Watch your tongue. If you want a place with the Coalition, you need to learn some respect.”

  “Respect?” the man scoffed, stepping forward and slapping his hand to the butt of his weapon. With that one gesture, the threat definitively moved out of the subtle zone. “You want to talk to me about respect?”

  The Coalition man watched this exchange and held up his hand. In a thick accent, he said, “Enough. We have mission. Lars, until status is confirmed, you stay here under guard.”

  The Shadow glared at them. “He’s working with Alec Tal’Vayr. There’s no other explanation for them being here together. None of the Inner Circle can be trusted.”

  Kayla had been quiet up until this point, but she needed to distract the Shadow and bring him within touching distance. The trick would be to engage him without encouraging him to use his weapon.

  “That’s bullshit,” she argued, focusing directly on the irate man. Lars tightened his grip on her arm in a warning, but she ignored it. “Lars was exiled from the towers, and I’ve lived my whole life on the surface. We’re both about as far from your Inner Circle as you can get.”

  “The Princess of the Towers doesn’t think she’s part of the Inner Circle?” the Shadow mocked. “I’ve seen you cozying up to the council leader, batting your eyes at him. He even assigned you your very own pet Shadow. Where is Brant, by the way?”

  Kayla pulled away from Lars, intent on provoking the Shadow even more. Lars hissed her name in warning, but they were running out of time. If they caught Brant or anyone else on the security feed outside the door, they were screwed. She tilted her head, taunting the Shadow. “What’s the matter? Jealous? Did you want to be assigned to protect me?”

  She tossed her hair back and took another step forward, putting an exaggerated swagger in her step. “Or maybe you were just jealous of all the pretty Inner Circle people and their energy? Is that it? How does it feel to be on the outside looking in?”

  “Bitch,” the Shadow hissed.

  “Kayla,” Lars barked her name, reaching for her arm. “Not him. Stop.”

  She jerked out of Lars’s grasp, taking another step toward the Shadow. “I can feel your lack of ability from here. No wonder Brant was chosen over you. You’re not even a decent Shadow, are you? I’m surprised the Coalition even pretended they wanted you in their ranks.”

  She’d pushed too far. The Shadow reached for his weapon, and Kayla leapt toward him, intent on stopping him. Shouts sounded throughout the room, but she scrambled, focusing only on trying to touch any part of his bare skin. Her fingers made contact, and she flooded him with energy.

  He gasped, and she clamped her fingers around his forearm, forcing the energy into him. He tried to push her away, but his body spasmed uncontrollably. Concentrating on forcing more energy into him, she missed his hand coming up. With a sharp crack, pain in her cheek erupted and her head whipped back. A sharp burst of energy slammed into her, and she was flung backward, striking the wall.

  “You don’t think I know what you can do?” he shouted, lifting his hand and flinging more energy at her. Pain, like thousands of tiny daggers, pierced her skin and she screamed. They dug in deeper and twisted, the agony unlike anything she’d ever known.

  Another sharp gust of air swept through the room, and the assault stopped almost as quickly as it had begun. Kayla barely recognized Lars’s cooler air energy lowering her to the floor. She slumped down, tears stinging her eyes as she tried to remember how to breathe.

  “Try it again and I’ll kill her here and now,” the Shadow threatened.

  “Shield yourself!” Lars yelled, struggling in the grip of the Coalition guards. She had to get up.

  Focus, dammit. Pain is a tool that can be used.

  Kayla pushed herself off the floor, unsteady but determined. She grasped the energy threads, fumbling with them, and tried to form a shield.

  The Shadow laughed. “She can’t shield against her own energy.” He reached down, wrapping his fingers around her neck, and slammed her into the wall as though she weighed nothing. Stars danced across her vision. “Lars didn’t tell you who helped Miranda test the bond, did he?”

  Kayla dug her n
ails into the Shadow’s arm, scratching and clawing, trying to get him to release her. She kicked out, struggling against his grip. He squeezed her neck even tighter and leaned in close. “That’s right. I’m the one who figured out you can fuel Shadows with your energy. You’re going to be very useful to us once you’ve been brought to heel.”

  “Ruin rats will never be brought to heel!” a voice shouted, plowing into the Shadow. Kayla fell to the ground, coughing and choking. She pushed to her hands and knees, lifting her head to find Leo wrestling with the Shadow and swinging a knife at him. Carl gripped her arm and helped her to her feet.

  Chaos filled the room as the small group of ruin rats and OmniLab forces fought the Coalition soldiers. Shots were fired, and shouts filled the air. A nearby console exploded, showering glass and debris over them. She ducked, flinging her arms over her head.

  “Where’s the Shadow?” Alec shouted over the commotion.

  Kayla coughed, her throat still painful, and pointed to the man rolling around on the floor with Leo. The ruin rat camp leader was spouting curses. His knife had disappeared, and he was now swinging his fists, while yelling something about how he’d be the one to bring the OmniLab bastards to heel. The Shadow’s weapon was also missing. She glanced around but couldn’t tell where it had gone in the chaos.

  Alec rushed over to the Shadow, but before he could intervene, a powerful burst of energy sent Leo into the air. His body crashed into the ceiling and fell to the floor in a heap.

  “Leo!” Kayla screamed, racing over to him. He was lying on his side, his body twisted in an unnatural angle.

  “Don’t move him,” Carl urged, kneeling beside her. “We don’t know what’s broken.”

  “Leo,” she whispered, moving closer to assess the damage. There was too much. Between the obvious broken bones and the deep gash across the side of his face, it didn’t look good. Blood dripped onto the floor, forming a dark puddle on the ground. Carl pulled off his shirt and handed it to her.

  Leo coughed, struggling to breathe. “Don’t look at me like that. I’m fine. Just need to catch my breath.”


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