Radioactive Revolution: A Dystopian, Post-Apocalyptic Adventure

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Radioactive Revolution: A Dystopian, Post-Apocalyptic Adventure Page 20

by Richard Hummel

  “Jared? What is it?”

  He didn’t answer. Instead, he stumbled through the room, back to the opening and into the tunnel. The lone strand of web hanging from the ceiling slapped him in the face and stuck to his hair, but he was in such a daze, he didn’t so much as flinch. Back in the main cavern once again, Jared sat near the tunnel leading up, needing the small shaft of sunlight to shine against his skin. The tiny amount of heat from the sun’s rays did little to lighten his mood, but it helped comfort him against the horrors inside. He sat in place for a long time, unmoving. Scarlet was nearby, providing support as best she could. Vanessa came and sat next to him to offer comfort.

  Finally, after nearly an hour the kaleidoscope of images stopped spinning in his mind, and he worked to push them behind barriers. He knew he’d have to see them again, but prepared now, he’d shield off a part of his mind to guard against them. He would need a massive pep talk and lots of psyching up to enter that room again. And he would enter it again. They needed a way out of this cavern that wasn’t over land. If it meant going through that room and finding more underground tunnels that led away, then he’d suck it up and do it, but it would take a while for him to recover from the experience.

  “Jared, what did you see inside?”

  Looking up at Scarlet, he pressed his lips into a line. “I promise you, no one will want to see what is inside that room. It’s worse than anything I could ever imagine. Worse than anything you have ever seen. Yes, I know you spent a decade under the water.” Jared turned to encompass the water folk crowding around, and reached over to grab Vanessa’s hand. “I’m certain this is worse. I—” Jared collected himself before proceeding. “I’ll clear some of it out and burn the things inside, so you don’t have to see what’s in there. You don’t want to know what I saw, and hopefully you’ll never find out, but I’ll never forget as long as I live.”

  Vanessa clinched his hand tighter. “You don’t have to do it, Jared. We can—”

  Jared held up his hand. “No, it has to be me. If there are more of those spiders, they can kill any of you pretty quickly. I think they’d have a hard time doing any permanent damage to me, unless I run into any larger than the ones we saw. My skin is tough, and I have a layer of nanites around my body that will protect me. It scares me to death thinking there could be another horde of those things in there and that I might have to face them again, but it is safer for everyone if I’m the one to do it. I need to get torches and things to use for burning webs and—” Jared caught himself from saying bodies at the last second. “I think a couple will work just fine. Does anyone have something I can use? If the opening was wide enough for Scarlet, I’d ask her to take care of it, but it’s going to take a lot more excavation before any of the dragons fit through.”

  Casey hooked a thumb over his shoulder and responded. “There are old rags in my room. Maybe you can use those and a shovel to fashion a makeshift torch?”

  “That’ll work for now. Where are they? The rags?”

  “In one of the guest room closets on the floor. You should see it easily enough. I’ve been using them for bandages and saving the actual medical supplies for emergencies.”

  “Okay, everyone wait here, I’ll be right back.”

  Jared sprinted up the tunnel, darted from tree to tree and then up the cliff face before reaching Casey’s room. He found the rags right where Casey said they’d be. He grabbed a handful and then went up to the kitchen and found a couple match boxes.

  Just in case he needed them, Jared also stopped in the armory and grabbed a phase rifle with a couple spare battery packs for all his weapons. He really hoped he wouldn’t need them, but it was better to err on the side of caution. He made it back to the tunnel and went directly to the entrance of the cobweb filled room before he lost his nerve.

  Jared wrapped a stick with the rags, winding it as tightly as possible so it didn’t fall off after a small portion burned away. Once finished, he entered the tomb and lit the makeshift torch. He wasn’t sure how to eliminate all the webs, only that he must do it.

  Moving to the left wall where he’d found the row of empty blood bags, Jared touched the burning torch to the webbing.

  He was totally unprepared for what happened next. The web didn’t catch fire as he’d thought. It ignited, like a flash grenade. The web literally existed one moment and didn’t the next, leaving bright spots in Jared’s vision and a small puff of smoke. It evaporated before his eyes.

  Jared moved to the opposite wall. Staying as far back from the web as he could, he extended the torch and touched the web. Just like the other side, the web flashed and disappeared. A wave of bright fire washed over the entire wall, carrying it around the entire circumference of the cavern. Where the fire revealed more bodies, the flames attached to the desiccated husks and burned the dried flesh until nothing remained but bone and ash. The large clusters of eggs sizzled and popped with tiny flashes of light.

  All it’d taken was a tiny flame to destroy the entire lair. The bodies, save for the bones, burned up completely, leaving nothing but scorch marks. Watching the light show, Jared found several more spiders in the room, but the flame quickly caught them and ended their existence. He hadn’t needed to do anything but stand at the entrance and watch the absolute destruction.

  The wall of light reached the opposite end of the tunnel and forked. It continued around the perimeter of the room he stood in, but also into another connected room. A second later, the light forked yet again. Finally, it rounded the bend and headed back toward the spot Jared stopped clearing the wall. He realized it wouldn’t finish the job in this room because of the areas he’d cleared, but it didn’t matter since all he needed to do was walk up to them and touch the burning rags to a single strand of the web or body hanging on the wall.

  That’s exactly what he did as soon as the light show ended. In only a few minutes, he cleared the whole room, leaving only the blackened bones, ash, and reddish, orange bloodstains behind. Now that the webs no longer hid the walls from view, he got a good idea of the size of this room and found it as large as the one everyone else waited in. He also noticed piles of what looked like junk in sporadic nooks and crevices within the room.

  He didn’t think any of it would be useful after the fire had raged through the room, but it was worth a check at least.

  Jared retrieved the flashlight closet to him and pointed it at the ceiling. He’d cleared the walls, but parts of the ceiling still had webs and he had no desire to have spiders drop on his head. Wadding up more rags, Jared retreated to the edge of the room and lit one, the flames licking around his fingers before he threw it at the ceiling. Another bright flash illuminated the room as the entire ceiling lit up. From the brief flashes of light, he was glad he’d chosen to remove the webs there.

  Giant sacks burst open and the flames hungrily devoured thousands of tiny spiders that’d been near hatching. None of them stood a chance. Even the ones that dropped to the floor died in an instant from the flames coving their bodies. More spiders revealed themselves and quickly succumbed to the flames, landing below with their bellies up and legs shriveled in death. These spiders were nearly twice the size of the ones they’d faced in the other room, and he suspected they were the females keeping watch over their babies about to hatch.

  Just to be on the safe side, Jared pumped phase rounds into all the large spiders that fell from the ceiling. He didn’t want to chance them jumping to their feet and attacking him. Nearly two dozen of these large creatures tumbled from the ceiling. All that remained after Jared finished were a few crunchy legs that disintegrated after the flames stopped.

  Still exercising caution, Jared used the flashlight to examine the ceiling as he made his way across the room. There were many holes in the ceiling where the spiders and egg sacks had been and there could be something else hiding up there. Satisfied with his work, but on edge, Jared moved to the first tunnel that branch
ed on his left.

  It wasn’t the tunnel through which the stream flowed. That was on the right side and likely the one that extended farther and deeper into the earth. He’d tackle that one later and would backtrack to pick up Kitty and Elle before he did.

  The left tunnel proved to be much the same as the room he’d just cleared, only a quarter the size. The room and ceiling were clear of webs and there were no holes for stowaways. The only thing left in the room was a large mound of junk in the room’s center. He didn’t know what else to call the pile of things, since the assortment was random and contained everything from articles of clothing to cooking utensils.

  Between the piles in the other room and this one, they had a lot of sorting to do. He’d rely on the rest of the water folk to sort through the items, as he had more pressing concerns. They needed a way out of their predicament, so he needed to keep exploring no matter what lay in his path. Jared returned to the other room and looked around at all the bones littering the sides of the walls. It wasn’t nearly as bad as it had been, but he still didn’t want everyone seeing the bones where they’d fallen. It was obvious from the blood spatters on the walls and large circles of orange and red on the floor what had befallen the owners of the bones.

  Jared retrieved a shovel from the passageway connecting both chambers and used it to move all of the bones into a pile in one of the empty alcoves. It would still cause people to shudder, but at least they’d have a harder time figuring out what had actually happened in the room. He’d done all he could to make this easier to stomach and returned to speak with the agitated crowd.

  “I finished clearing out the room and another that branches off to the left. I’d like half of you to come with me and sort through some piles of items the spiders collected. Look for anything useful like changes of clothing, any items we can use for a prolonged journey, and weapons. I’ll retrieve some of our things from the rooms up above, but we won’t be able to take everything with us. It’s too risky to have many people moving around up there. Everything we’ve gathered so far is replaceable. If the city ever moves on, Scarlet and I can come back for anything we leave behind, like the solar panels. While everyone else is sorting through the piles, Elle, myself, and Kitty will follow the stream down the other tunnel. It forks off the next room. I haven’t been through it yet, but I don’t want to keep going without backup. Kitty’s senses are much more attuned to this environment and she can take lead to warn us of anything approaching.”

  “I want to go.”


  “If my sister is going into danger, then I’m coming with. I’ve learned how to shoot well enough and can help cover your back.”

  Jared knew he wouldn’t dissuade her from coming. “All right. Just make sure you stay behind us and keep your weapon at the ready. In fact, I want you to take the phase rifle.” Jared slid the weapon off his shoulder and handed it over.

  She grabbed the rifle and turned it over in her hands.

  He was about to ask her if she’d practiced with it, but stopped himself as he watched her check over the functions and battery charge. She definitely knew how to handle the rifle.

  “Everyone ready? I don’t care who comes, but only half of you should be in there at a time. Take turns if needed. Anything useful you find, bring it back here and organize your findings.” Jared looked around to see everyone nodding their heads. “Okay, let’s move.”

  Kitty took point. Jared followed up with Elle and Vanessa on his heels. Everyone else piled in single file behind them, crunching their way through the dead spiders littering the short tunnel to the other cavern. Disgusted looks marred their faces, but to everyone’s credit, they trudged onward.

  Once in the other room, everyone looked at the scorched walls and discolored floors. If they had seen what was there before, they would be wearing looks of abject terror and disgust. He’d need to live with the mental images for the rest of his life, but at least he’d spared everyone else. Kitty probably didn’t even care about what she’d seen.

  “There are two piles in here and one in the other room over there.” Jared shone the flashlight into the two alcoves and the adjacent room. “I’ve thoroughly inspected both rooms and the ceilings and there are no surprises left. Be careful when you go through the piles in case any of the smaller spiders burrowed beneath. If there are, be ready to kill them so no one gets bitten. I don’t know if these things are poisonous. My gut says they are, but no need to risk anything.”

  Those who accompanied him dispersed into three groups to check out the piles. Jared and his crew of three proceeded into the right-hand tunnel. Like the room that branched to the left, this one was clear of webs as well. The initial flame he’d provided was all it took for everything to burn away. This room wasn’t one large cavern, but rather a very large tunnel like those he and Scarlet had used beneath the earth when they’d gone to find her family. It was a natural tunnel and easily wide enough to accommodate the dragons. The number of stalactites hanging from the ceiling could be an issue, but it would be easy for the dragons to break them off as they walked.

  The width of the stream increased the farther they walked. At its widest point, it was a solid twenty feet across, but still it continued onward. There were no creatures in the immediate area, but Jared toggled his Heat Vision just in case. The moment he switched his sight, the world exploded into a dizzying array of colors and shades.

  He stumbled, nearly losing his footing and plunging into the stream.

  Vanessa reached out a hand to steady him. “Jared? Are you okay?”

  “I—” He didn’t know the answer to that question. “I don’t know. Give me a moment, please.”

  Jared kneeled and closed his eyes, trying to clear the confusion in his head and the weird vision. When he opened them, he thought he’d lost his mind. The scene around him wasn’t the same as when he’d entered the tunnel. His surroundings were as visible down here as if he was standing in full daylight. He could see every spectrum of light at once. Night Vision showed him stark contrast between shadow and darker shadow. Heat Vision allowed him to see the faint difference in color from the cooler surfaces and the colder water. Somehow, he could see… more.

  He didn’t know how to describe it other than his vision was bigger.

  “Scarlet? I think I got a new ability, unless you can explain how all of my different vision enhancements are active at the same time? I know I’ve used Magnified Vision and Heat Vision together, but I’m literally using them all right now and it’s allowing me to see in the tunnels like its day time down here.”

  “Your description sounds much like a spider’s ability to see. Can you also sense sound?”

  “Sense sound? What do you mean?”

  “If you received spider senses, then you may feel sounds or vibrations.”

  “I…no. Nothing like that. How is this ability already active if I got it from the spiders? I didn’t sleep, and I felt nothing change.”

  “Perhaps it is because you already had the physical changes to support the new ability.”

  “It’s really difficult to describe what I’m seeing. I can see with Night Vision and Heat Vision at the same time, but both of those are amplified to the point they merge together to create a perfect view of everything around me. Magnified Vision also seems changed. I don’t have to zoom in or out, I can just…see farther. I can see more? Does that make any sense at all?”

  “Some spiders have very wide lenses, which may account for your periphery expanding. When we have time, it will be good to explore the physical changes to see how it works. I am intrigued by this new development.”

  “Don’t spiders usually have poor eyesight? I mean, I know they can distinguish light and dark better than many other animals, but they can’t see far. How is it that my vision drastically increased?”

  “I can only surmise it is your Magnified Vision combined with the ot
hers that enables you to preserve your excellent eyesight.”

  “It’s very disorienting. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining, it’s just a huge change. I don’t even need light down here anymore.”

  “Just do not get careless, Jared.”

  “I know, I know, I’ll still proceed with as much caution, only now I’m not as afraid.

  “Jared, is everything okay?” Vanessa kneeled beside him. “You’ve been quiet for a long time.”

  “I’m okay. I was just chatting with Scarlet. It looks like I’ve got a new ability, though I don’t know how it works quite yet, or how it manifested without resting for a time. Somehow my eyesight now combines all of my different visions into one. It’s allowing me to see with absolute clarity down here as if walking out in the sun.”

  “You think this is from the spiders?”

  “I’m certain it is, but how it happened already is what I don’t know.”

  “If the spiders can do that, perhaps Elle and Carla should try to absorb nanites before we go farther?”

  “I hadn’t thought of that yet. The change was just so sudden. It’s a great idea though. Elle, can you run back and find Carla and Pete? See if you can absorb the nanites in that first tunnel. I’m guessing it happened when I fell back into the pile of burned corpses.”

  “We have to touch them?”

  “Unfortunately, that’s the only way to absorb the nanites, unless you want to inhale them like I did, but I really don’t recommend that. It was a horrible experience. If you can get away with just touching them, though, it’s absolutely worth it. This new vision is amazing.”

  Jared placed his hand down to get back to his feet, and his world turned upside down once again. Only this time, the senses he experienced were more of an awareness than a new sight. He felt a mass of vibrations through his hand that cascaded into his mind. He knew the exact positions of Vanessa, Elle, and Kitty as they shifted from foot to foot right next to him. The stream burbled its way through the tunnel beside him. Even the distant footfalls of those in the other room vibrated up through his arm. Somewhere ahead of him, the patter of small feet roamed around.


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