42 Hours

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42 Hours Page 9

by Bethany Lopez

She looked puzzled, but shrugged and turned to continue her progression to the lake.

  Once her back was turned, I popped up and took off running for the dock, figuring it was better to look like I was rushing to jump into the water, than to continue to wait for my erection to subside.

  Once I hit the edge of the dock, I took flight, bringing my knees to my chest, executing a perfect cannonball. Upon impact, the cold water stung my skin, and when I surfaced I yelled, “Shit!”

  I heard Gaby’s laughter, and turned to see her standing at the end of the dock, her face beautiful as she looked down at me.

  “Is it cold?” she asked with another belly laugh.

  “No,” I lied, figuring she would never get in if I told her the truth.

  It was cold as fuck!

  “Why don’t I believe you?”

  “Just jump, it’ll make it easier.”

  “I don’t know … Maybe I’ll just stay out here.”

  I dove underwater and began swimming back toward the ladder by the beginning of the dock. When I came to the surface, Gaby was still standing in the same place, scanning the water to see where I was.

  I climbed the ladder, eyes on her, and she began shaking her head.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, her voice becoming shrill.

  “Nothing,” I lied again. “Just thought you might need some help getting used to the water.”

  “You wouldn’t,” Gaby responded softly, although she totally knew that I would.

  “What?” I asked, holding my hands up in a gesture of innocence.

  “No, Scott, I’ll get in, just give me a minute.”

  I prowled toward her, an evil grin on my face, and when I was merely steps away I said, “You might want to plug your nose.”

  As I scooped her into my arms and jumped, I heard Gaby screaming, “No, No, No …. Nooooo,” until we hit the water and went under. I let her go immediately, and began kicking my way back to the surface.

  Before I could break through, I felt hands on my head pushing me back down. Looked like Gaby was fighting back.

  I kicked my feet hard and turned, opening my eyes and swimming away from Gaby’s shapely legs.

  When I came to a few feet away, she was looking around.

  “You wanna play?” I asked loudly, chuckling when her wide eyes met mine and she shook her head wildly, taking off in the other direction.

  We swam around for a while, playing our game of cat and mouse, until we were both laughing and exhausted. After I caught her for the fifth time, I grabbed her and pulled her into my arms, rather than dunking her under.

  Gaby’s laugh caught as her slick body made contact with mine, and my hands came up to tangle in her hair. I looked into her eyes, which were bright and dancing with laughter, before leaning in to touch my lips to hers. They opened upon contact, and I swept my tongue inside her mouth. Gaby’s arms tightened around my neck and pulled me closer, bringing our bodies flush with each other. I explored her mouth, my body hard with need, as my hand lowered to explore her back, cupping her ass and grounding her lower body to mine.

  Gaby moaned seductively against my lips and tangled her fingers in my hair as she pulled away, softly biting my lower lip with her teeth before plunging back in to claim my mouth. Her response made me frenzied and I began to move toward the shore, eager to have her beneath me. As we moved, her legs wrapped around my waist, causing my dick to throb eagerly against her hot core as it pressed into me. I almost stumbled at the contact, but caught my feet and continued on my mission.

  When the water was finally lapping at my ankles, I lowered Gaby slowly to the ground and covered her body with mine. Her legs stayed around my hips, but her hands began to move along my slick skin, and she broke her lips away from mine to begin a trail of kisses along my jaw. As the cool water teased our bodies, I looked down at Gaby’s flushed face and lowered my hands to caress her breasts. She arched her back and groaned, reaching up to run her tongue seductively along my throat. I pinched the pebbled nipple beneath my fingertips, rolling it softly as I lowered my mouth to her collarbone. I began to lick and nip my way lower, when a noise pulled me out of my haze and I looked up.

  Shelly was standing on the porch, one hand holding the door open, the other covering her open mouth. She shook her head and dropped her hand, squeaking out, “Sorry,” before turning and rushing back inside. The door slammed behind her.

  I tried to focus, but Gaby’s hands were now squeezing my ass as she kissed every inch of skin she could reach.

  It felt fucking amazing. I had to close my eyes and take a deep breath before bringing my hands to each side of her face and pulling her back so that I could look in her unfocused eyes.

  “Gabs, they’re back,” I said huskily.

  “Hmmm?” she mumbled incoherently, her hands still busy with their exploration.

  I lowered my head to kiss her gently on the lips, replying, “The gang is back from shopping. They’re inside.” Then I rolled off her and onto my back, letting the cold water take some of the heat out of my throbbing body.

  I turned my head to look at Gaby, and smiled at the sight of her taking deep breaths to try and control herself. I loved the fact that she’d responded so sweetly to my kisses. I knew the chemistry between us would be off the charts, and it thrilled me that I was right.

  “You okay?” I asked softly.

  Gaby rolled her head to the side to bring her gaze to mine, and she grinned happily. “Yeah, I’m great. You?”

  “A little frustrated,” I replied honestly, causing her to laugh and nod her agreement. “But, other than that … I’m perfect.” I looked at her intently, eager for her to see that I was telling the truth.

  She brought herself into a sitting position, then leaned over to press her lips to mine. Her lips were warm, but her hair was cold and wet as it hit the side of my face. I brought my hand up to pull her hair back, slanting my head to deepen the kiss before she pulled back with a sweet smile.

  “Ready to go in?” she asked, her face soft.

  “Yeah,” I responded as she pushed off of me and stood.

  I took her hand in mine, and we walked back to the house. I held open the door for her once we reached it, and we walked inside to the happy chatter of our friends. When they head us come in, the talking stopped and they all turned to look at us. I squeezed Gaby’s hand in mine to let her know I was there for her, but she just smiled at our friends and said, “Hey, guys, did you buy anything good?”

  Shelly and Sasha pulled her from me and maneuvered her toward the stairs to look at their purchases. I watched the girls’ retreat, then turned to Cal and TJ, who were looking at me with big grins on their faces.

  “Beer?” TJ asked, and I knew things between us all would be just fine.

  Chapter 18 – Gaby

  “I’m so sorry,” Shelly said quietly as we walked up the stairs.

  I flushed when I imagined what we must have looked like, going at it on the beach like a couple of horny teenagers. I held up my mouth to hold in a giggle and replied, “That’s okay, we were getting a little carried away. It was probably a good thing that you guys came back when you did.”

  “What are we whispering about?” Sasha asked as we walked into the room Shelly and Cal were using to look at her purchases.

  “Gaby and Scott were going at it on the beach when I walked outside,” Shelly told her with a wide grin.

  Sasha raised her eyebrow and rubbed her hands together. “Tell us everything. Was it hot?”

  “Totally hot,” Shelly put in before turning to look at me expectantly.

  I let out a small laugh at her words; what could I say, it was totally hot. The hottest make out session I’d ever had.

  “Well, when I woke up, you were all gone, and Scott was waiting for me. He planned a picnic by the lake, which was wonderful, then we laid out for a bit before he threw me in the water,” I began, enjoying my friends rapt attention at my retelling.

  “He threw you in?” Shelly ask
ed with a grimace.

  “Yup, and it was freezing,” I replied, then gave them a wicked grin. “But it got heated pretty quickly…” I laughed when Sasha slapped Shelly on the arm, indicating the story was getting good, and Shelly yelped. “We were playing around, swimming after each other and dunking each other, then … he caught me, and one thing led to another.”

  “And, viola … horny on the beach,” Shelly said with a giggle, causing Sasha and me to laugh along with her.

  “Yeah, that pretty much sums it up,” I said once I caught my breath.

  “Wow,” Sasha said, brushing a strand of wet hair off of my face. “Things are moving along with you guys.”

  I answered Sasha by saying, “Yeah … This is definitely not the way I expected his weekend to go, but I’m kind of being swept away. Being with Scott is better than I ever could have imagined.”

  “Awe,” Shelly said, bringing her hand to her mouth as her eyes filled.

  “I need to throw on some clothes, I’ll be right back,” I said when I realized that I was still wet and quickly becoming cold. When I turned to walk out of the room, Sasha took Shelly in her arms and murmured, “It’s okay, mama, I know you’re emotional right now.”

  After I’d thrown my hair up in a bun and threw on some sweatpants, I joined the girls in Shelly’s room, where she’d laid out all of her purchases on the bed.

  “Oh my gosh,” I cooed when I caught site of a bunch of multi-colored onesies. “Look how little they are.”

  “I know, I just couldn’t control myself,” Shelly sighed happily.

  We spent a few minutes going through all of Shelly’s new goodies before joining the men and beginning dinner. The guys were planning to go do some fishing, while the girls made the meal. Since we were having the big barbecue tomorrow, we’d decided to keep it light with grilled chicken, salad, and asparagus tonight.

  “I need some real meat, chicken doesn’t count,” TJ was grumbling as Sasha ushered him out the door with Cal.

  “You’ll survive,” she told him before she reached up and kissed him passionately on the mouth. Satisfied, and no longer thinking of food, TJ tapped her nose lightly with his finger, following Cal outside.

  “You good?” a seductively low voice said by my ear, just before Scott’s lips gently brushed the sensitive spot right below it.

  “Mmm, hmm, great,” I replied with a smile, turning to brush my lips against his.

  “Great,” Scott replied, his eyes crinkling in the corner, his face expressing his happiness. He looked freer than I’d seen him in a long time. More like his old self. “See you in a bit … I’m off to do manly things.”

  I chuckled, and said, “Have fun,” then, feeling the freeness of the moment, I gave him a good game as he walked away.

  Scott turned back to look at me as he walked away, his smile still teasing, but his eyes darkened. Then he shot me a wink and left the house.

  “This is so fun,” Sasha said gleefully when I turned to join her and Shelly in the kitchen.

  “It is … but still not quite as fun as dinner with you and TJ after you guys started ’seeing’ each other,” Shelly said, putting up her hands to give air quotes. “Remember when we all went to dinner and you guys did it in the supply closet? I need more of that from you.” She pointed at me when she said the last part.

  “What?” I stuttered. “I don’t think you’ll get that from me…”

  “Why not?” Sasha asked, hands on her hips.

  “Because I’ve never done anything like that before,” I replied. “You guys know that … I’ve never been with anyone that I wanted so bad, I lost sight of where we were or who was around us.”

  “You felt a bit of that today though, didn’t you?” Shelly asked.

  I smiled at the memory of Scott’s body covering mine while on the bank of the lake, and I realized they were right. Today was the first time I’d felt the passion Sasha and Shelly were always talking about, and I wanted more.

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Well, hold on to your panties, Gabs,” Sasha said with a sexy smirk. “That was just the beginning.”

  We opened a bottle of wine and began prepping the food. By the time the salad was together and the chicken and asparagus were on their way to being ready, the guys walked in and we were opening our second bottle of wine.

  Feeling confident and not just slightly emboldened by liquid courage, I walked straight to Scott and put my arms around his waist. When I had him where I wanted him, I tipped my head back and looked up into his handsomely scruffy face. Looking at it made me want to feel it, so I tiptoed up and pressed my lips to the scruff on his chin. When I settled back on my feet Scott was smiling down at me, and I knew he was pleased that I was so comfortable being affectionate with him.

  “Hi,” I said sweetly.

  “Hi,” he replied, and I swear I could feel all eyes in the room on us.

  “How’d it go?” I asked.

  “We didn’t catch anything,” Scott said with a shrug. “But we had fun hanging out and enjoying the day.”

  “Good.” I smiled up at him. I wondered if I’d ever smiled so much in one day in my entire life. “Hungry?”

  “Starved,” he replied, dipping his head lower to kiss me lightly.

  “I’m starved too,” Cal said, humor apparent in his tone. “Let’s eat.”

  Scott broke away and kept my hand in his as we walked to the table.

  Dinner was full of stories and laughter, and once we were done, we took our wine outside to enjoy a bonfire. We enjoyed our dessert outside, when Scott brought out all ingredients for s’mores.

  “Do we need to hit up the grocery store for anything tomorrow?” Cal was asking as I held my marshmallow over the flame. I liked mine to be burnt to a crisp.

  “I don’t think so, why?” Scott responded.

  “Cause I know we’re all gonna want to drink beer all day, so if we need to inventory what we’ve got, and make a last-minute run before we start the grill, that’d probably be a good idea,” Cal said.

  Everyone nodded their agreement, and Shelly said, “We’ll check it out when we get up. Make sure we have everything.” She put her s’more together, then settled on Cal’s lap and snuggled to him, groaning when she took the first bite.

  “Babe … you can’t groan like that while you’re sitting on my lap,” Cal complained, the look on his face making the rest of us laugh.

  “Sorry, babe,” Shelly replied, not looking sorry at all.

  When my marshmallow was perfectly charred, I placed it in between the chocolate and graham cracker and sandwiched it, squeezing it until the marshmallow began to ooze out the sides.

  “You take your s’mores seriously, huh?” Scott asked teasingly.

  “Absolutely,” I replied, putting the corner in my mouth and biting down. I closed my eyes as the melted chocolate, crunchy graham cracker, and sweet marshmallow hit my tongue. It was heaven.

  “Shit,” Scott’s voice sounded gruff from beside me. “I’ll give you s’mores every day if I can watch you eat them.”

  I opened my eyes, grinned, and licked my lips, causing him to groan softly.

  Sasha was right … This was fun!

  Chapter 19 – Scott

  We hung out well into the night, drinking and talking by the dying fire. When the girls started dozing in their chairs, we decided to call it a night and helped them inside.

  That was only a couple of hours ago, yet here I was wide awake and easing myself into Gaby’s room. She looked adorable, her long hair in disarray around her, covers kicked off, and a light snore emitting from her.

  I stood there watching her for a few seconds, then started to feel like a creeper, so I bent low at the waist and gently brushed locks of hair out of her face as I whispered, “Gaby … Gabs … wake up.”

  “Mmmm,” she said dreamily, moving to the side toward my voice.

  I wanted to lick her. Overwhelmingly needed to lick every inch of her.

  I shook my head and f
ocused on the task at hand.

  “Gaby,” I said again, a little louder this time.

  Her eyes fluttered a bit. She turned her head toward me and I watched as her crystal-blue eyes came in to focus on my face. She smiled sleepily and brought her hands up over her head to stretch.

  “What time is it?” she asked groggily.

  “It’s still nighttime,” I responded, unable to control my hand from caressing her face. “I was wondering if you’d like to go watch the sunrise with me.”

  She nodded, stretched one last time, then swung her legs over the side of the bed.

  “It’s a little chilly out, so bundle up. I’ll meet you downstairs.” I had to get out of there before I said fuck the sunrise and threw her soft, warm body back on the bed and covered it with mine.

  I high-tailed it out of there and jogged lightly downstairs.

  I went to the coffee pot and filled it, then got out two mugs and waited for it to percolate.

  I was adding the flavored creamer that I knew Gaby liked to her coffee when I felt her arms come around me and she hugged me tightly.

  “Morning,” she said against my back.

  My body became warm at her complete ease with hugging me. Not in a sexual way, but because I knew with absolute certainty that everything I’d ever hoped and imagined life with Gaby could be like, was true. I’d never felt so whole and completely at ease with myself than I did in this moment.

  I turned in her arms and held her tightly, breathing in the sweet fragrance of her, my heart beating happily in my chest.

  After a few minutes, she pulled back and I offered her the cup of coffee. She took it with a sweet smile, bringing it to her nose to inhale briefly, as if the caffeine could hit her bloodstream through smell alone.

  I took her hand and led her outside, where I’d set up a bench that normally sat under a big tree in front of the lake with a large soft blanket for us to cuddle under as we watched the sky light up with the morning light.

  When we were all settled in, blanket around our shoulders, coffee cup in one hand, Gaby’s soft delicate hand in the other, I looked down into her beautiful face. “Thank you.”


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