42 Hours

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42 Hours Page 13

by Bethany Lopez

  I nodded, but he was already turning to pick up his food from the counter, then he walked swiftly out the door.

  I’d heard everything he said, and no … I didn’t know him, but as I stood there watching him walk to his truck, I realized that he was someone that I would probably like to know, and I may have missed an opportunity to have a great friend by being such an ass all these years.

  When I got back to the table, Gaby was sitting there, drinking a glass of wine and staring into the fire, a small smile on her face. She looked up when I pulled out my chair.

  “Did you get lost?” she asked with a chuckle.

  “No, I ran into Brock,” I said softly, watching as the smile dropped from her face and a look of concern fluttered over it.

  She reached out to cover my hand with hers and asked, “Is he okay?”

  I’d toyed with the idea of not telling her that I’d seen Brock, because I knew she’d get upset, but I didn’t want to keep anything from her. I wanted to be open and honest with her about everything. Even if it meant upsetting her a bit.

  “No,” I replied honestly. “But he will be. He just needs time.”

  Gaby nodded sadly and I squeezed her hand gently, urging her to look back at me.

  “He’ll be fine,” I said insistently.

  She nodded again, this time with a small smile, and asked, “What are you getting?”

  “The carbonera, it’s fantastic,” I answered, bringing her hand up to kiss it gently. “What about you?”

  “I was thinking about either the mushroom ravioli or the chicken marsala.”

  We enjoyed a lovely meal, despite the initial regret after my talk with Brock, and I was glad that I’d told Gaby the truth about seeing him, rather than brushing it off. I wanted this to be different than any relationship I’d had previously, and to do that, I had to be a better man than I was.

  Chapter 26 – Gaby

  I felt like a princess.

  Sasha had taken me to her favorite stores the day before and made me try on countless dresses, until we found the perfect thing for me to wear to the charity event. It was black and white. Half of the dress black, the other white, with a slit up the center to just above the knee. The shapes and dimensions were fantastic and I was absolutely in love with it.

  I was turning to look at myself in the mirror when Sasha handed me a small black clutch.

  “Here, I brought this. I thought it would go perfectly.” She looked me over from head to toe, then smiled broadly. “He’s going to shit himself.”

  “God, I hope not,” I said with a laugh. She’d put my hair up in a soft, slightly messy bun, with light makeup. I felt truly beautiful, and I couldn’t wait for Scott to see me.

  The knock at the door caused me to jump, and my stomach was immediately overcome with nerves. Sasha clapped her hands together and jumped up and down, “He’s here! I’ll get it,” she said excitedly, then took off to answer the door.

  I smiled, placing my hand on my stomach and taking a deep, calming breath, before following her out to my living room. I stopped as soon as I walked into the room. Not for effect … but because when I saw Scott standing in the room, tall and lean in a gray suit with a maroon tie, his hair perfectly coiffed and his face devilishly handsome, I simply couldn’t move.

  Scott’s eyes started at my black heels and traveled up the slit in my leg, over the black-and-white cutouts of the dress, and landed on my face. The heat in his eyes coupled with the breathtaking smile on his face caused the nerves that had been coursing through me to be replaced with pleasure.

  “You look beautiful,” Scott said when his eyes met mine.

  “So do you,” I responded as I walked forward to meet his outstretched hand. He leaned down and kissed me on the cheek.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” I said before turning to give Sasha a hug. “Thank you!”

  “Anytime,” Sasha replied with a squeeze. “Knock their socks off,” she whispered in my ear, then looked to both of us and said, “You kids have fun!”

  Scott walked over and kissed her on top of her unruly red hair. “Thanks, Sash.”

  He whisked me out the door and I gasped when I saw the limo waiting out front.

  “Really?” I asked, unable to keep the excitement out of my voice.

  Scott chuckled next to me. “Have you never ridden in one?”

  I shook my head and allowed myself to clap my hands together excitedly before gaining my composure and climbing in when he opened the door.

  There were lush seats going around the back of the limo. They were black leather, with little tables situated throughout. There was a television, radio, and mini fridge against one wall, and glasses lining the other.

  I looked up at the sunroof above us and asked giddily, “Can I look out there real quick? Before we start going fast? I don’t want to mess up my hair.”

  Scott laughed as he pressed a button and the sunroof opened. I popped my head out of the limo and waved enthusiastically at Sasha, who was coming out of my house. I could hear her laughter follow us as we exited the driveway and started down my street. I looked around happily, until I felt the wind pick up. I didn’t want to ruin Sasha’s masterpiece, so I sat back down and said, “Thanks!”

  Scott closed the window and handed me a flute of champagne.

  “Anything for you.”

  His words warmed me as much as the champagne going down my throat.

  I eased back into the seat and allowed myself a moment of silence to enjoy the luxury.

  “Gabs?” I opened my eyes to see Scott looking down at me.


  “Thanks for being here,” he responded. He took my hand in his and held it until the limo began to slow, indicating we’d arrived at our destination.

  He escorted me into the ballroom, and I looked around at my opulent surroundings. As I took in the pink-and-white theme, decked out with pink ribbons everywhere, I realized that I’d never asked what the charity event was for, and now that I did, I was even happier to be there with Scott.

  We walked around the room, mingling with Scott’s clients, co-workers, and the city’s elite. I sipped champagne and made small talk, feeling surprisingly comfortable and in my element. I’d seen some of these faces come into Bee Sweet and was thinking that I could do this, I could handle this part of Scott’s life … when I turned to greet whoever had just come up behind us and came face to face with Scott’s mother.

  She didn’t look happy to see me. In fact, when she looked down and saw Scott’s hand placed at my back, her tight face grew even tighter.

  “Scott,” she said in her nasally voice, flicking her eyes from me to her son. “What is she doing here?”

  I felt Scott stiffen beside me and watched his face go from happy and open to closed off.

  “Mother,” he said in greeting. “Gaby is here with me, she’s my date.”

  “How distasteful of you,” she replied sharply, causing me to flinch. “Your friend will need to make other arrangements. Victoria is here to be your date.”

  As if conjured, Victoria appeared by Scott’s mother’s side.

  They could have been twins. Both with their brunette hair pulled back in a tight bun, both wearing dark suits featuring skirts and tailored jackets, and both wearing sour expressions that made their naturally beautiful faces look ugly.

  “Mother.” Scott’s exasperation was apparent. “First of all, Gaby isn’t going anywhere; she’s with me. Secondly, what game are you playing? Victoria and I are no longer together, and that isn’t going to change.” I noticed the hurt flash across Victoria’s face, and felt a twinge of compassion for her. Although she’d never warmed up to our group, I’d seen her and Scott’s relationship in the beginning, and she’d seemed like she was a nice person around him. Scott was oblivious to Victoria’s reaction, however; his eyes were solely focused on his mother. “I am here for work … I can’t believe that you would pull this here.”

  “Mrs.‒‒ ” I w
as cut off from my response when Mr. Brandt walked up and placed his hand at my elbow.

  I’d only met him a couple times before and each time I’d felt tongue-tied in his presence. He was an intelligent, gorgeous, and highly intimidating man. My heart leapt at his touch and I looked up at his striking face, startled.

  “Gabriella,” his smooth voice said in greeting. “How lovely to see you again.” Then he turned his gaze to the other in our party. “Victoria, you’re looking lovely as always.” Victoria’s face smoothed out as she greeted him, but he was finished with her and had moved his focus onto Scott’s mother.

  “Constance, how nice of you to attend our event. You always bring heavy hitters along, and the good people heading this charity will appreciate it. However, I’m disappointed that you would cause a personal scene in the middle of a Brandt Industries event, while your son is working.” Constance flinched visibly and paled at his words, and I bit back a smug smile.

  It was terrible of me to be smug about Mr. Brandt’s remarks to Scott’s mother, but she was such a horrible person that it was gratifying to see her put in her place.

  Mr. Brandt turned to look at Scott.

  “Scott, I trust you will be through here in a few moments. In the meantime, I’m going to take Gabriella to freshen her drink.” His look to me brokered no argument, so I nodded slightly as he said, “Good evening, ladies,” and guided me away from the group and toward the bar.

  “I’m so sorry, Mr. Brandt,” I stated, feeling like I needed to smooth things over for Scott. I would hate for him to get in trouble over me. “Scott didn’t mean to bring a personal issue to work.”

  “Please, Gabriella, call me Carson.” The rich timbre of his voice soothed my nerves as we walked. “And you don’t need to worry about Scott. Constance and I have known each other for years. I know exactly what she’s like. It’s none of my business,” he was saying as he handed me a new glass of champagne, “But I’m pleased to see Scott with you. I’ve met many men like him over the years. Men born to money, to parents who are only concerned with wealth and position. With Victoria, he would have probably become a man like that, but with you, he’ll have more balance. And a man who’s happy at home is much more productive in business, so it’s a win for me as well.”

  He flashed a handsome smile and said, “If you’ll excuse me, I have to see to my guests, but it’s been lovely talking to you again, Gabriella.”

  “Thank you,” I said stupidly, unsure how to respond after everything he’d just said.

  I was watching Mr. Brandt maneuver through the room, kissing women on the cheek, shaking hands with the men, all the while flashing his dashing smile, when Scott came up behind me.

  “I’m so sorry about that, Gabs. I should have realized my mother would be here; she lives for these events. I never thought she would act so wretchedly.” Scott’s face was flushed, and I knew he was embarrassed to have that all play out with Mr. Brandt involved.

  “It’s okay, Scott, your mother has never liked me … I know that.” I lifted my hand to his cheek, hoping to soothe. “Don’t worry about this now. You’re here to work. It’ll be fine.”

  Scott closed his eyes briefly, and I knew he could see that I was right, but when he opened them he said, “It’s not okay, Gaby. I want to be with you, and my mother doesn’t get to have an opinion about it, or treat you poorly … You’re right, though. I can’t let her actions ruin the rest of our night. Thank you for understanding.”

  I smiled up at him reassuringly, but in my heart I wondered how we could ever work, if his mother so obviously hated the idea of us together.

  Chapter 27 – Scott

  I could tell Gaby was nervous. She was sitting next to me in the car, fumbling with the strap of her seatbelt. Every few minutes, she would fidget with the radio and flip around until she found a song she liked.

  After the way things had played out with my mother at the charity event on Friday night, I knew she was worried. Gaby was pretty easy to read, and even though she knew my relationship with my parents was strained at best, I knew she had a hard time understanding it. Even though her parents were divorced, she had a great relationship with them, and always had. She didn’t know what it was like to have parents who didn’t care about her emotionally, but I did.

  I needed to convince her that what my mother, or father, thought about her or our relationship didn’t matter to me, and that it shouldn’t to her either. Their thoughts had no bearing in the way I viewed us.

  So I kept my smile to myself when I stopped the car and she looked out the window, then looked back at me.

  “I thought you said we were going to see your family,” she said, confused.

  I’d picked her up this morning and told her that I was taking her to lunch with the family, because I wanted to make her understand where my head, and my heart, truly was.

  “Yes,” I agreed, then nodded toward the house we were parked in front of.

  “But this is Cal’s parents house,” she said again, still not getting it.

  “It is,” I replied, then I explained further. “My parents are simply that … my parents. They clothed me, fed me, and gave me a place to live growing up. That’s all.” I brought my hands up to her face to cup her cheeks and watch her as I spoke. “Their opinion doesn’t matter to me, because that is all they’ll ever be. This,” I nodded toward the house in front of us, “is where my family lives. Calvin and Rose showed me a life that I never knew existed. They gave me brothers, in Cal and Craig, and they took me in as one of their own. Yes, I have actual parents, and they will always be around … I can’t discount that. My mother lives for charity events like the one we went to, and I will have to spend holidays and special occasions with them. I hope you can handle being around them, even if sporadically … But, if you’re worried that my family won’t accept you, or love you, you don’t need to. They already do. This is the only family whose opinion matters to me. I brought you here to show you that. Rose knows that we’re dating, and she’s been bugging me to bring you around. That’s why we’re here. Do you understand?” I asked softly, hoping that she took to heart everything I said, and believed what I said was true.

  Gaby had tears in her eyes, and when she smiled up at me, my heart lifted.

  She got it.

  “I’m so glad you had Calvin and Rose growing up,” she said with a sniffle. “I hate to say it, Scott, but your parents are awful.”

  I laughed and said, “I know … me too. I think I may be one of the luckiest men alive.” I looked at her meaningfully, then pulled her in for a hug. We held each other for a few minutes, and when I heard her breath even out, I asked, “Are you ready?”

  When she said that she was, I jumped out of the car to open her door, and walk her up the path to the house. I opened the door and indicated she should go in, smiling when I heard the shouts coming from the living room.

  When we rounded the corner we saw Craig and Cal hugging each other in the middle of the living room, while Shelly and Rose stood holding on to each other with tears and watery smiles, and Calvin stood off to the side looking proud and happy.

  “What’s going on?” I asked excitedly, their enthusiasm contagious.

  Craig turned to me and smiled widely. “I got in to USC! They gave me a scholarship.”

  I beamed with pride and rushed over to pull him into a hug of my own. “That’s fantastic, brother, you deserve it!”

  I clapped Cal on the back, who couldn’t have been more excited if it were him going, then turned to shake Calvin’s hand. He bypassed the hand and pulled me in for a hug. Looked like we were going to be celebrating today.

  “Congratulations, Craig,” I heard Gaby say, and I looked over to see her laugh as Craig picked her up off of the ground and spun her around.

  “Easy,” I said with a chuckle, but Craig just winked at me as he put Gaby down in front of Rose and Shelly. She and Shelly gave each other a hug, then she turned to Rose, who was still grinning happily, her face wet wi
th fresh tears.

  “What a happy day,” Rose gushed, putting her hands on Gaby’s cheeks. “I’m so happy that you’re finally here with Scott, Gaby. Thanks for coming.”

  “Thanks for having me, Ms. Rose,” Gaby replied sweetly.

  “You’re welcome any time dear,” Rose said, then she looked around the room, taking in her family, and added, “Calvin, I don’t know what we did to deserve these boys, but I couldn’t be more proud of our sons. Cal’s opening his own business and making us grandparents, Scott’s finally got the right girl on his arm, and Craig’s got a baseball scholarship to a great school.” She looked lovingly at her husband and said, “We must have done something right.”

  Calvin rushed over to hold his wife, as I worked on calming my racing heart.

  Rose had called me their son.

  They’d always treated me like I was one of their boys, but to have her say it out loud, and say she was proud of me, meant more to me than I could have imagined.

  I turned around and pressed my fist to my mouth, trying to regain my composure before I started crying like a baby, when I felt Gaby’s arms encircle my waist and her head rest against my back.

  When I knew I had a handle on my emotions, I turned in her arms, and hugged her to me. “Thanks,” I said softly, kissing the top of her head.


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