The Complete Works of Pat Parker

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The Complete Works of Pat Parker Page 3

by Pat Parker

  my head – hooded,

  allowed to breathe,

  but not to see –

  a blind goat charging

  “i am a man,”

  the buddha said

  “come with me &

  i will show you

  the ways of woman.”

  this goat saw & felt

  the blood run,

  leave my body –

  i could not find the eyes,

  no heart, no limbs

  only blood, deep dark

  blood that was life

  that was dead –

  scraped away

  with a surgeon’s knife.

  scraped into regret

  scraped into pain


  but real, real!

  and the herds

  herds of goats

  herds of sheep

  & the shepherds –

  give me your milk

  give me your wool

  & we will feed you

  we will protect you

  the shepherds came

  & taught me skills

  to provide for them.

  “come with me &

  i will show you

  the ways of woman”

  & i learned

  i learned hate

  i learned jealousy

  i learned my skills –

  to cook – to fuck

  to wash – to fuck

  to iron – to fuck

  to clean – to fuck

  to care – to fuck

  to wait – to fuck

  & this goat-child cried

  & screamed & ran

  & the buddha’s smile left

  & his wisdom faded

  & his throne crumbled

  & the buddha left &

  returned a shepherd.

  in that leaving

  the goat-child died –

  the goat-child died

  & a woman was born.

  For Donna

  Somewhere you live

  and i

  am many years away,

  no longer a frightened child

  capable only of giving birth.

  i wonder of your mother

  not me –

  for i have never washed you

  never fed you

  never touched you.

  If she tells you of me

  will you understand?

  understand my choice =

  give away part of myself

  to save part of myself

  If she tells you of me,

  will you hate me?

  i know hate.

  i know the hate of your father,

  i know that hate of the mothers –

  who kept their children,

  i will accept your hate

  but my child

  you can never hate me

  as much as i have hated myself.

  Sometimes my husband


  just like a man...

  dishes are evil / you know

  they can destroy the spirit…

  Washing dishes should

  be outlawed

  paper plate nirvana!

  long live dixie cups!

  …tomorrow i am going to lose

  my temper –

  i will destroy all the dishes

  that i missed last week –

  Fuller Brush Day

  Here you are, lady,

  a year’s supply of room spray,

  & I watch myself

  walking down

  my hall,

  spraying for a year.

  Spraying for a year,

  spray here – spray there

  walking down my hall

  spraying room spray,

  an artificial forest

  wiping out city smells.

  Artificial forest,

  minus birds

  minus squirrels,

  minus dew

  minus –

  spraying for a year.

  If you run out before

  a year’s time

  we’ll give you another bottle

  Another bottle

  a full


  permanent year’s bottle

  permanent year

  365 ¼ days

  no time given

  to holidays

  one year,

  spray for a year

  phony forest

  for a year

  forest in my kitchen

  forest in my toilet

  forest in my cat box

  a full time

  real life forest

  smelling type year.

  Walking down my halls

  spraying for a year

  365 ¼ days

  of spray



  & I bought it.

  To see a man cry –

  is like watching animals

  in a zoo,


  the baby elephant

  whose trunk is

  too short

  or my arm

  isn’t long enough

  and the peanuts

  won’t quite reach

  but fall among husks

  like your tears

  mating with mine

  in frustration.

  Even in our worst times

  some part of us –

  finds each other.

  You can’t be sure of anything these days

  You meet a really far-out man –

  tells you,

  he’s been on his own for years

  opens car doors for you

  carries packages for you

  protects you from evil-doers

  says he wants an intelligent, creative

  woman to be his partner in life.

  you marry and find

  the dude is

  too weak to pick up a dish

  too dumb to turn on a burner

  too afraid to do laundry

  too tense to iron a shirt

  & to top the whole thing off –

  he tries to cover his incompetence

  by telling YOU –

  it’s women’s work.

  You can’t be sure of anything these days.


  (To my husbands, lovers)

  a going out or going forth;


  Trust me no more –

  Our bed is unsafe.

  Hidden within folds of cloth

  a cancerous rage –

  i will serve you no more

  in the name of wifely love

  i’ll not masturbate your pride

  in the name of wifely loyalty.

  Trust me no more

  Our bed is unsafe

  Hidden within folds of cloth

  a desperate slave

  You dare to dismiss my anger

  call it woman’s logic

  You dare to claim my body

  call it wifely duty.

  Trust me no more

  Your bed is unsafe

  Rising from folds of cloth –

  A Moment Left Behind

  Have you ever tried to catch a tear?

  Catch it on bent fingers.

  Press it against eyelids,

  And wish the moment.

  Or capture bitter words

  Ripped from your throat like timber

  And surround them –

  islands of instant.

  I do not claim all possible

  Creating myths of modern America.

  I cannot swim an ocean.

  I attempt the width of a pool.

  From Deep Within

  Nature tests those she would calls hers;

  Slips up, naked and blank down dark paths.

  Skeletons of the sea, this we would become

  to suck a ray of sight from the fire.

  A woman’s body must be taught to speak –

  Bearing a li
fetime of keys, a patient soul,

  moves through a maze of fear and bolts

  clothed in soft hues and many candles.

  The season’s tongues must be heard & taken,

  And many paths built for the travelers.

  A woman’s flesh learns slow by fire and pestle,

  Like succulent meats, it must be sucked and eaten.


  My hands are big

  and rough & callused –

  like my mother’s.

  My innards are twisted

  and torn and sectioned –

  like my father’s.

  Now - some of

  my sisters see me

  as big & twisted

  rough & torn

  callused & sectioned

  definitely not pleasant,

  to be around –


  Had i listened to my father

  i would be

  married & miserable

  dreaming of fish

  & open space

  & bellowing my needs –

  waiting for some one

  to listen to the second run

  & know –

  it is difficult to be

  strong –

  & appear sure

  no one ever believes

  when you cry.


  Had i listened to my mother

  i would be married & miserable

  dreaming – praying

  of security

  & choking on my needs

  waiting for someone

  to listen to the second run

  & know

  It is difficult to be

  quiet –

  & appear sure

  no one believes

  when you


  show your tears.


  My hands are big & rough

  like my mother’s

  my innards are twisted & torn

  like my father’s

  my self is

  my big hands –

  like my father’s

  & torn innards –

  like my mother’s

  & they both felt

  & were

  & i am a product of that –

  & not a political consciousness

  This at last is bone of my bones

  and flesh of my flesh;

  she shall be called Woman,

  because she was taken out of


  Genesis 2:23

  from cavities of bones


  from caverns of air

  i, woman – bred of man

  taken from the womb of sleep;

  i, woman that comes

  before the first.

  to think second

  to believe first

  a mistake

  erased by the motion of years.

  i, woman, i

  can no longer claim

  a mother of flesh

  a father of marrow

  I, Woman, must be

  the child of myself.

  There are two things I’ve got a

  right to, and these are death

  or liberty. One or the other

  i mean to have.

  Harriet Tubman


  I don’t want to hear


  how my real enemy

  is the system.

  i’m no genius,

  but i do know

  that system

  you hit me with

  is called

  a fist.

  How do we know that the panthers

  will accept a gift from

  white – middle – class – women?

  Have you ever tried to hide?

  In a group

  of women



  slide between the floor boards

  slide yourself away child

  away from this room

  & your sister

  before she notices

  your Black self &

  her white mind

  slide your eyes


  away from the other Blacks

  afraid – a meeting of eyes

  & pain would travel between you –

  change like milk to buttermilk

  a silent rage.

  SISTER! your foot’s smaller,

  but it’s still on my neck.

  In English Lit.,

  they told me

  Kafka was good

  because he created

  the best nightmares ever –

  I think I should

  go find that professor

  & ask why

  we didn’t study

  the S.F. Police Dept.

  My heart is fresh cement,

  Still able to mark on,

  but in short time,


  I will not dry,

  covering the streets of men

  with hate


  My breath leaves me –

  arid words crack,

  tumble, to the floor

  like spilled salt.

  Hate – Kill – hate – kill

  That’s primitive –

  Yes, primitive,


  Run naked thru jungles



  wallow in trampled grass,



  be, primitive

  like sex –


  sweaty, be


  my guts ache

  KEEP your guns,

  or you die first run

  kill, hate, run



  hate kill


  wet grass is sticky.


  Mother, dear mother, I’m dying,

  People are frowning at me,

  I spend my time now, crying,

  I don’t know what to be.

  Child, dear child, I’m sad,

  To know that you’ve gone astray,

  Beatniks, you know, are bad,

  I hope you find the way.

  Mother, dear mother, I’m frightened,

  They’re dropping bombs about my head,

  I’m afraid to bother to make a friend,

  For I’m sure she’d wind up dead.

  Child, dear child, you’re silly,

  The bombs are for the enemy,

  And every good person is willing,

  To help keep our country free.

  Mother, dear mother, I’m passed,

  Working my whole life away,

  Trying to join a higher class,

  and living in utter decay.

  Child, dear child, I must, *

  Show you the way to God,

  First, you learn to trust,

  & stop doing things that are odd.

  Mother, dear mother, are you blind?

  You’ve seen nothing I’ve said,

  What will you do when you find,

  Your child has fallen down dead?

  Child, dear child, I’ll buy,

  A large casket made of gold,

  I’ll sit beside you and cry,

  & pray to God for your soul.

  With the sun –

  fear leaves me

  rushes to cover /

  leaves lumps

  like the backyard gopher

  to remind me.

  I am afraid

  of anyone

  of anything

  that would harm me /

  not the pain

  not the act


  the desire.

  For Michael on His Third Birthday

  “What are you, Michael?”

  “Black and Beautiful.”

  A distant time passed

  Men chained back to

  Destined pain by cast

  Slave – night men – Black

  Overseers of then & tomorrow

  Families born into a pack

  Believing – that they borrow

  Slaves – dead men – Black

  Hurt – doubters of the lie

  Death the only fact

  Teach the son to die

  Slaves – free men – Black

  Slaves, dead, under ground

  Fire swallows the rack

  The gun has turned around

  MEN – Beautiful and Black

  A Family Tree

  Cursed be Canaan;

  a slave of slaves

  shall he be to his


  Genesis 9:25

  Pitch sun-child drowns in the Mississippi,

  washes away chains of loneliness, floats

  a drum beat on the Nile.

  Daughter of Ham lies on a church floor;

  filled in orgasm with her Maker,

  a spent lover ignorant of a hard bed.

  The sperm of a million nights

  sings loud over the southern skies;

  – Sirens to a nation’s conscience.

  A babe of illusion has been born.

  She will tell the world of rainbows;

  And kiss the holes in its eyes.


  Each Sunday

  the people of this town

  would go to church


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