King's Possession

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King's Possession Page 4

by Stone, Piper

  And I would do it again, only this time, I’d claim her virgin ass.

  The day was sunny, a light breeze wafting the sweet scent of roses. Inhaling, I adjusted my sunglasses as I gazed at the beautiful setting. I enjoyed having certain meetings in outdoor locations. The house itself was used exclusively for posh events, the owner and I old friends. He’d allowed me the use of the grounds for the afternoon, sending his entire staff home. I knew my way around the place, having spent a good deal of time at one party or another, all a basic requirement for maintaining the Kings’ hold on the world of diamonds.

  Today was entirely different, but just as necessary in order to send a warning to those who would consider thwarting our power.

  I walked around the side of the massive estate, relishing the spectacular landscaping design. As I approached the backyard, I caught the eye of one of my Capos. Mario walked in my direction, the big, burly man attempting to keep a grin off his face.

  “Boss,” he said, giving me a nod of respect. “He’s been waiting for you to arrive for over an hour.”

  “Ah, the joys of anticipation.” I snickered as I rounded the corner, studying the man who was pacing the stone patio. A moment of anger pushed into my system, but I tamped it back. This was all about business and nothing else. Two of my soldiers remained on the outskirts, ensuring that the meeting would remain private as well as keeping my employee from attempting to bolt.

  “Mr. Brooks. I’m sorry if I kept you waiting.” I held out his hand, the gesture my usual style. He’d worked with our organization in New York for almost five years, his expertise in the diamond trade industry well worth every penny I’d spent on his salary. Sadly, the man had chosen to betray me, providing insight as to our practices as well as particular trade information. That had almost led to a bloodbath with the Vitalis only a month before.

  I’d bided my time after the incident, doing everything I could to curtail my fury. In some regard, I had Mr. Brooks to thank for giving me a reason to secure the deal I’d made with Mr. Rossi, even though my methods had been unscrupulous. However, I couldn’t allow his misbehavior to go without punishment.

  “Mr. King. I thought you weren’t coming,” he said as he tentatively shook my hand.

  “Nonsense. I always make time for my employees, especially when they’re in need of correction.”

  A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead, his eyes opening wide. “I’m sorry?”

  I slid my arm around him, forcing him to walk with me as I headed for a small trailer holding several pieces of lawn equipment. “You see, it’s come to my attention that you’ve been a bad boy.”


  “Meaning, I’m well aware of the information that you provided to Ciro Vitali.” I allowed the information to sink in for a full minute.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” His hesitation was, of course, an admittance of his guilt.

  I smiled, removing my sunglasses so he could see my eyes. “Oh, I think you do. Now, it’s fortunate that I was able to deal with the awkward, damning situation you created, but as you might imagine, your misdeed can’t go without consequences.”

  He took a step away, gazing from right to left. “I didn’t tell him anything. I swear to God.”

  “Well, I know for certain that you did. I assure you that it’s your lucky day, Mr. Brooks. Actually, I’m planning my wedding, so I happen to be in a particularly pleasant mood today.”

  “That’s great, I mean about your wedding. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you. I do appreciate that.” I took a deep breath, noticing one fine-looking piece of equipment. As I walked toward the trailer, I continued to talk. “Few people know this, but I have an affinity for landscaping. I adore working in a garden and always have.” As I pulled the battery-operated saw into my hand, I made mental note to get one for myself. “A Stihl product. Did you know they are the best in the industry?” I shot him a look, grinning like a kid. I adored tools of any kind.

  Mr. Brooks was beside himself, now sweating profusely.

  After I removed the cover, pressing the button and allowing the blade to rotate along its guide, I brought the cutting teeth to full speed. “This is one efficient piece of equipment, very quiet. Wouldn’t you say?”

  He nodded, his body shaking.

  Sighing, I peered down at the limited instruction mounted on the handle. “Able to cut up to a four-inch limb. Hmmm… I am impressed.” I shifted my gaze to one of my soldiers, who advanced toward us. Then I walked closer, able to hear the sound of Mr. Brooks whimpering. “You are aware of who I am. Correct?”

  “Yes, sir. I know you’re a very important man.”

  I laughed and lowered the saw. “That’s very good, Mr. Brooks. I wanted to ensure that you had a full understanding of the kind of person I am and why I might be angry with you.”

  “I… You don’t understand the Vitalis, Mr. King. They are horrible, ruthless people. They threatened me.”

  Sighing, I nodded several times. “Yes, they have quite a reputation. It’s unfortunate that you didn’t decide to come to me for help. I would have done everything in my power to protect you. Instead, you chose to go against the wrong man.”

  “Please. I’ll do anything.”

  “Yes, of course you will. And I may call you into service again, Mr. Brooks. Until then, you need to be taught a very valuable lesson.” A single nod was all that was needed, one of my soldiers grabbing Mr. Brooks and shoving a rag into his mouth. While there was only one neighbor within a two-block radius, I certainly didn’t want to disrupt their beautiful afternoon.

  I pressed down the button on the saw again, turning it back and forth as the engine revved. This was a perfect implement, a great find.

  Mr. Brooks’ muffled cries pulled my attention away.

  “I think we can handle this situation like gentlemen. Don’t you?” I motioned for Mario.

  My misguided employee nodded, his eyes misting over.

  “You are going to do me a favor though, Mr. Brooks. You’re going to tell your good buddy, Ciro, that the King family will not accept any interference or bullshit. That will not be tolerated.”

  “Look who I found.”

  The familiar voice of my brother brought a smile to my face. Vincenzo had flown in for the wedding.

  “You’re a sight for sore eyes. Did you just get in?” I asked.

  Vincenzo nodded as he studied the sight in front of him. “Just an hour ago.”

  “I’ll be right there. We have a lot to talk about.” Once again, I turned my head toward Mr. Brooks. “I think I’ll let Mario handle this from here. I’m certain with his expertise that the four-inch limit won’t be an issue. I hope this will conclude this matter. If not, I won’t be as lenient next time.”

  As I handed off the saw to my Capo, I gave him a single nod. He knew what to do from here. Then I walked toward my brother, slapping him on the back. “Why don’t we go get a drink? It’s been one hell of a couple days. Trust me, the man won’t betray us again.”

  * * *

  My wedding day.

  I adjusted the bowtie then smiled at my reflection, surprised my eyes were twinkling. The marriage had meant nothing when it had been determined that I should force an unholy arrangement. However, things had changed, my lovely bride more of a handful than I’d originally thought. I’d known little about her other than she was a pampered princess, a daddy’s girl who’d attended the best schools, including a year spent studying art abroad. She was fluent in several languages and had lived a sheltered life.

  There’d been no partying, no foray into drugs or alcohol that I’d been able to determine. It was her spunk and clarity of hatred that had kept me awake the last few nights. While almost nothing about her had surprised me, the fact she was so inexperienced caught me off guard. I wasn’t a romantic by any stretch, my preferences bordering on rough if not sadistic. However, I hadn’t planned on taking her until our wedding night.

  My mind had bee
n changed by her behavior and the way she managed to explode the electricity we shared.

  I noticed Vincenzo leaning against the doorway, his legs crossed and his hands in his pockets. He had a mischievous glint in his eyes, a wry smile on his face. He found my decision amusing.

  “Say it, brother. I know you’ve been wanting to challenge me since your arrival.” I pulled out my weapon, making certain I had a full clip. I’d learned a long time ago that whenever I’d left my weapon out of my reach, something always happened. I refused to be caught without some form of protection, even if the entire church was surrounded with my men.

  After securing the Glock in my holster, I buttoned my jacket and smoothed down my hair. At least I looked the part of the dutiful husband. After the ceremony, everything would change.

  “Weapon or no weapon, you’re taking a huge risk,” Vincenzo stated, chuckling afterward.

  “With the girl or her father?”

  “With the Vitalis. They are nothing more than barbarians. They won’t take kindly to your… message. My guess is that the man you disciplined has already talked to Ciro.”

  My message. Sending a message through Mr. Brooks had been necessary in order to draw a line in the sand. The majority of diamonds came into New York, the various brokerages vying for top dollar, only achieving their goal if in the upper echelon, the one the King family had been cut out of until now. “I’m certain he followed my orders given he has a much better understanding of what I’m capable of. I did what was necessary in order to secure our position, something Cristiano requested months ago.”

  “Diamonds. What the hell are we doing in precious gems?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. Vincenzo had been a playboy the majority of his life, preferring fine wines and women to handling aspects of the family business. Suddenly, he’d become more ruthless, hungering for a larger piece of the imported party favors, although drug running was becoming more dangerous by the week.

  “Just another method of increasing our wealth. I don’t intend on allowing the Vitalis to have a single opportunity to enter our turf.”

  “Well, Ciro Vitali won’t take this without answering your message in kind. Need I remind you that New York isn’t our turf.”

  “Certain portions I’ve claimed.”

  Vincenzo sighed. “You can’t keep them out of the diamond industry, Lucian. From what I’ve heard, they’re not just using South America any longer. They’re pulling from Asia as well.”

  I’d heard all the rumor mills. Both markets were rich in precious gems, only Asia’s were more controlled. “Do you actually think brutes like the Vitalis will be allowed to handle their business in their normal fashion?”

  “That remains to be seen. I just hope you’re prepared. Ciro Vitali enjoys acts of retaliation, especially since you stole his son’s intended prize. I also don’t think a single member of our family wants blood to rain in the streets of New Orleans.”

  “Well worth the risk.” I grinned as I turned toward him. “Besides, protecting our assets is what you’re here for, muscle while I’m away on my honeymoon.”

  He laughed. “You’re actually taking this arrangement seriously?”

  Shrugging, I walked closer. “She’s actually exceptional, the kind of woman who will bring light into my life. In addition, I think getting away will be helpful in beginning her training.”

  “Training.” Vincenzo shook his head. “You are one brutal man. Just don’t fall for her.”

  “Not a chance, but I do like my women a certain way.”

  “Submitting without question. You’re getting more like Cristiano every day.”

  “Yes, well, he’s met his match with Emily. I think that girl has him wrapped around her little finger.”

  We both laughed. While we were happy for our brother, there’d been recent concern that he was going soft, something that couldn’t occur. However, I didn’t mind picking up the slack as necessary.

  “What are your plans for Mr. Rossi?” he asked as he backed away from the door and into the hall.

  “Mr. Rossi has offered us an open invitation to come to the big boy’s table. We have a scheduled meeting tomorrow morning before my lovely bride and I leave for Cartagena.”

  Vincenzo lifted his eyebrows as I closed the distance. “A fascinating choice for a honeymoon. Would this have anything to do with putting another enemy in his place?”

  My thoughts shifted to the Morales cartel out of South America as we walked down the corridor of the old church. The diamond trade industry was second only to illegal drugs; however, the cartel was savage in their methods of mining the raw product, using slaves to handle the day to day digging. I abhorred their methods, let alone the asshole dictator who had more power and influence than members of their government.

  Carlos Morales had also continued to push into our territory, attempting to destroy our incoming ships, stealing the precious cargo. I had a planned secret meeting with one of Morales soldiers. My main concern at this point was finding out if Morales had made a deal with the Vitalis, something I’d heard more than once on the streets.

  “It’s an opportunity to secure information that couldn’t be refused.”

  Vincenzo sighed as we walked slowly, moving past some of the most beautiful artifacts that I’d seen in a Catholic church. While our mother was extremely religious, attempting to provide education as well as instill her faith in all her children, our empire didn’t fit well with traditional religious standards.

  I hadn’t been to confession since I was young, and I had no intention of doing so any time soon.

  “Be careful, Lucian. While I know you take your position as Underboss seriously, every member of this family is working diligently to ensure a future for our children.”

  I gave him a sideways glance. “Do you need to tell me something, brother?”

  Grinning, he shook his head. “Very funny. There isn’t a woman alive who could handle my needs. That’s why I fear for the poor girl you’re about to force into marriage. You’re exactly like me in that manner.”

  “Don’t worry,” I said as we began to hear strains of organ music coming from the sanctuary. “I will be as gentle as my hunger allows.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.” Vincenzo patted me on the back. “Just be careful. Your bride is now your greatest weakness.”

  “Nothing I can’t handle.” No one would take her away from me. After seeing her the night of the engagement party, my hunger had increased tenfold. Even at this moment, standing in the middle of a hallowed place, all I could think about was shoving my cock into her tight little pussy.

  What kind of a man did that make me?

  I always felt out of place when entering a church. My mother would say it’s because of my lack of confession, but I knew it had everything to do with the decisions I’d made my entire life. I had no regrets, was able to look myself in the mirror. Only sleep remained difficult. Perhaps having a beautiful blonde in the bed next to me would change that fact. “It’s a shame Mother and Father couldn’t have been here.”

  “I’m certain they’re here in spirit.”

  I doubted that. This was just a business arrangement after all.

  * * *


  The gothic Catholic church was the perfect selection for this forced union. From the ornate steeples shooting toward the heavens to the massive stone façade, the location was a reminder of my past. I’d been christened here nineteen years before, my birth considered a miracle. In my mind, my arrival into the world had been a curse.

  I’d seen the eight or ten armed men, some remaining outside, the others pretending to be guests of such a fabulous event. Their appearance was a nasty reminder of just how dangerous the King family truly was.

  My wedding day.

  How many times had I imagined the day? The flowers and the gorgeous dress. Hundreds of people in attendance. I’d have seven or eight bridesmaids dressed in a lovely shade of violet, my favorite color. There woul
d be an amazing ballroom filled with copious amounts of food and a cake at least eight tiers high. The day would have bright blue skies and fluffy white clouds, the scent of flowers coming from every direction. I’d dance the night away, the champagne flowing. And my gorgeous, attentive husband would whisk me away for a romantic week at a tropical and very private destination, days filled with adventure and nights with passion.

  As I stood staring at the full-length mirror, a flash of lightning drew my attention to the window. Instead of a spectacular afternoon, the day was stormy and cold, the lighting creating ominous shadows in the old church. While my dress was glamorous, thousands of beads and sequins adorning the virgin white satin, I hadn’t been allowed to make the selection myself.

  “Stand still, Genevieve. I’m almost finished,” Maria said from behind me.

  The older woman who’d been placed in charge of making certain I had everything I needed was a stranger, someone likely paid well to babysit me prior to the start of the ceremony. As she finished buttoning the last of the two dozen fasteners, she stood back, giving me a nod of approval.

  “Very nice. Let me get your veil.” Her words were curt, her Italian accent doing little to warm her otherwise rigid demeanor.

  “I don’t want to wear the veil.”

  She ignored my statement, lifting the veil into her hands and gently placing the tiara on top of my head. A fucking tiara, as if I was marrying a prince.

  Not unless Lucian King was the Prince of Darkness.

  I closed my eyes as she pinned the horrible atrocity into place.

  “That will do nicely. You are finally ready,” she stated in such an emotionless tone.

  “Ready to begin my nightmare.”

  There were dozens of guests in attendance, few of whom I even knew. Only my best girlfriend had been allowed to stand by my side, the selection of her pasty pink dress handled by my mother.

  The reception? A stodgy club my father belonged to. Those were the only details I’d been privy to. At least my one insistence had come true. My bouquet. I shifted my gaze toward the two dozen red roses, blood red to be exact. The marriage was nothing but a union forged in blood and hate, violence and betrayal. The selection was perfect.


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