King's Possession

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King's Possession Page 8

by Stone, Piper

  Both the Morales cartel and the Vitali crime syndicate were on that list.

  However, the trip was about the fifteen minute meeting and a few days of pleasure before getting back to business. I’d meant what I’d said to Genevieve. She deserved the respite if for no other reason than having her life stripped away.

  Yeah, maybe I still had a portion of my mother’s softness buried somewhere inside.

  Genevieve remained rigid even after the passion we’d shared, her mouth pinched and her hands clasped together as she peered out the window. She’d said almost nothing during the flight, the same pensive look remaining on her face.

  The late afternoon sun was bearing down, the heat of the day as oppressive as I’d remembered. I’d timed our arrival to allow the meeting to occur first. That would allow me to determine my next course of action before returning.

  As the driver headed down a small cobblestone street, the colorful buildings and floral displays became even more vivid. Only then did her eyes open wide with appreciation. She turned her head, studying me intently. “You didn’t allow me time to get anything from my house. I have nothing to wear.”

  “You will find everything you need in your suitcases. Besides, we’ll only be here for a couple of days.” I guessed that my answer would offend her, but she said nothing, yet her eyes managed to pierce right through me. With her long blonde hair sweeping across her shoulders and the tropical dress I’d selected for her to wear, she looked more like the photographs I’d seen of her mother than ever before.


  The word continued to play in my mind until I was sick of it. Maybe I was feeling some level of guilt that I couldn’t manage to get over. The deal was done. I had zero regrets.

  “Are you always going to choose everything for me?” she asked, a hint of her former rebellion returning.

  “That’s not my intent. There simply was no time to allow you to go shopping.” I could tell Brick was trying to ignore our conversation, staring out the other window. I’d brought a single soldier, against Vincenzo’s concerns; however, I didn’t want to draw any unneeded attention to my arrival. His brawn and expertise would come in handy if necessary. He would also be her babysitter in case my little flower tried to run away. I’d confiscated her phone prior to the wedding. Although I fully intended to allow her some privileges, that would come after a certain amount of trust had been reached.

  I had no doubt she’d attempt to get away, soon finding herself in a foreign country with no way of returning home.

  A slight smile crossed her face. “That’s bullshit and you know it.” She returned her gaze to the window just as the driver pulled into the hotel.

  “Hotel Casa San Agustin,” she said in passing, as if needing to memorize the location. “Why South America?”

  I glanced at the driver, who was peering into the rearview mirror. “I thought you would enjoy the beautiful city on our honeymoon.” The last thing I needed was an indication that I was here for any other reason than my honeymoon. I had no doubt there were Morales spies in every city, their soldiers even more brutal than mine. While I’d done everything in my power to keep our arrival private, the flight logs could be checked and likely were on a regular basis. There was no method of getting around certain laws, even though the King connections had allowed us to breeze through customs.

  Her laughter was strained and full of suspicion. I exhaled, holding my tongue. A discussion would need to be held later. There was more danger in this country than she could understand.

  Brick stood outside the car as we exited, paying the driver then bidding the man on his way. I couldn’t help but notice the South American continued to pay attention as he drove away slowly. I pressed my hand against my weapon, hoping I wouldn’t need to brandish it on this trip.

  “I don’t like this, boss,” he said quietly as he scanned the street.

  “Just keep watch. I’ll be leaving in twenty minutes.”

  “I should be coming with you.”

  I glared him in the eyes. “You know what’s most important to me. Genevieve’s safety.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Check-in took only minutes, the suite I’d asked for one I hoped she would enjoy. After tipping the bellman, I stood watching the way she moved through the various rooms, trailing after her and remaining quiet. There’d been fresh flowers placed on two of the tables, wine and champagne ready for consumption. When she walked into the bedroom, she squealed, immediately trying to squelch the sound.

  The four-poster canopy bed was ornate in design, the furniture well adorned and posh enough that it was fit for a queen.

  My queen.

  “You can go outside,” I said as she stood staring out the French doors. “I think you’re going to love what you see.”

  She darted a quick look in my direction, allowing me to see the shimmer of happiness in her eyes. As she opened both doors, she took a deep breath before walking outside.

  I stood in the doorway, studying her every move as she shifted onto the terracotta patio. The flowering plants, trees, and shrubs growing on the other side of the six-foot wall were leaning over, providing a sensuous backdrop to the blue waters of the private wading pool and spa. The secluded enclosure had large pots filled with tropical plants, two lounge chairs with fluffy white towels already waiting in wicker baskets.

  Everything reeked of opulence, exactly what she deserved.

  “Does this meet with your approval?”

  “I thought this wasn’t about romance,” she said wistfully as she sat on the stone edge of the pool, gently sliding her hand through the water. “Just payment for some misdeed or harm my father caused you.”

  Her refusal to accept the situation continued.

  “That doesn’t mean I don’t want to provide you with whatever things would make you happy.”‘

  “Truth usually does that.” She tilted her head, still swishing her hand back and forth as she gazed into my eyes. “But I’m not sure you’re the kind of man who even knows what that is.”

  Frowning, I rubbed my jaw. The woman was a true handful. “Truth doesn’t always set you free. In my line of work, often learning the truth is even more dangerous than knowing nothing.”

  “Do you really think that makes me feel any better that I’m going to be kept in the dark, uncertain where you are or if and when I can venture out of the house or anywhere that we go for that matter? I can only imagine that if I was stupid enough to care about you, I’d begin to worry when I didn’t see you for extended periods of time. You know at some point there is going to be a detective or police officer standing in the grand marble foyer of what I’m certain is a gorgeous mansion telling me that you’d just been slaughtered in some bloody massacre. How could anyone live that way?”

  “That’s not always the case. There are just certain issues that must be dealt with.”

  She snorted, purposely looking away.

  “What is it you want to know?” I inched closer, sitting down a few inches away from her.

  She shifted further away, her porcelain skin now framed by yellow flowers and deep green leaves. “Why are we really here?”

  Her question was fair.

  “Because I have a meeting with someone who can provide information that I need regarding my work.”

  “Work. You act as if anything you do is normal. Is this about drugs?”

  I laughed, shaking my head. “That’s what you believe my meeting is about?”

  “I’m well aware of the kind of activity that goes on in Columbia as well as in other South American countries. The drug trade here is very dangerous, a good portion of the cocaine and ecstasy produced going to America. I would assume that both New Orleans and Florida are perfect spots to receive cargo ships. Then again, perhaps this is about your diamond trade, which is the reason you coerced my father into marrying me off. I’m certain you’ve managed to scam the system with that endeavor as well.”

  Very little about the woman surprised me an
y longer, although she was trying to push every one of my buttons. I wasn’t going to take the bait, at least not at this point. “I can see you’ve done your homework; however, there is much you don’t know.” I slid closer, gripping her jaw, forcing her to look at me.

  “I might be young and inexperienced in several ways, but I’m not stupid. I’ve known for at least a couple of years that my father was lured into working with some very bad men. What I didn’t understand is that he would ever allow his family to become involved. If you’re bringing illegal drugs into the country, then I know you’re just as horrible as I originally believed.”

  I took a deep breath, keeping my grip firm. “Take a look around you, Genevieve. This suite cost more than a good portion of the people who live in this country make in an entire month. The fact is you’re going to live in a beautiful house, albeit not a mansion, in New Orleans, capable of having any piece of jewelry or clothing that you want.”

  “At least living on my own wouldn’t make me feel dirty. Surrounding yourself with expensive toys can’t take away the fact that you use violence and threats to get what you want. I don’t know how you live with yourself every day, except you’re one of the most arrogant men I’ve ever met.”

  A part of me wanted to take her over my knee, providing a harsh spanking for her disrespect, but I didn’t think it would do any good at this point.

  She pulled away, trying to stand. I slapped my hand around her arm, yanking her down. “You need to listen to me, Genevieve. I will never lie to you, but there are some aspects regarding my business that I won’t tell you. Trust me, it’s better off that you don’t know any details. That will keep you safe. Your lack of knowledge could even keep you alive.”

  “My God. This is insane. What are you going to do with me while you attend this meeting? Is there some closet you’re going to lock me in?”

  My God, the woman was brazen, yet every time we had a discussion, I became fully aroused.

  “You will be safe here. I’m not finished with our discussion. There are eyes and ears everywhere. As you’ve already figured out, my family is well known.”

  “But not well respected.”

  I slid my hand down to her throat, digging my fingers into the back of her neck as I rubbed my thumb across her lips. “You might be surprised. While I understand that you are still rattled from the events of the last few days, my patience is waning. Cartagena is a beautiful city, but the entire country is ripe with danger. I took a significant chance bringing you here. Perhaps one that I will regret. Don’t make that the case, Genevieve. I can be gracious, but not when I’m pushed.”

  The silence was worse than her accusations. And god damn, I wanted the woman. Lowering my head, I took several shallow breaths. When she clawed at my arm, struggling in my hold, I couldn’t get the thoughts of devouring her out of my mind.


  “You begged me last night to fuck you. Don’t you remember that, my lovely bride?” The words had fueled me the night before in a mind-bending way. I’d seen the desire in her eyes, had easily been able to smell the intense longing that had continued to build from the first time we met. Even now, it remained explosive within her, yet she couldn’t wrap her mind around the hunger that encapsulated both of us.

  She stared at me defiantly, her breathing scattered and as I lowered my head, capturing her mouth, she issued a muffled moan.

  Not from despair.

  Or fear.

  From raging need.

  I was almost overwhelmed by my thoughts, the ideas even more filthy than the night before. As I thrust my tongue inside, she continued to smash her small fists against me. Everything about her was delicate like a tender flower, the scent of her perfume more powerful than any bottle of alcohol. As the fragrance filtered into my nostrils, the hunger only grew to a level that could force me to lose control. The sweet taste was enough to entice my thirst. I tugged her even closer, the red-hot heat shifting between us off the chain.

  When I pulled away, she gave me a hateful look. I moved to a standing position, taking several deep breaths from exasperation. “There is nowhere you can go, Genevieve. I will be gone for less than thirty minutes. I assure you that you will be safe. Brick will be just outside if you need anything.”

  “Your bodyguard. Of course.”

  “As I told you, what I do is dangerous. Brick is one of my most loyal soldiers. He is well trained. You are my responsibility. Nothing is going to happen to you as long as you stay within the suite or just outside on the patio.”

  “A soldier. You make this sound like you’re in a war.”

  “This is a war, Genevieve, on several levels.” I could tell the words sank in, perhaps for the first time.

  “And what about you? Oh, I forgot, you came heavily armed. I knew there was a reason you took a private plane, not required to stop at customs other than a basic check.”

  To her credit, she was highly intelligent as well as a keen observer. However, that would place her in even greater danger. I rose to my feet, towering over her, my hunger just as alive and excited as before. “When I return, we will enjoy dinner in one of the restaurants in the hotel. Then we’ll tour the city tomorrow if that’s what you would like.”

  “Whatever your heart desires.” She smiled sweetly at me, blinking her long eyelashes.

  I walked away then stopped, not bothering to turn around. “I suggest you remember what kind of man you’re married to.”

  “Is that a threat, dear husband?”

  “No, Genevieve. I will never threaten you. However, I will provide whatever guidance is necessary when you act out. That is something for you to think about while I’m gone.”


  The woman needed a solid round of it.

  As I headed for the door, a disturbing image popped into my mind, a sickening premonition that yanked at my breath.

  Genevieve covered in blood.

  Chapter 7


  “In my rearview mirror the sun is going down sinking behind bridges in the road and I think of all the good things we have left undone and I suffer premonitions that confirm suspicions of the holocaust to come.”

  Roger Waters

  I’d suffered from premonitions since I was a boy, the first one being the death of my sister, Bella. When she’d died shortly after, my entire world had changed. Hell, it had nearly destroyed our entire family.

  While the visions had almost vanquished over the past few years, the one that continued to play out in my mind regarding Genevieve was more troubling than the majority I’d experienced. I’d learned to hate them, especially since they’d very often come true.

  As I walked down the street, I became very cognizant of every person in close proximity. There were no visible soldiers carrying guns, no obvious threats to anyone’s safety, but that didn’t mean they didn’t exist. Carlos Morales was a very cautious man. He was also well known as being paranoid, which added to his need for violence.

  The small bar was down a long alley, the entrance marked by a number instead of a sign. I made certain I hadn’t been followed before opening the door. As I walked inside the dark facility, the stench of stale cigarette smoke and booze assaulted my senses. There were only a few customers inside, likely regulars who spent a good portion of their day trying to forget their lot in life.

  I noticed the man sitting alone in the back, the dim lighting doing little more than highlighting his figure. Fortunately, no one paid any attention to the well-dressed man who’d entered the dive. People in this part of the world knew better than to ask questions. Only when I was a few inches from the table did the man finally lift his head. Even before I sat down, a glass was slammed onto the table in front of me.


  After sitting, I lifted the glass, inhaling before taking a sip. There was always a chance the alcohol would be poisoned, although I doubted the soldier known as the Dagger would attempt something so egregious. Everyone was aware of my family’s
capabilities. There would be no hesitation to start a war.

  “Señor,” he said more in passing, also lifting his glass and polishing off the entire amount. I had a feeling another would arrive within seconds. “How was your flight?”

  I waited until a second drink was brought, twisting and turning my glass. “I don’t have time for bullshit, Dagger.”

  “And neither do I.”

  Chuckling, I slipped my hand into my pocket, removing the envelope of cash. In my mind, ten grand was a small price to pay to determine if my family had a target on its back.

  He opened the envelope, flipping through the bills. Seemingly satisfied, he shoved it into his pocket then leaned over the table. “What do you want to know?”

  “Whether or not your boss is planning a sudden visit to the States.”

  As he studied me carefully, his dark eyes boring into mine, I gathered he was attempting to determine whether I would allow him to live after our meeting. There was no such thing as honor or trust among mercenaries. “There is talk.”


  “Three weeks, maybe less.”

  “The reason?”

  “That I do not know.”

  “But you can make an educated guess.”

  He huffed, throwing back half his drink. “My… boss is hungry to venture into a market that has shut him out.”

  “And he’s found an alternative method of allowing that to occur.”

  Dagger scanned the bar, rearing back when the door was opened. He immediately reached under the table, prepared to react with gunfire if necessary. When a drunken man stumbled in, an argument with the man behind the bar began immediately. He leaned forward again, using the distraction to proceed with the conversation. “He’s heard New York is especially nice this time of year, but that’s just an entrance point.”

  I finished my drink, yanking out more than enough to cover the cost. Between the territory belonging to our family as well as that of our once staunch enemy, the Azzurris, Morales had been forced to find an alternative location to bring in his ships. Whatever deal he’d made with the Vitali crime syndicate would grease both their palms while threatening our hold on both the diamond trade industry as well as party favors. It might be time to tighten our tentative peace treaty with Giancarlo Azzurri. The other New Orleans syndicate was well funded and with the help of their additional manpower, we could potentially force Morales to remain in South America.


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