King's Possession

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King's Possession Page 23

by Stone, Piper

  The words hung in the air, the tension far too heavy.

  “Yes, of course,” Morales said, taking a deep breath and glancing around the warehouse. “My intention is not to start a war, Señor King.”

  “And the Vitalis?” I asked, curious as to how he would answer.

  Morales pulled back, a slight look of confusion crossing his face. Then he smiled. “If you mean the escoria, or what you would call scum of your state of New York?” He turned toward his soldiers, laughing, his men cackling in unison. Then he shut every sound down as he faced me. “That will never happen.”

  “Stop lying, Morales. We are well aware of the arrangements you attempted to make with the Vitalis for a berth for your cargo ships.”

  He sniffed, pulling out a cigar, taking his time to allow one of his soldiers to cut the end then light it, taking several deep inhales before answering. “Yes, I made an attempt at doing business with them. That was met with less than acceptable results.”

  “Which all but shuts down your expansion into the US,” Cristiano said quietly. He shot Vincenzo and me a glance, amusement in his eyes.

  “Sadly so, unless a deal can be struck with other parties that truly understand business. And honor. However, if it is not the case, then there are other markets to explore.”

  The bullshit dripping from the man’s lips was reprehensible. If he actually thought we’d buy that shit, he was a bigger fool than I took him for.

  “We take our reputations with our customers very seriously, Morales. To that end, we won’t allow anyone to interfere with our activities,” Giancarlo added.

  “Given the recent occurrences, you will never gain access to any of our ports,” I said with no inflection.

  He nodded several times, taking a puff of his cigar. “You speak of honor, Señor King, as if my family has none. I would never stoop so low as to attack your family, unless there was no other choice. That is not the case.”

  “I’m curious, Morales, as to why you didn’t shoot down my plane when I was leaving your beautiful country. That is why the police under your orders attempted to stop the flight. Is it not?” I continued.

  “I assure you, señor, that if I wanted to have my men shoot down your jet, that would have occurred. That was meant as a warning only. As you might imagine, realizing that one of the King brothers had arrived in my country would be as disconcerting as if you found me or one of my family members in your beautiful city. Then to find that your intentions were to gather information about my organization, well… It also came to my attention that the information you received was entirely incorrect. The particular individual has been handled for treason.

  “As far as the man you believe was working for me, that is also wrong.” Morales didn’t seem defiant as I would have expected.

  “Meaning what?” I threw out. “He was wearing your art on his neck.”

  He laughed, shaking his head. “The crude ink you believe to be art is something what you Americans would call a renegade group of soldiers has carved into their bodies. Their allegiance has nothing to do with my regime, but one of their own. They are true mercenaries, men who will kill for pennies on the dollar. They do not nor will they ever do my bidding. It is obvious that they are working for someone else, an organization with a vested interest in bringing our respective parties to war.”

  Cristiano laughed. “You’re trying to tell me that you had nothing to do with destroying our product or with the assassination attempt?”

  “That is exactly what I’m telling you,” Morales huffed, his anger increasing. “I do not like my integrity being challenged. However, given it is my reputation being defiled, it would seem it is the best interest for all of us to determine who is actually behind this blatant attempt at derailing our respective businesses. I believe I have the answer for you. In fact, I believe you already know the answer.”

  The Vitalis.

  We should have taken their threat more seriously. However, this could be nothing more than an additional attempt at a double-cross, the cartel and the Vitalis working closely together.

  “We’re listening,” Vincenzo stated, obvious aggravation in his voice.

  I felt the vibration of my phone. An immediate flag shot up in my system. I took a step away, pulling the phone into view. Seeing Genevieve’s number, rage and adrenaline shot to the surface. Cristiano shifted his gaze toward me, narrowing his eyes as I lifted the phone to my ear.

  Hearing the tremor of fear in her voice yanked the beast from his lair, but the sound of gunfire pushed me over the precipice. When the call was cut off after a short squeal followed by muffled words, I turned toward Morales, closing the distance and wrapping my hand around his neck.

  “You motherfucking asshole. If you dared touch my wife, there won’t be a rock you can crawl under. Do. You. Hear. Me?” There was no hesitation, Morales’ soldiers pulling their weapons, our soldiers doing the same.

  “What the hell, Lucian?” Vincenzo hissed.

  Morales’ eyes held fury. Then they softened. “On the grave of my wife, my precious angel, I give you my word of honor that I did not come to your country under false pretenses, nor did I direct a hit on your wife.”

  After a few seconds, I released my hold, backing away, shifting a sideways glance toward Cristiano. “I must leave. It would seem my house has been compromised.” As my phone vibrated again, a hopeful feeling rushed into me, only to be shattered when I looked at the screen.

  The damn security company.

  Cristiano closed the distance, glaring into Morales’ eyes, his snarl an indication that he was taking the recent news seriously. “As my brother stated. If you are the cause of another attack, you will not make it out of here alive. That much I can promise you.” He glared at Morales’ soldiers then shot a look toward Giancarlo who nodded. “Go with Lucian, Vincenzo. Morales will be held here until a determination as to what the fuck is going on. We’re finished playing games, Morales.”

  “A piece of advice. I suggest you look to your own kind, Señor King, as to the answers you seek. Often our closest enemies are the ones who are the most dangerous because of their games.”

  The words struck hard, a knowing settling in.

  Betrayal was ugly on all levels, but more so when it was close to home.

  Chapter 17


  “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.”

  Henry IV

  “What the fuck is going on?” I snarled, slamming my hand against the steering wheel. I tossed the phone, this time attempting to contact one of the soldiers who’d been assigned to guard the damn house.

  “Still nothing?” Vincenzo hissed.

  “We are fucking fools.”

  “Morales is the fool if he thinks we’re going to let him get away with this.”

  I laughed, shooting him a glaring look. “If he’s playing a game, then he’s ready to die. I don’t think that’s the case.” I was going out on a limb, but I could tell by the man’s cold eyes he wasn’t prepared for a war, at least not with the Kings or Azzurris.

  “Then what the hell are you thinking?”

  My rage remained high, enough so spots had formed in front of my eyes. “What I’m thinking is that Vitali made good on his threat.”

  Vincenzo sucked in his breath. “Jesus. Even if you go on the assumption the crap Morales spewed about the Vitalis is true, none of their men have been spotted in New Orleans.”

  “Exactly right, which means that Ciro Vitali has more connections in our beautiful city than we originally believed.” As I veered the car around the last corner, all I could concentrate on was getting to her.


  The woman I loved.

  There was no question what had happened. As I pulled into the driveway, the jarring scene left me cold inside. We jumped out of the car, rushing toward the house.

  “Fuck!” Vincenzo yelled as we stepped over one of the soldiers’ bodies. Blood stained the deck, the weapon still in his hand.

/>   The door had been kicked in, nearly ripped off its hinges. “Genevieve! Go that way,” I directed as I rushed into the living room. While the room hadn’t been turned upside down, it was clear to see there’d been some kind of a struggle. When I noticed something on the floor, I jolted forward. “Fuck!”

  Genevieve’s phone had been smashed. I pulled it into my hands as Vincenzo came into the room. “She’s been taken.” As I glared at the shattered screen, I threw my head back and roared. I would scour the ends of the earth in order to find her.

  Then I would unleash my wrath, the kind of revenge that the world had never seen.

  * * *

  Betrayal wasn’t easy on any level. However, that’s why there wasn’t a single person outside of my family that I trusted. Not my Capos. Not my soldiers. And certainly not the men who’d sworn to protect and serve our great state of Louisiana. Remembering the comment that the senator had made during the reception continued to nag at me.

  “Where is Angelo Rossi?” I demanded. I’d made another call to the soldiers who’d been placed in charge of protecting the man and his wife. As I paced the floor, Vincenzo remained leaning against the wall. He’d made several calls of his own, making certain the word was out on the street that something precious that belonged to me had been taken.

  If Genevieve remained in the city, she would be found.

  “Not at his office. Not at his house, boss.”

  I heard the concern in my soldier’s voice. He knew what he would face for his inability to follow orders, his punishment severe.

  “And how the fuck did he get away from you?”

  “The receptionist at his office said he left his office around four. He must have taken a back way out.”

  That wasn’t an answer. That was an admittance of stupidity.

  “Find him, Sawyer, or trust me, you won’t be returning from New York.”

  “Yes, sir. There’s one more thing, boss,” Sawyer said. “We’ve been watching Raymond Brooks’ actions.”

  I was so angry I had to think about who the fuck he was talking about. The original leak from New York, the one I’d met with in the garden. “What about him?”

  “He’s dead. Let’s just say someone finished the hatchet job you started.”

  The Vitalis were already cleaning up loose ends, which could mean that Genevieve’s father had already been eliminated as well. “Keep me updated.”

  “You got it, boss. We’ll locate Mr. Rossi.”

  I hung up the phone, prepared to toss it against the wall.

  “We’ll find her, brother.”

  I glared at Vincenzo, trying to calm my breathing. “Yes, we will. I don’t give a fuck if I have to turn this city upside down.”

  “I’ve got a cleanup crew on the way. We don’t need this shit out there. Makes us look weak.”

  “Yeah?” I said, half laughing. “That’s because I let my guard down. If you want to consider that a weakness, so be it.”

  “Jesus. What the hell happened?” Michael asked, whistling under his breath.

  Hearing Michael’s voice, I closed my eyes.

  “I called him. We need every scrap of information we can get our hands on,” Vincenzo stated.

  “We’ve been the center of a game. That’s what happened. Problem is we don’t know all the players.” My answer was curt, but at least I’d calmed the majority of my rage.

  For now.

  “There’s nothing on the detective I could find. Travis Myers is just trying to make his place in the world, but he’s pushing hard. DEA is likely to make some arrests.”

  I shook my head as I studied Michael. “Then we’ll push back when we have the time. He means nothing to me at this point.”

  Fuck. Everything was unraveling.

  “I also did some checking on Jarvis Porter. He’s made no bones about the fact he plans on running for police commissioner. However, he appears to be clean.” Michael walked closer.

  “Damn it. I know the senator has something to do with this. He brought that slimy fuck to the reception for a reason. We need to find out what.”

  “I’m not finished yet. I checked into Porter’s background. He had a brother. It was tough to find since our wannabe police commissioner has done everything in his power to hide that fact. That meant he was keeping a dark secret. So I pressed on.” Michael suddenly had a smirk on his face.

  “Meaning what?” Vincenzo demanded.

  “Meaning Bobby Porter was killed during the last assassination attempt on Pop’s life. Remember the restaurant a few years ago? His name sounded too familiar to me. Had a chat with our friend the police chief. He confirmed that Bobby had been identified as one of the men hired to make the hit. Unfortunately, the chief hadn’t made the connection to Jarvis. He knows now. As far as the world is concerned, Jarvis is an only child, if you get my drift.”

  I gave him a hard look. “Revenge.”

  “It would appear so. He’s got the creds to take him up the ladder, but I doubt he’d want the information out in public. It just might tarnish his image, especially if he had anything to do with the attacks on the club as well as the warehouse. By the way, I happen to know Mr. Porter’s address.”

  I glanced at Vincenzo. The whole thing was a long shot at best. “What the fuck. I think we need to have a little chat with Jarvis.” My thoughts drifted to Genevieve. What I needed was to hear her voice. As we headed out, I played her message again, straining to hear her last muttered words, catching them where I hadn’t before.

  Then my blood curdled.

  * * *

  Something my mother had told me a long time ago had come to the forefront of my mind. People who play with fire will eventually get burned. She’d meant to put the fear into me given she knew how much I enjoyed taking risks. It held an entirely different meaning today.

  The King family didn’t just use fire. We used any method necessary to provide explosions, if for nothing more than sheer enjoyment.

  As well as sending a message.

  I’d also been keenly made aware that my father still had influence as well as tricks up his sleeve. The single phone call, with promises made, had been enough to begin the end of the nightmare.

  But the game was just beginning, only this time, we were the ones in control of the playing pieces.

  While Jarvis had initially denied our accusations, he’d come around after some intense coaxing, even promising not to enter the commissioner’s race come election time. We planned on holding him to his promise. He’d gotten the message loud and clear that we always made good on our promises.

  The senator was likely being arrested for his involvement. Now we simply had one last thing to do.

  And I wouldn’t rest until Genevieve was in my arms.

  One of my trusted men had been lured into the fold, initially by intimidation then by offering him full immunity when the chips were down, the glories of which the senator had fully intended to allow Jarvis to partake in. My soldier would have walked away while the others were arrested. The asshole had been handled our way.

  Betrayal was never allowed.

  While I wasn’t thrilled that Morales had been allowed to leave the country, perhaps our good faith gesture had provided proof that honor among thieves still existed. However, I knew he’d be back in his search to expand his own empire. There was no trust between us and never would be.

  “It’s a good night for a party,” my father said as we stood in the hallway.

  I wasn’t in a jovial mood. There were still far too many things that could go wrong. “Let’s just get this over with.”

  “Relax, son. You always had the drive for our business, but never the patience,” my father said, although his words weren’t done out of chastisement or animosity. He was simply giving me a reminder that not only did everyone have a price, they also made mistakes because of their basic greed.

  He adjusted his jacket, the suit a new purchase. He’d wanted to look his best when confronting an old friend. After givi
ng Vincenzo and me a smile, he knocked on the door.

  As anticipated, soldiers greeted us at the door, patting all three of us down before giving the nod to walk further into the room.

  I’d attached my knife where they hadn’t been able to detect it. I’d refused to come unarmed.

  Ciro sat in one of the hotel chairs, his posture as well as the cigar in his hand reminiscent of the big leather throne belonging to my father. The aging man stood as we walked into the room, not bothering to put down his thick Cuban. “It’s good to see you, my friend.”

  “I wish I could say the same thing, Ciro. You crossed a line. You pissed me off.” My father was in rare form, his voice no longer raspy, his gait just as strong as when he’d been younger. He also refused to accept a handshake.

  “It was just business,” Ciro said, glancing in my direction. “Besides, you owe us for your son’s theft of something that already belonged to my family. However, she means nothing to us any longer.”

  His words continued to fuel my anger.

  “People can’t be bought, Ciro. You should know that by now.” My father grinned. “Now, where is Genevieve?”

  “Where are the diamonds you promised? As well as the new contract eliminating your inclusion in the Diamond Dealer’s Club?”

  My father exhaled. “I’ll need proof that she’s alive and well, Ciro. I think you know that.”

  Ciro laughed. “You always were a tough old bird. She’s in room three-twenty-two. You can have your boy trot on down there. When I have proof of delivery, I’ll call my soldier to release her. It’s that simple.”

  All I wanted to do was wrap my hand around his throat. With a simple twist, I could snap his neck. My father gave me a look, as well as a slight smile. Ciro had no idea what was in store for him.

  “Go on, son. I’m certain you’re ready to take home your lovely bride.”

  I headed out the door, moving to the elevator. The word trust continued to remain in my mind. Ciro still had something up his sleeve.


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