Always With You

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Always With You Page 10

by E. H. Lyon

"Worth it, I’m sure," he says, refilling his coffee. "There are some eggs there by the toaster next to the muffins,” he indicates, and I am amazed to see a plate full of pastries, waffles, and fresh fruit.

  “Wow,” I clear my throat. “You really expanded your cooking skills. I always preferred eggs to pancakes anyhow,” I smirk.

  Okay, maybe I flirt.

  He leans forward on the counter to inch closer to me.

  “If I had known eggs were your preference then I wouldn’t have gone through the effort of pancakes that morning,” he retorts.

  “Should have. We would have had more time for other things.” I entered full-on flirtation mode and I’m not sure why it comes so easily.

  He gives me a sinful grin as he hands me a bottle of maple syrup. I’m thankful that Sam is present to chaperone us. Leo snaps back to normal conversation.

  “I guess I should go get myself to the office.”

  “I guess so.”

  “It’s casual day at the office and I’m going to head in with my motorcycle actually. But I should be able to be back early today.”

  My face brightens. “Oh? I guess we can do family dinner?”

  He gives me a wide smile. “Yeah. Sounds good. See you then.”

  Family dinners were part of the co-parenting plan. That flutter of excitement in me for Leo, most definitely was not part of the plan.

  Chapter Thirteen


  As soon as I open the front door, I can hear the sounds of baby giggles. I smile when I see Jess holding Sam and dancing to some music in the living room. Leaning against the door between the living room and front hall, I cross my arms and ankles to enjoy the scene in front of me. The way her body sways, dancing barefoot in skinny jeans and loose top, draws me in for every move. She stops when she realizes I’m watching.

  “By all means, don’t stop on my account.” I smile and walk into the living room and join them as we dance to some music. Sam’s giggles getting louder. Jess and I look at each other and smile. We may be looking at each other a little more than we should, considering all our energy should be on Sam.

  All three of us are happy and enjoying every second of this moment. Jess is singing along to the song. She has so much energy, just a natural with Sam.

  After a few minutes, Sam finally loses interest. I take him from Jess so she can go get dinner ready.

  The next thirty minutes, I enjoy time with Sam and relish the moment. It always amazes me when I look at him how instantly I can see Jess’s hair, and I am sure his smile is partly my doing. He is the perfect reminder of that night.

  I look into the kitchen and admire Jess busy cooking away and humming to a song she has playing. In her own world, but happy. I wonder if I play even a minor role in her new eased state.

  She returns a few minutes later and begins to laugh hysterically.

  “I go away and a hurricane came through here,” she laughs as she looks at the scene in front of her. Toys are everywhere and I am lying on my back holding Sam in the air.

  “You really think we would have behaved? This kid has our genes,” I say, bringing Sam back to the ground and rolling back to sitting.

  “And the block tower?” She grins.

  “He is an architect.”

  “Really? Our son who can’t even stand by himself put together that masterpiece?” Jess indicates her hand to the tower of blocks.

  “Okay, okay. It is kind of relaxing building with blocks after a day at the office,” I confess.

  She smiles. “Well. Our first family dinner is ready, and something tells me this is going to be a mess,” she rolls her eyes.

  In no time we have Sam in his highchair, and we are sitting eating some pasta dish Jess made. We said we would try and do this with Sam as much as possible, the three of us. During the week, we haven’t managed to really sit down for a dinner together as Sam goes to sleep early and we both have had late meetings.

  “Pretty delish, co-parent,” I compliment.

  “Yeah, well, not all of us only have pancakes on the menu,” she counters back.

  I lean back in my chair and take a drink of water. “So. Is it always a party here at dinner?”

  “For sure. At 5 o’clock we break out the grape juice and down it like we own the night,” she retorts.

  I smile to myself; her humor always gets to me.

  There is a long pause.

  “Hate to ask, but have you spoken to your dad again?” she asks.

  “Geez, you know how to kill a conversation, and no.” I focus on my plate as I know she’s studying me.

  “Don’t you run into each other at work?”

  I shrug. “Not really. I have a completely different schedule to him that doesn’t revolve around golf. Plus, he doesn’t really get into the nitty gritty of day-to-day business. I’m sure he is making my grandfather proud from the grave.” I manage to add some sarcasm to my answer.

  “But do you actually enjoy what you do? Or would you rather be on your motorcycle doing nothing?”

  “I do enjoy the excitement of a good deal or the thrill of a new investment. My motorcycle is more to let out some steam, I wouldn’t want to be on it all the time. But I will take you once on it.”

  “Yeaah, I don’t think so.”

  “You don’t like excitement?”

  Her mouth cracks at my remark. “I do like excitement, just have never been on the back of a motorcycle. But you have had me on my back.”

  It very much surprises me that she is getting a little bold and flirty, but at the same time she has been this way the last few days. I like this side of her. I smile to myself.

  “I’ve had you a few ways,” I retort, and it makes her face turn red. “So, what is next on the agenda for the night? Poker games? Shots of milk?”

  She throws her napkin on her plate. “Probably bath time and bedtime.”

  “For him or for us?” I say, knowing it will get to her. She looks suddenly very warm and I have my answer that I succeeded. “See, this isn’t so bad,” I state.

  Jess looks around and rolls her neck in her hand. “I say nothing as I don’t want to jinx this co-parenting thing.”

  We both look at Sam who just let out a squeal of joy as if it was his cue. We look at him and then to each other and laugh.

  Pointing to him, I ask, “He did that?” as I see pasta sauce everywhere.

  “The boy has many skills,” she remarks.

  “Ah, like his father.”

  She grins to herself as she stands up and takes Sam out of his chair then hands him to me so I can take him upstairs for a bath.

  After bath time, stories, and bottle, the boy is out like a light. I take my shirt off to change into some sweats and realize I forgot my phone downstairs.

  Returning to the kitchen in my sweatpants to grab my phone on the counter, I see Jess is finishing loading the dishwasher in shorts showing her toned legs and a tight tank top. She is swaying and singing softly to music on her earphones. Obviously, no clue I’m watching her like she is the world’s most expensive lap dance and worth every penny. Her hips are unravelling me as she dances on the balls of her feet. Her shoulders gently moving.

  She turns around from the dishwasher and stops in her tracks. Jess mumbles something under her breath, letting her fists curl in as if she’s trying to stop some obscenity coming from her mouth.

  “Really? You didn’t have a shirt to throw on?” she asks as she takes off her headphones and rests her hand on her hip. Unfazed that I caught her little show and more concerned with what I’m wearing. There’s a struggle on her face.

  “I think we established we are past towels and you wearing my shirt in only your underwear. Me not wearing a shirt seems a minor issue in comparison.”

  She scratches the side of her head. “Fair point.” She manages to walk past me to put some leftovers back in the fridge.

  I rub my chin in delight as she strides past me. I’m eying her from head to toe.

  She stops and turns to
me with a wry smile.

  “Just admiring our domestic bliss that we seem to be having,” I comment.

  She leans her back against the fridge and looks at me. “Right. I guess you have been actually tolerable.” She shrugs a shoulder, and a curve forms on her mouth as she adjusts her feet.

  She is looking mighty fine leaning that way against the fridge. I debate if I should move closer.

  It’s a short debate, especially after last night on the sofa.

  I step forward and my arm encircles around her waist, pulling her tight to me. It makes her flinch slightly, but she doesn’t fight me either. Instead her eyes roam my half-naked body. Our eyes meet and she nibbles the corner of her lip as her fingers glide along my arms.

  “I guess this is the cow scar?” she asks as her fingers trace the faint three-inch scar on my bicep that normally is covered by my shirt. “I didn’t notice yet.”

  I look at her fingers on my skin and heat boils in me. I need her lips.

  “Something tells me you were noticing other things instead.”

  It makes her roll her eyes, but she stays firmly in my arms.

  “No more stalling, Jess,” I warn her.

  Her sparkly eyes glance up to my own. “Okay.”

  My hand finds the back of her neck to help her meet me halfway. “Okay, kiss you?”

  She murmurs in agreement.

  At the speed of light, I move my lips as her chin tilts up and her mouth meets mine.

  Finally, I can taste her again, feel her again. A release I’ve been waiting for. A balloon popping from too much pressure.

  My mouth slants to get a better position as I kiss her strong, letting my hand reach behind her head, and I feel her ease into the kiss. In fact, she deepens the kiss.

  She must feel all her nerve endings activating as our lips touch. It’s what I feel. A swirl of ecstasy floats in my head before rushing down to my heart—that’s new for me.

  Her needy sounds in the back of her throat send a vibration into my mouth, and I love it. The way she is letting my tongue explore her mouth is welcoming. Everything about this kiss is a reminder of that night and what could be.

  Her lips still feel like soft and full pillows that I want to forever rest on.

  We start to move, and I have no idea what is going on in Jess’s head, but she touches my arms as she pulls me closer to her, her back landing against the fridge. We continue to kiss as her hands reach for my face and I don’t feel her wanting to stop.

  Her leg even comes up and wraps around me; it just renews energy between us. Which only encourages me to press my hard dick into her. That makes her throaty moans murmur in the background. Our kisses become fervent and eager.

  A notion crosses my mind that I’ve thought of a few times that maybe she has built up sexual energy, since I was her last—I mean, I do. Not only that, but I want to give it to her. I want it to be me who makes her world shake again.

  I want to take her against the fridge. Not how I envisioned this reunion to go, but I will take it.

  But our line for needing air is fast approaching.

  I just need another taste of her, and even when the kiss softens, I try to get more.

  Our mouths break contact. I don’t capture her lips again, instead I kiss her cheek, her nose, and let my teeth gently graze her nose and mouth. Playfully.

  Because I am a man stoked that at last we’re making progress.

  Jess gently pulls away but stays in my hold, and I am positive my mouth turning up shows I’m pleased. Her fingers find her lips, touching the proof.

  Normally, this is when I would attack her like a wolf. But I feel the right thing to do is just watch her and not let her go from my arms.

  “Got that out of the system,” she mutters with her lips tugging into almost a grin.

  “Got it out of your system? Or contemplating that you should let me make you come to get that out of your system too?” It slips off my tongue like water.

  Her eyes shoot up to mine and those eyes I know. They are warning me, tempting me, and offering an opportunity to me all in one.

  Still it surprises me when she responds “…And what if I am contemplating?” Her head cocks to the side and she bites her lip.

  Holding her tighter, I swiftly lift her by placing my hands on her ass as her legs wrap around my waist. I walk us to the counter where I set her on top. “Well then, I would tell you that I have some ideas.” There is want in my voice, that I am sure of. My hand touches her cheek.

  “Tell me,” she dares but doesn’t flinch nor loosen her legs from my waist.

  “You see, I think you are dying to let me make you come. It’s been so long, and you pretty much admitted that I was your last. And considering the way you trembled with only a kiss, then my guess is you are aching to let go. But you don’t want the complication between us.”

  “Exactly. Complication.” Her eyes lift.

  I tip my head to the side and squint an eye. “Not if we do it your way under your terms.”

  She lets a sound of disbelief escape her mouth. “What, you’re just offering yourself?” Now her look is entertained.

  My mouth forms a grin. “You always had a way with words, Jess. But yeah, I am.” I’m dead serious.

  It catches her off guard, my tone, and we stare at each other in a stalemate.

  I encourage her to lie back, and she is so lost in thought that she obeys. My fingers toy with the waistband of her shorts as my mouth traces her stomach and blows to make her tremble under me.

  “You and I, we’re not going to last the next 18 years not fucking each other again, and I think you know that too. So why wait? Plus, I don’t want your first time again to be with someone else. I want to do this for you, to do it to you.” My simple and straight-forward approach does something to her. It’s like the other week in my office agreeing on terms of our arrangement, but this time, this arrangement is a little riskier.

  She comes to her elbows to look at me as if she is taking in my words, but more importantly, to watch what I’m doing to her. Jess likes it like that.

  “I’m really not having this conversation. But what the hell, I’ll play along. So, we just get it out of our system?” Her voice goes a little high. She can’t bring her eyes to meet mine, but her fingers reach for my hair and that is just plain encouragement.

  “Why not? It was once your great idea.” My lips tug, trying not to grin at her as I look up with my mouth hovering over her bellybutton.

  She is about to answer.

  But our child with perfect impeccable timing awakes screaming on the monitor. We look at each other and I can see her breath had picked up by her visible heaving chest.

  “I’ll go,” she offers quickly as the monitor sounds seems to be her escape plan. Hopping off the counter, she walks away and stops. Glancing over her shoulder. “We should probably forget about…” she requests, almost unsure of what she is saying.

  I can’t answer as the drilling sound of Sam sends Jess running upstairs.

  With the universe throwing me bad timing, my phone vibrates on the counter and I realize I need to take that anyways.

  All I can do is grumble to myself.

  The moment I’m upstairs ten minutes later, panic sets in when I see Jess holding Sam through the open door to his room.

  Jess immediately pulls Sam close to kiss his head.

  "He seems to be teething," Jess explains as she stands holding our son.

  "Shall we call Lucas?"

  If Sam is in pain then surely he needs a doctor or maybe a specialist or maybe the world needs to freaking stop until he’s better.

  "It's okay, can you get some baby Tylenol in the cabinet in the kitchen?" Jess requests as she rocks Sam.

  Maybe because she sees my look of ‘where the fuck is Superman when you need him’ face. "Really, Leo, this is normal," she assures me.

  I run and get the medicine downstairs, then return. We give him some of the liquid, which makes him scream murder. Jess
manages to calm him down, and I go to turn the lights off so just the light projector of stars is going around the room. She begins to sway with him slowly and humming softly as I stand in the doorway and watch. She sings 'Mr. Moonlight' from the Beatles. A good choice.

  Watching them, I don't know if I should step closer and join them or let them be, as they seem to have this strong connection that maybe I would just interrupt. But her beauty right now is melting something in me, and I know with no doubt in my mind that I lucked out on the mother-of-my-child award, especially considering my previous options.

  It could be the instinct of wanting to be with the mother of my child. But as I watch her dancing barefoot with that little toe ring on her dark-painted toe and her hair falling everywhere. I know. I know that she was always this beautiful to me.

  What to do next after what transpired a few minutes ago, I will need to figure out tomorrow. Now I just want to watch her every move as our son falls softly asleep.

  Jess looks up at me and whispers that he’s sleeping and walks towards me.

  "I think I’ll take him to my bed," she whispers.

  I read this in some article or maybe it was some wilderness program on National Geographic that mothers struggle to let their baby be alone when in pain. It said the father shouldn't intervene or he risks a power struggle, maybe even murder.

  "Leo, stay with us," she whispers her request, and without question I follow her into her room. She lies on the bed and puts Sam in the middle. Jess doesn't indicate anything, but something tells me to just lie on the other side of Sam. I join her on the bed and look at Sam and Jess who is lying on her side looking at us. Our hands meet on Sam. They interlink. I can see the outline of her face through the light coming in from the hallway.

  She smiles softly. “Goodnight,” she whispers. I smile and say goodnight back.

  This. This is the start of something.

  Chapter Fourteen


  These reports are a pain in the ass. I throw them to the side of my desk. I don’t know who made them, but they need to step up their game. Looking at the clock, I realize the end of the day is almost here. After Sam teething which resulted in him barely sleeping, and then a day full of meetings, I am beat.


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