Christian Clause: A BWWM Holiday Romance

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Christian Clause: A BWWM Holiday Romance Page 6

by Theresa Hodge

  The leather chairs are arranged in booth style with dim and colorful lights above every corner. Expensive paintings hang on the walls. Smartly dressed waitresses attend to the patrons while jazzy music plays from loudspeakers. Sometimes, a live band entertains the patrons.

  My friends and I have known each other since our college days. Tall, blond-haired and blue-eyed Hudson is in the restaurant business, while dark-brown-haired Wayne with honey brown eyes is into hotels and real estate. Tyler is the only odd one out. He’s the only professional among us, a successful surgeon. He is also the quietest of the bunch with black hair and green eyes.

  My eyes catch the eye of a woman seated opposite of me at a nearby table. Her sheer lace black dress leaves nothing to the imagination. She bats her eyes at me even though she’s seated with two men. She crosses and uncrosses her legs and strikes a provocative pose. Disgusted, I return my attention to my friends who are talking about their ex-girlfriends. As an unwritten rule, we don’t talk about work or anything serious. We leave that for our business meetings, with an exception of Tyler. We also do that when we play golf or tennis, or host parties on our yachts.

  I grunt at the thought of how well-known we are. We’re all single and known by tabloids as players. Not that the title is accurate, but we’re used to the tags.

  “What’s with women and commitment?” Hudson asks with disgust in his tone.

  My shoulders lift and drop in a shrug. “I guess that’s how they were made.”

  Wayne takes a sip of his scotch. “It grates on my nerves. I sent Lisa a Ferrari and a diamond necklace, but she wasn’t satisfied. She wants a ring. I had to be plain with her. I simply told her that hell would freeze over before her dreams came to pass.”

  The others burst into laughter, but I only chuckle.

  Hudson cuts in, “I can’t tell you guys how happy I am that it’s over between me and Annabel. She clung so much to me she left a rash.”

  Laughter erupts from our table again.

  I understand what my friends went through. I, too, don’t like clingy women. Unfortunately, we seem to attract such women.

  “It’s such a turnoff,” Wayne puts in. “Thank goodness we’re free from such women.”

  Raising my brows, I ask, “Are we?”

  Wayne takes his glass of wine and says, “Well, I am. My present mistress knows once she gets clingy, things are at an end between us.”

  I laugh and lean back against the black leather chair. Wayne only dates actresses and models. We all nod because we’ve been there with women who refused to get the message that it was over. My last girlfriend was sweet and understanding in the beginning. But after six months of dating, she wanted a commitment from me, too.

  I told her I wasn’t the marrying kind, but she tried everything in the book to get a ring on her finger. She even went as far as faking a pregnancy. It ended unpleasantly. Britney yelled like a banshee when she moved out of the house I bought her. She also destroyed the Bentley I got her as a birthday gift and burned the clothes I ordered for her during one of Paris fashion weeks. I was grateful I changed my mind about taking her on my yacht for the weekend. She would have set it on fire.

  Suddenly, my friends, who are seated in a circle around me in the booth, turn to look at me with inquisitive eyes.

  “So, how’s life after Britney?” Tyler asks with a twinkle in his blue eyes.

  I shrug and stare into my glass. “You know, it’s been great.”

  Hudson frowns. “Just great?”

  I nod. “I don’t have the time for women right now.”

  Normally, I would have told them about my interest in Hope, but I keep it close to my chest. My friends know I don’t date my staff. Telling them I can’t get my personal assistant off my mind would sound crazy.

  “What about Katherine?” Wayne asks with a mischievous smile on his face.

  A frown creases my forehead. “What about her?”

  My friends look at one another.

  Hudson shakes his head. “Don’t tell me you’re blind to her banging body and stunning face?”

  I almost burst into laughter as I recline against the booth. I stare at them from the rim of my glass. I know my friends are inquisitive about Katherine, who moved to Cedar Crest a few months ago. I like them wondering about my relationship with her.

  “Katherine, I agree, is stunning, but she does nothing for me,” I tell them with amusement.

  My friends exchange surprise glances. “Are you serious?”

  I shrug. “Katherine is an old friend. She knows nothing can ever happen between us.”

  “I can’t believe you’re saying this, Chris.” Tyler looks at me with bewilderment. “Britney and Katherine are similar in looks and figures. How is it that you’re not attracted to Katherine?”

  An image of Hope comes through my mind. “I don’t know. I prefer a woman with a curvy body, generous breasts, thin waist, flared hips, nicely rounded backside, smooth dark brown skin, a heart-shaped face and piercing dark brown eyes.”

  Silence falls at the table after I finish describing the woman who refuses to leave my thoughts right from the moment I set my eyes on her.

  “Did you just describe someone in your life?” Hudson is the first to find his voice.

  “Maybe,” I evasively say, and smile at them over the rim of my glass before taking a gulp.

  I didn’t mean to talk about Hope, but as usual, she crept into my mind. Working with her is both pleasurable and sheer torture. It’s a struggle trying to be professional when all I want to do is drag her into my arms and place my lips against her succulent ones. Many times, I have stripped her naked with my eyes while her head was bent, taking dictations. I have fantasied about taking her in my arms, laying her spread-eagled across my desk and plunging so deep in her it would take a crane to pull me out from her honeyed depths. My body hardens instantly as usual as I think about red hot and reckless sex with Hope.

  Wayne whistles. “You’re some dark horse.”

  “Tell us about her,” Tyler urges as he signals to a waitress to bring more drinks.

  I shake my head. For some reason I don’t understand, I don’t want to share more details about Hope. Usually, it’s easy for me to talk about my latest interest. But this time around, I don’t want to talk about her

  “I’m sorry, guys. I’m not ready for you to know her yet.”

  Hudson casts questioning eyes on me. “How come you don’t want to talk about her? It’s very unusual.”

  A chuckle escapes from my lips. “That’s because she’s unique. Don’t ask me why I think so. I just feel it.”

  Tyler suddenly bursts into laughter. “Someone will not remain a bachelor for long.”

  “That’s going too far,” I protest as they burst into raucous laughter.

  Wayne shrugs. “Well, what do you want us to think when you refuse to tell us about her? It means wedding bells are ringing for you.”

  I grin at them and shake my head as they all wait for me to talk about Hope.

  “Give it up, guys. I’ll tell you about her when I’m good and ready. For now, I’m just playing it cool.”

  Tyler snickered. “Guys, Chris is gone. When has he ever played things cool?”

  I can’t help agreeing with Tyler. I go after whatever I want without a moment’s hesitation. In the past, as soon as I see a woman I like or I’m attracted to, I chase her ruthlessly until I get her. Typically, it rarely takes long for me to get them in bed. But then I get bored. I think maybe that’s why I want to take things slowly with Hope.

  Am I afraid that after taking her to bed, I’ll get bored with her? I shake my head and tell myself, I don’t think so. Hope is intriguing and interesting to be with. Or am I scared that she might find me boring? Or, maybe I’m not her type?

  I run my fingers through my hair at that sudden thought. Hope hasn’t as much as showed an interest in me. She’s quite cool and professional. I have never so much as caught her staring at me surreptitiously. I don’t k
now why that disturbs me. Maybe because I’ve never had a woman who told me no before. Something tells me Hope is going to be an enormous challenge.

  A smile crosses my face. I’m going to enjoy chasing her. I’m a little bothered that I’m breaking my rule of not having anything to do with my employees, but Hope is worth it.

  “Talk about the devil,” Wayne cuts into my thoughts.

  My heart flips in my chest as I turn in my chair. Only then do I realize that Wayne doesn’t know Hope. I’m disappointed not to see the beautiful woman who has occupied my dreams recently. Instead, it’s Katherine in a tight green strapless mini dress walking toward us. I completely forgot I’m to take her to dinner. She called earlier to ask where I was.

  I force a smile on my face as I wish it was Hope coming our way. I also long for when I’ll take her to dinner and then to my penthouse suite for a steamy night of sex. My body hardens again, and I take a large gulp of my drink. One way or the other, I just have to get Hope. And I always get what I want.

  Chapter Eleven


  Sitting at a dark corner in the hip exclusive club, I can’t believe I’m actually there. The luxurious interior of the place known to be frequented by celebrities blows me away. Even at the entrance, paparazzi were already stationed to take pictures of the famous and wealthy people gracing the place. My eyes trail the posh dance floor as a few of the patrons move their body in rhythm to the cool music. Well, some of them are actually smooching and not dancing.

  “Thanks for bringing me along with you, Laura and Mike. It’s been too long since we’ve seen one another.” I turn to my companions with a bright smile on my face.

  Laura and Mike went to high school with me and are now dating. Mike designed the club and so didn’t need reservations. I’m glad I ran into them at the movies last night. They invited me to the club to hang out. I didn’t want to accept at first as I felt three was a crowd. But, they insisted so we could catch up.

  “You’re welcome,” Laura says, returning my smile. “You look fabulous.”

  I look down at my mini skirt, knee-high boots and the matching clingy black top and shrug. Terrance used to love me dressing like this when we went clubbing. I hastily push thoughts of him away, wondering why my mind brought him up. I haven’t thought about him in a long while.

  “Thanks,” I say, and reach out to take my glass of Bloody Mary from the table.

  “So, what’s up with you?” Mike leans forward, looking at me keenly.

  I replace my glass on the table and shrug. “Nothing much. I recently moved back here. Things were rough for me in Georgia for a while, but I’ve put my act together. I now work at Clause Enterprises.”

  Mike lets out a whistle while Laura draws closer to me on the red leather booth. I see the twinkle in her eyes and laugh.

  Laura turns slightly to look at Mike and says, “Apologies, Mike, but you know I can’t help it.”

  Mike shrugs good-naturedly and smiles before taking a sip of his martini.

  “Have you seen the handsome hunk who owns the place?” Laura fans her face with her hands. “Talk about sex in human form. Such handsomeness and charisma make me drool.”

  Uneasy laughter flows from my throat. I look over at Mike, wondering how he feels that his girlfriend is describing another man in those terms.

  “Don’t worry, Hope. I’m used to her drooling over men like Clause. It’s sort of her thing.” Reclining and throwing his arms across the booth, he adds, “You can say what you think. I won’t get offended. After all, you won’t be the first woman to fall for Clause.”

  Laura giggles. “Mike knows I’m only kidding. He’s the only one for me.” She glances at her brown-haired boyfriend and winks at him before blowing him a kiss. Mike laughs.

  Mike is handsome, but truly, he can’t hold a torch to Christian. There was something about Christian and his commanding presence that makes everybody, both male and female, sit up whenever he walked into a room. That he is also drop dead gorgeous and wealthy makes him quite a catch.

  Laura turns to me. “So, have you seen him?”

  A little flushed, I reply, “I work with him, I’m his PA.”

  Laura whoops and claps her hands. “So, has he made a pass at you?”

  My eyes widen. “Of course not. Chr— Mr. Clause is more interested in his business than anything else. Believe me when I tell you he’s a workaholic.”

  “Why am I not surprised? No wonder he’s super successful,” Mike says with a note of jealousy.

  Laura laughs. “I like men who work hard and play hard. Please wring an invitation for me and Mike whenever he hosts one of his high-class parties. I would give anything to be onboard his yacht, not to talk of the small Greek island I heard he recently bought.”

  As I know nothing about his properties, I keep quiet. I try my best for my feelings not to show on my face as Laura talks about Christian’s ex-girlfriends. How do I compete with supermodels and celebrities whom he enjoys dating? Do I even want to?

  After seeing Christian with that stunning woman the previous day at the restaurant, I know there is no hope for me. Clara has already told me Christian never dates his employees. And whenever one comes on strongly to him, he fires her. So, even if it kills me, I’ll continue to keep everything professional between us.

  “Just look at her,” Laura blurts and I lift my head.

  A small gasp escapes from my lips when I see Katherine walking in the opposite direction with a sexy smile on her face. Heads turn to stare at the beautiful woman in a dress that complements her perfect figure. But, of course, they make such exclusive clubs for the likes of her. Jealousy cuts through me when I see her approaching a table.

  I am so enamored by the place I haven’t noticed Christian and three men sitting a few tables from ours. Christian always looks good in his power business suits. But seeing him now in a black leather jacket, black silk shirt and designer black jeans makes heat pool in between my thighs. Laura is right. Christian is sex on a stick. His hair looks wind kissed as if he ran his fingers repeatedly through it.

  He can rake his fingers through my hair anytime.

  I quickly jerk my gaze from the table after such an errant thought. My eyes quickly search the faces of my companions to see if they noticed the green-eyed monster in the depths of my brown eyes. Thankfully, they too are staring at Christian and his friends. Unable to stop myself, I look again to see that all the men had risen and Christian is placing a kiss on Katherine’s cheek.

  “Rumor has it that that hot ex-model is Clause’s latest fling,” Mike mentions and turns to me. “Is that true?”

  Tearing my gaze from the table, I shake my head, struggling to hide my jealousy.

  “I have no idea. I only started working for Mr. Clause a few weeks ago.”

  Laura laughs. “You haven’t changed much, have you? You always loved minding your business. If I were in your shoes, God knows, I would have found out every juicy gossip about Clause by now.”

  I force a light hearted chuckle from my throat. “I’m only there to work, Laura, not get to know the boss.”

  With a mischievous twinkle in her eyes and a wry twist on her lips, Laura asks, “Not even if he wants to get to know you?”

  I duck my head and feign interest in my drink. “He doesn’t mess around with his workers, Laura.”

  “So I heard,” Mike interjects and I let out a small sigh of relief. “Not to make you feel as if you’re not beautiful or anything, Hope, but you’re not exactly his type.”

  Laura nods in concurrence. “True, though. Clause likes his women model thin with legs that go on and on. But you, my dear, will give Kim Kardashian a run for her money in the curvy department.”

  Laughter erupts from my throat even though despair clings to my heart. If I’m truly not Christian’s type, then why did he come on to me at the mall? That question has tormented my peace for a while now. Why did I even allow him to buy me coffee? It brought on silly fantasies. I wish I could turn back
the hands of time.

  “Thanks, Laura,” I say for lack of something better to tell her. I struggle to think of something to change the topic. My night is already ruined with the presence of Katherine and Christian at the club. Talking about them continuously might make me want to get drunk. That might make me late for work the following day.

  “So, tell me what’s going on with you, Laura,” I quickly insert when she continues talking about Christian.

  I release a small sigh of relief when she takes the bait and starts talking about her cosmetic business. To blank out Christian, his girlfriend and the jealously I’m fighting to control, I focus on Laura and I’m soon caught up in the conversation.

  Or so I think.

  A movement catches the corner of my eye. Christian and Katherine have risen and are saying goodbye to the men at the table. Christian walks away from the table with his hand on the small of Katherine’s back. They look so good together, my throat constricts. Both tall and slim, they look like the perfect couple while I would look like a short fat blob beside Christian.

  My heart squeezes with pain.

  Christian stops to exchange greetings with the woman and her male companion. Katherine uses the opportunity to mold herself into Christian. I figure I would do the same thing since the attractive woman looks like she wants to eat Christian whole. I have never been this jealous in my life, and it’s driving me crazy. Fighting it from showing is getting tougher and tougher.

  I realize I’ve lost the battle fighting off my jealousy from showing when I turn to see Laura and Mike staring at me with keen interest.

  Eyeing me and curving her lips in a sweet smile, Laura says, “Are you sure Christian is just your boss?”

  I groan inwardly.

  Chapter Twelve


  “How was your weekend?” Clara asks me as she settles down on her chair.

  “It was good,” I reply with a smile on my face.


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