Deadly Reckoning

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by Elle James

  “You win for now, but it isn’t over.”

  Trouble has followed pregnant artist Kayla Davies to a picturesque Oregon town where she hopes to paint away memories of a brutal attack. Instead she finds herself again gripped by fear when a woman’s murder and an eerily familiar stalker coincide with her arrival. Someone is watching her…and disappearing into the dreaded fog called The Devil’s Shroud.

  Shaken, Kayla finds comfort in the arms of Gabe McGregor, the hard-bodied town sheriff and single dad. Though he and Kayla share a powerful attraction, neither wants anything beyond an earthshaking fling. Too many lies and secrets have come between them—until another vicious attack on Kayla changes everything....

  What a day.

  In all that had happened, one image rose above them all.

  Gabe McGregor. Tall, broad shouldered and with eyes that could light the sky. The strength of his arms around her went a long way toward restoring her faith in humanity.

  Kayla relaxed against the porcelain tub.

  A noise from the other room startled her. She reached for her radio, turning the music off. Silence filled the room, the only sound that of her breathing and the thunder of her pulse against her eardrums.

  “I’m hearing things,” Kayla said out loud and sank back into the warmth of the bathwater.

  A scratchy, tapping sound brought her out of the tub. Her wet feet slipped on the smooth tile and she grabbed for the sink to steady herself. She glanced at the mirror, the steam from the bath having fogged her reflection. Bold letters glared at her, clinging to the glass where the mist dripped free.


  * * *

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  Dear Reader,

  I had fun writing a book with a teenage character in it. My last teenager has graduated from high school and is now in college. Living through her drama reminded me of my teenage years and how I wanted only to fit in and be appreciated and loved by my friends and family.

  I was fortunate to have caring parents who didn’t quite understand the new generation, but never stopped loving me no matter how difficult I made their lives.

  This story is set on the west coast in Oregon where mists rise from the sea like a Devil’s Shroud, hiding sins of the evil from those who just want to live a peaceful existence.

  Gabe McGregor is struggling to understand a teenage son he never knew until recently, while protecting the new girl in town, artist Kayla Davies, from a serial killer.

  Watch as Kayla, Gabe and Gabe’s son learn from each other and open their hearts to a love that will bring them together as a family.

  Happy reading!

  Elle James

  Elle James

  Deadly Reckoning

  Books by Elle James

  Harlequin Romantic Suspense

  Deadly Reckoning #1698

  Harlequin Intrigue

  Beneath the Texas Moon #906

  Dakota Meltdown #938

  Lakota Baby #961

  Cowboy Sanctuary #987

  Blown Away #1014

  Alaskan Fantasy #1033

  Texas-sized Secrets #1052

  Under Suspicion, with Child #1080

  Nick of Time #1100

  Baby Bling #1127

  An Unexpected Clue #1156

  Operation XOXO #1172

  Killer Body #1191

  Bundle of Trouble #1226

  Hostage to Thunder Horse #1244

  Cowboy Brigade #1281

  Engaged with the Boss #1306

  Other titles by this author available in ebook format.


  A Golden Heart winner for Best Paranormal Romance in 2004, Elle James started writing when her sister issued a Y2K challenge to write a romance novel. She managed a full-time job, raised three wonderful children and she and her husband even tried their hands at ranching exotic birds (ostriches, emus and rheas) in the Texas Hill Country. Ask her, and she’ll tell you what it’s like to go toe-to-toe with an angry 350-pound bird! After leaving her successful career in information technology management, Elle is now pursuing her writing full-time. She loves building exciting stories about heroes, heroines, romance and passion. Elle loves to hear from fans. You can contact her at [email protected] or visit her website at

  This book is dedicated to my editors Elizabeth Mazer and Patience Bloom, who saw something worth printing in my writing and who guided me in producing a much better book.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 1

  “Good night, Kayla. Get some rest, you deserve it.” Brent Kitchens, the owner of the most prestigious art gallery in Seattle, escorted Kayla to the side exit of the gallery where she’d parked her car earlier that day. “Thanks for the great turnout.”

  “The thanks goes to you, Brent.” She smiled at Brent, twisting the shiny gold locket at the end of a fine chain that hung around her neck. “I’m headed for my apartment and bed. These things exhaust me.” That and being three months pregnant, a secret she hadn’t shared with anyone. She wasn’t certain how the news would impact her exploding career as an artist, especially since she planned to raise the child on her own.

  “Get some rest, sweetheart.” Brent patted her back. “Want me to have security walk you out?”

  “No, I’ll be fine. Thanks again.” Kayla kissed the man on the cheek and left the building. The click of the door closing behind her made her jump and hurry toward her car. Having arrived during the day, she hadn’t realized how little lighting there was at the back of the gallery. The one light shining out over the cars barely reached hers, casting more shadows than light on her solid black SUV. Keys in hand, she hit the automatic door locks as she neared the rear of her vehicle. When she reached for the door handle, she noticed movement out of the corner of her eye.

  Before she could react, a hand clamped over her mouth, stifling her scream and cutting off her air.

  Kayla kicked and fought, her desire to live and protect her baby giving her sufficient motivation, but she was overpowered by her attacker’s strength. She kicked out, her arms and legs flailing, her hands on her keys desperately fumbling for the little red panic button that she’d never before used.

  The man slammed her into the side of the car.

  Pain shot through her ribs, and she feared for the fetus growing inside her, but she couldn’t escape the hold. Then she was flipped around, pinned to the car with the weight of his body, one hand covering her mouth, the other hand holding an arm. She faced a man with no face, his entire head covered in a ski mask, his eyes the only feature visible in the limited lighting. Light brownish eyes, almost gold, like those of a lion, if the lights weren’t playing tricks on her fear-filled mind.

  He laughed.

  The low rumbling sound sent a ball of lead to the pit of Kayla’s stomach. The man hadn’t made a threat, hadn’t said a word, but Kayla knew without a doubt that he’d kill her. With her free hand, she desperately pressed the buttons on the key chain, struggling to find the right one. The door locks clicked on
and off, the lights blinking.

  Her attacker’s eyes narrowed and he grabbed for her hand and the keys she held.

  Kayla finally found the panic button and she hit it just as a hand closed over the wad of keys.

  The horn blared, over and over, the headlights and taillights blinking in unison, filled the parking lot with noise and light.

  She couldn’t see it, but she heard the creaking hinges of the back door to the gallery opening. If she wanted to live, she had to get help. Now!

  Kayla bit down hard on the hand over her mouth.

  The man cursed, his hand moving just enough that Kayla could let out a short, loud scream.

  “What the hell?” Brent’s voice called out. “What’s going on out there? Hey, someone call 911!” he shouted. “Kayla? Kayla, is that you?”

  In a flash, the man moved his grip to her throat, squeezing so hard, Kayla couldn’t breathe.

  She pried at his hands, her fingers tearing at his flesh, frantic to take a breath.

  As his fingers tightened on her neck, he leaned close until his mask-covered mouth was close to her ear. “You win for now, but it isn’t over.” He yanked the chain from around her neck, then he let go so suddenly, Kayla slid down the side of the car. Unable to slow her fall, her head hit the pavement with a dull thud.

  Dense fog clouded her vision even as precious air filled her starving lungs. Muffled voices, like people shouting into pillows, faded into silence. She could see the silhouette of her attacker sliding away into the shadows of an alley. Then the flashing stopped and night turned to pitch, the fog all-consuming. She couldn’t let it claim her.

  Kayla’s eyes opened and she stared at the light shining on her table beside the bed. As quickly as the dreams came to her, they receded. The only impression she retained was one of terror and golden-brown eyes.

  She jerked up out of the bed, her breathing labored as if she’d been smothered. Air, she had to get air. Kayla rushed for the window, pushing aside the drapes. She unlatched the lever and shoved the window open, sucking in air as fast as her lungs could take it.

  Finally, her heart rate started to slow, and reason took hold once more. She reminded herself that she was far away from Seattle, safely tucked away in her vacation rental in Cape Churn.

  Getting away had been her therapist’s idea, but the small, seaside town she’d chosen as her destination had been a whim, the result of a real-estate brochure that had caught her eye. The images of untamed waves, peaceful beaches and quaint, quiet streets had called to her in a way she couldn’t explain. It just looked like such a wholesome place to be. A good place to rediscover her inspiration again—missing ever since the attack. “A good place to have a child,” she whispered.

  She rubbed her hand in gentle circles over her belly. It was too soon to feel the baby yet, but she liked to imagine her kicking back in reply. Her baby—the only person she had left in the world. When she’d woken up in the hospital after the attack, the doctor had told her she was lucky she hadn’t miscarried. If she wanted to keep the baby, she’d have to take better care of herself, get more rest and not worry so much. And stay away from dark places where bad guys hang out.

  The doctor had also asked some pointed questions about her support network—family, friends, the baby’s father—and hadn’t seemed too pleased with the answers. Kayla didn’t blame him. As much as she’d hated to admit, she didn’t have a support network. Kayla didn’t have siblings or parents to call and check up on her. Her best friend and the surrogate father of her baby had died three months ago in a car accident. The crash had occurred only two days following the artificial insemination of Tony’s sperm.

  For all the years she’d been on her own since the deaths of her parents, she’d longed for a family. She and Tony hadn’t been in love, but they had cared for each other deeply, and they’d looked forward to making a family together, raising their child as partners in a home full of warmth and caring—a place where Kayla could finally feel as if she belonged.

  “We’ll still have that, Baby. I’m sorry you won’t have a daddy, but you’ll always have me, and we’ll be okay.”

  Thoughts of her baby had gotten her through the loss of her best friend and the end of their plans to build a happy, companionable little family together. Remembering her baby had given her the strength to fight off her attacker in the parking lot long enough to signal for help. And it was with the goal of protecting her baby that she’d grimly pulled herself together in the aftermath of the attack and found a place where they could be safe.

  Kayla peered out the window. Fog had crept in to cloak the coastline. If not for the gentle splash of waves against the cliffs and the strong scent of salt in the air, she wouldn’t have known that she was at the coast. Her heartbeat settled into a smooth, steady rhythm, as the last vestiges of the nightmare slowly slipped away.

  Sleep. That’s what she and the baby needed. On this quiet edge of coastline, she wanted the peace of the place to wrap around them.

  The therapist had taught her this trick of imagining a happy place before she went to bed. It would help settle her mind and avoid the nightmares that had woken her night after night. Now that she was at Cape Churn, it should be even easier. After all, her happy place was here with the ocean, the wind and waves. The nightmares would fade in time—she had to believe that. She’d get better, stronger. She’d heal in this quiet, peaceful place.

  Leaving the window open just a little, she climbed back in bed and laid her head on the pillow.

  As she lay there, her eyelids drooped and closed to the darkness, her mind settling into the edge of oblivion. Just as she drifted into sleep, a sharp scream ripped through the night.

  Chapter 2

  “Found her right there.” Judd Strayhorn, one of the local retirees, pointed to where the medical examiner squatted beside the naked body of the dead woman. “I didn’t move her. She looked pretty dead already, what with her face buried in sand and her skin all white and waxy-like.”

  Gabe’s gaze raked the beach hoping for clues, articles left behind, footprints, besides Judd’s and the medical examiner’s. He searched for anything that would tell him how this woman was murdered, who did it and how the body ended up where it did. “Thanks, Judd. If you don’t mind coming down to the station later, we can get your statement in writing.”

  “Anything you want.” Judd shook his head, staring across the yellow crime scene tape at the girl’s lifeless form. “Hate to think of what the parents of this girl are going to go through. I have a daughter a little older than her.” He sighed. “Crying shame.” The older man’s shoulders sagged as he gathered his fishing pole and tackle box and trudged up the steep hillside to the road.

  Gabe couldn’t help but empathize. He didn’t have a daughter himself but, as he’d only recently learned, he did have a son. Breaking this kind of bad news to parents had always been the hardest part of his job. Now, as a parent himself, Gabe was pretty sure it was about to get harder.

  Chief Tom Taggert crossed his arms over his chest. “Think she’s the girl from the missing person report last night?”

  “Dark red hair, about five foot fourish.” Gabe nodded. “Yeah. Got to be the one.”

  “Her friends said she disappeared from the beach down below the lighthouse round midnight.” The chief snorted. “She’d told them she was going to get a blanket from the car.”

  “Had a high tide last night. Think she waded out and got caught in the undercurrent?” Cape Churn was known for its wicked undercurrent. Not many parents let their small children play in the water near the lighthouse, preferring to take them down the coast to a less dangerous beach. But the teens and young people on vacation at Cape Churn didn’t always stop to check the conditions or adhere to the warnings.

  “Have to wait for the M.E.’s determination. Can’t
imagine she’d go in alone, though, and not with the water as cold as it’s been.”

  “Yeah,” Gabe agreed. “And if it was an accident, that wouldn’t explain why she’s naked, when her friends described her as wearing jeans and a hoodie.”

  The M.E. straightened and walked toward the chief, stepping over the yellow tape. “Tom.” He peeled the rubber gloves from his hands and turned to stare down at the victim.

  “Gordon.” The chief nodded toward the woman’s body. “Murder?”

  “That would be my bet. I can’t say for certain until the autopsy is complete, but there’s bruising around her throat. I’ll get the report to you ASAP. Until then, I’d be looking for a potential killer.”

  The M.E. left the chief and Gabe and climbed the steep path behind them.

  “I hope you didn’t think you’d left the big-city problems behind you in Seattle.” The chief stared out at the ocean.

  “That’s what I was wishing for.” Gabe shook his head. “I came home for a quiet, safe place to live.”

  “We don’t always get what we wish for. I told you when you signed on we were normally quiet, but sometimes we have blips on the radar. The blips always seem to come with the fog. You know as well as I do that some of the more superstitious locals call the fog the Devil’s Shroud.” He shot a glance toward Gabe. “What was the weather like last night?”

  “Foggy,” Gabe answered, his tone flat, matter-of-fact. He’d almost forgotten the Devil’s Shroud tales the old-timers spoke of in whispers as if by speaking of it aloud, the shroud would gain strength.

  Tom shook his head. “That damn fog can be a real curse. It can hide a lot of sin.”

  Gabe couldn’t argue with the chief. Fog provided great cover for someone intent on committing a crime. “I’ll canvas the area around the lighthouse. Maybe someone saw or heard something.”

  “You do that. And next time there’s a fog, keep your loved ones close. We may have a killer on the loose, and I don’t want you taking any chances. You hear me?”


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