Prey (Blackwater Pack Book 2)

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Prey (Blackwater Pack Book 2) Page 21

by Hannah McBride

  A gut wrenching sob ripped from her body as she folded over, sobbing with her head against my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her.

  “Tell me how I can move on,” she pleaded against my neck. “You did it—how did you do it?”

  I leaned back, freeing my hands to frame her face so she would look at me. “I didn’t do it alone. I had a lot of help.”

  I wiped away a tear with my thumb. “You have people who will help you, Bella. I’ll help you. Your mom, my mom, Zoe, Michael … You have an entire pack that will help you. You aren’t alone.”

  She swallowed audibly, looking wildly around the room. “But every time I leave the house, I can feel their stares. I jump when people laugh too loudly, I scream if someone slams a door. I’m a mess.”

  “Yeah,” I said slowly. “I’ve been there, and it gets better. But it takes time. A lot of time.”

  “The idea of letting anyone touch me …” She shuddered violently.

  “Trust me, I know,” I told her, letting her face go and reaching for her hands. “But look. You’re letting me touch you.”

  She frowned at our hands. “It’s not the same as … I mean, you have Remy, and I’ve seen you guys together.”

  “It’s not the same,” I agreed, “but it’s a start. And Remy is patient with me, but there have been a lot of times that it hasn’t been easy on us. It’s also helped letting people in. Larkin, Katy, Rhodes, and a few other people I trust. It helps to talk about it with them.”

  She threaded her fingers with mine. “I’m a mess. I’m a broken mess. How can I look at any of these people in the eye when they know who I am?”

  I smiled. “Remy told me when I first came to the pack that what I was before didn’t define who I was now.”

  “Do you think it’s true?”

  “I know it is.” I squeezed her hand. “You went through hell, Bella, but you survived. No one will ever judge you for being a survivor. Not in this pack, and not in this family.”

  “How do you not hate me?” she asked. “If I were you, I would absolutely hate me.”

  That answer was easier. “Because I’m tired of being angry all the time. There are enough people for me to hate without you being on the list.”

  I caught the time on the clock behind her. Remy would be here in minutes.

  I gave her a smirk. “Now I’m going to go tell the Council all the fucked up shit that happened to us so it never happens to another shifter ever again.”

  Bella finally smiled back at me. “Sounds like a great plan.”


  “We’ll begin pre-flight checks momentarily, sir,” the flight attendant advised Gabe as we settled into our seats on the private jet the pack owned. The last time I had been on the plane had been when we were flying home from GPA.

  I snuggled closer into Remy’s side when he flipped up the armrest separating our seats. The red and black flannel he threw on over a white T-shirt felt soft under my cheek, and I rested against him. My fingers lifted to absently trace the corded muscles of his forearm where he rolled the sleeves up, and his familiar pine and earth scent filled my nostrils until my wolf and I were both ready for a nap.

  Last time I boarded a flight on this plane, I had left him behind. This time we were together.

  Gabe looked up from his seat across the aisle, setting the paper he was reading to the side. “Thank you, Frank.” He checked his watch. “Is their flight still on time?”

  “Ahead of schedule, actually,” Frank said with a small smile that made twin dimples appear. “They should be landing any moment. They’ll arrive before we finish pre-flight procedures. Can I get you anything?”

  “No, thank you.” Gabe nodded and turned back to his papers as Frank headed towards the cockpit.

  “Others?” I asked, lifting my chin and looking curiously at Remy. Not that having more people on the plane was a bad thing; there was plenty of space.

  The Blackwater plane could comfortably seat twenty-four. It had two sets of four chairs with a table between them, a few sets of two chairs, a long couch with tables at each end. Gabe was sitting on the couch, papers spread out in front of him at one of the tables. There was also a small private seating area tucked in the back of the plane past the galley.

  Remy gave me a smile. “Dad talked to Luke, Tate’s dad, last night. They’re flying here and hitching a ride with us to the Summit. It’ll give us all a chance to talk before we’re onsite.”

  The Summit was held annually at a small, remote resort in Wyoming. It was supposed to be super upscale, and catered only to the elite of the elite during normal seasons. It shut down to the public every year for the Summit.

  The resort was across nearly seventy acres of mountains, rivers, and forest, and the main building and private cabins were built around a large lake with breathtaking views. It was the perfect spot for rich people looking to vacation somewhere quiet … or wolves to be completely hidden for two weeks of pack warfare.

  The location also wasn’t on any specific pack land, so there were no issues of territorial claims, but having that many Alphas in one space, albeit a large space, was always a tense experience.

  At least, that’s what Katy had told me.

  “So, walk me through the Council again,” I started slowly, trying to remember all the prep Katy and Mallory had drilled into my head the last two weeks while Remy and Gabe prepared for meetings and the inquisition.

  “There’s five full members and two alternates,” Remy reminded me patiently.

  “And they all come from super small packs, right?”

  He nodded. “Exactly. It’s the only way to avoid bigger packs from having complete control.”

  “Like Blackwater?” I teased.

  He leveled a look at me. “Like Norwood.”

  My stomach dropped. “Trace will be there, won’t he?”

  He gave me a slow nod, reaching over to brush some hair from my face. “Yeah, but don’t worry about it. He won’t bother you.”

  “I’m more worried about him bothering you,” I replied pointedly. Trace had spent the better part of last semester trying to get Remy to react in a way that could get Remy, and Blackwater, in trouble with the Shifter Council.

  He gave me a tight lipped smile. “I promise I’ll steer clear of him as much as I can.”

  My eyes narrowed, and I pointed a finger at him. “You better.”

  He leaned forward, nipping the tip of my finger before I could pull away. I swallowed, my gaze reflexively looking at his dad, who thankfully seemed oblivious.

  “Remy,” I hissed, elbowing his side and blatantly ignoring the way my blood warmed.

  He grinned unabashedly. “What?”

  Before I could think of an appropriate response, a man stepped onto the plane, his large form filling the doorway, almost blocking out all the sunlight before he stepped into the cabin of the plane. Dante followed him a second later and then—

  “Tate!” I cried, surprised and happy at the same time.

  She gave me a small wave from behind Dante. If I couldn’t have Katy or Larkin with me on this trip, Tate was definitely the next best person.

  The larger man, Luke I assumed, sat on the other side of the couch from Gabe, facing the other Alpha. His gray eyes looked at us all, missing nothing. The perpetual scowl on his face made me sink back into my chair a bit, and I remembered Tate saying how he completely terrified her birth parents into peeing their pants.

  I could see that.

  “Luke,” Gabe greeted warmly, extending a hand.

  Luke shook it with a grin, his grim face suddenly brighter and more welcoming. “Gabe.”

  Dante slid into his seat across from Remy, facing us. “Hey, man. How’s it going, Skye?”

  “Hey!” I answered, standing up to hug Tate before she sat down next to Dante.

  Tate looked wide-eyed around the cabin of the plane. “Whoa. This is nice.”

  “What are you doing here?” I asked her. “I thought women mostly avoided the Summ

  According to Mallory, females rarely went to the Summit unless for a specific purpose, like how I was testifying. Otherwise they were mostly arm candy that the pack Alpha liked to show off. A trophy to be displayed amongst peers since not all of them would have a wife or a mate.

  Somehow I didn’t see Luke or Dante parading Tate around like a shiny medal.

  She gave me a tight lipped smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “With everything going on, Dad and Dante didn’t want to leave me in Brooks Ridge.”

  Dante closed a possessive hand around the inside of her thigh. “She’s humoring us.”

  The way Tate leaned against him said there wasn’t anywhere she would rather be.

  “Dad told me that you’re going to testify in front of the Council,” she said softly, her eyes sympathetic as she looked at me. “How are you feeling about that?”



  I swallowed past the panic clawing at my throat and reached up fingering the charm on the necklace at my throat.

  “You’re a brave girl,” Luke said, his gruff voice softened by the kindness in his gray eyes. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “Thank you,” I said hesitantly, lowering my hand back to my lap.

  “You sure you’re ready for this? I’ve met your uncle,” Luke continued, his cold gray eyes assessing me as he spoke. “He’s a prick.”

  The laugh that escaped me was a surprise. “He really is.”

  Luke’s eyes narrowed. “But he also isn’t stupid. I’ve already sworn a promise to your Alpha and your mate,” his head inclined to Gabe and then Remy, “but our pack will do everything in our power to protect you. I promise.”

  “We both do,” Dante agreed with a grim nod.

  “Thank you,” I repeated, this time my words more sincere and resolved. “I appreciate that.”

  “There is one thing we just found out,” Gabe said slowly, catching my attention.

  Remy’s hand found mine and squeezed.

  “The heir that your uncle is bringing to replace Cassian,” Gabe went on, his mouth flattening.

  He didn’t need to tell me I already knew. Hell, in some ways I was surprised he had never challenged Cassian himself.

  “Preston Loomis,” I guessed woodenly.

  “You know him, I take it.”

  I swallowed. “Yeah. I know him.”

  I felt a small tremor run through Remy as his anger mounted. I leaned my shoulder into his body, trying to reassure him through touch that I was still here and whole.

  “Yeah,” I replied with a small nod. “He was Cassian’s best friend. They did everything together.”

  I felt Remy exhale hard beside me, his gaze locked on the ceiling for a second while he got his rage under control.

  “I hate to ask, but is there anything you can tell us about him?” Gabe leaned forward, the kindness in his eyes staggering.

  I wondered, not for the first time, what it would have been like to grow up with a dad like Gabriel Holt.

  “He’s nothing like Cassian,” I said quietly, trying to compartmentalize my memories of Preston Loomis clinically.

  “You mean ‘cause Cassian’s dead?” Luke leaned back with a smug smile.

  My jaw dropped in shock.

  “Dad!” Tate groaned, dropping her head into her palm.

  “What?” Luke shrugged innocently. “He is, and I’m assumin’ this Preston dickhead is amongst the livin’. That’s a mighty big difference of status.”

  I giggled, some of the tension loosening in my chest. “Yeah, there’s that.”

  “Jesus, Luke,” Gabe huffed, but even he was fighting a smile.

  “What? Your girl should be proud of what she did up on that mountain.” Luke grinned at me, the movement making him infinitely more approachable. “Didn’t quite stick the landing, but she’s young and can learn.”

  Remy’s shoulders shook with silent laughter. He leaned over and kissed the side of my head.

  “Sorry,” I told Luke with a smile, “I promised Remy no more jumping off cliffs.”

  Luke shrugged his massive shoulders once again. “I suppose that’s for the best.”

  Sighing to myself, I tangled my fingers with Remy’s, watching how his larger hand engulfed my smaller one, as I tried to get my thoughts in order.

  “Preston is the youngest son of Allan Loomis, Linden’s beta,” I finally said in a low voice, unable to tear my gaze anywhere except from where it rested on our hands.

  “He had an older brother, Dane,” I continued, wincing, “but Dane’s dead.”

  Because I ripped out his throat.

  My wolf rumbled her approval even as my stomach soured over the recollection of all that blood. I tried to shake off the lingering wisps of memories that threatened to drag me under.

  “Cassian was at least somewhat rational. Preston isn’t. He’s … what’s worse than batshit crazy with a side of homicidal maniac?”

  “So, he ain’t gonna be fun to deal with,” Luke surmised, rubbing his jaw.

  Remy’s hand tightened around mine, reassuring and grounding.

  “Do you think he’ll be a problem for you?” Dante asked me pointedly.

  I lifted my gaze to him and didn’t blink. “I’m the one who killed his brother and his best friend.”

  Dante’s eyes went wide for a second, and Luke muttered a dark curse.

  Again, Remy squeezed my hand. I had the feeling he was fighting the urge to pull me onto his lap.

  Or maybe I was the one who wanted to scramble onto his lap, bury my face in his neck, and try to forget all the shit that was going on around us.

  “That would tend to make a person a bit angry,” Luke finally said. “But I’m guessin’ you had an appropriate reason for doing what you done?”

  I bit my lip and nodded.

  “Then it makes no difference to us,” Luke said with finality.

  “Exactly,” Gabe agreed firmly, his eyes meeting mine. “Both of our packs are with you.”

  “I take it there was no way you and your mom coulda gone through proper channels to change packs?” Luke pressed. “Waited for a transfer?”

  “They didn’t have that option,” Remy answered for me.

  Tate leaned around Dante. “Daddy, I told you—”

  Luke held up a hand. “I know you did, sweetheart, but the questions I’m askin’ ain’t anything that the Council won’t ask. If anything they’ll be worse. Are you ready to relive the worst moments of your life, Skye? You ready to share those details with total strangers who are looking to catch you in a lie? Men who respect and trust Linden Markham? See him as a friend and an equal?”

  I couldn’t suppress my shudder. Remy’s chest rumbled beside me, his low growl a warning that Luke was on thin ice.

  “He’s right, son,” Gabe reminded us, trying to diffuse the tension. “Luke isn’t asking or saying anything the Council won’t. And unlike Luke, the Council isn’t necessarily on our side.”

  “Yeah,” I said, wishing my voice hadn’t come out so strangled. I cleared my throat and tried again, meeting his steel gray gaze. “Yes. I can handle it.”

  “Your uncle has a lot of allies at the Summit,” Dante added quietly. “The Southern and Mexican packs are almost all aligned with him in some way. Because of what happened we know he also has an alliance with Norwood, which brings a whole other set of packs into their alliance.”

  “So, you’re saying this is pointless?” I asked, my body growing cold. “It’s us against all of them?”

  “No,” Remy said fiercely, turning to look at me. “The majority of the Alphas are good men who want to uphold the sanctity of pack law. But we can’t underestimate your uncle. He doesn’t play fair, babe, and that puts us at a disadvantage.”

  Gabe smiled at me. “And we have plenty of our own allies.”

  “Gabe mentioned that Cassian told you Long Mesa was working with Norwood to kidnap females,” Luke began, his tone gruff and growly in a way that made
me never want to piss him off.

  I nodded slowly. “Yeah. He mentioned it when we were on the mountain before …”

  “Before your swan dive,” Luke supplied with a brief flash of a smirk. “Any particulars?”

  “A lot of that day is still a blur,” I admitted. The fall and resulting three week coma had jumbled and distorted some of my memories. “I know Cassian said that they were going to visit where some of the females were being held, but that could have been anywhere between Montana and New Mexico.”

  “And you couldn’t find out much from those hunters you found in the woods?” Luke directed the question at Remy.

  Remy shook his head. “No. They didn’t have ID, the vehicles they used were traced back to a dealership near the Norwood territory, but that’s all circumstantial.”

  Luke looked impressed. “Someone remembers his SAT words.”

  Tate sighed and shook her head in amusement, giving me a weak smile before leaning against Dante.

  “Still, I have a few friends in the area. Lone wolves that aren’t fans of Damien Valois. I’m waiting to hear back on a few things. Hopefully they can reach me out here before any formal motions are granted,” Luke muttered.

  I caught a glimpse of Gabe and blinked. For the first time since I had met Gabe, I could see his anger simmering under the surface. It was well controlled, but it was there in the flash of his blue eyes and the way his jaw clenched.

  Once upon a time, Damien had made a play for Mallory. I couldn’t image Gabe feeling overly friendly towards the guy who tried to steal his mate. And that was completely disregarding the fact that Damien’s son had broken Katy’s leg last semester.

  Luke exchanged a long, indecipherable look with Gabe. After a moment, the storm clouds cleared from Gabe’s face and he was back in control.

  Frank appeared at the front of the plane, heading down the aisle. He gave Luke a polite nod first, then Dante, and then Tate, before turning to look at Gabe.

  “Sir, we’re ready for departure if you are.”

  Gabe’s eyes jumped across the aisle to me. “You sure you’re ready for this, sweetheart?”

  I focused on the steady rise and fall of Remy’s chest beside me, my ears faintly picking up the rhythmic sound of his heart beating.


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