Unexpected Chances (Fairshore Series Book 2)

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Unexpected Chances (Fairshore Series Book 2) Page 11

by Christina Butrum

  Bailey patted Zach’s shoulder. “Isn’t that what friends are for?”

  Zach nodded. “You’re so much more than that, Bailey.”

  Bailey smiled. Amelia watched Bailey and Zach converse amongst themselves. She closed her eyes and imagined what life would be like without them. Nope, I can’t think about that. It won’t happen. Amelia opened her eyes when the door to her room opened.

  Dr. Bohage walked in and approached her bed. “How’re you feeling, Amelia?”

  “I’ve been better,” Amelia said.

  Dr. Bohage patted her hand and said, “I’m sure you have.” He turned to Zach and Bailey and asked them if they were able to be around Amelia today when he released her from the hospital.

  Amelia thought she heard them tell the doctor they both could be there for her. She smiled.

  “She should be back to her old self within a few days. She’ll be sore and she’ll need to take two pain pills every six hours to stay on top of the pain.”

  Zach squeezed Amelia’s hand as he listened to the doctor.

  “They might make her feel woozy, but if she gets plenty of rest, the feeling will subside,” Dr. Bohage explained. “Make sure she eats when she takes the pills. They have a tendency to upset the stomach.”

  Zach and Bailey nodded to show they acknowledged the doctor’s orders.

  “When will she be released, doc?” Zach asked.

  Dr. Bohage looked at Amelia and smiled. “Now that I know she’ll be in excellent care when she leaves here, I’ll release her in a couple hours.”

  “Okay, thank you, doc,” Zach said as he reached out and shook the doctor’s hand.

  “Get plenty of rest, Amelia. You’ll be better in no time,” Dr. Bohage reassured her. “I’ll have a nurse discharge you after ‘while. You’ll follow up with me at the end of the week, okay?”

  Amelia nodded. Dr. Bohage turned and looked at Zach and Bailey to make sure they heard what he had said.

  “We’ll bring her to see you at the end of the week, doc,” Zach assured him.

  Dr. Bohage patted Zach on the back. “Sounds good,” he said. He walked to the door and on his way out, he said, “Take care and see you soon.”

  * * *

  Amelia was released from the hospital around 4:00. She had been wheeled out to the car in a wheelchair and assisted into Zach’s car by the nursing staff. She was ready to get home and enjoy her own bed.

  “Ready?” Zach asked her as he shifted the car into drive.

  “You can’t imagine how ready I am,” Amelia stated as she inhaled the fresh air. “The hospital staff was nice, but I hate hospitals.”

  “I’m glad you’re better, Amelia,” Bailey said as they drove away from the hospital. “You had me scared.”

  “I was scared, too,” Amelia admitted. “I had no idea what was going on.”

  Zach reached across the seat and grabbed her hand. He squeezed her hand and smiled. “You had me worried, but I knew you’d be okay. You’re one tough chick.”

  Amelia burst out in laughter. “Ouch! Don’t make me laugh! I’m a little too sore for that yet!”

  “I’m sorry,” Zach apologized. “When we get you home, we’ll give you some pain meds.”

  Amelia smirked. She pointed a finger at both of them. “No giving me more than the recommended dose, now.”

  Bailey laughed. “We want you to rest, not die, Amelia,” she stated.

  Amelia lightly chuckled. “I sure hope so.”

  Zach shook his head. He pulled the car into the driveway and shifted it into park. He opened his door and hurried to the passenger side. He opened the door and Amelia said, “You’re such a gentleman.”

  Zach smiled. “I try my best.”

  He leaned in and wrapped his arms around her to lift her out of the car. She stretched up and planted a kiss on his cheek. “I don’t think you have to try too hard. You’re the kindest gentleman I know, besides my father.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Weeks passed without much trouble. She had called her parents and postponed their visit until further notice. They had asked why and she had given them the excuse she had to work more hours. She wasn’t sure they believed her, but she told her mother she would call her in a couple weeks to set up another visit. She hated to lie to her parents, but she didn’t want her mother to worry about her.

  Amelia was back to work within two weeks of her surgery. Dr. Bohage was delighted she was back to her normal self and without pain. Amelia was thankful to be back to normal, too. She wondered how the store had kept up, so she thought she would make a surprise visit the following Monday.

  She walked outside. The March spring air smelled fresh and unmistakably like spring weather. A nice breeze blew through her hair as she walked to her car. She opened the driver door. Before she had a chance to climb into the seat, Bailey hollered across the street, “How’re you feeling, Amelia?”

  Amelia raised her thumbs in the air. “One hundred percent better!”

  Bailey held her thumb up and said, “Awesome! Good to hear!” She walked to the edge of her lawn and hollered, “Where are you headed?”

  “I’ve got to run to the grocery store,” Amelia said. “I need to check on it and also grab a few things.”

  Bailey nodded. “You can stop over when you get back if you want to. I got to finish up some yard work,” Bailey pointed to her yard. “Some spring cleaning.”

  Amelia smiled and hollered, “Will do! I’ll be over after ‘while!”

  Bailey nodded and waved as she grabbed her rake.

  Amelia turned the key and shifted the car into reverse. She backed the car out of the driveway. It felt good to be able to leave the house again. It felt wonderful to be able to drive with the windows down. Spring was her favorite time of the year.

  She drove to the store. She wondered what she would buy for Bailey and Zach for their help. She pulled into the parking lot and stepped out of her car. On her way to the door, she saw a familiar face in the parking lot. This time, the familiar face was with another man. She walked straight and ignored the person who sat in a car with their eyes on her.

  She walked through the door and into the store.

  “Hey, girl! How’re you doing?” Courtney asked when she saw Amelia walk into the store.

  “Much better than I was a few weeks ago,” Amelia confirmed.

  Courtney walked up to her and wrapped her arms around her. “You had us all scared to death. You know that, right?”

  Amelia chuckled. “Yes, I had everyone scared senseless.”

  Courtney shook her head. “I can’t imagine what your mother thought.”

  Amelia looked away. She had not told her mother for the simple fact her mother was a worry-wart and it would have caused her to have a nervous breakdown.

  “Wait,” Courtney held up a finger. “You didn’t tell her?”

  Amelia shook her head. Courtney’s jaw dropped and she said, “Oh, my word, I’d hate to be you when she finds out.”

  Amelia shook her head. “I’m hoping she won’t. It’s not that big of a deal.”

  “You almost died,” Courtney said. “That’s kind of a big deal.”

  Amelia laughed at the dramatic act Courtney had put on. “I was far from dying.”

  Courtney held up a hand and walked away. “Whatever you say,” she hollered over her shoulder. “I’d still hate to be you when your mother finds out.”

  Amelia shook her head. She chuckled at the over-dramatized act and smiled at Courtney.

  She walked through the aisles. She grabbed items she needed and also checked to make sure everything was stocked like it should be. It was still unbelievable she was their boss now. It still surprised her how fast things could change in the blink of an eye.

  She made her way around the aisles and by the meat counter.

  “Hey there, Amelia!” Tony shouted. “You feeling better?”

  Amelia nodded. “Much better.”

  “That’s good. You come to stock up o
n groceries?” Tony asked.

  “I’m pretty sure I need some meat. Do you want to wrap up and bag my usual for me?”

  “Sure can,” Tony said as he grabbed the first row of hamburger meat out of the counter. “I’m glad to see you’re doing better. You had us scared.”

  “Thanks. I think I had a lot of people scared,” she stated.

  “I’m sure you did,” Tony said as he wrapped the hamburger in paper. “This will take me about ten minutes.”

  Amelia nodded. “Okay, I’ll finish my shopping.”

  She made her way up and down the aisles. She stocked her cart with a mix of foods. She needed to buy a range of things for dinners for the week. She couldn’t forget the fruit and veggies either.

  She thought about what else she needed to grab from the store. A voice behind her interrupted her thoughts. “Hi, Amelia,” the familiar voice said. “How’re you feeling?”

  Amelia hesitated to turn around. When she did, she looked Crazy Courtney face to face. “Oh, Courtney,” she stuttered. She was not sure what she should say or do. Panic ran its course through her body.

  Courtney stood within a few inches from her. “I heard you were in the hospital for a while.”

  Amelia shrugged. “Just a couple of days.”

  “I was going to come visit you, but thought better of the idea,” Courtney admitted.

  Amelia allowed her eyes to look at Courtney and take in the situation. She scanned Courtney’s hands for any weapons of any kind. She could not see any threat in this situation, but she knew Courtney was crazy and crazy had no limit.

  “You don’t have to worry,” Courtney assured her. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  A nervous laugh escaped Amelia. “I know that,” she stated. She tried to play it cool, but her nerves ran wild.

  “I want to give you this,” Courtney handed her a folded paper. “Don’t read it until you’re at home.”

  Amelia grabbed the paper and stuck it in the pocket of her denim capris. She nodded.

  Courtney grinned. “You get your wish,” she stated. “I’m leaving Fairshore. I found the father of my baby and we’re leaving this town.”

  Amelia felt relieved. She relaxed, but kept her guard up. “That’s good news, Courtney.”

  Courtney glanced behind her in an attempt to look out the big front window of the store. The light beamed across her face and Amelia caught glimpse of a bruise on her cheek. She swallowed hard and placed a hand over her mouth. Courtney turned and asked, “Are you alright?”

  Amelia nodded. “I’m fine.”

  Courtney turned and looked behind her again. “I suppose I better get going. I don’t want to keep them waiting too long.”

  Amelia nodded. “Okay.”

  “I am really sorry for what happened a few weeks ago,” Courtney apologized. “I wasn’t acting like myself with this pregnancy. Make sure you read the note. My contact information is on the bottom if you want to stay in touch.”

  Amelia watched as Courtney turned and walked toward the checkout counter. That’s when she noticed the bruises that covered Courtney’s arms and legs. Amelia buckled at the thought of a man beating on a woman. She thought about how crazy Courtney had acted. She determined no matter how crazy someone is, they sure as hell don’t deserve to be beaten.

  * * *

  She had finished her grocery shopping and had picked out the perfect gifts for Bailey and Zach. She could not wait to get to Bailey’s to show her. She would have to wait for Zach to get home from work to show him the gift she bought him.

  She guided the car into her driveway and looked across the street. Bailey waved from her front porch swing. Amelia waved back. She hurried into the house as she carried all of her groceries. She quickly put every item away in a systematic fashion. She had done this numerous times before, even though she only stocked the house every couple of months or so.

  She grabbed the gift she bought for Bailey and hurried across the street. She placed the item behind her back and walked into Bailey’s yard.

  Bailey raised a brow and smiled. “What have you got behind your back?”

  Amelia shrugged her shoulders. “Oh, just something for an incredible person.”

  Bailey’s eyes lit up as Amelia pulled the potted flowers from behind her back. “Are those for me?”

  “Of course!” Amelia said as she stretched them out in front of her and handed them to Bailey. She wrapped her free arm around Bailey and hugged her tight. “Thank you for being such an awesome friend.”

  Bailey looked at Amelia with tear-filled eyes. “You’re pretty awesome yourself.”

  Amelia hugged her again and this time for a bit longer. “What am I going to do when you leave me here?”

  Bailey shook her head and pulled back from the hug. “I’m not leaving you per say. I’m moving, but I’ll be back to visit.”

  Amelia rolled her eyes.

  Bailey slapped her arm. “I’m being honest. I’ll come visit as much and as often as I can,” Bailey reassured Amelia. “You can come visit me, too.”

  Amelia smiled around the tears that streamed down her cheeks. “You can count on that.”

  Bailey changed the subject. She held the pot of flowers up in front of them and asked, “Where should I put these?”

  Amelia shrugged. “Maybe you should keep them inside after you repot them.”

  Bailey nodded. “That’s a good idea. I need some flowers inside.”

  “I was thinking that so you could take them with you when you move,” Amelia said with a forced smile.

  She was upset Bailey had decided to move to Bexley. She had yet to figure out the benefit for Bailey to move there. She didn’t want to be a sourpuss, but she hated the thought of temporarily losing her friend.

  Bailey wrapped an arm around Amelia and squeezed her close. “I’m not going anywhere for a while.”

  Amelia smiled. “That’s true.” She patted her pocket and felt the note. She contemplated sharing the note with Bailey. She pulled the note out of her pocket and unfolded it.

  Bailey sighed. “Amelia, you didn’t write me no sad poem, did you?”

  Amelia laughed. “No, this is way better than a poem from me could ever be.”

  Bailey gave her a puzzled look. “What is it? Who’s it from?”

  Amelia rubbed the creases from the paper and said, “You’ll see.”

  She read over the note first, to make sure she wanted to share it. Once she had read it, she shared it with Bailey.

  In fine black ink, with delicate cursive writing, it said:

  Dear Amelia,

  I know I haven’t left a very good impression with you. Between my crazy hormones with the pregnancy and my mixed emotions about my relationship status with Zach, I have been a complete basket case.

  First off, I want to apologize to you and Zach. Mainly I want to apologize just to you for the way I treated you and harassed you. I didn’t want to put you in the middle of mine and Zach’s misfortune, but I felt I had no choice. Either way, I am truly sorry for the way I handled this whole situation. It would have been better if I would have just let the state handle it. Instead, I let my hormones play out and it left distaste in your mouth about me.

  I know you are probably thinking who cares? Or this woman is completely bat shit crazy. I understand. I do not blame you one bit.

  Here I go babbling on like some lunatic. Let me explain the reason I have wrote you this letter.

  When I found out I was pregnant, I was the happiest person in the world. It seemed my life would be perfect with a little baby with a cute little button nose and eyes that would watch me. A little baby boy who would grow to love his mother and adore her. The problem is, he would be without a father. A father who loved him, that is.

  I would sit in my room every night and pray for the answer to my problem. I would think, what boy deserves to grow up without a supporting father? A boy to grow without a father to take him to ball games and help him with his sports. It wouldn’t be fai
r to my little boy to miss out on having a father who would love him and cherish him as much as I would.

  So, one night, as I prayed, it occurred to me, Zach would be the perfect father for my baby. Whether he was the biological father or not, it made no difference to me. I wanted my little boy to grow up with a father who would treat him right and love him as much as I do.

  I dated Zach for a while. I’m sure you know all about it. The thing of it is, I never witnessed someone so kind and generous. Someone so willing to bend backwards and help others in their time of need. That’s when it hit me, Zach was the perfect match for my son and me.

  Then I met you. You, so perfect and flawless, with Zach. The two of you are so perfect together. You’re everything I wasn’t for him and I know now why everything happens for a reason.

  Here I go again, babbling on. I wrote this to tell you, aside from loving Zach and now realizing he loves you so much more than he loved me and you can give him so much more than I ever could, that I want the two of you to raise my son.

  I know what you are probably thinking. That I have really lost my mind. The answer to that question is no, I haven’t. I want you to raise my son, because I feel that both of you could do the job one hundred percent better than I ever could.

  You can give him a name and a life he will enjoy for the rest of his life. You can give him a house to call a home and a place to find security and love.

  He will not be able to find any of these things in the place I call home. For my love is not enough to support him and make him feel secure. For I have yet to give him a name for which he will enjoy.

  Aside from all of my worry, there’s more to my depressing note. I am with a man I cannot find a way to get away from. He is abusive and controlling. I’m afraid he will hurt my son like he has hurt me.

  Please, help me help my son. Do whatever you can to help my son. I am willing to do whatever it takes to help him see a better life. The man I am with doesn’t know I wrote this to you. If he finds out, I will be in trouble.

  Please discuss this with Zach and call me when you decide what to do.


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