The Final Cut

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The Final Cut Page 32

by Catherine Coulter

  “You can’t take the warehouse by force. There are safeguards.”

  “Explosives, you mean?”

  “If Mulvaney is involved, yes. Many. He’ll have the entire place wired to blow.”

  Mike paused before she hit send on her cell. “What exactly are you proposing?”

  “You allow me to go as I’m supposed to. I’ll get the detonator from Mulvaney. When I signal, it will be safe for you to enter.”

  “You’re joking, right?”

  She said quietly, “I will give you information. Everything I know. About his crimes, and those of mine it is safe to reveal. You will get the biggest assassin in the world, close hundreds of open cases, both thefts and murders and espionage. Then I will give you back the Koh-i-Noor.”

  Nicholas said, “What do you want in return?”

  “I go free. No one looks for me. I’ll take my money from my accounts and the money Lanighan paid me, and I will disappear. This was my last job. I’m retiring. No one will ever hear from me again.”

  Nicholas said, “What’s to make us believe you’ll honor your end of the bargain?”

  Mike said, “Yes, I’d like to hear this.”

  Kitsune said, “The truth? The one man I’ve ever trusted has betrayed me. I want to know why. He killed Elaine.” She met his eyes, and he saw the pain not hidden deep enough in hers. “The minute I heard about the cyanide, I knew he’d done it. He’s used it before; it’s a trademark. It was unnecessary, a waste. Elaine had done nothing. Nothing at all, but it didn’t matter. And the tranquilizer gun. He always said using it kept him from bruising his knuckles, and he’d laugh because he’s one of the best fighters I’ve ever seen. He taught me everything.

  “And Grant—” She broke off, and was silent.

  “What do you care for Elaine?”

  “She was my friend, too. And she’s dead because of me, because of what I told her. I didn’t realize at first that she really wanted to believe the prophecy, but she did, she was so excited about the possibilities, the magical possibilities—Mulvaney didn’t need to kill her, she was harmless.”

  Nicholas said, without expression, “Yet you were perfectly happy to let her take the fall for stealing the diamond. You were the one who told us she met with Kochen.”

  She shrugged. “I was alive; she wasn’t. I had to save myself.”

  Nicholas said, “Elaine told me about the prophecy. Three stones would heal the sick.”

  Kitsune said, “It’s even more than that. Lanighan believes uniting the three stones will bestow immortality. His father believed it, too.”

  Nicholas was fascinated. “You tried to steal the Koh-i-Noor for his father as well?”

  “No. His father told me the prophecy and hired me to find the lost stone, the one Anatoly ended up with. But I didn’t find it in time for him.”

  Nicholas said, “I want a listing of everything you’ve ever stolen so we can put it to rights.”

  “You must know I can’t do that, Drummond. You’ll get me killed. It’s one thing to fail, but I’ve been in business for a very long time, and there’s no way I’m going to drop the dime on my other clients. I will tell you what I stole for Lanighan’s father, and everything Mulvaney did. He and I never shared clients. If my clients are dead, and there is no threat to me, I will share the information. Will that do?”

  Nicholas saw Mike wasn’t happy. He said, “Come with me.”

  Kitsune heard them talking in the background, then Mike making a series of calls. She could hear anger in her voice. Kitsune didn’t like her, but she respected her. Perhaps, in another life, young Victoire Couverel would have grown up to be more like Michaela Caine. But the thought of being a cop nearly made her laugh aloud.

  After fifteen minutes, Nicholas came back and said, “Yes. We are in agreement.”

  Kitsune was careful to show no expression. She only nodded. “Good. I will have the information for you, and you will have a signed, notarized paper for me declaring my immunity from prosecutions by the U.S. and Great Britain for my role in the theft of the Koh-i-Noor, and blanket immunity from any other crimes you may see fit to try and hang on me.”

  “But first the Koh-i-Noor. Hand it over.”

  “What time is it? I can’t read my watch.”

  “It’s nearly midnight. Eleven-forty, to be exact.”

  “Then you need to get me to the warehouse right away.”

  Mike snorted. “We aren’t letting you anywhere near that place alone.”

  Kitsune said, “You have no choice. I stashed the stone there, and you’ll need me to get to it.”


  While Nicholas pulled on a Kevlar vest, Mike circled him like a wolf about to attack.

  “Nicholas, you can’t let her go in alone.”

  He gestured for her to put on her vest as he used the other hand to pull the Velcro together tightly across his ribs, ignoring the pain in his back as he did.

  “Of course not. I’m going in with her.”

  “You lamebrain, that’s crazy. You know she’ll turn on you.”

  “Actually, no, I don’t think she will.” He looked over at Kitsune, sitting quietly in the back of the Peugeot, armed men standing close. “Our Fox is in love. If she hates Mulvaney right now, and hates us for capturing her and putting her feet to the fire, she loves Grant Thornton enough to sacrifice herself to keep him from losing everything.”

  Mike planted herself in front of him, hands on her hips. “How do you know she isn’t faking cooperation?”

  Nicholas grinned as he pulled the last Velcro strap into place. “I’m thinking that’s why Mulvaney betrayed her. For him, it’s not about the money, or the prestige of the job. It’s about his heart. You remember the bitterness and anger we heard in his voice when we overheard him speaking to Lanighan? You saw the letter, and the way she reacted. This man was a father, a cherished mentor, a man she trusted beyond reason. He saved her, kept her safe. Trained her, but she did the one thing neither of them anticipated. She fell in love with a mark.

  “And that’s the kind of betrayal a man like Mulvaney can’t handle, especially if he loves a woman who doesn’t love him back, at least not in the way he wants. I suspect he loved her as much as he hates her now.”

  “But he’s old enough to be her father.”

  He arched a brow. “Feelings don’t have years attached. You’re right, though—for her, Mulvaney was indeed a trusted, beloved father.”

  She gave him a long look as she tugged on the vest. “Don’t give me any crap, I’m going in with you.”

  She expected him to argue, but he didn’t. In fact, he actually looked relieved. He said simply, “Thanks. I could use your help.” He put his hand on her shoulder. “And I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have with me.”

  “If you get us both killed, I’m going to be very angry with you.”

  He shot her a grin, then called to the men: “Gather round. Here’s the plan.” He laid out the blueprints of the warehouse, gave assignments, showing the snipers their positions. “You’ll form your perimeter here, and when Mike gives the go-ahead, you’ll converge and take out the guards.” He finished with a smile. “As for us, Kitsune, Mike, and I go through the fence and split at the warehouse. Kitsune will go in the front, and take the guards with her. They won’t be expecting anyone else, so I’ll be able to sneak in behind them. Mike will go up the fire escape and cover the room from outside. Once we’re all in place, we go in, get the diamond, and get the hell out. Any questions?”

  One of Menard’s men asked, “Shoot to kill?”

  Nicholas nodded. “Try not to take out Lanighan or Mulvaney. We need them.”

  Nicholas said to Menard, “In case it all goes awry, I trust you’ll be there to mop things up?”

  “Give me the signal, my friend, and we’ll take them all out. Try not to get yourself blown up in the meantime.”

  “I won’t. Mike, are you ready?”

  “Ready. Are we giving Kitsune Kevlar?”
/>   Kitsune had been taken out of the car and was standing a few feet away. She said, “No. They’ll know something’s up if I go in bulked up. I’m supposed to be handing over the stone, and I’m supposed to think Mulvaney is a hostage. They’ll keep up the charade long enough to get the stone in their hands.”

  Nicholas said, “Okay, time’s up. Where’s the diamond?”

  She took a deep breath and grinned at him. “It’s in Lanighan’s briefcase. He carried it into the building when we were here before.”

  Mike rounded on her. “Why should we believe this?”

  “Because it’s the truth. I went to Lanighan’s house earlier this evening, looking for Mulvaney. Everything on this job has gone wrong, so I protected the diamond the best I knew how, which was fulfilling my end of the bargain in the hopes Lanighan would do the same. I put the Koh-i-Noor in the lining of his bag. He has no idea it’s there. I knew you were on my back, too. It was the only way I could think to keep the stone safe until the delivery.”

  Her hand went down her shirt, and she withdrew a blue velvet bag. “It’s a good thing you’re a gentleman, Drummond. A more thorough search would have turned this up.” She dumped the stone into his hand. “They’re amazingly well done, for fakes. Peter Grisley should be proud of his work.”

  Nicholas ran his fingers along the stone. “Good job stealing the replicas.”

  She smiled. “I really only needed one, but I thought, who knows? The second one might come in handy. And it did, in Geneva.”

  She took the stone back from him, replaced it in the bag, and thought, Thank goodness they aren’t experts and don’t have a diamond tester. They’ll never know they just handled the real Koh-i-Noor.

  She said, “I do have one question.”


  “What are you planning to do with the other two parts of the diamond?”

  Nicholas said, “I assume there will be a number of people higher up the food chain who will make that decision. We can’t worry about it.”

  “Should something happen to me, Nicholas, you must destroy them, along with Lanighan. He’s the last in his line. It will stop with him.”

  They began to walk to the fence.

  Nicholas said, “One last thing. If the prophecy is true, the stones can’t merge without a woman’s blood. He’s going to try and kill you, Kitsune, to make it happen.”

  Kitsune was quiet for a moment. “Let him try.”


  Gagny Neuf-trois, Paris

  Lanighan’s warehouse

  Saturday, midnight

  Saleem Lanighan paced the second-floor office, full of anticipation and excitement for what was to come. She should be here soon. Fifteen more minutes, and he would unite the stones and be cured of the leukemia. Cured of every illness forever.

  He was nervous, too, since he had no idea what to expect. His life’s work, the work of every male in his family for generations, was culminating right now. Since no one had gone before, he was breaking new ground.

  But he knew exactly what he’d do tomorrow.

  Healed, he would set out to find the perfect woman to sire his child.

  One of his guards came to his side. “Sir. She’s here.”

  Mulvaney turned from the window. “She’s walking up to the gate. She’s carrying a small backpack.”

  “Good. Have the men bring her in.”

  Lanighan realized his hands were shaking and he wanted a drink, several. Would it hurt—uniting the three stones? Would the cancer be killed immediately? A flash of his grandfather’s face, pink and smooth, unlined as he held the stone, came to him, and he decided no, it wouldn’t hurt. It would be wonderful.

  Mulvaney said, “Steady, man. Steady.”

  Lanighan opened eyes he didn’t realize were closed and smiled. “I am ready.” He turned to the guard. “Bring her to me.”

  He looked to Mulvaney. “Are you going to let her think she’s rescuing you?”

  Mulvaney said, “Of course. And then I’m going to give you her blood to do your magic.”

  “And then you’ll kill her?”

  “Once we have the blood, we won’t need her anymore.”

  The door opened, and the guard brought Kitsune in. She looked scared. Good, Lanighan thought. She should be scared.

  The guard said, “She was carrying these.”

  He laid out a semiautomatic pistol, two knives, and two tear-gas canisters.

  When Lanighan was sure the guard was out of earshot, he rounded on Kitsune.

  “Where is the Koh-i-Noor?”

  “Where is Mulvaney?”

  “Don’t you want your money first?”

  “I want to see Mulvaney.”

  Mulvaney stepped from behind the door, and Kitsune’s face went blank with shock.

  “Your loyalty becomes you, my dear.”

  She looked from him to Lanighan, swallowed, and said, “William? I don’t understand. What is this? I believed you were his prisoner.”

  He picked up her knives. “Oh, no. Come here to me, little fox.”

  She took a few hesitant steps. Lanighan grabbed her arm and yelled, “No. First the Koh-i-Noor.”

  Mulvaney smiled at her, a bitter smile, one filled with shadows and hate. “Yes, where is the diamond?”

  All pretense gone, Kitsune’s eyes turned hot and dark, and despite himself, Mulvaney took a step back. “You betrayed me! You’re working with him. Why, William? What could I have possibly done to make you hate me so much?”

  It was as if the dam had burst. Mulvaney yelled at her, “I gave you everything, you faithless bitch! I saved you from the gutter, trained you, taught you endlessly. Damn you, I loved you! I made you the center of my life. We were together. We were meant to be together always.

  “And how did you repay me? I’ve seen your computer history, Kitsune. I know you’ve been checking up on that man Thornton. Hoping against hope once you showed up with fifty million dollars he’d take you back. You were going to leave me for another man, walk away from your life, our life. I spent years making things perfect for you, making you perfect for me. We were supposed to be together. You are the one who betrayed me!”

  Somewhere deep she’d known but simply hadn’t wanted to face it, to accept that such a thing could be possible. She said calmly, “I never betrayed you, William. You were like a father to me, and I loved you like a father. I gave you everything I could give you.”

  “No, you did not give me what I deserved, what I wanted. You gave what should have been mine to Thornton—he was nothing more than a tool, someone to throw away when you had no more use for him. What did he do for you besides screw you? Damn you, Kitsune, he was nothing, and yet you chose him over me.”

  “No, I did throw him away because I had to, because of the job. And you’ve been spying on me this whole time? You’re pathetic! A pathetic old man.”

  There was nothing more to say. Kitsune reached into her shirt and withdrew a blue velvet bag, tossed it to Lanighan.

  “Here’s your bloody stone. I’m leaving.”

  Lanighan looked from Mulvaney to Kitsune. “Is your drama played out? Good. Now, Kitsune, you and I are not done. You will give me something else, something I must have. It will be your final gift. Hurry, Mulvaney, do it now!”

  Mulvaney lunged at her, grabbed her arm, twisted it behind her back, and began pummeling her kidneys with hard punches. He outweighed her by a good forty pounds, and he knew all her moves. He’d taught them to her, after all. But she was much younger and very fast and strong, and she fought him with everything in her, twisting and punching and kicking.

  Lanighan ignored the battle and opened the bag, dumped the Koh-i-Noor into his palm. It was luminescent, sparkling, lit from within, recognizing its true master. The great stone was his at last.

  He went to the small table in the corner, where he’d set his grandfather’s ancient rosewood box.

  Using the bone-handled knife he’d brought from his family’s estate, he cut his finger, lai
d the wound against the golden lock. The hasps began to turn with a creaking noise he remembered as if it were yesterday, and the lock sprang free.

  He opened the box and looked down at his grandfather’s huge stone, and the smaller one retrieved from Anatoly’s safe. Both were dull in comparison to the Koh-i-Noor, their internal fire hidden. He pulled them from the box and laid them next to one another. He heard a noise begin. It was as if they were greeting one another, a small hum growing louder and more insistent. He pushed them closer together and the hum became screams. He put a finger on each of the stones, caressing them, giving them thanks.

  The screams built, louder and louder still, beating at his mind, but he didn’t look away from the incredible stones before him. They were so beautiful, yes, and now they were pulling together, as if drawn by an unseen force, though the lines between them were still clear. Not fully united, not fully one again. Not yet.

  He stared into the heart of chaos, became one with it, then he rose above it, looked down, and marveled. He picked up the stones, cupped them tenderly in his hands. Their heart was calling to him, and he knew it was time. When he spoke, his voice was stronger and louder than the screaming. It was the voice of a god.

  “Bring me the woman’s blood.”

  Mulvaney was tiring, but he didn’t slow. His knife slashed a path in front of him, sending Kitsune back, closer and closer to Lanighan. Kitsune was focused on him, her own knives jabbing, tearing, and she rent the sleeve of one arm. She saw blood well up, but it didn’t slow him. He continued advancing; forcing her back, ever back, toward Lanighan.

  Lanighan screamed, “Now!”

  Mulvaney grabbed her hand, jerked her arm straight out, and sliced her from wrist to elbow. She screamed in pain and the shock of the wound, numbly watched the blood pour from her arm.

  Lanighan held the stones beneath the flowing blood. When they were red with her blood, he threw back his head and yelled to the heavens, “It is done!”

  The screaming stopped.


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