Boys of Brayshaw High

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Boys of Brayshaw High Page 23

by Meagan Brandy

  I don’t know what to say to that so I ask, “And what’s the big man’s problem?”

  “Got an idea.” He grins and looks to Captain who chuckles. “But you gotta ask him to know for sure.”

  With a frown, I spring from my seat and storm after the tantrum-throwing bastard.

  Right as I round the corner at the top of the stairs, I’m pushed against the wall, caged in by a growly face Maddoc.

  “You don’t get to make demands.”

  “I am not your prisoner, a fact you need to remember.” I shove at him, but he doesn’t budge, and tension builds inside me under the intensity of his stare.

  Mystery swims in his darkened eyes, not sure if it’s his collection of thoughts on me or mine on him that has his features tightening.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking,” I tell him.


  “Why not?”

  “Because I can’t figure it out,” he forces past clenched teeth.

  “Figure out what?”

  “If I hate your rule or not.”

  “I don’t get it.”

  “You want to hide that you’re here with us like you’re not proud to be Brayshaw. Like you wouldn’t ride with us if we needed you to when we both know you would and have, time and time again.”

  “It’s not ... like that.”

  “I know,” he whispers. “Your choice to hide this cements you here, it tells us you’re everything we hoped you’d be. You’re down for us, Raven, even when you try to pretend you’re not.”

  “So why can’t you decide if you hate the rule or not?”

  “Because, like I said...” His hands move to plant near my head and he lowers his face so it’s equal to mine. “Your choice cements you here, with us. With me. And now? I want every motherfucker to know where you are at the end of the night.”

  Uh ... what?

  I swallow, shaking my head lightly. “You’ve got the wrong idea what’s happening here.”

  He dips his head, letting out a gravelly chuckle.

  “Nah,” he whispers, his warm breath creating goose bumps across my neck. “You’re just slow catching on.”

  His eyes flick between mine, hardening a little. But the longer he looks, the more they lose their edge.

  “What is it about you that drives me insane?”

  “My big mouth,” I tease, trying to downplay my reaction to him, but his words have my voice layered in a thick coat of desire.

  “Haven’t even tested that out yet...” He trails off, his heat driven stare burning across my completely covered body. His frown settles back in place.

  Right. He’s only gone down on me, no big deal.

  When a slow smirk appears, it’s clear. My body is showing it remembers him.

  “Safe to come upstairs now?” Royce shouts from the first floor and Maddoc steps away.

  “Yeah!” Maddoc shouts when he reaches his room, closing himself inside.

  “You coming to the party?” Royce asks when he hits the landing.

  “No. I’m tired.”

  He grins and whispers, “Liar. Don’t forget, we got eyes everywhere, RaeRae.”

  Ignoring him, I head into the room and change into a T-shirt and sweats. I lie on my bed giving the illusion I’m going to sleep so I don’t get too much shit from them for not going out.

  It doesn’t work.

  They come in, all fucking three and laugh.

  “We’re not dumb, but you should know that there are dogs in the orchards. You try to walk out of here at night, you might just get a chunk taken out of your calf,” Royce joyfully informs me with a wink before they disappear from the doorway.

  And I’m stuck with no escape.

  With a groan, I flip over on the mattress. Of course it’s the most comfortable bed on earth.

  I sigh.

  Shit’s gonna get interesting.

  I hear them when they come in.

  Their laughter is loud as they joke with each other, talking about different events of the night.

  I find myself smiling.

  These boys, there’s no competition between the three other than good fun and time spent on the courts, but not the kind that grows jealousy and hate.

  It’s a rare bond, one I hope they never lose.

  They start up the stairs, laughing as they attempt to get Royce to the top without him falling over.

  “We should have left his ass on the couch,” Captain laughs.

  “No way, man. I don’t like waking up down there by myself,” Royce admits, and I chuckle quietly.

  He’s such a little boy under all that, well, horniness.

  “Be quiet, Raven’s sleeping.”

  “If she’s even still here.” Royce snorts. “Doubt she believed the shit about the dogs. I mean, dogs would bark, right? That’d be obvious.”

  My jaw drops, and I punch at the mattress.

  Son of a bitch.

  Of course dogs would fucking bark! Damn it!

  “Shut up, Royce,” Maddoc hisses.

  Oh, too late, big man. I heard.

  A few shuffles sound, the faucet turns on and off a couple times and then three doors quietly close.

  And then mine pushes open and Maddoc slips inside in nothing but a pair of tight ass boxers that fit his strong thighs like a second skin. He closes and locks my door, steps up to my mattress, and waits.

  With a deep breath and an ease I should try harder to fight, I pull the comforter down and with a frown, he slips in.

  Maddoc wastes no time pulling me to his side. His left arms slide under my pillow, his right gripping me behind the knee. He pulls my leg over his, then lifts the covers to my shoulders.

  When I shift, he jerks, and gently removes the earbud from my ear.

  “Metal’s cold. Move the knife, Raven.”

  Can I? Better question, should I?

  I pull the knife from my shorts and set it behind me.

  He moves us back to the exact same position.

  “I knew you were awake,” he whispers, his chin sliding across my hair. “But you won’t be long. Close your eyes.”

  His hands shift, now locked behind my back.

  After a few tense minutes, my mind shuts off and my body takes over allowing me to completely melt against his.

  A sigh escapes, but I don’t care.

  Sleep is finally coming.

  “Bacon,” I whisper, my eyes still closed, but the chuckle beside me has them flying open.

  “Captain rises with the sun.”

  Good God, I’ll never get used to his morning voice. So scratchy and deep, it belongs on a dirty hotline.

  His eyes wander across my face, before settling on mine. His instant frown has me laughing.

  “What?” he asks.


  “Just say it.”

  “Fine. Every time you look me in the eye, you glare.”

  He shifts his stare to the ceiling, not denying but not bothering to explain either.

  I change the subject. “Your brothers know you’re in here?”

  “Don’t know. Didn’t announce it, didn’t try to hide it.”


  He looks at me.

  “Why did you come in here?”

  “Because I wanted to.”

  Because he wanted to.

  Just like that. Well, okay then.

  “I’m hungry.”

  He grins, standing to stretch. And damn if my greedy eyes don’t follow along.

  A private, erotic dance is the only way to explain the way his muscles move during this simple act. His back tightens, sides bulge and the definition to his biceps prove carved to perfection – not that it wasn’t obvious before.

  When his hands come down, I follow, squeezing my legs together when he mindlessly grips his morning wood to adjust. He’s standing half sideways, so I can only see his knuckles but the width at which they’re bent does wonders for my imagination. It was too dark to actually see his dick when it was hangi
ng in the wind at the cabin, but I’ve got a good read on what’s under that satin now.

  His eyes dart to mine and I realize a small sound made its way up my throat.

  He pops a cocky eyebrow and I shrug. Can’t deny what he so clearly heard.

  But the longer he stares, the hungrier I get – not for bacon.

  I slip from my bed and walk past him for the door, but he grips me by the wrist and pulls me back.

  “Where you goin’?”


  “Put some clothes on,” he orders.

  “I will.” He lets go slowly and I run out the door, shouting, “Later when I need to!”

  I grin to myself when he growls from the hall.

  I go into the kitchen to find a huge spread already set out across the kitchen island.


  “Packman.” I steal a piece of bacon. “So, you the house cook when you’re not hungover?”

  “We all cook.”

  “Really?” I scrunch my nose, and I leap up on the stool. “Even Royce?”

  “Hey!” A groggy voice comes from behind me then two arms are around me. “Heard that. And yes, even me. I happen to make a mean ass lasagna.”

  I spin lightly, and he grins. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

  “How’s tonight? Just gotta ask Cap for permission to use the kitchen. He likes cooking on the weekends.” Royce kisses my hair and pulls away.

  I spin back around. “Let’s make it happen, Captain.”

  He scoffs. “Cute. Because I never heard that one before.”

  “Where’s Maddoc?” Royce pours a glass of chocolate milk.

  Right then, Maddoc enters, having slipped on some sweatpants. How the sweats look better than the boxers, no fucking clue.

  He moves for the coffeepot, a regular ass Mr. Coffee one, not some fancy espresso machine or one of those one cup contraptions.

  “Only one scoop today, huh?” Captain observes, and I lean against the counter to watch them move around.

  But I can’t help and notice how Maddoc grows tense at his brother’s words. “Yeah.”

  I look to Royce, tipping my chin at the two across the kitchen, he leans over.

  “Cap leaves the coffee making to Maddoc, so he can decide how strong he wants it.”

  When I make a face that screams as if that explains it, he chuckles and leans over again.

  Maddoc’s eyes meet mine right as Royce whispers, “Maddoc don’t sleep.” He laughs lightly like it’s a silly superpower.

  It’s not, but you can’t fault Royce for thinking so.

  People who can lay their heads down and fall asleep with ease don’t understand the struggle or how bad those of us who can’t wish we could.

  They don’t know what it’s like to lay awake at night and replay minutes of your life, wondering what you could or should have done differently. Or how you could be better at something or fearing what comes next. Sometimes it’s even as simple as playing a movie back in your head, anything to fill the hours.

  Time is not your friend when your mind is at the point of exhaustion.

  Maddoc’s eyes bounce between mine.

  So, big man doesn’t normally sleep well, yet I know for a fact he did each time I’ve shared sheets with him. Something unwelcome settles in my chest so I look away.

  “What’s up for today?” Royce asks and Maddoc breaks our stare.

  “Shooting hoops with Richards at noon, he needs to clean up his free throws,” Maddoc tells him.

  “I’m there.” Royce nods.

  “I’ll come by after if you’re still out,” Captain adds.

  Maddoc nods, but nobody says what “after” is referring to.

  I don’t ask.

  “You’re coming with us, Raven.”

  I fill a plate and move for the table. “Can’t wait.” I roll my eyes.

  There’s no way I’ll be able to get out alone to talk to Bass today and be able to slip out for a fight this weekend. I have no fucking choice but to give my mom the money I saved from my last two fights, which will leave me low but not completely dry. I’ll already have to pull some shit just to meet her and hand it over.

  After breakfast, everyone disappears into their rooms to change and we meet back at the door a few minutes later.

  Royce and Maddoc are donned in basketball shorts and tank tops – hot. As. Fuck. But Captain, he’s got a gym bag over his shoulder, yes, but he’s wearing nice jeans and a fresh white shirt. He’s sporting a fresh shave and his hair is on point, a nice little sideswipe, but the swaggy kind. Not revenge of the nerds.

  “You look good.” I let my eyes trail over him, before meeting his. “Hot date?”

  A small grin finds his lips. “See you later, Raven.”

  I nod, not at all sure that’s a yes or a no.

  When I turn to the others, I find Maddoc frowning.



  “Change...” I trail off and then I get it and I cross my arms. “Funny. Are we going or not?”

  “We’re going.” His eyes narrow. “After you change.”

  “Say it.”

  “Say what?” he forces out through clenched teeth.

  “Tell me what’s wrong with what I have on if you want me to change. Learn to use your words instead of that mean mug you’ve perfected, big man.”

  “Fine. Your tights are outlining every inch of your calves, thighs, ass, and pussy. I don’t want my teammates, or anyone else on the courts, to know the shape of your cunt.”

  Caught off guard at his bluntness, a laugh escapes me. “I...” I laugh harder and Royce joins in. “I got nothing to say back to that. They’re leggings, not tights by the way, but yeah okay. Since you did as I asked, I’ll entertain your bossiness. This time.”

  I run upstairs and pull some baggy sweats over my leggings and run back down.

  “Man, RaeRae.” Royce shakes his head and Maddoc curses, throwing the front door open harder than necessary as he steps out.

  I raise my arms as to ask ‘what.’

  “Maddoc is trippin’. It’s not what you wear, it’s how you wear it.”

  He holds the door open for me to slip through. “And how do I wear it?”

  “With a plump ass and a ‘fuck you too.’”

  I laugh and move for the SUV calling, “Shotgun,” with a wink.

  And the boy actually pouts as he climbs in.

  I put my seat belt on but spin in the seat to look back at him. “Come on, Royce, don’t be a baby about it. Consider this game on for an epic battle of the throne that is, a heated leather seat in Maddoc’s ride.”

  He says nothing, still seeming put out, so I face forward again.

  Maddoc keeps side glancing me, but I pretend not to notice.

  He wants to know what I’m thinking, to confirm if I’m as perceptive as he assumes. I am, and now the front seat doesn’t feel so good.

  Maddoc climbs out right away and heads straight for the guys waiting – something tells me it was purposeful.

  I unbuckle and climb over the center console, dropping next to Royce as he ties his shoe.

  He glances at me quickly. “What’s up, RaeRae, ready to watch us drive on these fools?”


  “Hmm?” He drops his foot and looks up, and when he does his features tighten a bit.

  “You don’t like being alone.”

  He opens his mouth, but clamps it shut and looks out the front windshield. “I like it ‘bout as much as you do.”

  My head draws back. “I don’t mind it.”

  He scoffs and glares my way. “Come on, Raven. You’re used to it, sure, you don’t mind it, fine. But do you like it?” He climbs out, looking back at me quickly. “No. You don’t. And it’s a lie if you tell yourself different.” And then the door slams.

  With a sigh, I lay across the back seat ‘cause fuck this shit now.

  He’s half wrong. I never minded being alone, but that was before I knew
what having someone there looked like. And stupid me, I’m accidentally starting to like it.

  A couple hours pass before Captain’s SUV pulls up beside this one.

  I quickly shove open my door and knock on his passenger one before he can even shut off the engine.

  The lock pops and I climb inside.

  “What’s up, Raven?” He rubs his hand over his eyebrow, and I note the defeated look in his eyes.

  While I do want to know what happened, I have to be selfish right now.

  “I need a ride.”

  His posture stiffens, and he eyes me a moment before it hits him. “Raven ...” He starts to shake his head, but I shift toward him.

  “Look, it’s either one of you takes me or I blow this bitch and things go down a helluva allot differently. Say no all you want, but that’ll only be your words. Not my actions.”

  “Why you doin’ this?”

  “I have to.”

  He shakes his head. “I’m not talking about where you’re wanting to go or why. I mean, why you doing this, coming to me when you know you should be talking to Maddoc right now.”

  “What difference does it make?” I grow defensive and he frowns.

  “Raven, you need to stop acting like the two of you aren’t happening.”

  Unease stirs in my stomach and I glare. I ignore his direct comment and fire back with a different truth. “You think I want any of you, let alone Maddoc, anywhere near my mother? She’s fucking cancer, Captain, a damn contagious kind if such a thing exists. She’s literally toxic. Maddoc will ask questions, demand answers and likely hand her her own ass. I need someone who will let me handle her.”

  His eyes narrow and just when I think I’ve got him ... he honks the fucking horn and in an instant, one becomes three.

  “We don’t make decisions alone, Raven,” Captain tells me quickly before the other two slide in the back.

  “She wants a ride.”

  “No,” Maddoc says quick and calm.

  “Hell no,” comes from Royce.

  “For fuck’s sake.” I shake my head, then spin in my seat. “I get it, you guys need to be the boss. You even think you are the boss, but guess what, fuckers, you’re not my boss. So for you to sit there and think you can bring the hammer down, you’ve got another thing coming. I’m not asking ‘cause I have to, I’m asking to make my life easier, so I don’t have to figure out another way, and I’ll admit, hoping it keeps you off my case a bit.”


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