Noelle's Kiss

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Noelle's Kiss Page 4

by Cindy R. Williams

  Zave let go of my hand and held his out as he bent forward to shake Tatum’s. “Hi, Tatum. Please call me Zave, or Tree is fine, too.” Zave winked at me.

  Even his wink was enough to make the butterflies stir again. Oh boy, I need to be careful with this one.

  “Hi, Tree. I told Mommy she has to marry you or Hunter’s daddy, so Hunter won’t. Hunter’s daddy watches Mommy on TV, you know, and thinks she’s really pretty.” She paused long enough to take a much-needed breath.

  I glanced up at Zave. His eyes were wide with astonishment.

  “See, me and Hunter are getting married when we’re eight. So, you don’t have to marry my mommy, but it’s okay if you do. Mommy said you have ‘gorgeous green eyes.’” She giggled before adding, “I think that means she loves you. I don’t mind having a giant for a daddy.” Tatum nodded her head at both of us as if she had just explained how the world rotates, and so now we could all get our ice cream.

  Oh my…extremely awkward. Heat radiated from every pore in my face. As nice a guy as he seemed to be, if I were Zave, that little speech would have scared me to death. I would sneak—no, run—out of the ice cream shop as fast as I could. I felt like a silly teenager when your girlfriend tells the guy you like that you like him. On second thought, I decided maybe this was a good test. Tatum and I were an incredibly wonderful package deal—if he couldn’t handle the two of us, then too bad for him. I didn’t trust men, anyway, and especially athletes—and he was both. Let’s see what this guy was made of.

  I focused on helping Tatum order, and then chose a new flavor, spicy chocolate with jalapeno peppers. My sister, Holly, had mentioned it, and my mouth had watered ever since. Sounded a bit strange, but she said it gave an incredible twist to the rich chocolate. It was a night for trying new things. The lady at the counter handed me the cone, and I took a small lick. Oh…my…goodness. The chocolate tasted rich, and after I swallowed it, a slight warm burn hit my mouth. It was divine—unique, but divine. I guess it was true that chocolate soothed whatever ailed you—even spicy chocolate.

  Zave chose a triple decker with a scoop of vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry.

  “You’re a classical ice cream eater, aren’t you?” I smiled at him.

  “Yup. Sometimes basics are the best.” He took a taste off the top scoop.

  “That will be nineteen dollars and fifty-six cents, please.” The employee at the counter, dressed in various shades of purple, smiled up at us.

  My purse sat across the room, still at the table. I turned to get it, and there was Zave, standing so close that I spun right into his arms. The world stopped. I didn’t dare look up at him, unsure if I wanted to, unsure if I was ready to hear what he had to say.

  “Noelle, look at me,” Zave said quietly.

  His voice, so deep and soft above my ear, caused a shiver throughout my body. I tried to shake it off. I didn’t know if I could look at those green eyes and not fall apart. I mean, I’d met the guy a few weeks ago, and had only seen him three times, but somehow what he thought mattered to me.

  “Noelle, please look at me,” Zave repeated in almost a whisper.

  My heart gave one final punch. Still in his arms, I tilted my head and met his crystal-clear emerald eyes.

  “Please listen carefully. Don’t run away. I think you may have been hurt in the past, but I’m not that man. I’m beginning to see that the Frost women, young and old, speak their minds.” His eyes crinkled, then he continued, “Yes, what Tatum said took me back for a moment.”

  I stiffened in his arms.

  “We have some pretty strong chemistry going on between us, and you’ve felt it, too. I know, because you blurted out something about little butterflies in your stomach when we were at the table.” He paused. The corner of his mouth twitched, then he added, “What Tatum said made me realize that even a five-year-old, a brilliant five-year-old, can see that there’s something special going on here. Just give me a chance, Noelle. Don’t run away again. Besides…your daughter is charming.”

  Relief washed through me followed by a flood of heat. If I hadn’t been braced by his arms, I think my knees would have given out and I might have collapsed. This was not what I’d expected to hear. Hoped for, maybe, in some unguarded part of my mind and heart, but never expected. This guy may be another athlete, but what an unusual man. He seemed to speak from the heart. To hear him include Tatum soothed some of my doubts. This and spicy ice cream, too. Wow!

  I looked up at his face and saw his jaw tighten and his eyes steady. This guy meant what he said. No games here. Both Tatum and the server watched us.

  Zave must have noticed the server, because he let go of me and pulled out his wallet and paid the lady.

  “Thank you, Tree,” Tatum said, then let out a squeal of delight. “Mommy, there’s Cassidy.” She waved toward a little girl and her family as they entered the ice cream shop. “Can I go see her?”

  Cassidy’s mother, Melinda, one of my good friends, waved at me. I smiled back at her as I told Tatum to go ahead.

  Zave and I walked back to the booth. We sat down across from each other. He waited while I took another taste of my ice cream, giving me a little time to put my thoughts into words.

  “Look, Zave, I appreciate what you said to me. I think I have distrusted men in general for so long now that my emotions are all mixed up. I’m confused, and this…you—” I looked up at him, then continued. “—Seem like the stuff of fairy tales, kind of like a Cinderella story. I never thought I would meet a guy I would even want to date, let alone allow to meet my daughter…” My voice trailed off.

  A thin stream of ice cream melted down the side of my cone. I licked it, buying time to think. I glanced over at Tatum.

  She stood by her friend, laughing.

  I didn’t want her to hear this conversation with Zave, so I excused myself, walked over to Melinda and asked if she would keep an eye on Tatum for a few minutes.

  Melinda glanced at Zave, then back at me and said, “Sure, but only if you call me tomorrow and tell me what’s going on with you and that…oh, my…that’s Triple X.” Her mouth dropped open.

  “There’s not much to tell, at least not right now,” I whispered. A little giggle escaped as I walked away. I was acting like a schoolgirl. I pulled myself together. It was time to come clean here with both Zave and myself.

  Zave scooted over and patted the bench next to him. Needing a little space, I sat down, not quite close enough for us to touch. I angled myself so I could look at him. I took a deep breath. “Okay, I’m going to be straight with you. First of all, thank you for our ice cream. It is delicious. You’re right—my former marriage was rough. I don’t really want to get into it, but I will say he was not who I thought he was. I was played and bought it hook, line, and sinker.

  “I left to protect my daughter and myself and because I finally realized I deserved respect. So I don’t trust men, or my choices in men. Blake was a college basketball player. You’re a basketball player. So yeah, this is a red flag for me. I realize I have to figure this thing out.”

  I paused for a moment to lick my ice cream again, and then added in a quiet voice, “You seem like a nice guy, and yes, I’m attracted to you, but I’m a package deal now, and what is best for my little girl is at the top of my list. That’s where I’m at.” I looked down, avoiding his eyes.

  He studied me a moment as I sat quietly eating my ice cream. I knew it was delicious, but now it seemed just cold with no flavor; even the residual spicy heat was gone. I had given him a way out. I wondered if he would take it or if he cared enough to stick around.

  After what seemed like an eternity, he broke the silence.

  “Noelle, I’m not sure what is going on here with us, but I do know this. There is something rare about you and Tatum, and I can’t quit thinking about you both. Each time I see you, I feel the same way. I don’t want to just run into you by chance anymore. I would like to stick around and get to know you, and I hope that as you get to know me, you
will see that I’m not like Blake, or any other guy, for that matter.” He paused then added, “What do you think? May I see you two again?”

  I didn’t hesitate with my answer. I had spoken my heart, and he had respected what I said. “Yes. As long as you continue to always be straight with me. And I will always be honest with you, too.” I smiled at him. A feeling of peace settled over me for the first time in a long time.

  “Agreed.” He beamed.

  I licked a spot of ice cream off my lip.

  Zave focused on my mouth. His eyes changed to a deep jade green, and he leaned toward me. Heart racing, I closed my eyes, thinking he was going to kiss my lips. Instead, I felt a soft kiss on my forehead.

  Surprised, I opened my eyes in time to see that big lopsided grin. Then his face softened once again. I saw longing, hope, desire, as he brought his head down again and this time—

  “Hey, check it out, guys. It’s Triple X, and he’s about to lay one on that Frost reporter lady.” A bunch of whooping and hollering followed.

  Zave and I jumped apart and turned toward the noise. A group of tall, lanky teens wearing various pieces of basketball attire had entered the ice cream store.

  “Yeah, and she is not ‘frosty’…she’s downright hot,” added one of the teens, and they burst out laughing again.

  “I better go talk to those guys so they’ll leave us alone—especially you, hot Frost lady.” He gave my hand a quick squeeze, then headed over to the high schoolers.


  Zave followed our car back to my condo and walked us to the front door.

  The setting sun over the dark purple mountains to the west blazed its last few streaks of light for the evening before succumbing to dusk. The autumn air smelled sweet, and leaves crunched under our feet.

  Tatum grabbed Zave’s hand to get his attention. “Can you come to my school tomorrow? I want to show everyone that I know a giant. I told Hunter, but he doesn’t believe me.”

  Zave didn’t miss a beat. “Yes, I’ll come to your school, but how about if I talk to your teacher and principal first to make sure it’s okay if a giant comes to visit?”

  “Oh, yeah. Maybe you better. They might call the sheriffissess, ’cause there’s a giant at the school.” She smiled her sweetest smile at him.

  “Tell Zave thanks for the ice cream, then head in, and get your jammies on, sweetie. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  “Thank you, Tree.” She threw her arms around one of his long legs, hugged it, and skipped into the condo and up the stairs singing, “Tree is coming to school. Tree is coming to school.”

  Zave stood there looking dumbfounded, his head cocked to one side, staring where Tatum had disappeared inside the house. After a moment, he glanced down at me and said, “She knows how to wiggle right into your heart, doesn’t she?”

  “Yes, she is wonderful. I’m super lucky.” Warmth flooded me. I realized then that this giant of a man was nothing more than a big softy.

  Zave reached out and took my hand. I raised our hands up and explored his in the porch light as he silently observed. Most of his palm and fingers were rough, as I would expect a farmer’s or rancher’s hands to be. He must have earned all these callouses from handling basketballs. I enjoyed the warmth and strength in his large hand. I felt safe and secure.

  He adjusted his hand so our fingers intertwined.

  It felt comfortable. It seemed right. I looked up at him again to see a slight smile on his face.

  He seemed to feel it, too.

  He took my other hand and with a boyish grin said, “Game next Friday night?”

  “Uhh, you have a game next Friday?” I looked at him, confused.

  “Yes. It’s pre-season, but I meant to say, would you like to come to the game Friday night?”

  “This Friday?” I asked.

  “No, we have a few games out of town this weekend, so it would be the next Friday.” His face had a look of a hopeful little boy. This man kept getting more adorable. He had a reputation for being a tough guy on the court, but he sure had a tender side. What a dichotomy.

  “Sure.” I almost laughed.

  His shoulders dropped in relief, as if he had been holding his breath.

  “I’ll send a car for you. I’d like to take you to my favorite restaurant for dinner after.”

  I stuck both hands in my pockets. I felt myself pull back a bit. It was all too new. “Rolling out the red carpet, are you?”

  His slow grin grew into a full-out sensory charge. I could get used to that smile. Then my stomach hosted another butterfly race, and I wondered what it would be like to touch that smile, to run my finger over the outline, then…

  “Mommy, are you coming?” interrupted my daydream.

  Both of us jolted.

  It seemed he was having his own little daydream.

  This could be fun, or this could be trouble.

  “Slow down, Elle.” I realized I’d said that out loud and followed it with a “No!” I fumbled over my explanation. “I didn’t mean to say ‘slow down’ out loud and then tell myself ‘no.’ I was trying to tell myself to slow down, then not to say it out loud. Oh, never mind…” I faded off, too embarrassed.

  Zave let out a hearty laugh. “Noelle Frost, you are full of surprises. I don’t think things will ever be dull with you.” He chuckled. “I’ll take off now. Tell Miss Tatum thanks for spending some time with me this evening. I’ll call you tomorrow so we can make plans for next Friday.” He took a step closer and reached up with the tip of a finger and traced my lips.

  My lips came alive and pulsed with the beat of my heart. Zave’s soft, slow touch lingered long after he was gone.

  Chapter Nine

  I stepped into the Mason Jar and took a deep breath to enjoy the comforting smell of fried chicken and freshly baked bread as it wafted around the cozy restaurant. I spotted my three sisters in our favorite wooden booth with a cheery red and white gingham tablecloth. Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and joined them, expecting a major grilling concerning my love life, thanks to my phone conversation with Chrissy the week before.

  We greeted each other with the customary warm hugs on our Friday night sisters dinner out. Then sure enough, the moment we placed our orders, the inquisition began.

  “Spill it, sister.” Joy’s face lit up.

  “Yeah, do tell, Elle,” added Chrissy, snickering.

  “Give us the scoop,” chimed in Holly with a huge grin.

  I groaned at her jibe at me being a reporter, then took a moment to compose myself as I sipped ice water with a slice of fresh lime. “I’m sure Chrissy already filled you in, and there’s not much more to tell.”

  “Oh, come on, you have to give us more than that,” Joy demanded.

  “Well, ummm…his name is Zave. He’s really tall and gorgeous.” I couldn’t stop my huge grin.

  All three sisters stared at me for a moment.

  “That’s it? That’s all you’re going to share?” Holly’s shoulders slumped.

  “Okay, okay. Tatum and I did have ice cream with him the other night, and he isn’t what I expected.”

  “How so?” asked Chrissy.

  “You know when you’re talking to someone and they are super interested in everything you say, not faking it to be courteous, but kind of looking into your soul?” I paused, realizing I had shared some deep stuff instead of keeping it light. Oh well, it was too late now, plus my sisters were my best friends and I was safe with them.

  No one answered. All three looked at me with wide eyes.

  Finally, Joy cleared her throat and leaned toward me, her voice clear and lower than usual. “Elle, Chrissy shared with us who this guy is, and well…” She faded off and glanced at Holly and Chrissy, who both nodded to tell her to continue.

  “He’s the biggest player there is, and he’s in the news a lot—often connected to gorgeous, famous women.” Joy flattened her hands on the table.

  “Why tell you three busybodies anything? I knew y
ou wouldn’t approve of me seeing another basketball player, but I had hoped you would be happy that I’m at least showing a little interest in a man.” My mouth tightened.

  “Well, we’re concerned, that’s for sure,” Holly said, leaning toward me.

  “Yeah, Elle. We don’t want to see you hurt again.” Chrissy furrowed her brows.

  I took a deep breath and raised my chin. “Look, I know there’s a number of loser athletes in my past, but maybe, just maybe, I can break that horrible chain. Good guys and bad guys come in all shapes and sizes—and have a variety of careers.”

  “Sure, but you tend to go for the really tall ones,” Chrissy giggled.

  “Okay, you’re right, but please hear me out, dear sisters of mine. I’m scared—very scared. I mean, after that horrible Blake mess, I decided I was done. And I mean really done. The only decent men on this earth were Dad and your husband, Joy—and they’re both gone.” I paused and dropped my head. I missed them both so much.

  The noise of silverware clanking and voices talking filled the air as we sisters sat deep in thought.

  “Here, let me refill your waters,” our waitress said, interrupting our sad memories.

  “So with my distrust in men, I had decided all men were jerks, and Tatum and I were better off without them.” I took another sip of my water. My stomach churned. Facing my sisters was as tough as I thought it would be.

  “So what about Triple X? What makes him different?” Holly asked.

  “First, let me explain what it’s taken me the past four and a half years and a divorce to figure out.” I looked directly at Holly, then added, “A relationship doesn’t have anything to do with a sport; it has to do with the man. The key is vanity and narcissism. Some men think the world revolves around them, like a two-year-old who won’t grow up.”

  Holly nodded.

  Encouraged, I continued, “Then when they excel at something, especially sports, people tend to give them a free ride. Everyone adores them, kisses up to them, and pretty soon they believe all the hype. I think it goes so far that in some situations they begin to objectify others, especially women. Everyone is there for their will or pleasure.”


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