Rory: Finding His Match (Big 3 Security Book 4)

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Rory: Finding His Match (Big 3 Security Book 4) Page 10

by Pj Fiala

  That thought had her heart dropping into her stomach; she didn't want to go through that again. What she realized was that she loved him, probably never really stopped loving him and dammit why couldn't they make this work?

  She sat at the table looking out over the green backyard and the gorgeous flowers outside and thought how ideal this place seemed. What would she do if she lost her job? Did she want this promotion so bad she’d give up a chance at being with Rory? Maybe a baby or two? A house and a dog? She'd identified herself with that job for so long she didn't really know who Alice Tucker was without DEA after her name. What would she do for money? What did she want to do? All she'd ever known was the military and then the DEA chasing major drug traffickers. She’d likely never be able to do anything that wasn’t police work. Working retail was definitely out of the question. Working as a waitress, nope. In an office, oh hell no.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Wondering what on earth I'll do with myself if I lose my job."

  He nodded his head and grabbed his coffee from the counter, taking a seat at the table. His fresh scent smelled better than her coffee and that was saying something before she'd even finished her first cup.

  "Well for what it's worth, and I have no idea what will happen, but you could always pick up where Big3 left off."

  "What's Big3?"

  "Ford, Lincoln and Dodge were Big3 Security before they joined GHOST. So, from what I understand there's still some private investigation work out there available. But I sure hope it doesn't come to that."

  Nodding she whispered, "Me, too."

  "Get a move on, Red, the Captain just said he wants us at the station ASAP. Let's try and stay on his good side while he's deciding what to do with us. Yeah?"


  She stood and took her cup with her back to the bedroom, picked up her clothing laying around the floor, then headed upstairs where her overnight bag still sat with her toothbrush and makeup waiting for her.

  Once they knew what would happen with them, she'd talk to Rory, but she sure hoped he'd bring it up first. Now to shower off yesterday and get ready for today, come what may.


  Sitting in his office searching through his computer, Rory's mind raced with possibilities. He'd come in to find out that Delhurst had died during the night, and the Captain had confirmed he'd been dirty the whole time he was here. He was actually planted in the Police Department by none other than the Santarino family. Would they ever be finished with that no-good family?

  Callan Waters entered his office. The giant blocked all the sunlight from the outer room, his shoulders barely fit through his door the brute was so built. But he was a good cop and a good friend.

  "Richards, Margery Van Steel is still alive; Bowers just got back from interviewing her. He's in with the Captain who wants to see you."

  "Where's Red, I thought she was with the Captain?"

  "She's pouring herself another cup of coffee."

  He shook his head remembering she didn't function well before at least two cups. Her meeting with the Captain must have been tough. He stood and walked to the door just as Red was walking toward him with two cups of coffee. She handed him a cup and whispered, "I'll wait in here for you."

  He nodded then made his way to the Captain's office.

  Knocking once on the door, the Captain looked up from a report and waved him in. Bowers sat in one of the empty chairs across from the Captain's desk, and Rory took the empty seat next to him.

  "Richards, Bowers is here to fill us in on the interview he had with Van Steel.

  "Yes, sir."

  He twisted in his chair and looked at Bowers.

  "As you know there's been a lot of speculation about Van Steel's baby daddy. Turns out, he's none other than Mangus Santarino. Giovanni Santarino set her and the baby up in a lavish lifestyle, but the tradeoff was that she had to help run the drugs through the Limitless building until Giovanni decides it is time to move operations. Giovanni was getting close to ending this operation here, which was why earlier Al was called and asked to a meeting, to discuss payment. He thought if he could get some money from the station or the State or the Federal Government, he'd take it. He was so angry that both of his sons were killed here, he wanted to twist the knife a bit before moving on. Never intending to get caught, of course.

  "Who called Red?"

  "Delhurst. He lives in one of those Longstone apartments and was watching everything unfold after Sergio Mancuoso was murdered."

  "Who killed Sergio?"


  "Why? Did he know Sergio was working with Red?"

  "Yes. They were going to kill Red too if she got in the way. Last night could have gone much differently. Apparently, they were going to call her to come and meet at Limitless later anyway, after they had their shipment sorted and loaded."

  "So, Giovanni is still running the family in Lynyrd Station? Is he about finished with all his dirty tactics?"

  "Time will tell. The baby will likely stay here with Margery's mother and there could be some ploys on the family's part to try to get custody of whoever has a Santarino baby, but we'll be watching. Also, he’s supposedly teaching Mangus’ daughter, Francesca the family business and she’s about twenty, so we’ll definitely work with Homeland Security to keep her out of the country and, hopefully, anyone loyal to the family. "

  "Thanks Bowers, Captain. What happens with Red and I now?"

  "There'll be an internal investigation and pending that, you're both on desk duty. Tucker can go back to her District Office, but she'll have to come back for hearings. The District Attorney also will investigate to see if any charges will be brought against either of you."

  His stomach dropped at the thought of Red leaving and he knew they'd have to talk. He nodded and stood then bowed his head once more and made his way back to his office, dread weighing heavy in his chest.

  Red sat at his desk, her feet propped up on a drawer, her eyes looking around the room at the photographs he had hanging on the walls.

  "You look comfortable there."

  She smiled, "I suppose I am."

  He closed the office door and sat in a chair across from his desk. "Red, what do you want to do? I mean between you and I?"

  Her red hair shined under the light from the fixture above, her eyes still held the tiredness they'd had before, but she was still such a beautiful woman.

  "What do you want, Ace?"

  Swallowing he took a deep breath, "Take a look at my computer."

  Her brows furrowed as she stared at him, then she glanced at his computer. She shook his mouse to wake it up and looked at his screen. The furrow between her brows deepened for a moment as she scrolled down the list of houses on his monitor.

  "I don't understand, what are you looking at houses for? I thought you loved your house."

  "I do, but the biggest problem with my house is that it isn't where you are. So, if you want us to give this relationship a try, I want to do it right this time and I thought I could buy a house in Indy to be with you."

  She stared deeply into his eyes, hers a bright green, a color he wanted to stare into for the rest of his life. He saw her swallow, her eyes glistened as moisture gathered, then she took a deep breath and said, "I was just thinking I could get used to living here in Lynyrd Station. This is my last year as a Special Agent, at 37 we have to transfer. Maybe instead of a transfer, I could move here. I think there’s a new opening here. And if it’s too hard to work together, maybe I’ll take over Big3. Depending on what happens with the investigation."

  He watched her, she never wavered. "You sure?"

  "Yep. You?"


  He pulled a quarter from his pocket. "What do you say, heads we stay here, tails we move to Indy?"

  She laughed, her head back, her hair moving about like a cloud around her. "Yeah, but make sure it's heads, Ace."


  Al tried catching her breath as she ran down the narrow path l
eading her from the street to the back of the old laundromat in Lynyrd Station. She never should have taken her eyes off this girl.

  Tuning the corner she saw the blonde silky hair billowing out with each step she took and gave herself one last push to catch her. Rory would be so upset if she didn't catch her.

  Bolting past the boxes and crates of items sitting behind the town's buildings she sucked air into her lungs and gave it all she had. Lucky for her, a garbage can caught Harley's attention and she stopped to smell the garbage.

  "Gotcha, you little minx." She scooped the furry little pup up into her arms and sat on the ground letting her body rest and her breathing return to normal.

  Puppy kisses and snuggles made her giggle, even though she had every right to be irritated with this little trouble maker.

  Pulling the leash from her back pocket, where she'd bound it up feeling sorry for Harley as she kept coughing while they walked, she clipped it to Harley's collar. She'd learned her lesson.

  Inhaling deeply, sneaking a few kisses from her pup, she stood, and walked back to the car, holding Harley close. That had been a scare enough not to trust the little actress again with the coughing gag she pulled. Too smart for her own good.

  Turning the corner around the laundromat, she stopped short when Rory stood at the end of the alley, arms crossed across his broad sexy chest. The stern look on his face told her he wasn't happy with her.

  "You let her off her leash again, didn't you?"

  "How did you know that?"

  "I happened to be coming home for lunch today and saw you running around the corner. I found a spot to park and waited to see if you'd be coming back soon or if I had to go off helping you look for our girl."

  "She was coughing again like the leash was too tight."

  "It isn't. You can slid your fingers under her collar, right?"


  For the first time his lips parted in a smile. "She knows you cave in and let her run."

  "I've never had a dog before, I'm new at this."


  "Never." She giggled as Harley licked her face again then squirmed to get to Rory. "She's crazy about you."

  She and Harley neared Rory and he held out his hands to take the squirming bundle. The look on his face as Harley kissed him as if she couldn't get enough of him. His laugh was beautiful. They were beautiful together and her heart swelled watching them. Just a man and his dog.

  "She loves you as much as I do."

  His eyes met hers and held. The emotion she saw in them made her heart beat wildly in her chest. All the years wasted between them made her feel wistful.

  "Stop thinking about that Red."

  "How do you know what I'm thinking about?"

  "I can see it in your face. You're feeling bad about all the years we spent apart. We can't keep dwelling on that, we have to look to the future."

  He bent over and set his squiggling little pup on the ground; her leash attached to her collar. Harley immediately tugged toward the street where their cars were parked.

  Rory took her hand and kissed her lips. "I love you."

  Inhaling deeply she said, "I love you too."

  Pulling her toward the street she went willingly reminding herself to stop dwelling.

  Rory glanced over at her, "Before we go home, mind if we stop at the station and show off Harley?"

  "Not at all. Don't you think they've seen her enough?"


  His smile was genuine. He was a happy man. Hopefully, it was largely to her credit, but Harley certainly gave him immense joy.

  He walked her to her car and just holding his hand was a thrill. They were out in public and an official couple. Life was pretty good.

  Opening the driver's door for her, he waited for her to get in, then he leaned in and kissed her lips as Harley tried jumping in the car, her little paws scratching at her legs. She giggled and so did Rory.

  "She's a busy little gal." He whispered.

  "Yes, she sure is. You got her?"

  "Yeah Red, I've got her. See you in five minutes."

  He reached down and scooped Harley into his arms, stepped back and closed her door. She watched as he walked ahead a few car lengths and tucked Harley into the kennel he had in the backseat of his Charger so she'd ride safely. They both had kennels in their cars, where would they put a car seat if they were lucky enough to ever have a baby?

  She shook her head so the melancholy didn't slid in, started her car and watched Rory pull away from the curb. Looking behind her to make sure it was safe to pull out, she eased her vehicle onto the road behind Rory's car.

  The sun was bright today, the air smelled fresh and she rolled her windows down enjoying the wind swirling around inside the car. She had grown to love Lynyrd Station these past four months. She'd met Rory's friends and some of the wives of the cops at the station and next week she was taking over Big 3 Security from Ford and the guys. Rory remained lead Detective at the Department, at least for now and she had decided working for herself sounded like a great next step in her life.

  Turning into the police station parking lot, she parked alongside Rory's car and smiled at Harley's sweet little face staring at her from the back window. Gawd she was adorable.

  Getting out of her car she stood just in front of the door watching Rory pull Harley from her kennel, attached her leash to her collar, then set her on the ground and walked toward her.

  She moved to open the door, but he leaned forward first and grabbed it, holding it open for her. It always gave her a bit of a thrill. He winked at her and she couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. Dang.

  The front of the police station was quiet at this time of day, which was good. After all the activity of the Santarino drug operation and all the wind down that had happened from that, it was pleasant to see people working at a steady pace rather than the fury of the past. Sarah, the receptionist looked up from her computer and smiled.

  "Hi Al, how are you?"

  "I'm great Sarah, how are the kids these days?"

  The pretty brunette pursed her lips and shrugged. "Still busy as ever, but I couldn't love them more." She looked at Rory and nodded. "Hey Rory."

  "Sarah, all the guys in the back?"


  Sarah looked down at Harley and smiled. "Hey Harley girl, how are you?"

  Harley wagged her tail furiously and Sarah shook her head. "That one must get away with everything, she's too cute."

  Rory replied as he held the door to the back open for her. "You have no idea."

  She led the way around the corner and to the back where Rory's office was and where the other detectives and cops milled about. Many greetings were exchanged and she had to admit she enjoyed these guys but she didn't miss being in a police station every day. That thought really hit home. Then, all of a sudden things got very quiet.

  She looked around and they were all staring at her with weird grins on their faces. She looked down to make sure her shirt wasn't askew or that, heaven forbid she had some weird wardrobe malfunction going on. Seeing nothing she looked over at Rory, who smiled at her, then dropped down to one knee.

  "Red, all those years ago I met you, fell in love with you and then lost you. I don't want to lose you again." He pulled a shiny orb from his front pocket and held it out to her. "Red, will you marry me?"

  She stared into his eyes and so many thoughts collided together. He'd planned this. He loved her all those years ago. He wanted to marry her.

  Stupid tears flooded her vision as Rory melted into a watery blur and the silence of the room unnerved her. Harley jumped up on her legs getting her attention and she blinked rapidly, then swiped at her eyes quickly.

  Her head bobbed up and down and she swallowed the lump in her throat and said, "Yes."

  Taking her left hand in his he slid the gorgeous sparkling ring onto her finger, kissed it, then stood and planted the biggest kiss on her lips as his arms wrapped her into the best hug she'd ever felt. L
ife was a thing of beauty and she'd met her match in Rory Richards.

  Sneak Peek

  The End of Rory:Finding His Match.

  Get Defending Keirnan, GHOST Book One now.

  Continue reading for a Sneak Peek at Defending Keirnan, the first book in the exciting GHOST Series.

  Defending Keirnan, GHOST Book One

  Turning the corner and entering the back section of the library, which was closed off to the general public, Keirnan frowned at the condition of this part of the gorgeous historical building downtown. She'd been organizing the program, Read with Your Littles, for well over two years. At first it was difficult getting busy parents to take another hour or more out of their already busy weeks to bring their little children to the program; but it became an occasion to spend time together reading and talking about the stories and enjoying each other's company.

  But, her patience had paid off, and parents began pouring in. There were children with a single parent; some parents worked long or odd hours. So, she had encouraged not only parents but grandparents to join in, even babysitters. Low and behold, her small project, Read with Your Littles, began filling up. They'd grown to capacity at the Beachwood Elementary School library. So, after only one year, she'd received permission from the Friday Harbor Town Council to move the venue to the downtown library. As generous as it was that the town had been eager to accept Keirnan Vickers’ program, this old library building was in poor shape.

  Many windows had been painted closed, which was a safety hazard. The handrails on the steps were loose, the flooring was sadly neglected and the plumbing, well the plumbing, was atrocious. That's when she knew she had to do something. The town had agreed to pay the lion’s share of the repairs, but Keirnan had to first raise donations to cover the first one quarter of the $500,000 repair costs.


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