Binding Devotion

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Binding Devotion Page 18

by Kiki Archer

  “The doctor on the phone said they had an outreach nurse in the area who could pop in and see you. She was here within fifteen minutes and she really was fantastic.”


  “You said it was fine for her to take your blood, but you did make quite a drama out of the pain.”

  “I’m so ashamed of myself.” Andi was open mouthed. “I must find out who she was and apologise. This is just so strange.”

  Pippa lifted the small card from the table and read the name. “She was called, Sarah Farley. She told me to rouse you every fifteen minutes and keep you lying on your side. If you asked for water then I was allowed to give you just one sip at a time.”

  “You’ve been awake the whole time?”


  Andi lifted Pippa’s hand. “I’m so sorry. I know I didn’t take anything, I never would. I get scared taking more than one-”

  “Paracetamol, I know. You told me.”

  Andi stretched out her legs and wiggled her toes, relieved that the feeling was all there. “I dread to think what else I said.”

  “You were the perfect drunk. Funny, amiable, and slightly flirty.”

  “I wasn’t?”

  Pippa nodded. “You were. But I’m not ten stone. I’m nine and three quarters.”

  “Ahh! Please forgive me … for everything.” She paused. “Seriously, was I inappropriate?”

  Pippa pursed her lips and looked at Andi with a twinkle in her eye. “You were a bit too appropriate for my liking.”

  Andi felt a flutter of pleasant nerves dance across her chest. “You’ve gone above and beyond, so thank you … and I know it seems dramatic, and probably everyone who has had one too many, questions whether they’ve had their drink spiked, or picked up the wrong glass,” she exhaled, “you never know with some of the celebs … but I honestly didn’t think I had too much.” She smiled. “Thank you for looking after me though.”

  Pippa shrugged. “Anyone would do it.”

  “If that were true, then it wouldn’t be you sitting here, would it?”

  “You mean Zara?”

  Andi sighed. “Has she called?”

  “Zara did the right thing by staying at the party. You couldn’t both leave. That really would have raised a few eyebrows. It was a great party and she did what she had to do.”

  “Maybe.” Andi looked at the tall clock ticking quietly in the corner. “Blimey, it’s 4.00 a.m. The party must be over by now? Is she on her way?”

  Pippa stood up and walked back to the armchair, lifting the phone from the small nest of tables. “I left a message on her mobile and explained where we were and what had happened. I said I was more than happy to watch you until the morning, as long as she picked you up by 10.00 a.m.”

  “What did she say?”

  Pippa checked the blank screen once again. “She’s not replied yet. But you know what it’s like, cleaning up after parties.”

  “My party was in The Grandez. You don’t have to collect the glasses when you’re done. She’s probably wheedled her way into John Elton’s hotel room, begging for friendship and favours.”

  “Ooo, was that a dig?”

  Andi sighed and leaned her head back onto the upright cushion. “Maybe.” She bit her bottom lip. “Did I talk about her?”

  Pippa sat back down in the armchair and shook her head. “No, not really.”

  “Good, because she works very hard and she has a very stressful job.” She nodded. “I’m really grateful for everything that she does.”

  “You don’t need to convince me.”

  “Good,” said Andi.

  “Good,” laughed Pippa.

  “What’s so funny?” Andi frowned. “I said something, didn’t I?” She shuffled her bottom to the edge of the sofa seat and leaned in Pippa’s direction. “Whatever I said, please just ignore me. I’m a perfectly contented, happily married woman. My wife is wonderful and I cannot wait for the next seven years, and the seven after that.”

  “You don’t need to convince me,” said Pippa once again.


  “Good!” laughed Pippa.

  “Good,” nodded Andi. “Can we go to bed now? I’m exhausted.”

  “That’s the most sensible thing you’ve said all evening,” smiled Pippa, pausing suddenly. “But we’ll have to sleep in the same room as I need to rouse you every fifteen minutes.”

  Andi giggled. “Stop it!”

  “I do! Nurse Sarah told me to.”

  “Okay, I look forward to being roused by you every fifteen minutes!” Andi smiled. “But I’m not sure you’re up to it?”

  “I could rouse you every ten if I tried.”

  “Now who’s being flirty!” laughed Andi.

  “You started it.” Pippa smiled. “It’s good to see you getting back to your normal self.” She stood from the armchair and walked to the sofa, reaching for Andi’s hands and gently pulling her into a standing position. “And anyway, I think you’ll find that you started it when you asked me to kiss you.”

  Andi opened her mouth in shock. “I did not!”

  “Well, not in so many words, but the invitation was there.” Pippa linked Andi’s arm and walked her slowly out of the room, towards the staircase. “So no funny business in bed please, boss.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it,” smiled Andi, slowly climbing the stairs. “Well, maybe I have, just once or twice.”

  Pippa laughed, following her carefully, ready to catch her if necessary. “Oh how I love it when you flirt!”

  “Can I borrow a nightie?”

  “If you must,” grinned Pippa

  Andi reached out for the large wooden ball on the end of the bannister and pulled herself up the final step. “You’ll have to unzip this dress too, because it’s far too awkward for me. I’ll be all fingers and thumbs.” She smiled. “You may have to help with my bra as well.”

  Pippa laughed. “Stop it. You know I don’t like being teased. You’re making me panic.”

  Andi stood on the top of the landing and studied all of the doors. “I must admit something seems to be making me more confident. Who knows what I’ve got in my system! Right, which way are we going?”

  Pippa climbed the final step and took Andi by the hand, guiding her slowly to the third door on the left. “This way, if you will.”

  Andi felt the same nervous flutter. “I have to stop teasing now. I’m getting far too giggly.”

  “Good, because this is awkward enough.”


  “Yes, really.” Pippa released the hand and opened the door to her bedroom. She pressed on the lights and twisted the dimmer. “I’ll get you a nightie.”

  Andi stayed by the door and took in the full beauty of the room, admiring its warmth and comfy appeal. “It’s huge, but it looks so cosy, and I just love this bed spread. Zara would never let me have anything like this. She’d say it was too busy. Have I started to ramble again? I think the walk up those stairs has made me light headed.”

  Pippa reached into her chest of drawers and pulled out a black silk nightie, dropping it onto the edge of the bed. “No, I think you’re probably still a bit drunk.”

  “I thought it was drugs?” Andi paused. “Seriously though, I’m not drunk.”

  “Who knows what’s gone on!” laughed Pippa, stepping behind Andi’s back and finding the zip at the top of her dress. She slid it down gently and pulled the arms over Andi’s shoulders, watching the sequined silver fabric slip down her body to the floor.

  Andi kicked the dress from her feet. “Well I’m glad to be out of that,” she nodded. “How come you’re still in your dress?”

  “I didn’t want to leave you.” Pippa paused. “Shall I undo your bra?”

  Andi nodded, shivering at the gentle touch.

  “There you go,” whispered Pippa, “all done.”

  Andi tilted her shoulders and let the straps slide down her arms, watching as the bra fell to the floor. “Thank you,” she said, slowly tu
rning around and taking Pippa’s hands in her own. She looked up into Pippa’s eyes and watched them closely. “You’ve been incredible.”

  Pippa looked away. “No, no, it’s fine.”

  Andi waited for the eyes to return, holding the gaze and studying them intently. The silence was energised and she could tell from the small movements of Pippa’s nose that she was taking lots of shallow breaths. Andi spoke softly. “You’re incredible.”

  Pippa gently shook her head.

  “You are.” Andi closed her eyes, pausing in her own personal darkness. She willed herself to stay silent; but she couldn’t. She opened her eyes and connected with Pippa’s once more, finally losing her last bit of control and self-restraint. “I want you,” she whispered, overcome by desire. “I want you to want me.”

  Pippa kept the eye contact, desperately trying not to glance down and absorb the beauty that she knew was just inches away. “I can’t,” she managed. “Please don’t tease me.”

  Andi’s response was quiet. “I’m not teasing.” She slowly lifted Pippa’s right hand, bringing it into her own body and trailing the fingers up her bare stomach and resting them on her bare breast. “I want you to touch me.”

  Pippa could hardly breathe. The skin was so warm and so soft and she could feel Andi pressing the hard bud of her nipple against her fingertips. Her breaths were shallow.

  Andi lifted Pippa’s other hand to her waist and stepped even closer. She whispered in her ear. “Touch me.”

  Pippa could feel the quivers of instant arousal, desperate to push down onto the bed and succumb to desire. But she didn’t. She stayed standing, pleading with her eyes. “You have to stop,” she whispered.

  Andi shook her head and pulled her body into Pippa’s, reaching around to the back of Pippa’s dress and pulling at the zip.

  Pippa let her hands fall from Andi’s body, but was still unable to move. She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes, conscious that her dress was falling from her shoulders. She willed herself to stop … to move away … to hide, but the sensation of Andi’s fingers on her back, unhooking her bra, was too intense. She gasped as it was pulled from her shoulders, aware that it had fallen away. Pippa opened her eyes. Andi was staring at her breasts.

  Pippa reached for Andi’s chin and lifted it with her finger, bringing Andi’s eyes to her own. “Not when you’re like this,” she whispered.

  Andi bit her bottom lip and shook her head lightly. “It has to be when I’m like this.”

  “Easily excused?” whispered Pippa.

  Andi shrugged. “I know what I’m doing.”

  Pippa studied the amber eyes, aware of a deep sadness. “And so do I. We can’t let this happen.”

  Andi maintained the eye contact, taking hold of Pippa’s hand and pulling it forwards. She pressed it gently against her own knickers. “I want this.”

  Pippa felt the wetness. “Your denial will kill me.”

  Andi nodded. “I know.”

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Andi walked towards Pippa’s double bed. She pulled back the soft quilt and slid into the smooth covers.

  Pippa stayed still, mesmerised by the vision of Andi Armstrong, lying naked, in her bed. She couldn’t move. “I have to do the right thing,” she whispered to herself.

  “The right thing?” questioned Andi quietly. “Sometimes, doing the wrong thing is the only way to know what’s truly right.” She pulled the quilt further back, inviting Pippa in, and smiling gently. “I know what I’m doing.”

  Pippa felt a sudden surge of adrenaline race across her chest, aware of the choice she was about to make. She reached for the dimmer switch next to the bed, twisting the lights into darkness. “Okay,” she whispered, climbing gently under the quilt and moving her body next to Andi’s. “Maybe I could just hold you?”

  Andi nodded and slid under Pippa’s arm, resting her head onto her shoulder. “Thank you,” she whispered into the darkness.

  Pippa closed her eyes. She could hardly breathe. Andi’s body was pressed against her own, and her lips were gently skimming her neck. She lay still, conscious of every tiny movement. Andi’s fingers suddenly touched her side. They were climbing, slowly climbing, onto her stomach. Pippa froze, unable to stop the slow circling. She swallowed deeply, as quivers of arousal started to spark all across her body. Pippa opened her eyes and stared into the darkness, willing herself to say stop.

  Andi climbed her fingers higher, reaching the curve of Pippa’s breast. She cupped it carefully and continued the gentle caress.

  Pippa was in turmoil, desperate to roll over and stop the inevitable, but she couldn’t. She chose instead to arch her back and push out her chest, deliberately willing Andi’s fingers closer.

  Andi sensed the desire and brushed her palm against the hard nipple.

  Pippa gasped.

  That was all it took. One gasp of wanting, and both of them knew.

  They each grabbed the other, rolling in a battle of power, parting their legs, and pressing down hard.

  Pippa felt the wetness against her thigh and moaned out in pleasure, pausing as Andi grabbed at her knickers.

  Andi pushed the knickers down and told Pippa to kick them off. “I want you naked,” she whispered.

  Pippa flicked the silk underwear to the bottom of the bed, and spread her legs into Andi’s, moaning deeply as their desires merged. She exhaled loudly. They were connected; both arching their backs and pressing down in a blissful rhythm.

  Andi moaned loudly, reaching for the breasts that were gently swaying in front of her. She took the erect nipples and teased them forcefully, causing Pippa to gasp and increase the pressure. Andi shuddered. “This is perfect,” she whispered. “You are perfect.”

  Pippa lowered her upper body back down onto Andi’s, pressing their breasts together and finding her eyes in the shadows. “Let me kiss you.”

  Andi nodded gently, feeling Pippa’s full lips on her own, mesmerised by the softness of the embrace; tender and careful, yet completely fulfilling. She almost started to cry.

  “Are you okay?” whispered Pippa sensing the emotion and pulling away.

  Andi nodded. “Please. Please kiss me again.”

  Pippa did as instructed, maintaining the purposeful rocking and bringing her lips back to Andi’s.

  Andi moaned as she felt Pippa’s hands gently teasing her breasts. It had never felt this intense before. This slow. This meaningful. She kissed back with more passion, feeling Pippa’s tongue enter her mouth, not in a rough and probing way, but in an electric journey of discovery. She touched the tip with her own, pushing further and harder, reaching for the back of Pippa’s head and pulling it in as close as she could. She wanted more. She needed more. She choked back the emotion as she rolled Pippa over, lifting her arms above her head and kissing with force. She was in control and she wanted to please. She kissed down Pippa’s soft neck and along her warm chest, shifting her position to continue the descent. Pippa suddenly took hold of her arms, stopping her kisses and pulling her back up.

  “I want it like this,” whispered Pippa. “I want to look into your eyes.”

  Andi understood what she meant and kept the eye contact, moving smoothly and starting to moan.

  “Yes,” whispered Pippa, taking shallow breaths and pulling Andi’s bottom in close, “just like that.” She groaned in arousal. “Keep going … that’s perfect … yes … yes … Andi … that’s perfect.”

  Andi increased her pace, overcome by the look of arousal in Pippa’s eyes. She kissed her deeply, moaning into her mouth and gasping as she neared her own mountainous peak. Both bodies were rocking in time; holding out for the moment they wanted to share. Andi pulled away from the embrace first, staring into Pippa’s eyes and biting her bottom lip. Her brow starting to furrow.

  Pippa watched as Andi’s passion took over, finally able to let herself go. She moaned out in pleasure, clinging tightly to Andi’s back and pressing forwards with force. “I’m coming,” she groaned.

�Me too,” shouted Andi, feeling every single spark, pulse, and explosion. “I’m fucking coming!”

  Pippa shuddered.

  Andi’s scream was loud and extended. Andi gasped at her own reaction, breathing quickly and closing her eyes. “I’m fucking coming,” she uttered.

  Pippa clung-on to the shaking body, holding the moment of passion, waiting for the shakes to become quivers and the breaths to slow down. “I think you’ve just come,” she whispered, gently kissing Andi’s neck.

  Andi opened her eyes, flushed with exertion. “You might just be right,” she said with a smile.


  Pippa had woken at 9.00 a.m., unable to dismiss the emotion she felt knowing that Andi had been in her arms all night. She looked at the delicate figure, nestled into her neck, and savoured the moment, certain it wouldn’t last. She gently moved Andi’s blonde fringe across her warm forehead and planted a soft kiss on the side of her cheek.

  “Mmmm, that’s nice,” moaned Andi.

  Pippa held her breath, waiting to hear her call out someone else’s name.

  The instruction was quiet. “Do it again.”

  She repeated the action.

  Andi spoke softly. “I’m so content here.” She paused. “And I know that you’re worried, but don’t be. I know where I am, and I know what I started.” She rolled onto her side and opened her eyes. “I’ve had the perfect evening, Pippa.”

  Pippa felt her heart swell.

  “Apart from the drink, drugs and Patty’s dirty dancing,” smiled Andi. “It’s been perfect. All because of you.”

  Pippa found the confidence to meet the warm amber eyes. “I thought you’d ignore it, or deny it, or plead that we forget about it.”

  “So did I,” said Andi, “and I have to admit, that might have been the plan. But how can I?” She shrugged. “I’ve never had those feelings before. I want to remember.”

  Pippa felt a pain in her heart. “Remember, but not repeat?”

  Andi shook her head gently. “You know we can’t. But please don’t think I regret it, or that I’ll condemn it, because I won’t. It felt so natural and so right and I wanted it. I wanted you.” She paused. “For the first time in ages I followed my heart and I don’t believe that could ever be the wrong thing to do … it just wasn’t the right thing to do.” She looked at Pippa with wide eyes. “It was beautiful, and I think you are beautiful … inside and out. But I’m bound by a commitment that I’ve always tried my best to uphold. Repeating this wouldn’t be fair on any of us.”


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