The Ties That Bind Us: The Devil's Apostles Book 5 (The Devils Apostles)

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The Ties That Bind Us: The Devil's Apostles Book 5 (The Devils Apostles) Page 1

by Annie Buff


  Author: Annie Buff

  Editor: Chris Cain

  Cover designer : Treena Ross

  Poems by Athena Kelly Copyright ©2018 by Annie Buff, all rights reserved All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including internet usage, without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  These are works of fiction. Names, character, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used factiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments or locales is entirely coincidental.

  DEDICATION Like each book I write, I poured my heart and soul into this. So many of you have taken this journey of my Devils with me and it still blows me away how amazing you all are. So many people need to be thanked properly and this is the time. Athena Kelly, you just rock! Thank you for lending me your talents and writing such amazing words for Krispy to give to Isadora. Your poems are


  To the real Isadora Sunday, for allowing me to steal your name and give Izzy a life all her own. For the muses that inspired Krispy and Isadora I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  To my D, for putting up with all the hours I spend writing and ignoring life around me; I love you big.

  For my idiots, the real inspiration for each and every character I create; you guys are the best. And for each one of you that spends your free time immersed in my books, there are no words that properly say thank you. You the readers are my rock stars!

  To my beta reader Jeni, your input has taken my work to the next level and I appreciate you so much! The last person whom I must say thank you to is my mom. She has been my guiding light and my support since day one. Thank you mom for believing in me. Blurb

  Krispy; She’s my charge, has been for a year now but I want her so damn bad it hurts. That soft honey blonde hair and big brown eyes kill me slowly every time she smiles at me. She’s the daughter of Ajax the cleaner but that doesn’t make me love Isadora any less. One day she will be mine forever, we just have to kill Jester. The new president of the Brazen Bastards, and one mean son of a bitch.

  Isadora; Joshua “Krispy” Harrison is everything I want in a man but how do I convince my dad that he’s good for me. I know what this life is, my dad has been quite candid about it but I don’t care. I will do what I have to even if that means killing. Whatever it takes to be part of the Devils and part of him.

  KRISPY She should have been off limits, the daughter of a fellow brother but Joshua “Krispy” Harrison just could not stop himself. Never had he had thoughts about any woman the way he did about Isadora. All he wanted was to feel her under him as he pumped himself in and out of her at a feverish pace. To hear her panting in his ear and asking for more. At least that was his fantasy every night when he turned out the light. That’s when his hand would travel down his stomach and grab his dick. Krispy had never masturbated more in his entire life, she had that effect on him. He walked around with a constant hardon and it was all because of Isadora.

  He had feelings, big damn feelings but somehow he’d kept them in check. Aside from being in the midst of a battle with a nasty MC, her father was one mean son of a bitch. Krispy liked him, even respected him but Ajax was not one to be taken lightly. He had seen the aftermath from the dog fight with Aries, the former president of the Brazen Bastards and he definitely didn’t want to be in his bad side. The other problem was Krispy had never finished the job and lost his cherry. He had fooled around, had a few blow jobs but he had not done the deed thus far and wasn’t even sure how to start that type of relationship with Izzy. He knew she liked him, they had hugged and kissed but it stopped there which made him wonder if she was a virgin too. He actually hoped she was so he wouldn’t disappoint her if it wasn’t good. He desperately needed help but talking to anyone would be more embarrassing than he could handle. Killing was easier than admitting he was still innocent at twentyfour.

  It wasn’t that he was saving himself for anyone, it was just the right opportunity hadn’t presented itself until Isadora and if he didn’t find a way to get inside that girl his dick would be raw from all the self service. But it wasn’t just physical when it came to her. There was a connection to her he couldn’t deny. Krispy had a feeling Isadora was his ‘one’ and somehow he had to make her father understand that.

  Ajax himself had found his once in a lifetime love recently too so maybe it wouldn’t be so hard to get him to listen, but then again the cleaner wasn’t known for patience. “Fuck he’s gonna kill me.” He said as he rode into town to pick up Isadora from work. He was still her full time security and that gave him an excuse to be close.

  Jester was the new president of the Bastards and just as crazy as Aries was. They were gunning for all of the Devils, the Dawg Pound and now the Stone Sinners MC since they had stepped in and lent assistance when Ajax was on the hunt for Aries.

  He stopped bike in front of Sweet Surrender, the bakery her stepmother owned and where Izzy worked. Krispy had his choice of bike or car and since Isadora loved riding he chose the bike. He also loved the fact she had to hold on to him as they rode. She always smelled so good. Even after baking all day she still smelled like jasmine, he wondered if it was intentional or just her. Krispy never had the balls to ask her.

  He had been stabbed, shot and had the shit kicked out if him but when it came to women he was what his queen would call a hot mess. Even the few kisses they’d shared were Izzy initiating them.

  He saw her through the glass, she had taken charge of the bakery while Tara, her boss and step mom took maternity leave. She and Izzy’s dad just had a baby girl so both were at home for a while. Since they were now family, Isadora stepped in and took over. She did love the bakery and was good at her job. The other girls that worked there stepped up too making it a lot simpler of a task.

  “Hey you.” He smiled at her as the door chimed. She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. She had that soft blonde hair and big chocolate brown eyes. Krispy thought she looked like an angel.

  “Hey back. I just need to lock up and we can go. I’m starving, can we stop at Handlebars for a burger? Dad says we can eat there whenever for nothing.” He remembered Ajax mentioning that but to Krispy that wasn’t right. He’d pay when she wasn’t looking.

  “Yeah we can, just call Tara or your old man and let them know. I am not in the mood for an ass whoppin if we’re later than they expect.” She smiled and picked up her phone, sending a text home. Izzy wanted to stay with Krispy as long as possible. She had fallen hard the over the last year for him, even if he had no clue.

  He held her one night when she cried, after the original bakery burned down. That night she was a mess and he stayed with her and just held on. Isadora still remembered how it felt to have those arms tight around her. How the muscled limbs made her feel so safe. To her he was the best looking guy she’d ever seen, with his beautiful blonde curls; combine that with his sweetness and she wanted this one. No boyfriend to date had ever made her insides jitter the way Krispy did. Izzy never called him that, always Joshua. It was his given name and considering he hated his club name she would never use it.

  Closing up took just under ten minutes and the two were on the bike heading east toward Handlebars. When Krispy had to stop at the tracks for a train Isadora kept her arms around him. He almost hoped the train would never end, her touch was killing him. After this ride he was going to need more than a cold sh
ower, he would need a tub full of ice to curb his libido.

  When the bike stopped at Handlebars there were a few Harley’s he knew. One belonged to Magic, the president of the Stone Sinners. The other one he recognized belonged to Ajax, her dad. “Oh kiss my dick.” Krispy said under his breath. He was hoping for some time without any of his brothers around and here was her father. He did own half the bar but it was late and Krispy just expected he would be home with Tara, his wife.

  “What’s wrong Joshua?” Then she saw what he saw, Ajax’s brand new bike. She just laughed as she dismounted, some days it really did suck being the daughter if the cleaner.

  As they walked towards the door her hand found his and she looked up at him. Isadora was flat out in love and one way or another this was going to happen. She had a feeling he felt the same but being who she was, he was terrified Ajax was going to kill him. Izzy could handle her dad, just as long as Krispy didn’t shoot his mouth off. He was normally quiet but he had gotten extremely lippy as of late.

  Isadora went straight to the bar where Mack was, she liked the bar manager. Mack was funny and opinionated, plus she seemed to be good at keeping old Red in line. Izzy had a feeling before long Red and Mack would be a couple. It was the way he looked at her and in the way she always scolded him. Anyone could see those two were destined to be together. “Hey Izzy! I’ll send a waitress over to the pool tables for you guys. Anyone else coming?” She shook her head and took off to the game area where Krispy had found a seat. She saw her dad and Magic sit down next to him.

  “Great.” Well it was time to make her feelings known so she marched over and planted a kiss on Krispy’s lips. Not a huge one but enough to say were a thing. The look Ajax shot her could kill, she expected it. Izzy was even looking for it. It was time and he would just have to accept it, whether he liked it or not.

  A bottle of Don Julio tequila was delivered to the table and as Ajax poured he gave her quite the stare before pushing the shot glass towards her. “You wanna play with the big boys girl, well here’s your chance.” He was pissed and she knew it but Izzy stood her ground, tossing back the shot and glaring at her father.

  She really did love the man, he was a great dad but with this she just needed him to back off a little. As soon as Krispy headed to the bathroom she let loose.

  “Dad that’s some serious bullshit! I said it before and I’ll say it again, I love you dad but you have to let me make my own choices. Please dad!” He heard the pleading in her voice. His wife was right and damn did he hate that. He would let her see the kid but Ajax was surely going to make sure his words were heard. He gave her a nod, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t watch the young man like a hawk. Ajax saw him heading back and met him halfway. The terror on the kids face said it all. He expected to die right there in the middle of the bar.

  “Seems my daughter is quite taken with you. So I’m gonna stand back and let her have her way. But kiddo let me make this very fuckin’ clear, if you hurt her I will find new ways to make your death last for days. Are we clear?” Krispy just stood there not sure if he was supposed to answer him or just listen. “Again, are we clear!” This time Ajax voice boomed throughout the bar. “Yes… yes sir, crystal clear. I… I think I love her.”

  “ You do huh? Well hear this one too, you stick your dick in her it better be wrapped. She’s not ready to be a mom and you damn sure ain’t ready to be a dad, got it?” Krispy just nodded, he wanted desperately to be with Izzy so whatever he had to do to make that happen.

  Ajax walked over to the table and grabbed his glass, downing the contents and kissing his daughter before he disappeared out the door. Magic grinned and followed behind him.

  They stayed just long enough to enjoy a burger and a couple games of pool. He slipped the waitress a fifty before heading towards the exit. He caught Mosh and Renegade out of the corner of his eye, Renegade was laughing at what he just observed. Before the morning the entire MC would know Ajax wanted his balls on a platter.

  Izzy and Krispy rode to the lake, he knew she liked going there and they had a favorite spot where they would go to talk. He was aware her dad could be kind of intense sometimes. More now that the baby was born and Izzy needed to have her space.

  Hand in hand they walked down to the stone picnic table by the water. She wondered what her dad could have possibly said to Krispy but she didn’t ask. Biker rule 101, don’t ask too many questions. It had only been just under a year since Izzy met her biological father but in that time she really started to understand the brotherhood and the rules.

  They sat face to face, kissing and talking. Krispy wanted this girl in the worst of ways. With every brush of her lips on his it got worse and worse. She needed to know, to understand just what she did to him and how bad he had it for her.

  “Izzy,” she could hear the desire in his voice. Maybe this was finally going to happen. She had dreamt of being with him for months. He was just so shy when it came to the physical.

  “Yeah Joshua, I want it too. I have for a long time, I just didn’t think you did.” Krispy shook his head. He wanted her more than he wanted to keep breathing.

  “It’s just I don’t want to disappoint you. I ain’t never finished the deed. Fooled around but never got my cherry popped so I’m scared it’ll suck and you won’t want me anymore. I got feelings for you, more than just sex. Yeah I wanna fuck, reallywanna fuck you but it’s more. A lot more.” Izzy let her hand slide down his chest and over the bulge in his jeans. That drew a hiss from him and his eyes closed, taking in the sensations of her hand on his dick.

  When she unzipped his jeans and her fingers started playing in his hair he was on the verge of losing it. Krispy expected to be done before they even started. He had to slow this down, take her to his bed. There was no way he was losing his innocence on a slab of concrete.

  “We gotta wait, just a little while longer anyway. This ain’t the place for this, you ain’t that kind of girl Izzy. You have class, this would be ok if you were some bar whore or club slut but that’s not what you are.” The respect for her was impressive, and he was right. They needed to wait just a little longer and that was alright. At least she knew he liked her, a lot.

  It was well after midnight when they got back to the compound and as much as Krispy wanted to follow Izzy to her room, he knew better. He didn’t have a death wish, he knew her father was just across the hall from her. Instead he kissed her at the front door and went to sit by the fire. He didsleep on the sofa but right at this moment he needed to think. There was a joint and a pint of whiskey in his saddlebags, he needed a little numbing medication to clear his mind.

  He found Smoke by the pit, sipping on bourbon and staring into the night. With all the chaos happening surrounding the Bastards both presidents decided to keep everyone close. Smoke had enough acreage to house everyone comfortably so the Pound moved in. Trailers had been brought in, Ajax had a mobile home brought in and ground set. He talked with Smoke first, stating it would make things much easier for Tara and the president agreed. The eighteen acres he owned gave them all enough space for privacy but they were still within yelling distance should something happen.

  “You look like you got a lot on your mind kid. Wanna talk about it.” He had shit loads on his mind but Smoke didn’t need his problems, the clubs had enough going on.

  “I’m good prez, just trying to come up with a way this can work and I don’t die.” Smoke smirked, this had to be about Isadora. He did understand the kids dilemma. He witnessed just how brutal Ajax could be firsthand and that even made Smoke leery.

  “Want some advice? You gotta stand your ground kid. If you care about her, be a man and stand tall. Ajax ain’t gonna kill you, maybe kick your ass a couple times but he will see you’re in this for real.” Krispy had a couple other things bouncing around in his head too. Not just Izzy. He nodded at Smoke and pulled out the joint he had, handing it to his president. It was a respect thing, Smoke wasn’t that much older than him in years but in life experienc
e he had decades on Krispy. He was the closest thing to a parent the kid had.

  “I got a question prez, I’ve hated being called Krispy since it started. Is there anyway we can give me a new name? I don’t care if it’s dick face, anything but Krispy. Drives me fuckin’ nuts.” Smoke pondered for a few minutes, nobody had ever changed a club name after it had been given.

  “That’s definitely not normal kid, I gotta think on that one. Talk to the Coalition and see if it’s even allowed. Never had anyone ask to do that before.” He assumed that but he still needed to ask, to try and get a club name that he liked or just something he could live with. Krispy definitely wasn’t it.

  Even with his own trailer on the property he slept on the sofa in Ajax living room. Isadora was his charge and he would do just about anything to not fail, to keep her safe. If anything did happen to her he had a bad feeling Ajax would probably skin his ass alive. Whatever it took to keep her out of harms way, and whatever it took to make her his.

  He hadn’t been sleeping very long when he felt a shift in the sofa, sitting up immediately. “Sshh Joshua, I just wanted to be close.” He lay back down with Izzy in his arms. He was bare chested and she let her fingers twirl his chest hair and trace his scars. Before long those soft fingers had breached the waistband of the sweat pants he was wearing. She didn’t touch him right away, just let her fingers play in that thatch of hair. Even without being touched he still whimpered in her ear. The second her petite hands wrapped around his dick he almost cried out. Izzy did her best to stroke him but the material was hindering it.

  “Pull them down. I want to touch you the way you should be touched.” Her words were barely a whisper but he heard her loud and clear. Krispy pushed the sweats down under his ass so she would have unrestricted access to his dick, and to his balls should she choose to touch them too.

  It was an incredibly slow slide but that’s all he needed to be biting his lip and pulling a pillow over his face. The last thing he needed was to be heard. Ajax would definitely kill him then, it wasn’t the act it was the disrespect of doing that in his home.


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