The Ties That Bind Us: The Devil's Apostles Book 5 (The Devils Apostles)

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The Ties That Bind Us: The Devil's Apostles Book 5 (The Devils Apostles) Page 3

by Annie Buff

  “The fuck you will!” He jumped to his feet, glaring at her for even suggesting such a thing. Isadora knew that would get him, it was the reason she said it. She remembered how huffy her dad got when Havoc was flirting with her, she hoped his name had the same effect on Krispy. “Stay the fuck away from him! You’re mine!” He didn’t mean to say it but she was his and fighting Havoc wasn’t on his list of things he wanted to do. He knew Havoc would wipe the floor with him. He’d seen him once take on four guys in Handlebars and he barely broke a sweat. Krispy didn’t want any part of him. Isadora sat down next to him, laying her head on his shoulder.

  “I’m sorry for what happene d today. I heard and that’s rough.” He nodded, wondering just what she thought of him now. The kid who disobeyed his club and would likely get himself killed.

  She wanted to ride but he needed something more intimate, something that only he would share with her. He needed to claim his woman and make her his ol’ lady. He took Isadora’s hand and led her through the brush to his little trailer. There was no way she couldn’t know what he wanted.

  No words passed between them as they undressed each other. Krispy stood back and took in the sight of his girl. Izzy was tall and lean but had it where it counted. Her breasts were maybe a C cup but perky and perfect with her rose colored nipples. As his eyes traveled down her body he noticed she had no body hair at all. The only thought he had was feasting on her, tasting her sweet honey and feeling her tremble in his arms.

  “Joshua,” She said but he silenced her. Nothing needed to spoken aloud. They just needed to let their bodies talk to one another. As he lay her down she saw the look in his eyes, it was like a tiger stalking it’s prey and Isadora was the prize.

  After his lips left hers, he trailed kisses down her body to the juncture of her legs. She was at the peak of arousal, he could smell it and that alone made him thirsty for her. The fact she was dripping wet and it was just for him did Krispy in. Even with her legs closed he could see everything.

  “Open,” he demanded and she complied wi th out hesitating. Izzy wanted his face buried between her legs just as bad as he wanted to be there.

  One finger grazed her lips and she moaned, making him grin. She liked his touch and he planned on touching her a lot more. Krispy spread her open so he could look at his woman. Damn she was beautiful. That one finger made it’s way inside her with ease. Then the second joined the first in a slow pumping motion that seemed to do the trick. The soft whimpering joined the moans and he could hardly contain himself. Krispy wanted to watch her as she came. He wanted to lick her too but that would come second. He desperately wanted to watch. His free hand gently touched her face, then down to her nipple; pinching and rolling it between the finger and thumb.

  When she was biting her lip he knew he was doing it right. Isadora reached down to rub her clit, her orgasm was so close and she wanted it.

  “No.” Krispy commanded. She wasn’t helping him, he knew how to make her anticipate. Porn had been a great teacher, showing him everything he needed to know about how to make a woman tremble. But the more he watched and touched the harder it was to control his own body. Krispy didn’t realize how painful the throbbing of his cock would be.

  “Please Joshua!” Izzy was all but begging him and under the circumstances he understood exactly what she wanted, him inside her. He gave in, laying over her and in one swift pump; his body melded with hers. She gasped at the pleasurable invasion

  “ Fuck baby, did I hurt you?” Isadora shook her head, looking up at him. She had this fire in her eyes that was only for him and he knew it. Krispy wasn’t sure if he was her first but in that moment it didn’t matter, he would be her last and that was the most important thing.

  He expected the pleasure but what got him was the electricity that drove through him. With each movement of his hips Krispy inched closer and closer. There was a condom in his jeans that had been hastily discarded on the floor of his bedroom. He knew he should reach for it but he was at the point of no return. If they made a baby tonight, well that was fine with him. Isadora was his love, his one. He was certain of it, the way he felt was so much more than sex.

  “Fuck baby you feel so damn good.” Krispy whispered in her ear as he rolled, taking her with him so she was riding him. It wasn’t nearly as graceful as it was in the movies but he managed to make it work. Looking up at her biting her lip was almost his undoing. That and the way she grinded herself on him was making the wait even harder than he expected. Listening to all the whimpers and moans coming from Isadora caused the same reaction from him. Her body was starting to tense up and he quickened the pace, lifting her up and letting her slam back down.

  The intensity of the pleasure drawn from being inside the woman he loved was so much greater than Krispy could have ever fathomed. He had heard stories but nothing could have prepared him for her, his Isadora. She was his angel and he’d go to Hell and back for her, all without being asked.

  “God Joshua, yes! Harder! God Yes!” Izzy exclaimed as her orgasm hit hard, shaking and moaning loud enough anyone close would hear. Krispy was hot on her heels, grunting and going rigid as he spilled inside her. He held her tight down on his dick, filling her with all he had to give. Then he pulled her down so he could just hold her as the shaking slowed.

  Izzy lay in his arms feeling something she didn’t quite understand. Tara said when she met her one that she would feel things that were both exhilarating and terrifying. That’s what she was feeling and that’s when she started to get it. He was her one, Joshua Harrison was the love of her life. She knew he hadn’t used a condom but being on birth control, Izzy hadn’t given it a second thought. The young lovers lay silent for quite a while before Krispy spoke.

  “Baby I love you. I have for a while now, I was just kinda scared shitless to tell you. Izzy you’re way too good for me, but I love you.” She propped up so she could look at him, thinking how beautiful he was. Those soft baby blues got her, and his crooked nose that she thought was just perfect.

  “Joshua, you’re perfect and I love you too. I think I started falling the first day we met. Tara said something a while ago about what it felt like to meet the one you’re supposed to be with. I didn’t get it then but now, well now I know what she meant. I’m supposed to be with you.” Krispy reached up to touch her cheek, she leaned into him. Just that simple gesture sealed it, the young lovers had silently made their commitment to one another but Krispy had something he had to say.

  “There something I want to give you Izzy.” He watched her grin. “Well I’d say you already did but I’m game for more of that something.” She had this sultry, sexy look on her face. He didn’t mind giving that again and again and again but that wasn’t it. There was something much more important he wanted to give her.

  “I ain’t got much in this world. Peyton and Smoke made sure I had a place to live that’s decent. I’m getting more jobs from him so I’m making some cash, more than at the garage. This club was all I had until you and now you’re part of my world. The best part of it and I wanna give you the only thing that means more to me than the brotherhood, I wanna give you my last name.” He stopped and waited for her to comprehend what he was trying to say. Isadora was damn smart and he knew it wouldn’t take long.

  “Joshua are you asking me to marry you? Holy fucking shit!” That’s exactly what he was asking of her, he just didn’t know how else to say it. Now was the hard part, waiting for her answer. She seemed to stare at him forever, he saw her contemplating the question he’d just popped. Krispy had a bad feeling the answer wasn’t going to be the one he wanted.

  When she finally spoke it was a one word answer. “Yes.” He lay there stunned, that was the one he desperately needed but never expected. “But we need to keep this quiet for a while, my dad is going to shit a golden Twinkie.” Krispy knew Ajax would be less than thrilled but he really didn’t care. He had his woman and Krispy wanted his; permanently. She was right though, Izzy knew him better than anyone and
he would blow a gasket so quiet it would have to stay.

  They made love three more times that night, each time Krispy learned more and more about Isadora’s body and just what made her tremble. He learned equally as much about himself and what touches felt the best. Aside from being buried to the hilt, Krispy decided the way she sucked on the tip of his cock was the favorite sensation.

  He knew it could never be better than it was with her, she was why he waited. He didn’t know that then but it didn’t matter, Isadora mattered in a way he never expected. Love was a funny, frightening thing but one he welcomed with open arms.

  She lay blissfully sleeping in his arms while he lay awake relishing what had just transpired between them. Isadora would be his wife as soon as they could work out some details, like how to handle her father. Ajax would be a major obstacle but one they would have to overcome. Krispy was leaving the cleaner no choice, he was marrying Izzy and nothing would get in his way. Not Ajax, not the Bastards, not anyone. He had finally found what he saw with his married brothers and nobody was going to take that from him.

  Krispy drifted off, dreaming of Isadora in a wedding dress. She stood with him in front of Renegade saying her vows. Vows that would bind them together for the rest of his life.

  He was up with the sun, Smoke had sent him a text asking to have a minute first thing and he wouldn’t defy him, especially after his antics the day before. Krispy sat with a quick cup of coffee and jotted down something from the heart, something just for his Isadora and left it on his pillow for her to find. He quietly closed the door to his little trailer and headed down the pathway to the main house and his president. Krispy had an apology to make before Smoke said his peace.

  Isadora woke to Krispy’s poem he wrote for her, as she read the words her eyes filled with tears. He really was the love of her life.

  “The Ties That Bind”

  The first time I saw you

  And it all began.

  All I really wanted

  Was to be your man. I remember so clearly

  The first time you rode.

  You took to it perfectly

  In kick ass mode.

  I want to protect you, love you

  And hold you tight.

  No-one will harm you

  Or they’ll have a fight.

  Everything I feel reflects

  In those big brown eyes.

  Our hearts forever intertwined

  With unbreakable ties.

  SMOKE AND FIRE Smoke sat on the wrap around porch they had added when the new clubhouse was built, waiting for the young patch to come down the path. He was still pissed at the kid and as president should be handing down an ass kicking but he just couldn’t find it in himself to do it. Although his behavior was outrageous and completely out of line, Smoke understood why Krispy acted out. Peyton had explained to him what he had gone through as a child and young adult. Since Smoke had an estranged brother he hadn’t seen in years it hit close to home. He saw Krispy come through the trees looking like he was about to have his ass beat and even though it was earned, Smoke just couldn’t.

  “Sit.” The president ordered and the young man complied. There was no way he would defy him now and Smoke knew that. “Yesterday’s bullshit earned you a serious ass kicking kid, you know that right?” Krispy just nodded. There was no way out of this.

  “Yes I know but prez…” He started but stopped himself. Krispy knew how deep he was in and talking would just dig the hole deeper and climbing out would be hard enough as it was.

  “You earned it but I ain’t gonna do it. Can’t kid, I got a brother too.” The look of shock on his face said it all. He had no idea Smoke had any family left.

  “I didn’t know you have a brother. Where is he?” Smoke just shook his head. He hadn’t spoke of him in years.

  “Dunno, haven’t seen him in fifteen years. And nobody knows about him except Peyton, she thinks I should try to find him. Anyway Pops beat him something fierce right before I left for Mexico. Cash left and never looked back, I think about him sometimes; still hurts.” The look of sadness on the presidents face made Krispy’s heart ache, not just for Jake but for Smoke’s brother too.

  “He’s a year younger than me, this life wasn’t for him. All I hope is that wherever he is, he’s happy and safe.” Krispy wanted that for Jake, being a Bastards prospect was not something he ever expected and it was eating at him.

  “Prez I can’t stop thinking about Jake, how the fuck did he get involved with them?” Smoke didn’t have the answer to that question but it was one he would find out. From everything he had heard the younger Harrison wasn’t biker material. He seriously wasn’t Bastards material and that gave Smoke pause. Krispy was right, this wasn’t an accident. The Bastards went after Jake for a reason, that reason had to be Smoke and the Devils.

  The two sat bouncing ideas off each other and sipping on the coffee Peyton brought out when a bloodcurdling scream reverberated through the canyon. Krispy knew without a doubt it came from Isadora and instinct kicked in; he ran. Smoke was right behind him along with Peyton who had been standing next to her husband. The three hundred yards from the clubhouse to Krispy’s trailer seemed to be miles as he kicked up rocks in a full out dash to make it to his home and to his woman.

  He saw her standing outside and she was white as a ghost, there was an opened box in front of her and he could see blood and what looked to be hair, dark hair. “Fuck baby are you ok?” Krispy asked her as he looked down. Inside the box was the severed head of Cheyenne, one of Tara’s bakery employees and Isadora’s friend.

  Krispy grabbed her and held tight, letting her cry and silently speaking to his president. Smoke understood everything. This was a message, a warning from the Bastards. Nobody else would be so bold. He wasn’t letting go, not until she stopped shaking. Even seeing Ajax coming he had no intentions of releasing his hold on her. Daddy dearest would just have to deal.

  Ajax glared at him before he even glanced at the box and head, Krispy held his ground. Smoke said that he needed to be a man and stand tall so that’s what he was doing. “What the fuck! How did we not see them coming!” The cleaner was furious, more with Izzy being at Krispy’s then the head in the box. She let go of him to turn to her father, getting the evil eye of Ajax. As shaken up as she was, Isadora also stood her ground. She didn’t take shit from anyone and that included her father.

  “ Christ dad have some sympathy. Cheyenne is dead for fucks sake! Does it really matter how they got in!” She yelled before stomping back into the little trailer and slamming the door, causing the glass in the door to spider web.

  Smoke just chuckled, she was a bikers daughter through and through. Spunky and feisty, very much like his wife. Peyton had stood mute during all this but knew when to speak up. “Nero, I’ll handle Izzy. You guys need to find these assholes. This is our home and we all have children here, something has to give. Nora plays outside, so does Micah and Noelle. I don’t care how we make it safe, it just has to happen.” The queen told him as she walked towards the trailer door. She made eye contact with Smoke just before she opened the door. He knew what wasn’t said and he would damn sure take care of it.

  Krispy hadn’t said anything either but he had a few thoughts. “They have to be close prez, close enough to know what we’re doing and when. I know you guys burned the barn at the old Steele farm but was the house still standing? That should be the first place we go looking.” Smoke nodded, knowing the youngest patch was right. The Bastards wouldn’t be far, they’d be close enough to spit on.

  Krispy left his love in the capable hands of the queen, following Smoke back to the clubhouse. Ajax was right behind him and that was a place he didn’t want the cleaner to be. It was asking for a blindside. He stepped up his pace, using opening the door for his president as an excuse to make his way in front of Smoke. Krispy could have sworn he heard Ajax chuckle under his breath, all he could think was asshole.

  “Ok brothers, the kid has a point. These fucke
rs need to be found, they just crossed the line. Cheyenne’s death hits home. She was Tara’s employee so that means she was part of this club in a round about way.” The rest had filed in and taken a seat at the bar. Renegade smirked and they all knew the knives were coming out to play. Ren loved his knives. “There’s the other girl, what’s her name?”

  “Krissi.” The feminine voice didn’t belong to the queen but she had come in. The voice was Isadora and by the looks of things she was furious. “Someone needs to go get her before she gets killed. Whatever you guys are doing, I’m in.” Smoke was grinning but Krispy had a look of fear on his face.

  “Baby no, you gotta stay here where you’re safe…” Krispy started to tell her before she stood up and got right in his face.

  “ The fuck I do! I shoot as well as Peyton and ride just as good as y’all do so if anyone thinks I’m staying on the sidelines, well you’re all morons. They murdered my friend, they’re coming after the man I love. Those assholes just pissed off the wrong girl!” Isadora had fire none of them knew about, including her father. Her declaration of love was more of a shock to the cleaner than the fact she wasn’t about to sit this one out.

  Krispy knew he had just lost this argument and by the looks of it, so did the rest of them. Smoke nodded her direction then continued. He ordered the bakery closed, stating if the Bastards got to Cheyenne so easily no more chances could be taken. Jace was given the task of retrieving Krissi and bringing her back to the compound and investigating the bakery. The last time anyone had seen Cheyenne she was finishing up some last minute orders so that’s where they would begin. Wisha volunteered to help along with Falcon. She had a private investigation firm.

  Renegade had gotten Smokes attention, he knew they needed to find the body. “Let me take the kid and find the rest of that girl. Her parents deserve to be able to bury their daughter.” Smoke nodded knowing it was the right thing to do. Krispy was just happy they were letting him help. Izzy stepped up to the conversation and all three men knew she was about to win whatever argument she started so as the president, Smoke made a very presidential decision; stop her before she started.


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