Bad Daddy: Dirty Little Secret Duet book 1

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Bad Daddy: Dirty Little Secret Duet book 1 Page 8

by J. D. Hollyfield

  When I flip, I catch the most breathtaking view: Heath naked, his cock thick and hard.

  “I love the way you stare at me. I can see the hunger in your eyes.” He climbs on the bed and my mouth waters. “Don’t worry. I know what you want. Slide up. Hands above your head.” I adjust myself to his liking, and he binds my hands, then latches them onto a chain I hadn’t noticed. “There’s something extremely erotic in the way you enjoy taking my cock. Your eyes don’t lie. And I fucking love it.” He’s on his knees over me, his beautiful cock moving to my lips. My belly clenches as my mouth opens wide to take him.

  I’m not the only one with telling eyes. I bask in the way his become heavy as I suck the tip of his cock into my mouth, swirling my tongue around him. I tug at my hands, wanting to stroke him, frustrated I can’t.

  “Looks like you’re going to have to work extra hard to please me, naughty girl.” My belly flips. That challenge has my sex already throbbing for more. I take him deep, allowing him to hit the back of my throat. He moans and thrusts harder, causing me to gag, but I hold firm and suck him hard and steady. Bringing his hands to my hair, he roughly guides my head back and forth. “Fuck, your mouth is like heaven. Jesus,” he grunts, thrusting fervidly down my throat. “My cock was made for this mouth.” He tugs at my hair, squeezing it between his firm grip. I can’t stop my own moan from rising up as he pumps in and out of me. His cock swells even more in my mouth. He growls so ferociously, I almost orgasm as he shoots his release down my throat. “Like a little goddess taking all of me.”

  He pulls out, wiping at my soaked chin, using his juices to write his initials on my chest. “Mine,” he states, admiring his handiwork. He releases my hands, and they drop like dead weight to my sides. His low and sexy chuckle tickles my insides as he climbs off the bed in search of something. When he returns, he’s holding two little clamps in his hand.

  “Do you know what these are, Violet?” He lets the clamps hang in his grip.

  “Nipple clamps?” I guess, and his mischievous smile confirms I’m right.

  “Good girl. I’m going to put these on your nipples and fuck you ’til you scream that you can’t take any more. When you’re about to explode around me, I’m going to take them off, and you’re going to experience such intense pleasure, it may blind you.” A shiver of excitement runs down my spine as he places each clamp on my hardened nipples. I hiss at the initial pain, but it slowly turns into a throbbing pleasure. Working himself between my legs, Heath drives into me.

  The fierceness and fullness of him is already too much, and I throw my head back as my hips leave the bed. He doesn’t allow me time to adjust before he retreats and rams back into me. With each thrust, he sends me over the edge of euphoria. There’s so much possessiveness in how he claims every part of me. I pant, scream, and beg for more. A wave of dizziness washes over me, and he grips my hair, forcing my eyes to remain locked on his. No words are spoken, but his eyes are loud with purpose, staking his claim as he fucks me. His intention to break me is clear, and my walls collapse around him. Two fingers shove into my mouth, demanding I suck as he pulls off the clamps. When the blood rushes back to my flesh, I scream and almost bite Heath’s fingers off as I fly over a dangerous edge of pure, raw ecstasy.

  He wasn’t lying when he said I would see stars. I also see a bright light, which I assume means I’ve died. I don’t bother to breathe either, because who needs air in heaven?

  “Hey, naughty girl, stay with me.” Heath chuckles low, tapping on my cheek. “Gonna need you to take some breaths.”

  “I think I’m dead,” I mumble, unable to open my eyes. The blinding, orgasmic light just caused them to short circuit. When they finally reopen, I’m met with Heath’s handsome face.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m not sure yet.” He’s still hard inside me. “Oh no, did you not finish—?”

  “Oh, I did. I think you may have blacked out for it, though.”

  “Oh my god,” I groan in embarrassment, covering my face.

  Heath wrestles my hands away. “Don’t ever hide from me, Violet. Ever.”

  “Even when I pass out and miss your explosive orgasm?”

  “Even then.” He chuckles, dropping his mouth to mine, then climbs off the bed. Before I have a chance to ask where he’s going, he scoops me into his arms. “Let’s go soak in the bath before round two, shall we?”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No. Let’s go.”

  I’m not moving. “Heath, I’m naked. What if someone sees us? What if your neighbors see?” Ignoring my hesitance, he tugs me outside into the blazing sun.

  “I don’t have neighbors, and I’m the only one who will see.”

  “Well, what about…like, your butler or maid? You probably have those, being this rich and all—”

  I jump as he spanks me hard. “They’re off this weekend. Let’s go.” I quit fighting him, and we both walk naked down the gorgeous patio to his Olympic-sized inground pool. The sun beating down compliments his toned skin, and I steal a peek at his tight tush. A small grin appears on my face at the scratch marks I left. He took me to levels of euphoria I never knew existed until I for real passed out. I woke up to a plethora of breakfast foods, and now he’s dragging me out to the pool for a swim.

  “Watch it. Before you get in, I have a present for you.”

  The last time I got a present, it was the diamond charm still around my neck. When he pulls out my gift, my eyes go wide. “Is that it?”

  He laughs. “It is. Do you know what it is?”

  “Survey says butt plug?”

  “Good girl.”

  “So, did you just want me to hold it or…?”

  Heath’s head shoots back, and a playful laugh falls out of his mouth. “Bend over, Violet.”

  Shit. I shouldn’t be surprised at anything coming from Heath now, but this…I’m not sure I’m ready for it. “Come on, naughty girl. I won’t hurt you. You’ll thank me later.”

  I roll my eyes, getting another smack across my ass, but do as he says. “Relax, babe.” I love the new nickname. It helps me loosen up. His arm stretches in front of me and coerces the plug into my mouth. “Suck.” I wrap my lips around the contraption, soaking it with my saliva. He pulls out and readjust himself. “Take a deep breath.” I inhale slowly as he slides the plug into my hole.

  “Oh! That feels…”

  “Good? Bad?”

  “Strange. Not in a bad way, just unfamiliar.”

  Heath taps my ass gently, and the plug vibrates. “Don’t worry. You’ll adjust. Let’s get in.” He grabs my hand, and we walk into the pool. It’s still hot outside, so the cool water feels refreshing against my skin. Heath carries me in his arms as we float to the deeper end, finding a ledge and he presses me against it.

  “Tell me something about you.”

  His question throws me off guard. It’s the first personal question he’s asked about me. I’m not even sure what to say. “I don’t know that I have anything exciting.”

  “Enlighten me.”

  “Well…I grew up a few hours from here. It’s just me and my mom. I never knew my dad. My house was a revolving door for new “dads,” which may have something to do with my daddy fetish for you.”

  His lips graze mine. “I’m quite fond of your daddy fetish.”

  “I bet you are. Anyway, I came to school to get away from her and her madness, only to wind up with my own daddy issues.”

  His hands cup my ass, causing friction between my cheeks. “I like where you ended up.” He places another kiss on my lips.

  “Me too,” I reply honestly. I have no idea what the future holds or how this ends, but I want it to end with him—with us. “Tell me something about you?” I say, masking my emotions.

  “Ahhh, you want to hear the story about the big bad wolf?” Another kiss. “I’m not sure what Hazel’s shared with you about her mom. We had a unique marriage. As you know, I have specific tastes. Well, one day, I found her bent over
in some sort of pretzel position with her yoga instructor’s dick way up her ass. As you know, I don’t share, so I kicked her out and told her to never come back. Sounds harsh, but she was never there for Hazel to begin with. It was for the best.”

  I’m a bit taken aback at how much he shared. Also, I hate his wife. “Where does the fast car obsession come in.”

  His smile brushes against my mouth as he sucks on my bottom lip. “To spite her. She walked away with nothing, which was a clause in our prenup if either of us cheated. Every year, I buy a car on her wish list just to rub it in her face.” He bites down, and my belly tightens as I clench my butt cheeks. The feeling is strange, but it’s starting to create this warm sensation below.

  “That’s not very nice of you, Mr. Winters,” I bait him, stretching my neck to the side to offer him full access.

  “I never claimed to be a good man, naughty girl.” His mouth grazes down my nape to claim the flesh at my collarbone and his teeth mark me as he bites down. The pain morphs into extreme pleasure, and I clench again, hitting my peak. All it takes is his knee pushing against my throbbing sex for me to orgasm.

  “Shit,” I mumble, hiding my face in his shoulder. “How did that happen so easily?”

  “Because it’s a gift.” He kisses me hard and with intent. My arms trap him against me as our tongues dance around one another.

  “Favorite color?” I ask, deepening our kiss.

  “Black. Yours?”

  “Purple. Favorite movie?”

  “Godfather. Yours?”

  “Pitch Perfect. What did you want to be when you grew up?”


  I laugh. “Just rich?”

  “Rich and deep inside the most beautiful girl.” My legs are quickly kicked open, and he thrusts inside, driving deep into my aching sex. Between the welcome intrusion at my back hole and his large cock claiming my needy cunt, I’ve never felt fuller than I do in this exact moment. My heart threatens to burst, and I swallow back a cry of desire, my consuming emotions becoming too much. My fingers curl in his thick hair, and I tug and pull, needing him to understand how drunk I am on him. To show him how hard I’ve fallen.

  We’re lying on the floor of the entertainment room, full and sated. I’m sprawled over his chest while he plays with my hair as the credits roll. Heath refused to feed me pizza two nights in a row, claiming I deserved a fancier meal, so he grilled steaks. Learning he could cook was totally hot, and I found myself stretched over his swanky marble counter being eaten for dessert. He insisted we watch a movie of my choice, but we only made it halfway through before I was riding his cock and screaming his name.



  “When do you think we’ll tell Hazel?” The second his body tenses, I regret asking. Everything has been so perfect, and I ruined it.

  “That’s not for you to be concerned with.” His tone is flat and cold.

  “Yeah, but if we’re going to make this work, she needs to know. I can’t keep lying to her. I care about her—”

  His hold on my hair tightens, but he quickly releases it, moving me off him to stand. I hate myself for opening my mouth as I watch him start to dress. “I care about my daughter, and I know she won’t be accepting of this. You want me? You want this? You take what you can get.”

  Gone is the gentle Heath I’ve gotten to know the past two days. Before me is the ruthless businessman. I stand as well, searching for my own clothes, trying to mask the hurt at his ultimatum. “I do want this, but I don’t want to continue to be your dirty little secret. I lo—I want this, Heath. If you do too, then you need to tell her.”

  The fire in his eyes becomes unsettling, making me feel too exposed. His jaw is clenched tight, and I swear I hear his teeth grinding. “Don’t push my hand on this, Violet. You will not win.”

  “Win? This isn’t a game. She needs to know. I…I’ve fallen in love with you, okay? I’m in love with the idea of us. A real us. Not one where I’m hidden in the dark as your little toy.” He’s on me, gripping my bicep hard. I wince in pain, tugging at my arm.

  “You think I want to do this to her? The last thing I want is to hurt my baby girl. She’s already been burned by one parent. I won’t have her lose another.”

  “Then let’s tell her together. Yes, she’s going to be mad, but if she loves you, she’ll understand. She’ll want you to be happy.”

  “And you think that’s with you?”

  His words hurt like sharp knives stabbing viciously into my heart. I don’t think before my hand slaps across his cheek. I go for another round, but he catches my wrist and twists until I have no choice but to buckle to his hold.

  “Watch it, naughty girl.”

  “Fuck you, Heath. I’m not playing this game anymore. Clearly, I was wrong about what we had.” He pulls me into him, his dark eyes unsettling, and I’m afraid of what I’ve done.

  “You’re not the one who makes the rules. I say when we’re—”


  I immediately freeze, and Heath stiffens around me as our eyes shift to Hazel standing in the doorway. “Violet?” Her voice cracks, and my stomach bottoms out.

  “Baby girl, this… it’s not what you think.” Heath lets me go, and I drop to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. Tell me this is not what it looks like. I swear to God…” Hazel turns on her heel and runs out of the room, and Heath takes off after her while I scramble to find my clothes. Yelling sounds from the hallway as I dress. By the time I’m in the main room, Hazel is in tears.

  “How could you, you slut! He’s my fucking dad!” she screams, coming at me, but Heath grabs her before she makes contact.

  “Hazel, I swear, I didn’t plan this. It just happened—”

  “Fuck you, you whore!”

  “Hazel, baby girl, please.” Heath tries to dissolve the situation, but she pushes off him, breathing heavily.

  “Oh, no. Don’t you pull this baby girl bullshit on me! You should know better. You should fucking know better!” she yells, her voice cracking. “How could you? She was my friend.”

  “I’m still your friend!”

  She comes at me again, and Heath barely catches her before she takes a swing, her nails making contact and scratching down my cheek. “Fuck you! You’re not my friend! You never were. Slut! Whore! Fucking tramp! No wonder your mother hates you. You probably did sleep with her boyfriends!”

  “Hazel, that’s enough!” Heath growls, but her words already do the damage she intended. I take in the scene before me. A ruined relationship between a father and daughter because of my issues. I should have never pursued Heath. I should have cared enough about my relationship with Hazel to stay away. Cared enough about myself and not wanting to be exactly what my mother blamed me for being. But it’s what I’ve become.

  I wipe away the shameful tears, trying to gather myself. “I’m sorry. I never meant for you to find out this way.”

  “Too late. Get the fuck out of my house.” She heaves in her father’s arms.

  “I’ll take you home.”

  “No, you won’t!” Hazel snaps. “She’s a big girl, she can find her own way home.”


  I step in, needing this to end. “No, she’s right. I’m fine.” I barely keep eye contact with Heath as I grab my bag and leave. The second the door slams shut, there’s an explosion of glass shattering, Hazel’s screams, and Heath’s booming growl. I don’t stick around to see how it pans out and catch the first bus right back to campus.


  I’ve had some low times in my life, but nothing compares to the devastation of what I’ve done. I woke up this morning after spending most of the night crying, hoping I would have a message, a missed call, anything that shows I was something more to Heath than a dirty little secret. My heart broke for how Hazel found out. It should have never been that way. We should have told her.

  Just when I think there’s nothing l
eft in me, my eyes still manage to work up the tears. I’ve left several messages for Hazel to call me back, hear me out, let me explain. But they’ve all gone unanswered. She truly hates me, and she should. I don’t know where to go from here. Do I move out? Wait for her to return so she can scratch my eyes out? Do I fight for this? What is there to fight for when he doesn’t want you? The truth is a hard pill to swallow, and I’m forced to choke on the reality of it all. He doesn’t really want me. I punch my pillow, ashamed that I allowed this fantasy to go this far. I let my mind create this perfect world where we actually worked. Where Hazel accepted us along with the rest of the world. Where we took the good with the bad while living together in this happily ever after.

  “So fucking foolish. I am just like my mother,” I cry into my pillow, hating the person I’ve become. How could I even think Hazel would accept it? I was fucking her dad for Christ’s sake! I am a whore, a slut. I cry for the wrong I’ve done and the mess I’m unable to clean up. When there are no more tears to shed, I get up and come to terms with my actions. If there’s one thing I can do for Hazel, it’s to not be here when she gets back to school.

  I have no idea where I’ll go, but I pack enough stuff to last me a few days until I figure out my living situation. The money I have saved will allow me to get a cheap motel for a couple days until the school places me somewhere else. I think about what my mom is going to say. Her words ring like broken bells in my ear. “I told you so.” She always knew I was a temptress, luring those men in. This is no different.

  With it being Sunday, registration and housing are closed. I trek the three miles past campus to the cheapest motel, taking a detour at a coffee café when I see him. Fuck.

  “Hey, there. Wow, you look like…you okay?” Jim is sitting in the booth alone, a bunch of papers in front of him.

  “Yeah. Hey. Just having trouble sleeping.” I step up in line when he scoots out of his seat, pulls me away, and guides me to sit down. I should tell him no, but I’m on autopilot. My feet are sore from walking in the heat, and I’m mentally and physically exhausted. “Let me get you some water. Coffee?” I nod, thankful he can be nice to me after the way I treated him. I don’t deserve him to be.


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