The Spook's Apprentice

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The Spook's Apprentice Page 6

by Joseph Delaney

  He reached into his right pocket and pulled out a small book bound with black leather. Then he handed it to me. ‘Here, this is yours now,’ he said. ‘Take care of it, and whatever you do, don’t lose it.’

  The smell of leather was very strong and the book appeared to be brand new. It was a bit of a disappointment to open it and find it full of blank pages. I suppose I’d expected it to be full of the secrets of the Spook’s trade - but no, it seemed that I was expected to write them down, because next the Spook pulled a pen and a small bottle of ink from his pocket.

  ‘Prepare to take notes,’ he said, standing up and beginning to pace back and forth in front of the bench again. ‘And be careful not to spill the ink, lad. It doesn’t dribble from a cow’s udder.’

  I managed to uncork the bottle, then, very carefully, I dipped the nib of the pen into it and opened the notebook at the first page.

  The Spook had already begun the lesson and he was talking very fast.

  ‘Firstly, there are hairy boggarts which take the shape of animals. Most are dogs but there are almost as many cats and the odd goat or two. But don’t forget to include horses as well - they can be very tricky. And whatever their shape, hairy boggarts can be divided up into those which are hostile, friendly or somewhere between.

  ‘Then there are hall-knockers, which sometimes develop into stone-chuckers, which can get very angry when provoked. One of the nastiest types of all is the cattle-ripper because it’s just as partial to human blood. But don’t run away with the idea that we spooks just deal with boggarts, because the unquiet dead are never very far away. Then, to make things worse, witches are a real problem in the County. We don’t have any local witches to worry about now, but to the east, near Pendle Hill, they’re a real menace. And remember, not all witches are the same. They fall into four rough categories - the malevolent, the benign, the falsely accused and the unaware.’

  By now, as you might have guessed, I was in real trouble. To begin with, he was talking so fast I hadn’t managed to write down a single word. Secondly, I didn’t even know all the big words he was using. However, just then he paused. I think he must have noticed the dazed expression on my face.

  ‘What’s the problem, lad?’ he asked. ‘Come on, spit it out. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.’

  ‘I didn’t understand all that you said about witches,’ I said. ‘I don’t know what "malevolent" means. Or "benign" either.’

  ‘Malevolent means evil,’ he explained. ‘Benign means good. And an unaware witch means a witch who doesn’t know she’s a witch, and because she’s a woman that makes her double trouble. Never trust a woman,’ said the Spook.

  ‘My mother’s a woman,’ I said, suddenly feeling a little angry, ‘and I trust her.’

  ‘Mothers usually are women,’ said the Spook. ‘And mothers are usually quite trustworthy, as long as you’re their son. Otherwise look out! I had a mother once and I trusted her, so I remember the feeling well. Do you like girls?’ he asked suddenly.

  ‘I don’t really know any girls,’ I admitted. ‘I don’t have any sisters.’

  ‘Well, in that case you could fall easy victim to their tricks. So watch out for the village girls. Especially any who wear pointy shoes. Jot that down. It’s as good a place to start as any.’

  I wondered what was so terrible about wearing pointy shoes. I knew my mam wouldn’t be happy with what the Spook had just said. She believed you should take people as you find them, not just depend on someone else’s opinion. Still, what choice did I have? So at the top of the very first page I wrote down ‘Village Girls with Pointy Shoes’.

  He watched me write, then asked for the book and pen. ‘Look,’ he said, ‘you’re going to have to take notes faster than that. There’s a lot to learn and you’ll have filled a dozen notebooks before long, but for now three or four headings will be enough to get you started.’

  He then wrote ‘Hairy Boggarts’ at the top of page two. Then ‘Hall-Knockers’ at the top of page three; then, finally, ‘Witches’ at the top of page four.

  ‘There,’ he said. ‘That’s got you started. Just write anything you learn today under one of those four headings. But now for something more urgent. We need provisions. So go down to the village or we’ll go hungry tomorrow. Even the best cook can’t cook without provisions. Remember that everything goes inside my sack. The butcher has it, so go there first. Just ask for Mr Gregory’s order.’

  He gave me a small silver coin, warning me not to lose my change, then sent me off down the hill on the quickest route to the village.

  Soon I was walking through trees again, until at last I reached a stile that brought me onto a steep, narrow lane. A hundred or so paces further, I turned a corner and the grey slates of Chipenden’s rooftops came into view.

  The village was larger than I’d expected. There were at least a hundred cottages, then a pub, a schoolhouse and a big church with a bell tower. There was no sign of a market square, but the cobbled main street, which sloped quite steeply, was full of women with loaded baskets scurrying in and out of shops. Horses and carts were waiting on both sides of the street so it was clear that the local farmers’ wives came here to shop and, no doubt, also folk from hamlets nearby.

  I found the butcher’s shop without any trouble and joined a queue of boisterous women, all calling out to the butcher, a cheerful, big, red-faced man with a ginger beard. He seemed to know every single one of them by name and they kept laughing loudly at his jokes, which came thick and fast. I didn’t understand most of them but the women certainly did and they really seemed to be enjoying themselves.

  Nobody paid me much attention, but at last I reached the counter and it was my turn to be served.

  ‘I’ve called for Mr Gregory’s order,’ I told the butcher.

  As soon as I’d spoken, the shop became quiet and the laughter stopped. The butcher reached behind the counter and pulled out a large sack. I could hear people whispering behind me, but even straining my ears, I couldn’t quite catch what they were saying. When I glanced behind, they were looking everywhere but at me. Some were even staring down at the floor.

  I gave the butcher the silver coin, checked my change carefully, thanked him and carried the sack out of the shop, swinging it up onto my shoulder when I reached the street. The visit to the greengrocer’s took no time at all. The provisions there were already wrapped so I put the parcel in the sack, which was now starting to feel a bit heavy.

  Until then everything had gone well, but as I went into the baker’s, I saw the gang of lads.

  There were seven or eight of them sitting on a garden wall. Nothing odd about that, except for the fact that they weren’t speaking to each other - they were all busy staring at me with hungry faces, like a pack of wolves, watching every step I took as I approached the baker’s.

  When I came out of the shop they were still there and now, as I began to climb the hill, they started to follow me. Well, although it was too much of a coincidence to think that they’d just decided to go up the same hill, I wasn’t that worried. Six brothers had given me plenty of practice at fighting.

  I heard the sound of their boots getting closer and closer. They were catching up with me pretty quickly but maybe that was because I was walking slower and slower. You see, I didn’t want them to think I was scared, and in any case, the sack was heavy and the hill I was climbing was very steep.

  They caught up with me about a dozen paces before the stile, just at the point where the lane divided a small wood, the trees crowding in on either side to shut out the morning sun.

  ‘Open the sack and let’s see what we’ve got,’ said a voice behind me.

  It was a loud, deep voice accustomed to telling people what to do. There was a hard edge of danger that told me its owner liked to cause pain and was always looking out for his next victim.

  I turned to face him but gripped the sack even tighter, keeping it firmly on my shoulder. The one who’d spoken was the leader of the gang. There was no do
ubt about that. The rest of them had thin, pinched faces, as if they were in need of a good meal, but he looked as if he’d been eating for all of them. He was at least a head taller than me, with broad shoulders and a neck like a bull’s. His face was broad too, with red cheeks, but his eyes were very small and he didn’t seem to blink at all.

  I suppose if he hadn’t been there and hadn’t tried to bully me, I might have relented. After all, some of the boys looked half starved and there were a lot of apples and cakes in the sack. On the other hand, they weren’t mine to give away.

  ‘This doesn’t belong to me,’ I said. ‘It belongs to Mr Gregory.’

  ‘His last apprentice didn’t let that bother him,’ said the leader, moving his big face closer to mine. ‘He used to open the sack for us. If you’ve any sense you’ll do the same. If you won’t do it the easy way then it’ll have to be the hard way. But you won’t like that very much and it’ll all come down to the same thing in the end.’

  The gang began to move in closer and I could feel someone behind me tugging at the sack. Even then, I wouldn’t let go and I stared back into the piggy eyes of the leader, trying hard not to blink.

  At that moment something happened that took us all by surprise. There was a movement in the trees somewhere to my right and we all turned towards it.

  There was a dark shape in the shadows, and as my eyes adjusted to the gloom, I saw that it was a girl. She was moving slowly towards us, but her approach was so silent that you could have heard a pin drop and so smooth that she seemed to be floating rather than walking. Then she stopped just on the edge of the tree shadows, as if she didn’t want to step into the sunlight.

  ‘Why don’t you leave him be?’ she demanded. It seemed like a question but the tone in her voice told me it was a command.

  ‘What’s it to you?’ asked the leader of the gang, jutting his chin forwards and bunching his fists.

  ‘Ain’t me you need to worry about,’ she answered from the shadows. ‘Lizzie’s back, and if you don’t do what I say, it’s her you’ll answer to.’

  ‘Lizzie?’ asked the lad, taking a step backwards.

  ‘Bony Lizzie. She’s my aunt. Don’t tell me you ain’t heard of her...’

  Have you ever felt time slow so much that it almost appears to stop? Ever listened to a clock when the next tick seems to take for ever to follow the last tock? Well, it was just like that until, very suddenly, the girl hissed loudly through her clenched teeth. Then she spoke again.

  ‘Go on,’ she said. ‘Be off with you! Be gone, be quick or be dead!’

  The effect on the gang was immediate. I glimpsed the expression on some of their faces and saw that they weren’t just afraid. They were terrified and close to panic. Their leader turned on his heels and immediately fled down the hill with the others close behind him.

  I didn’t know why they were so scared but I felt like running too. The girl was staring at me with wide eyes and I didn’t feel able to control my limbs properly. I felt like a mouse paralysed by the stare of a stoat about to pounce at any moment.

  I forced my left foot to move and slowly turned my body towards the trees to follow the direction my nose was pointing, but I was still gripping the Spook’s sack. Whoever she was, I still wasn’t going to give it up.

  ‘Ain’t you going to run as well?’ she asked me.

  I shook my head but my mouth was very dry and I couldn’t trust myself to try and speak. I knew the words would come out wrong.

  She was probably about my own age - if anything slightly younger. Her face was nice enough, for she had large brown eyes, high cheekbones and long black hair. She wore a black dress tied tightly at the waist with a piece of white string. But as I took all this in, I suddenly noticed something that troubled me.

  The girl was wearing pointy shoes, and immediately I remembered the Spook’s warning. But I stood my ground, determined not to run like the others.

  ‘Ain’t you going to thank me?’ she asked. ‘Be nice to get some thanks.’

  ‘Thanks,’ I said lamely, just managing to get the word out first time.

  ‘Well, that’s a start,’ she said. ‘But to thank me properly, you need to give me something, don’t you? A cake and an apple will do for now. It ain’t much to ask. There’s plenty in the sack and Old Gregory won’t notice, and if he does, he won’t say anything.’

  I was shocked to hear her call the Spook ‘Old Gregory’. I knew he wouldn’t like being called that and it told me two things. Firstly, the girl had little respect for him, and secondly, she wasn’t the least bit afraid of him. Back where I came from, most people shivered even at the thought that the Spook might be in the neighbourhood.

  ‘I’m sorry.’ I said, ‘but I can’t do that. They’re not mine to give.’

  She glared at me hard then and didn’t speak for a long time. I thought at one point that she was going to hiss at me through her teeth. I stared back at her, trying not to blink, until at last a faint smile lit up her face and she spoke again.

  ‘Then I’ll have to settle for a promise.’

  ‘A promise?’ I asked, wondering what she meant.

  ‘A promise to help me just as I helped you. I don’t need any help right now, but perhaps one day I might.’

  ‘That’s fine,’ I told her. ‘If you ever need any help in the future then just ask.’

  ‘What’s your name?’ she asked, giving me a really broad smile.

  ‘Tom Ward.’

  ‘Well, my name’s Alice and I live yonder,’ she said, pointing back through the trees. ‘I’m Bony Lizzie’s favourite niece.’

  Bony Lizzie was a strange name but it would have been rude to mention it. Whoever she was, her name had been enough to scare the village lads.

  That was the end of our conversation. We both turned then to go our separate ways, but as we walked away, Alice called over her shoulder, ‘Take care now. You don’t want to end up like Old Gregory’s last apprentice.’

  ‘What happened to him?’ I asked.

  ‘Better ask Old Gregory!’ she shouted, as she disappeared back into the trees.

  When I got back, the Spook checked the contents of the sack carefully, ticking things off from a list.

  ‘Did you have any trouble down in the village?’ he asked, when he’d finally finished.

  ‘Some lads followed me up the hill and asked me to open the sack but I told them no,’ I said.

  ‘That was very brave of you,’ said the Spook. ‘Next time it won’t do any harm to let them have a few apples and cakes. Life’s hard enough as it is, but some of them come from very poor families. I always order extra in case they ask for some.’

  I felt annoyed then. If only he’d told me that in advance! ‘I didn’t like to do it without asking you first,’ I said.

  The Spook raised his eyebrows. ‘Did you want to give them a few apples and cakes?’

  ‘I don’t like being bullied,’ I said, ‘but some of them did look really hungry.’

  ‘Then next time trust your instincts and use your initiative,’ said the Spook. ‘Trust the voice inside you. It’s rarely wrong. A spook depends a lot on that because it can sometimes mean the difference between life and death. So that’s another thing we need to find out about you. Whether or not your instincts can be relied on.’

  He paused, staring at me hard, his green eyes searching my face. ‘Any trouble with girls?’ he asked suddenly.

  It was because I was still annoyed that I didn’t give a straight answer to his question.

  ‘No trouble at all,’ I answered.

  It wasn’t a lie because Alice had helped me, which was the opposite of trouble. Still, I knew he really meant had I met any girls and I knew I should have told him about her. Especially with her wearing pointy shoes.

  I made lots of mistakes as an apprentice and that was my second serious one - not telling the Spook the whole truth.

  The first, even more serious one was making the promise to Alice.

  Chapter Seven
br />   Someone Has To Do It

  After that my life settled into a busy routine. The Spook taught me fast and made me write until my wrist ached and my eyes stung.

  One afternoon he took me to the far end of the village, beyond the last stone cottage to a small circle of willow trees, which are called ‘withy trees’ in the County. It was a gloomy spot and there, hanging from a branch, was a rope. I looked up and saw a big brass bell.

  ‘When somebody needs help,’ said the Spook, ‘they don’t come up to the house. Nobody comes unless they’re invited. I’m strict about that. They come down here and ring that bell. Then we go to them.’

  The trouble was that even after weeks had gone by, nobody came to ring the bell, and I only ever got to go further than the western garden when it was time to fetch the weekly provisions from the village. I was lonely too, missing my family, so it was a good job the Spook kept me busy - that meant I didn’t have time to dwell on it. I always went to bed tired and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

  The lessons were the most interesting part of each day but I didn’t learn much about ghasts, ghosts and witches. The Spook had told me that the main topic in an apprentice’s first year was boggarts, together with such subjects as botany, which meant learning all about plants, some of which were really useful as medicines or could be eaten if you had no other food. But my lessons weren’t just writing. Some of the work was just as hard and physical as anything I’d done back home on our farm.

  It started on a warm, sunny morning, when the Spook told me to put away my notebook and led the way towards his southern garden. He gave me two things to carry: a spade and a long measuring rod.


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