Something Fishy About Love: Vampire & Mermaid Romance (A Monstrana Paranormal Romance Book 3)

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Something Fishy About Love: Vampire & Mermaid Romance (A Monstrana Paranormal Romance Book 3) Page 3

by Lacy Andersen

  The clatter of something falling behind him made him freeze. Someone was following him. The hairs sticking up on the back of his neck confirmed the suspicion. He turned in a flash of fangs and a nasty snarl, only to have a metal bat strike across his temple, knocking him out cold.

  When he awoke an hour later, it was to the scent of bad body odor, rotten garlic, and sea salt. He wrinkled his nose and groaned, trying to understand what had happened. Someone had knocked him out. Of that, he was sure.

  It wasn’t easy to take out a vampire, but use enough force and sometimes it worked. He clutched at his chest, half expecting to find a dagger sticking out of it. The only reason to decommission a vampire was to kill it. Luckily, there was no sign of any such wounds.


  “Don’t move, you filthy blood sucker.”

  A voice came from the darkness. Leo squinted and saw a massive hulking form appear. As it grew closer, it split off into three separate bodies with green skin and stringy black hair.

  “Earl, I should’ve known you and your brothers were behind this.” Leo frowned at the trio. “Determined to be sore losers, are we?”

  “You cheated.” Earl pointed a thick finger at him, determination etched into the deep lines on his forehead. “And we want our revenge.”

  He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. As if three dumb ogres could take him. Catching him unawares on the dock had been a fluke. They were lucky to still be in one piece. He would like nothing better than to drag them by their droopy ears back to the castle and deliver them to the guard.

  “Let me go, Earl, and we’ll forget this ever happened.” Leo gave him a dazzling smile that held a hint of danger. “You don’t want the entire Monstranian army to come down on you, do you?”

  “Army?” Earl slapped his knee and laughed. He pointed at Leo’s feet, tears springing to the corners of his eyes. “What army? You’ll be sleeping with the fishes long before they even notice you’re missing.”

  Concern crossed Leo’s face. He looked at where the ogre had pointed and saw his feet encased in a large cement block, all the way up to his shins. Even more concerning was the sound of water lapping against the side of the boat they were on. Panic shot through his veins as he scrambled around for something to bash the cement apart. Nothing.

  “It’s too late, vampire.”

  Earl and one of his brothers closed in, their thick hands grasping his arms like vices. The third ogre grabbed his feet and grunted as he lifted the heavy weight.

  “Come on guys, we can talk this one through.” Leo struggled uselessly against their hold. Sweat trickled down his forehead. “You want money? I can get you money. Ten times what I won. I can get you a whole castle, if that’s what you want.”

  “No can do.” Earl gave him a grimace of a smile. “We’ve got a reputation to protect. Cross an ogre once, and you won’t live to tell the tale.”

  His brothers grunted in agreement. They lifted him up to the side of the boat and held him precariously on the rim of the boat, his torso hanging over the water and his cement shoes still inside. Leo clutched at the slippery fiberglass, his fingernails scraping against the smooth surface.

  Where was Rodrigo when he needed him? Probably rolling in cat nip somewhere, too busy giving himself a bath to wonder where his employer had gone. Leo would have to have a talk with him about his loyalties when he got back home. If he ever got back home...

  From what he could see, they were miles from shore. No lights, no buildings of any kind. Just inky, black sky above and a shuddering depth of deep blue below.

  There was no way out of this one.

  The moment they dropped him over the side, he’d sink to the bottom of the Bering Sea like a useless artifact. The water would crush his lungs and he’d be forever cursed to waking up in the depths and passing out again as his immortal body scrambled to repair itself. A punishment fit for a monster.

  “Wait, wait, wait.” He bit down hard on the inside of his mouth until he tasted blood. “Don’t do this. Please.”

  “Nighty, night, dark prince.” Earl licked his lips victoriously. “Enjoy the trip.”

  Leo sucked in one last breath of cool ocean air as the brothers gave him a shove. He hardly made a splash in the bitterly cold water. The cement encasing his feet pulled him down, down, down, until he couldn’t tell the difference between sky and ocean. Bubbles cascaded around his body. He swung out his arms for something to grab, but there was nothing but empty space. After what felt like an eternity, his feet hit bottom and the dizzying descent ended in a sudden dull thump.

  In the blurry darkness of the ocean floor, there was nothing. Nothing but utter hopelessness. Leo fought to release his feet as his chest constricted from the pressure of the water and the lack of air.

  There was no relief. It would’ve been better if they’d killed him. He stopped flailing and slouched in defeat, closing his eyes against the unbearable pain in his lungs.

  Worst of all, his family would never know what had happened to him. They’d search the world over for a sign of their family member and never know what had become of him. They’d already lost so much of their family.

  How could he have done this to them?


  Eina tread water and eyed the small white boat as its engine roared to life and it sped off. The three enormous creatures aboard the vessel had looked like unintelligent brutes. And what little conversation she’d caught had confirmed that suspicion. They’d kidnapped Prince Leo from the docks in a violent attack and taken their time weighing his feet down with quick cement.

  It was luck that had placed her at that same dock during the late night hours. A dark, abandoned wharf was the perfect place for a mermaid to transform her human legs back into a shimmering, powerful tail, without being noticed. When she’d spotted Leo and his attackers, she’d kept a healthy distance, following them out into the open sea. Something had told her to stay on them. And she was glad she’d listened to that instinct.

  At that moment, the vampire prince was sinking a thousand feet into the depths. It was a desperate situation. One that would only mean endless torture and suffering for the charming man.

  And a ripe opportunity for her.

  With the boat out of sight, Eina submerged fully into the cool water. She relished the feel of it on her skin and across her scales. With a stroke of her tail, she swam deeper until the ocean floor came into view, her mermaid senses sharpening within the depths.

  It took longer to find her target than she’d expected. Prince Leo had slouched over into a ball, his already pale skin appearing sickly in the tiny amount of filtered moonlight that had made it this deep. His amber eyes were sealed tight. A few bubbles escaped his lips.

  He looked like death.

  Her stomach clenched at the sight. This was worlds away from the charming, suave man who’d approached her at the royal wedding. Adrenaline propelled her forward and she snatched a rock bigger than her two fists from the sea bed. Leo didn’t flinch when she began pounding at the cement. He’d already passed out. She took a deep breath through the delicate gills on her neck and got to work, chipping away slowly at the rock encasing his feet.

  She’d already freed one foot when something grabbed a hold of her arm. Eina screeched and wielded the rock in self-defense, raising her eyes to the vampire prince. His eyes were open and staring right at her. Confusion, pain, and recognition seemed to flit across his face. Eina lowered her rock and reached out her hand, softly running her fingers down his cheek. Despite the cold of the water, the feel of his skin seemed to burn.

  “I’m going to get you free,” she said, unsure if he could even hear her. “Hold still.”

  His lips parted slightly, as if to say something, but then his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he passed out again. Eina worked even faster, chipping away at the cement. Finally, his feet were free. She strung his arm over her shoulders and kicked for the surface, praying he wouldn’t wake up just yet.

  Moments later,
they broke through to the cool night air. Eina brushed the wet hair out of her face and held Leo’s lifeless form in front of her. He was still deadly pale, but water had begun to pour from his lips. Sure enough, a rasping breath came from his mouth and he lurched with the strain of returning to life.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll take you someplace safe,” she said, caressing his cheek softly with her hand. He moaned and turned toward her touch.

  With a powerful kick, they were off, swimming across the black waters of the Bering Sea. All the while, a small smile played on Eina’s lips as she watched the sleeping prince.

  Maybe she was crazy. She’d never dared to do something like this before now. But tonight’s events had played out far better than she could’ve ever imagined. She’d snuck into a wedding, expecting to come home empty-handed. But with the prince in her arms, her sisters were going to flip.

  Finally, they had the leverage they needed.

  Chapter Five

  Dazzling sunlight shone down on the prince of darkness and forced him from his deep slumber. He swatted at the interference, cursing Rodrigo’s incessant need to awaken him by pulling the drapes in his room. Despite the magical ring around his finger that allowed him to walk in the sunlight without burning to ashes, Leo still didn’t like daylight. It was an innate feeling ground into him since his undead rebirth. A craving for the dark.

  When it was clear that Rodrigo wasn’t going to submit, Leo slowly opened his eyes. Something wasn’t right. Gone was his bed canopy, the dark wooden accents of his room, and most importantly of all, the ceiling. Instead, bright blue sky hung above him. He shook his head in confusion, wondering what midnight activity could’ve left him passed out under the stars.

  It wouldn’t be the first time.

  It was then that he heard the voices. Lovely, feminine, musical voices that spoke in hushed tones all around him. Soft hands reached out to touch him, cascading along the hard muscles of his arms, his torso, and his lower legs. When his vision finally cleared, he spotted the source.

  A dozen women surrounded him as he lay on a rocky beach, each one more painfully beautiful than the next. They stared at him as if he were an oddity in a museum, their wide eyes taking in the sharp angles of his face.

  “It’s a man,” one of them whispered reverently. The others nodded eagerly and pressed in for a better look.

  Leo’s lips twitched in a surprised grin. He wasn’t quite sure if he’d died and gone to heaven, but if so, he wasn’t complaining. Sitting up, he gave the ladies his patented dazzling smile, flashing his dimples. They giggled and reached out to touch his cheeks.

  “Hello, ladies.” He chuckled as one of them tugged at the wet remains of his white button down shirt, popping off two buttons. “Would one of you mind telling me where I am?”

  “Aestus,” said a dark beauty with mesmerizing brown eyes. “The kingdom of mermaids.”

  He wrinkled his brow. That name didn’t ring a bell. Not that he always paid attention during dull political meetings, but he could’ve sworn he’d at least heard of all the supernatural kingdoms. Most were extremely small and governed by a single type of magical creature. Monstrana was an anomaly, a mixture of almost every sort of supernatural and ruled by both werewolves and vampires.

  “Did you say mermaids?”

  Leo rubbed his eyes and peered at the women again, realizing that not one of them had feet. The lower half of their bodies were like that of a powerful fish. Luminescent scales of every color glistened in the sun like precious jewels.

  He’d never seen a mermaid up close. One of the ancient books in Viktor’s library had a sketch. He’d stumbled upon it one very dull afternoon. But that creature had been haggard and gross, like a fish left out too long in the sun. These mermaids, he’d take any day.

  The women started running their hands over him again and sighing in awe. He tilted his face to the sun, relishing in the attention. Rodrigo was never going to believe this. He’d always preached that his gambling sessions would come to ruin, but look at him now.

  Leo leaned forward suddenly, realization filling his head. A poker game. That had been the start of all this. Memories of last night came rushing back too quickly for him to make sense of it all. He remembered feeling pain on his head. Smelling rotten fish. The gentle rocking of a boat. And thick hands that grasped his struggling form.


  The ogres had planted his feet in cement and then tossed him overboard. He’d passed out at the bottom of the sea, knowing no one would ever find him. But someone had. A lovely young woman with an oval face and flowing black hair. He could still feel the lingering touch of her fingers caressing his cheek.

  “I need to contact my brother,” Leo said, pushing himself to his feet. The mermaids sighed and giggled. “Let him know I’m okay. He’ll be worried about me.”

  No one answered his plea, so he looked around for assistance. A place with a telephone. Anywhere to send a message. But as far as he could see, the rocky beach curved endlessly in a barren landscape. Behind him stood a small cropping of weather-beaten trees. More sea water winked through the small spaces between them.

  “Is this an island?” He walked up the coast and peered as far as he could see. Only water, rocky shore, and more water. “This has been a thrill, ladies, but how am I supposed to get home?”

  “You don’t.” A handsome woman with long, graying dark hair approached him on human legs. She wore a knee-length shimmering red dress that seemed to flow with her every move.

  Leo eyed her suspiciously. He couldn’t tell if she was another mermaid or not, but he didn’t like anyone telling him what to do. Suddenly, being stranded on an island full of beautiful women was beginning to lose its appeal.

  “I don’t know what you think is going on here, but I am a Prince of Monstrana. You cannot hold me against my will.”

  “We will, until we can figure out what to do with you.” The woman paused to look him over, placing a hand on her hip. Her eyes trailed up to his face, disappointment apparent in their dark irises. “This is a vampire? I expected more.”

  “More?” Leo huffed and then flashed his fangs. The mermaids laying on the shore hummed with excitement. “Is that what you expected?”

  “Hmm.” The woman shrugged, her lips twisted in an indifferent frown.

  Again, Leo huffed. He wasn’t exactly the type to run around in a cape and show off his fangs, but this was an affront to vampires everywhere. They should be terrified of him. Running for their lives. Or swimming. He’d take what he could get.

  “Fine.” He readied his feet for a charge. “I’ll show you what a vampire can do.”

  He lunged forward at a dizzying speed, reaching out for the woman with both arms extended, his fangs trained on her elegant neck. He’d never drink from her, but he wanted to prove his point. That he was a presence to be reckoned with. They’d messed with the wrong man.

  It was then with great confusion that he found himself lying flat on his back with a jagged clam shell pressed tight against his jugular. Blinking up at the woman standing over him, he swallowed and grasped at the pebbles beneath him.

  “I know this weapon won’t really hurt you,” she said between clenched teeth, shoving her knee into his stomach. “But try something like that again, and next time it’ll be a wooden dagger. Do you understand?”

  Leo nodded, adrenaline coursing through his body. The only person who’d ever taken him down like that was his brother. He’d had no idea that mermaids were such warriors. His appreciation for the stunningly beautiful race turned ice cold as he thought about the dozen or so other women on the beach. Did they all possess such skill? And how many more waited off land in the water?

  He’d never underestimate a woman with a tail again.

  “May I at least ask why I am being held captive?” Leo rubbed the spot on his stomach where she’d removed her knee. He glowered at her and pinched his lips together in frustration. “Doesn’t a prisoner have the right to know?”

p; She raised her eyebrows and pierced him with a thoughtful look. After a few seconds, she nodded her head in surrender. “One of our sisters found you at the bottom of the sea. She thought you could be the leverage we need to get the supernatural royalty of the world to recognize Aestus as an official kingdom. She saved you and brought you here.”

  The young woman with the black hair. Leo felt he should know more about her. Something was sitting right on the edge of his consciousness. A final, lost memory.

  “If you wanted leverage, you should’ve kidnapped my brother Viktor.” He forced a laugh and bent to wring out what was left of the bottom half of his tux. Apparently, his shoes and his pant legs up to his knees had been sacrificed to the cement. “I’m afraid I’m not involved in the running of the kingdom much. You might as well let me go. I won’t buy you any good will.”

  The mermaids twittered at this news, speaking to each other in whispers behind their hands. Their leader held up her hand and everyone became silent.

  “We haven’t decided what to do with you, yet.” She sucked in her cheeks and frowned. “Until we do, you shall stay here where you can be watched.”

  Great. The last thing he needed was a babysitter. As soon as the mermaids left, he planned on building a raft and getting out of here. Or swim, if he had to. He’d hit land eventually. If not Monstrana, then maybe Alaska. Hard to miss that giant land mass.

  “That really won’t be necessary...” He splayed his hands out in surrender. “I can take care of myself.”

  “Eina!” The woman barked out a name, ignoring him completely. “Eina, you are assigned watch until the colony comes to a conclusion.”

  Leo cocked his head at the mention of the name. It sounded familiar. If only he could place it.

  “Surely, you don’t want me, Loriella?”

  The soft voice came from further down the beach. Leo turned to find its owner hesitantly approaching them in an aqua colored dress that fell to the top of her knees. Recognition hit him like a punch in the gut. The woman from the wedding reception. The one with the strong opinions and endearing frown who he’d wanted so desperately to lead out into the garden on a midnight stroll. It was her! Eina.


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