A Dragon's Treasure

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by Lorelei Moone

  A Dragon's Treasure

  Shifters of Black Isle Book 3 - A Dragon Shifter Fantasy Romance by Lorelei Moone.

  I'm a warrior. No one will tame me, except…

  Rhea's new position as General of Black Isles’ armies brings with it a whole host of challenges. The enemy is at the gates, and he's furious. Black Isles’ defenses are weaker than she would like, so she sees only one solution: to summon their secret weapon. A creature so untamed and powerful, he’s been banished to the depths of the dungeons, only to be let out in the direst of need. To ensure his cooperation, she will need to rely on more than just her combat skills…

  The harder she makes it, the sweeter my victory when I claim her.

  Saras has been asleep for centuries. When a female voice wakes him from his slumber, he knows there's only one way to avoid the disaster that led him to be confined to the dungeons in the first place. But she's unwilling and instead hopes to use his considerable powers in battle against Black Isles’ enemy. But a dragon has needs, and ignoring them will only end in tears; or in this case, in flames.

  No matter how hard Rhea tries to deny it, the attraction between them is hard to ignore. But with the future of the Black Isles on the line, this is hardly the time for romance. Or is it? That's the thing about playing with dragon fire; sooner or later you're going to get burned.

  A Dragon's Treasure is the third instalment in Lorelei Moone's brand new fantasy romance series, Shifters of Black Isle. Shifters, magic and relatable characters, set in a mysterious, distant land, where anything seems possible—and yet all its inhabitants hold dear could be destroyed in an instant.

  This story is intended for adult audiences only.

  Did you know that Lorelei Moone also writes (present-day) Paranormal Romance? If you're curious to find out more, you can try out Scottish Werebear: An Unexpected Affair absolutely free by signing up for Lorelei's newsletter!

  © 2018 Lorelei Moone

  Published by eXplicitTales

  Cover Design by MH Silver

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  Table of Contents

  A Dragon's Treasure

  Map of the World


  About the Author

  The Black Isles

  Down below the mountain, in a cell deeper than deep,

  A creature, fierce and powerful, blissfully asleep.

  He must not be awoken, unless the need is dire,

  For if he is roused, he will blanket the Isles in fire.

  Chapter One

  It had come as somewhat of a surprise to Rhea to be summoned by King Broc at this time. It was a quiet morning, and there was no Council meeting planned that she knew of.

  The Sea Folk invasion had been foiled thanks to General Teaq's valiant efforts in hand to hand combat. He had even won them a truce.

  So what was there to discuss?

  Unless it was a personal matter… But Broc had already made his choice weeks ago. He had even married his human bride, Kelly, already.

  What could he possibly want with Rhea, then?

  Spurred on equally by curiosity and her ever-present sense of duty, Rhea rushed through the corridors of the castle until she reached the agreed meeting point.

  The Great Hall was mostly reserved for official meetings as well as feasts. With just Broc in there waiting for her, it looked unceremoniously barren. An appropriate seat of power for these equally barren Isles they called home.

  "My king," Rhea greeted him. Her king indeed, but he was so much more than that.

  Unfortunately he had never seen it that way.

  "Rhea. We have much to discuss." His expression was different somehow. He wasn't his usual self. Whatever it was, it was big.

  She raised an eyebrow.

  "What's wrong?"

  "It's about Teaq."

  Rhea's gaze was briefly attracted by Broc's right hand, which had found the butt of his sword and grasped it instinctively. She swallowed hard. Bad news.

  "Is the General alright?"

  Last she had visited him, he was well on his way to recovery. The duel he had fought with the Sea Folk warrior who had challenged him had taken its toll, but it was nothing the seasoned fighter couldn't manage. Wolves like Teaq healed particularly quickly. Another week at the most and he would be back to his old self.

  "Teaq is fine, yes." Broc all but dismissed her question. So it wasn't Teaq's wellbeing he was worried about. There was something else going on.

  "Well, what is it then?" Rhea urged. Patience wasn't one of her strong points. If there was something she needed to know, then why didn't he just come right out with it?

  "My brother will be leaving us." Broc looked down at the stone floor between them.

  Rhea didn't know what to say. Teaq, leaving? She had never seen Broc quite like this, except when she’d arrested Kelly, maybe. So despondent, he did not even make eye contact anymore.

  "Why? Some kind of mission?" Rhea asked softly.

  It was difficult to watch him like this.

  Broc shook his head. "He has chosen a mate."

  Rhea frowned. "That's good news, surely?"

  "It's the bloody mermaid, Rhea. There's nothing good about it!"

  Broc's outburst startled her, but she quickly recovered as the meaning of his words hit her.

  It shouldn't have been a surprise, of course. She had known for a while now that there was something going on between Teaq and the mermaid they’d captured on the Eastern Isle. Initially it was just guesswork, but after the duel when they had returned her to her people, the mermaid had all but confirmed it herself.

  It was in the way she’d asked about Teaq's wellbeing. The shocking part was that the feelings were apparently mutual.

  And now, Teaq was leaving. To be with her.

  Rhea sunk down onto one of the long wooden tables that lined the Great Hall and shook her head.

  Never had she seen anyone who took their role in the court so seriously. Teaq had been a great general. And he was giving it up for one of the enemy.

  You think you know someone, she thought.

  "That's insane," she mumbled.

  Broc scoffed. "That's what I said."

  Rhea looked up at him. He was hurting, it was so clear to see. Abandoned by his own brother.

  "I will speak with him. I won't stand for it," Rhea said.

  Broc shook his head. "What's the point? He’s made up his mind. In any case, it's too late now. He is leaving as we speak.”

  "Then I'll go after him. I'll gather some of our best men and bring him back by force," Rhea suggested. "He cannot turn his back on us like this. Not now."

  Broc let out a soft laugh. "I appreciate the sentiment, Rhea, but you'll stand down. That's an order."

  Rhea pressed her lips together. Tears of anger stung her eyes.

  It was a betrayal against everything she believed in. To turn his back on his home. On his people. And for what? A stupid infatuation.

  She had loved Broc for years and he had chosen someone else. Sure, the rules specifically forbade their union, but still. His rejection had hurt her deeply. But that was no reason to abandon everything she stood for. The job was more important. Apparently not to Teaq.

  "You can count on my loyalty no matter what," Rhea mumbled.

  "I appreciate that, Rhea. Which leads me to the next thing I was going to talk to you about."

hea looked up.

  Broc turned around and picked something up from the table behind him. Then he turned around and presented it to her.

  "I would like you to take over from Teaq."

  She looked down at the object in his hands. It wasn't hard to recognize. The General's Sword.

  Teaq had carried it, as had every general before him. Rhea's own father had worn it with pride when he’d served as general to Broc's father, the late king Ryk. Funny, that it should find its way to her now.

  The elaborate carvings on the leather sheath had worn faint with age. The metal on the grip had smoothed over time as well. But it was a good sword. Forged in dragon fire many generations ago.

  Rhea bowed her head and held out her hands. She could barely breathe as Broc handed her the precious object.

  "I appoint thee General of the Black Isles. Will you serve with honor, fight valiantly, and protect these lands with your life if your duty requires it?" Broc's voice grew thin as he completed the ceremonial question.

  Rhea nodded and took a deep breath.

  "It would be an honor, my king."

  "I will announce your appointment at the next Council meeting."

  She was still somewhat in shock, staring at the sword in her hands, and barely noticed Broc leaving. Just how long she stood there, alone in the Great Hall, trying to process what had just happened, she could not be sure.

  Broc had been right, of course. By the time she emerged from the meeting, it was too late to stop Teaq. Plus, an order was an order.

  Rhea sighed deeply as she watched the small sailboat set off from the harbor below. She never had been particularly close to anyone, but she'd considered Teaq a friend. He’d never even said goodbye.

  The events of the past week or so should have been enough of a warning, but she still hadn't seen it coming. His departure felt like a betrayal.

  Teaq, former General of the Black Isles, had fallen for one of the enemy. A Mermaid of the Deep, who just happened to be King Weiland's only daughter. The entire situation was bordering on ridiculous and she would have laughed it off if she hadn't seen it happen firsthand.

  And now he was leaving, probably forever, because he had chosen her over his job and his brother, the king. As well as the rest of his people. He had forsaken them in favor of his scaled temptress. It was nearly impossible for Rhea not to feel bitter about it.

  Crazy, the things people did for love…

  Rhea pressed her lips together as the silhouette of the boat grew smaller and smaller, and eventually became obscured by the mist that hung heavily on the water. That was it then. The last she would see of her distant cousin, Teaq. Going forward, her only connection to him would be the fact that she had been appointed as his replacement.

  Rhea, General of Black Isles’ armies. It had a nice ring to it, but the promotion was not earned. She had only been given the job because he had decided to run away.

  Rhea shook her head and averted her gaze from the grey waters below.

  The worst part was, she could empathize somewhat now that she had been able to let the news sink in. She could understand Teaq's motivations, at least in part.

  She too knew what it was like to love someone with all your heart. Only in her case, that someone didn't love her back. No grand gesture, no ultimate sacrifice would ever change that.

  The object of her affection, Broc, King of the Black Isles, had already taken a mate. He had married her in front of his entire court, sparing little thought as to what Rhea thought about it. And worse still, Broc's new bride was a witch. With one brother marrying a sorceress, and the other running away with a mermaid, she had to wonder if she was the only sane person left on this godforsaken rock in the sea.

  Her chest felt tight, like she was due a good scream. Or a fight. She had carried this anger and frustration around with her for weeks now, and if she did not find some release for it, she might explode.

  What was the point of it all? What was the point of love itself? All it brought with it was pain, at least for her.

  Best to steer clear of it. After all, with Teaq gone, she had his job to do. She was now single-handedly responsible for the defenses of these lands. Whether she liked it or not.

  And if Teaq indeed managed to get away with his cold-blooded girlfriend, her father, King of the Sea Folk, would come knocking at these gates again looking for vengeance.

  And who would be there to stop him? Rhea, apparently. With an under-equipped army that simply did not have the manpower to thwart a full scale Sea Folk invasion.

  The first time King Weiland had arrived on their shores, they had seen but a taste of what the enemy could direct their way. They had lived to fight another day mostly by chance.

  And because Weiland wanted his daughter back.

  The next time, they would not have any such advantage. The mermaid and Teaq would be long gone and with them, Black Isles’ only leverage was reduced to ashes.

  If Rhea was going to prevent her people from being overrun, she needed a strategic advantage, and quick.

  But she was getting ahead of herself. Her promotion wasn't even official yet.

  Chapter Two

  The Great Hall was abuzz with conversation and rumor. By the time Rhea arrived, the Elders were already there, talking irately amongst themselves. Yorrick, as well as representatives of the Eastern, Northern and Western Isles, stood in a small semi-circle together, deep in argument.

  Nobody even noticed her arrival.

  She folded her arms and just observed. Obviously everyone was upset.

  And why wouldn't they be? The Isles were in crisis.

  Only last week they had nearly been conquered by Sea Folk, and now their general had run away with his enemy girlfriend. It was a disaster.

  Rhea did not interact with anyone. There was nothing to talk about as far as she was concerned. Not unless someone had thought of a solution to their troubles.

  She looked up briefly when Broc arrived. Nobody else took notice.

  It was still difficult for her to look at him. Her king. The only man she’d ever had eyes for, but who saw her as nothing more than another member of the court. He had shown weakness in front of her when he told her about Teaq, which had made things even more difficult. She couldn't even hate him for rejecting her if she also felt sorry for him.

  She averted her gaze and waited. Still, the mood in the room had not changed.

  Broc cleared his throat, in a hopeless attempt to attract attention. It did not work.

  Rhea wondered for a moment if she should step in.

  Nah, let him sort out this mess. She wasn't even officially appointed yet. Presumably that was why he’d called this Council meeting in the first place.

  "Order!" Broc called out. "I understand emotions are running high, but I must demand order!"

  Emotions, running high. What an understatement.

  A murmur passed through the Great Hall, but finally all attendees, including Rhea, focused their attention on their king.

  "My king, these are dark days!" Uri, the leader of the Elders called out.

  Broc nodded. "They are indeed."

  "Is it true that the General has sailed off to the Deep?" Yorrick spoke up.

  Rhea raised an eyebrow.

  It was unusual for Yorrick to say much at any of these meetings. Perhaps his pending promotion within the Royal Guard would be just what he needed to step up more.

  Broc frowned and shook his head. "That's insane. My brother is not travelling to the Deep."

  "Then where has he gone?" Uri asked. "Because he is no longer in the infirmary. I happened to find out about his absence when I tried to visit him there."

  "And what of the boat that's missing from the harbor? That's no coincidence," another Elder said.

  The remaining Elders shuffled in closer. They were obviously eager to hear Broc's explanation.

  Rhea kept quiet. She couldn't wait to hear what Broc would tell everyone.

  "My brother has departed these lands
, this is true," Broc said.

  Another murmur travelled the room.

  Though she was still hurt by his choice of mate, Rhea couldn't help herself from staring at him once he started to speak. So nearby, and yet so out of reach.

  "I cannot tell you with certainty where he has sailed off to. He thought it best that nobody knew."

  "Why did he leave his post? Why did he leave us?" Yorrick asked.

  "His reasons are his own," Broc said. His tone was firm.

  Rhea sighed. So he wasn't intending to give the Council an explanation after all.

  She had never had much use for diplomacy, as some people called it. Dishonesty was a more appropriate term for it in her mind.

  Surely the Elders needed to know. Even Yorrick. Teaq's actions would affect them all. It was a safety issue. And safety was her responsibility now.

  "My king," Rhea spoke for the first time.

  Broc met her gaze with a stern expression on his face. He wouldn't like what she had to say, but she did not let that faze her. Yet.

  "We should not pretend Teaq's departure is some kind of random coincidence!" she said.

  Broc's face grew even tenser. Perhaps she should tread lightly, at least until her new position was announced. Lest he change his mind.

  "We should not," he said. "At the same time, we should not speak out of turn."

  Five minutes into the first meeting since her promotion, and she had already angered him. Well, that was nothing unusual. She had always seen herself as a voice of reason and truth. She could not stand politics. And not even her feelings for Broc would stand in the way of her keeping his rule honest.

  "Very well. Please continue, my king." Rhea bowed slightly. She herself wasn't even sure if she was being sarcastic in her gesture.

  Broc sighed and folded his hands together.

  "As Rhea has correctly pointed out, it is not a coincidence." He shot her a disapproving glance.

  She simply watched, unfazed, as he continued his explanation.

  "The mermaid that was captured off the Eastern Isle… and Teaq… None of it was a coincidence."


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