Purrfect Roast: A Dragon Cozy Mystery

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Purrfect Roast: A Dragon Cozy Mystery Page 15

by Verena DeLuca

"Don't worry," Azure transmitted. "In May, the bats launch a little after sunset. You have time."

  "Oh, good," I transmitted.

  "They also show up on weather radar as if they were a thunderstorm," Aubrey said.

  "Ha," Skylar said. "That's great."

  The walk to the top of the bridge felt good, there were plenty of people heading the same direction and the sun set enough to stop my sweating.

  "A lot of these bats are pregnant," Aubrey read aloud. "They come from Mexico to have their young, and then return in the fall to wait out the winter."

  "Sounds like a good life," I said. "Migrating so you're always in the best weather."

  The girls laughed, and we walked up to a free spot in the railing.

  "Oh look," Skylar said. "There are so many people on kayaks and boats, I didn't know that was an option."

  "I did that once in college," I said. "It was neat to see them launch out from the water. Not so neat to paddle back to shore in the dark."

  Aubrey laughed. "I can't even imagine you doing that much exercise."

  "I am nothing if not efficient at how I decide to exert myself." I laughed.

  "That is no lie," she retorted, still laughing. "Lazy with a capital L."

  Oh no, not lazy," I said. "Efficient. There's a difference."

  "Sure, there is," Skylar said.

  We stood in silence admiring the breath-taking view of Lake Austin. It was hard to believe just a few hours ago we were stressed about a trophy thief.

  "I still can't believe Azure took gold," Skylar said.

  "I know." I blushed. "I feel bad for having such low expectations."

  "I mean it was your first year," Skylar said.

  "Don't you dare feel bad," Aubrey said. "After the year Azure has had, losing Tona and all. He deserves to win gold. I hope you're going to put those trophies on display."

  "Totally," Skylar said.

  Before I could answer the bats swirled out from under the bridge and the breath was taken right out of me. I stood in awe just like the first time I watched them fly. It was magnificent.

  "Wow," Aubrey said. "What a sight."

  She raised her phone and started filming the bats with a giddy look on her face.

  "It's beautiful," Skylar said.

  This was exactly what we needed, the perfect ending to a hectic day.

  "Can you see me?" Azure transmitted. "I'm the little brown bat, next to the brown bat to my left."

  "Oh yeah," I transmitted. "I see you alright. Say 'bean' for the camera."

  "Bean," Azure and Shadow transmitted together.

  Skylar and I both giggled, but Aubrey did not notice.

  "Do the other bats know there is an imposter among them?" I transmitted.

  "Not if they know what's good for them," he transmitted.

  It took roughly forty minutes for all the bats to escape the bridge, and once the show was over, we made our way back to the car.

  "We should come back in October," I said. "They host a bat fest and fill the street with vendors and music. I bet the kids would love it."

  "Oh yes," Aubrey said. "That's a great idea. I can't wait to show them the video."

  "Should we stop somewhere to eat?" I unlocked Aubrey's SUV. "Donuts?"

  Skylar giggled.

  "You are the worst," Aubrey groaned.

  "Because you think it's a good idea?" I asked, giving her a wink.

  We got into the car and I had not realized both cats were curled up in the backseat until Azure let out a long stretch.

  "Only if I get one," he transmitted to me in a yawn.

  "Nope, no donuts for kitties."


  Sunday, May 17th, 11:20 PM

  We pulled into town a little after eleven. Never thought I would be so happy to see the flashing lights as we crossed the bridge over Lake Marble Falls.

  At night, the town could have passed for haunted. From the flashing stop lights to sporadic streetlights, it reminded me of a dystopian horror movie. When we finally crested the hill at 2nd Street and Main, the cafe welcomed us home, as if it waited patiently for an old friend. The lights for the dining area were still lit. Either Jess or Zachary forgot to flip the switch on their way out. I parked Aubrey's car and turned back to wake up Skylar, only to scream at a slap on the driver's side window.

  Skylar darted upright as the car started to rock. I looked around in a panic to see what was attacking us, to find Jess plastered on my window. Between her messy brown hair hanging on for life in a well-tossed bun, makeup that had not been touched up all day, and sweats she looked more terrifying than was needed for the moment. Though, Aubrey's hysterical laughter should have clued me in to the fact that there was no danger. But after the day we had, I could not stop my mind from going into full panic mode. I held my chest and focused my breathing to ease my racing heart.

  "Are you guys trying to give me a heart attack?" I asked between breaths.

  "What's all the yelling about," Azure transmitted in a sleepy tone.

  I ignored him and continued to focus on calming down. Jess managed to open my door but used it as a crutch to bend down into a squat as she continued to laugh. She and Aubrey were both trying to speak, but it was inaudible. I rolled my eyes while shaking my head at their nonsense. These girls were going to kill my sanity.

  "Splendid news!" I said with fake enthusiasm. "You've landed the lead role in the next slasher movie."

  Aubrey and Jess only laughed harder. I turned to get out of the car, but Jess was still crouched down, blocking my way. I rested my feet on the step and put my elbows on my knees to stare down at her as she struggled with laughing and trying to talk.

  "I'm not helping you if you choke on that laughter," I said.

  "Totally agree," Skylar said, poking her head between the seats of the SUV. "That was unsettling, to say the least. It's like midnight, don't you have kids?"

  "No kidding," I said. "And didn't you open at six this morning? Don't tell me you've been waiting for us all evening."

  "Yes, yes, no" Jess croaked out. She coughed and cleared her throat, then stood up and wiped her eyes. "Oh gosh, that was good. I needed that laugh."

  I looked back at Aubrey to find she was doing the same. "Y'all ain't right." I got out of the car and started unloading luggage.

  "I saw her coming," Aubrey said. "It's not my fault you were in la-la land."

  "Har, har." I stuck my tongue out at her then turned to Jess. "But how did you know we'd be here?"

  "I texted her as you drove," Aubrey said.

  "Of course, you did." I laughed. "Y'all must fit in perfectly at the PTA meetings."

  Aubrey giggled and got out of the car to help unload.

  "I beat y'all here by about five minutes," Jess said. "Popped inside to warm up the espresso machine for you."

  "For that," I said. "I will forgive you."

  "And me?" Aubrey said.

  "That's still up for debate," I said.

  Between the four of us, we were able to get Aubrey's SUV unpacked, with my stuff at the base of the stairs, and Skylar's packed into her El Camino. All within thirty minutes. Meanwhile, Aubrey filled Jess in on everything that happened at the cat show. Jess oohed and ahhed at all the right places, making her the perfect audience for Aubrey's lingering excitement.

  Thankfully, I did not have to be the one telling the story. It was hard enough to keep the dragon aspects separate on a normal day, much less when I was sleep-deprived and ready for bed. Jess's excitement over Azure winning gold gave me a renewed rush.

  Once we unpacked, the girls sat at the bar and I went behind the counter to make a few Aconite Affogatos—espressos: vanilla bean ice cream, topped with chai spice. Azure and Shadow took up residence on the chairs by the front doors.

  "I just can't get over how much happened today," Aubrey said, staring off into space.

  "Totally," Skylar said. "Crazy to think that could be our last experience at a cat show."

  "What!" Jess said. "Y'
all aren't going next year? How can you not defend your title?"

  "It was a bit over the top for my blood," I said with a laugh, and handed her the first mug.

  "But don't you have to?" Aubrey said.

  "Can't believe I missed it," Jess said. "Last time I miss a girl's trip."

  She pointed her spoon at me with a smirk, then took a bite of ice cream. I laughed her off and focused on making the next espresso. Just what I needed, two non-protectors following us around on our protector adventures.

  "I mean, it's not a requirement per se," I glanced to Skylar.

  "Yeah," she said. "It's been nice to get out of town, and do something that Shadow enjoys, but it's becoming more hassle than it's worth."

  "But aren't you members of that group?" Aubrey asked. "The Aristocats or whatever? Won't they be upset if y'all don't go? They seemed pretty bent on attending."

  "I inherited the group from Tona," I said. "I'm okay with them using the cafe for their meetings, but I'm not sure how involved I'm going to stay yet."

  "Is it that bad?" Jess asked.

  "It's drama," Skylar said, as I handed her the next mug.

  "That's an understatement. It's been great for Azure, pulled him out of his funk after losing Tona. But, there is enjoying cats and enjoying cats. Those ladies enjoy their cats," I said, emphasizing the word enjoy more with each iteration.

  We all laughed.

  "Why do you guys keep going?" Jess asked.

  "After my G.G. passed away," Skylar said. "I couldn't get Shadow to eat for days. It wasn't until her funeral, when the ladies from the group approached me, that he perked up. They saved my sanity during those first few months. I totally thought I was looking at vet bills and pet therapy."

  "I know what you mean," I said. "I never knew cats bonded so deeply to their owners, always thought it was a dog thing."

  "And you say you have a problem keeping the dragon secrets," Azure transmitted.

  "Shh it, mister," I transmitted.

  Aubrey gave me a heartfelt smile, and I passed her a mug and started my own. Using the espresso machine would never not remind me of Tona. It was her favorite piece of equipment. With all the happenings this weekend, I felt closer to her than I ever thought I could. There was so much she had not shared with me. I understood the need for secrecy, it just would have been great to transfer Azure while we were both still alive and could talk about the ins and outs of protectors.

  I worked in silence as the girls ate their ice cream until my last shot finished, then I joined them at the bar. Listening to their chatter about the weekend and upcoming week warmed my heart. These ladies were all that I needed. My genuine family. I had some of the deepest personal connections of all the people I knew. Deep down, I was beyond happy with the way life panned out for me and my little tribe. I needed to start living, and stop worrying about everything from the future to the stressors out of my control. The universe would provide all that I needed. I just needed to take a deep breath and have faith in myself.

  "I'm glad to hear that epiphany," Azure transmitted. "I too am happy to have you in my life. Tona will always be my first protector, but she knew exactly what she was doing when she picked you to protect me."

  I was speechless and blinked away a tear as it started to form. After months of butting heads, this weekend felt like a page turned on our relationship. The future looked bright, and I was excited to discover all I could about being a protector.

  "Ditto," I transmitted, and focused on my ice cream to not alert anyone of my emotional state. It was the lack of sleep, that was all. I just needed to get a bit of rest, and I would be back to my sarcastic self.

  After another thirty minutes of light conversation, we all finished up our ice cream, and the girls left for the evening. It felt wonderful to sit in the cafe alone. If I did not have to hear another person's voice for at least eight hours, I would be in pure bliss.

  I looked over at the poison of the week board and realized I needed to update it still. I pulled my binder out from under the counter and flipped through the pages. Perfect. A plant that is poisonous to cats and humans alike.

  "Wow, and after all the pleasant things I said about you. I take them back," Azure transmitted. "The cat show has you that worked up, huh?"

  I ignored him and wrote Pigeon Berry Oatmeal Latte—instant oatmeal, espresso, and steamed milk topped with granola—on the board while smiling to myself.

  He hopped down from the chair by the door and walked over to nudge me in the leg.

  "Don't worry," he transmitted. "We have twelve months to plan for how I will defend my first-place spot in next year's show."

  "Oh no, fluffers," I said aloud and bent down to pick him up. "Winning gold once is enough for one kitty. You've got to let some of the other cats win too."

  Right as I wrapped my arms around his fluffy black fur, he adjusted his glamour back to normal and my hands slid into place against his warm sapphire belly scales.

  "Almost forgot," he transmitted. "I bet you miss admiring my wingspan."

  "Oh yes, it's all I could think about all weekend," I said. "When is he going to shake those wings out for me again?"

  I rolled my eyes and headed upstairs for the night.

  "It's okay," he transmitted. "You don't have to hide your excitement over being able to see a real live dragon."

  We walked through the storeroom door and I flipped off the lights to the cafe.

  "You caught me," I said. "I've been keeping it a secret so well too. Hiding all my dragon-themed décor. It's been hard, but I'm glad it's out. Tomorrow, I'm going to redecorate the house in dragons."

  "If by redecorate, you mean put up pictures of me," he transmitted. "Then yes, I approve. Otherwise, don't bother. I don't want to stare at lesser dragons all day."

  I laughed and set him down once we hit the top landing. Home sweet home.

  "Now to figure out where to put your gold trophy." I opened the box Nathan gave to us.

  "Let's put it on the end table," Azure transmitted. "I want to be able to see it no matter where I am in the apartment."

  "Of course, you do." I laughed. "Why don't we just put it in the cafe? Let all the customers admire it too."

  I picked up the vase and held it up to the light so I could read the inscription. Too bad they could not engrave it with his name. Maybe there was a place I could get it done around town for him.

  "I would rather admire it myself."

  "It's your trophy," I said. "We'll put it wherever you want it. I would like to put a few of the small ones downstairs."

  I set the trophy on the table and lined up the rest beside it. Even now, looking at all his trophies, I had a tough time believing he really won.

  "What are we going to do with all these gift cards to pet stores?" I asked as I took more prizes out of the box.

  "We're going to go shopping," he transmitted.

  Once the box was empty, I went into the kitchen and filled his bowl with salmon. Winning the cat show earned him all the salmon he could eat. No deals required. He raced over to devour dinner, and I microwaved a few frozen burritos.

  "Sorry I was not more invested in the investigation today," I said, waiting for my food.

  "I understand," he transmitted between bites. "I shouldn't have pushed you. I felt the stress the show caused you this weekend."

  "Do you think we'll ever get the hang of each other's quirks?" I asked.

  "In time," he transmitted. "We will."

  I smiled to myself and took my food to the couch, thankful to be home.



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