Mayada, Daughter of Iraq: One Woman's Survival Under Saddam Hussein

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Mayada, Daughter of Iraq: One Woman's Survival Under Saddam Hussein Page 32

by Jean Sasson

Al-Jazaeri, Muhammed


  Al-Khayat, Lutfi

  Al-Madina Pharmacy

  Al-Majid, Ali Hassan. See Chemical Ali

  Al-Masbah, secret police headquarters

  Al-Mustansiriya University


  Al-Qasr Al-Jumhouri

  Al-Ramadi Detention Center

  Al-Saadi, Dr. Kareem and Nibal

  Al-Said, Fakhriya

  Al-Said, Nouri

  Al-Samawi, Sahib Hussein

  Al-Sharqi, Kamil


  Al-Tikriti, Barzan

  Al-Tikriti, Dr. Abid Mahmud

  Al-Tikriti, Hassan Majeed

  Al-Tikriti, Usama

  Alwiya Club

  Amani (shadow woman)

  American University of Beirut

  Amin Al-Amma (Director General of Iraqi Secret Police)

  Amjed (Saddam’s private secretary)

  Anna (Mayada’s nanny)

  Anwar (shadow woman)

  Arab Labor Organization

  arrests of Mayada, Dr. Fadil Al-Barrak’s intervention

  Asia (shadow woman)

  Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal

  award (takreem)

  Aziz, Tariq, Prime Minister

  Baath Party

  intelligentsia vs.

  joining, forced into

  Mayada’s family exemption from

  printing companies, suspicions of

  property seized by

  Saddam Hussein and

  Baghdad Al-Jadida


  death of prisoners at

  map of

  prisoners at

  Saddam Hussein murals

  Secret Police headquarters

  white-haired man at

  See also Al-Askari, Mayada; shadow women of cell; torture

  Bazoft, Farzad


  beauty of women, valued by Iraq

  Bell, Gertrude

  birthday parties of Mayada

  blackmail of Mayada by Mamoun

  Blair, Tony

  blank page in nation’s history

  breast cancer of Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother)

  British fear and hatred of Jido Sati (Mayada’s grandfather)

  British Observer, The

  British occupation of Iraq



  Bush, George W.

  ceiling, hanging from

  Chemical Ali

  advancement in Baath Party

  appearance of

  childhood of

  children of (Omar, Hassan, Hibba)

  democratic exercise

  diabetes of

  Director General of Iraqi Secret Police (Amin Al-Amma)

  Dr. Fadil Al-Barrak hatred

  education of

  fear he inspires in others

  interviews by Mayada

  kindness of

  mental unbalance of

  military story for Mayada

  press, hatred of

  social graces (lack of)

  Sunni Muslim Al-Bejat clan

  sweets, love of

  voice (nasal) of

  wealth of

  children of Mayada (Fay and Ali)

  concern for

  reuniting with

  Churchill, Winston

  cigarette burns

  Clark, Lady Terence

  clothing advice for Saddam Hussein from Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother)

  coffins, dirt-filled

  colon cancer of Nizar Jafar Al-Askari (Mayada’s father)

  “Committee of Good Endeavors”

  compartmenting outside world

  comrades-in-tears, shadow women as

  contacting families of shadow women

  Cox, Sir Percy

  criminals’ families to be notified of crimes

  criticism of Saddam Hussein, crime of

  cruelty of Sajida Hussein (Saddam’s wife)

  curse, early death of Al-Askari men

  “Darb Al-Sad Ma red”

  “Decoration of Perfection”

  delirium from torture

  democratic exercise of Chemical Ali

  depression of Mayada

  Der Spiegel

  detention, processing into

  dinar devaluation

  Director General of Iraqi Secret Police (Amin Al-Amma)


  Diyya (compensation for death)

  electrical shocks

  Eman (shadow woman)

  execution, feigned

  extortion of Iraqis

  extrasensory perception (ESP) research for Saddam Hussein

  Faisal, King

  family members, killing of

  family tree, Mayada’s

  “Father of Arab Nationalism.” See Sati, Jido


  feet beatings

  52 as unlucky for Mayada’s family

  fingernails torn out

  Fonoun magazine

  food for shadow women

  foreign printed material, smuggled by Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother)

  fortune-telling articles of Mayada

  four black doors

  Iranian war

  Kuwaiti invasion

  secret police

  U.N. sanctions

  Fuad, Fatin

  Fuad, Jinan

  Galag Archipelago, The (Solzhenitsyn)

  General Establishment of Construction Projects

  General Publication Surveillance Directorate

  George V, King of England

  German Kindergarten and Primary school (Berlin)

  gifts from Saddam Hussein

  acknowledging by favors

  Dr. Fadil Al-Barrak

  Mayada Al-Askari

  Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother)

  gold donations from every family to support army

  Golden Harp of the Sumerians

  government’s atrocities, Mayada deceiving herself about

  grave of Nizar Jafar Al-Askari (Mayada’s father)

  Gray, Thomas

  greed of Sajida Hussein (Saddam’s wife)

  Hameed, Dr. Hadi

  Hamid, Abdul

  Hammadi, Dr. Lamya

  Hammadi, Dr. Sadoun

  Hamoudi, Saad Qasim

  Hashim, Sultan, Minister of Defense

  Hassan, Abid

  Hassan, Hashim

  Hassan, Suleiman

  Hayat (shadow woman)

  Head of Intelligence Service

  heart attack of Mayada

  helping others due to Dr. Fadil Al-Barrak’s relationship

  historians and Saddam Hussein

  Hizb Al-Dawa Al-Islamiya (Islamic Convocation Party)

  Hmoud, Dr. Abid

  homecoming of Mayada

  hook, suspended from

  Hussain, Jalal

  Hussain (Mayada’s employee)

  Hussein, Hala (Saddam’s daughter)

  Hussein, King of Jordan

  Hussein, Qusay (Saddam’s son)

  Hussein, Raghad (Saddam’s daughter)

  Hussein, Saddam

  appearance of

  Ayatollah Khomeini and

  Baath Party

  brutality, cause of

  charismatic personality

  clothes, love of

  clothing advice from Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother)

  criticism of

  Diyya (compensation for death)

  education of

  extrasensory perception (ESP)

  family members, killing of

  General Establishment of Construction Projects

  gifts from

  Hala (daughter)

  historians and

  Hussain Kamil

  Iraqi Liberation Day

  martyrs, Iraqi Army as

  Mayada, personal encounters with

  Mukhabarat and

  Mukhtar (dog)

  murals overlooking Baladiya

  newscasts about

  Nostradamus translation by Mayada

  palace opulence

  pictures taken with

  power base, building

  procedures when meeting Saddam Hussein

  Raghad (daughter)

  romanticism of

  Salwa Al-Husri’s personal encounters

  Samara Shabendar (wife)

  Sati Al-Husri admired by

  self-love of

  song about

  Sunni Muslim Al-Bejat clan

  support by Iraqis

  Tabaeya Iraniya deportations

  takreem (award)

  tribal loyalties, importance

  underestimation by Iraqis

  voice (nasal) of

  women interrogations, nonviolent

  See also four black doors

  Hussein, Sajida (Saddam’s wife) “The Lady”

  appearance of

  childhood of

  cruelty of

  gold donations, wearing

  greed of

  Kuwaiti royal jewels as hers

  Mukhtar (dog) and

  Rosa and ring from

  Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother) and

  Sara, problem with

  shopping with Salwa Al-Husri

  thief, Sajida as

  Hussein, Uday (Saddam’s son)

  Iman (shadow woman)

  imprisonment by secret police

  innocent imprisonment of Iraqis

  Institute of Archives and Librarian Studies

  intelligentsia vs. Baath officials

  interrogation of Mayada

  Iranian war


  Baath party

  beauty of women, valued by

  blank page in nation’s history

  brides, young

  British occupation of

  cash for arrests

  coffins, dirt-filled

  corruption under Saddam Hussein

  criticism of Saddam Hussein, crime of

  dinar devaluation

  extortion of Iraqis

  gifts, acknowledging by favors

  gold donations from every family to support army

  innocent imprisonment

  intelligentsia vs. Baath officials

  Iranian war


  Mabram, required for women traveling

  maps of

  military coups in

  mourning custom

  Ottoman Empire

  promise of future

  royal family and



  sons favored over daughters

  ”staring,” crime of

  suicide as sin

  Tabaeya Iraniya document deportations

  telephones bugged in

  torturing of Iraqis

  travel prohibited during war

  tribal loyalties, importance

  U.N. sanctions

  Wahhabi sect

  World War I

  See also Al-Askari, Mayada

  Iraqi Liberation Day

  Iraqi lullaby

  Iraqi Military Attaché to Soviet Union

  iron beds/benches in Baladiyat

  Islamic Call (“Al-Da’wah al Islamiyah”)

  Islamic Convocation Party (Hizb Al-Dawa Al-Islamiya)

  “Itlatat” (Overviews) column of Mayada

  Jabbar, Abu

  Jameel, Captain

  Jamila (shadow woman)

  Jassim, Latiff Nusaif


  journalistic advancement of Mayada

  Journalists Federation and Writers Union


  Kamil, Hussain

  Kanaan, Abu

  Keer, Sir Clark

  Keynes, John Maynard

  Khomeini, Ayatollah


  King Ghazi

  King of Jordan

  King’s College at Cambridge


  Kuwaiti invasion

  Kuwaiti royal jewels for Sajida (Saddam’s wife)

  “Lady, The.” See Hussein, Sajida (Saddam’s wife)

  Lawrence, T.E. (Lawrence of Arabia)

  leaving home and country

  letter to Samara (shadow woman)

  “Lion’s Paw” mark

  Mabram, required for women traveling

  Majalaty Wa Al-Mizmar


  manipulation of Dr. Fadil Al-Barrak by Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother)

  maps of Iraq

  martyrs, Iraqi Army as

  Mayada. See Al-Askari, Mayada

  May (shadow woman)

  messages to families

  military coups in Iraq

  miracles at Baladiyat

  Mohammed, Dr.



  Mukhtar (Saddam Hussein’s dog)

  Muna (shadow woman)

  murals of Saddam Hussein at Baladiyat

  Muslim, evolution into

  Nadir, Suhail Sami

  Nahla (Mayada’s employee)

  newscasts about Saddam Hussein

  Nostradamus translation by Mayada

  Ottoman Empire

  Overviews (“Itlatat”) column of Mayada

  Oxford University

  palace opulence

  Parish, Daphne

  pictures taken with Saddam Hussein

  “pin-up hero” (Ayatollah Khomeini)

  poetry, Samara (shadow woman)

  political journalism and Mayada

  Political Section of Al-Baladiyat Secret Police

  Porsun, Hussain Husni

  prayers in Baladiyat

  print shop of Mayada

  prisoners at Baladiyat

  procedures for meeting Saddam Hussein

  promotions for torturing Iraqis

  property confiscated by Baath Party

  qabaj chirping, as sign of moving from current place

  QaQae Establishment for Construction Materials

  Qasim, General Abdul Karim

  Raheem, Muhammed Jassim


  Rasha (shadow woman)

  release, hope of

  release of Mayada

  remarriage of Mayada to leave Iraq

  Resat, Sultan Mohammed

  Revolution Command Council

  romanticism of Saddam Hussein

  Roula (shadow woman)

  rowdiness of Mayada

  royal family and Iraq

  Royal Shahany School (Istanbul)

  Saad, Dr.

  Sabah, Dr. (shadow woman)

  Sabah, Um

  Safana (shadow woman)

  Salih, Hamdiya

  Samara (shadow woman)

  advice for Mayada

  care of shadow women

  cleanliness of

  encouragement for Mayada

  injuries of

  Iraqi lullaby

  lying to calm fears

  Mayada’s letter to

  miracles for Mayada

  mirror of


  story of

  torture of

  Sami, Um, Omar and Hassan

  sandstorms in Iraq

  Sara (shadow woman)

  Sati, Jido (Mayada’s grandfather)

  alarm clock for family

  artist’s brushes and paints gift to Mayada

  Beit Meri resort

  birth of

  breakfast with

  British fear and hatred of

  death of

  Dr. Fadil Al-Barrak interest in papers of

  educational system improvements

  Governor of Bayne (Yugoslavia)

  honesty of

  intelligence of

  Jamila Hussain Pasha (wife)

  Ottoman Empire and

  Prophet Mohammed link to

  Saddam Hussein’s admiration of


  Scottie (family dog)

  secret police

  secret police se
arch of print shop

  self-love of Saddam Hussein

  Shabendar, Samara (Saddam’s wife)

  shadow women of cell

  affection for Mayada

  Aliya (shadow woman)

  Amani (shadow woman)

  Anwar (shadow woman)

  Asia (shadow woman)

  compartmenting outside world


  detention, processing into

  Dr. Sabah (shadow woman)

  Eman (shadow woman)

  execution, feigned



  Hadi Hameed (doctor)

  Hayat (shadow woman)

  heart attack of Mayada

  Iman (shadow woman)

  interrogations of

  iron beds/benches

  Jamila (shadow woman)

  May (shadow woman)

  messages to families

  message to Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother)


  Muna (shadow woman)

  number of women in

  photographing of


  Rasha (shadow woman)

  release of Mayada, happiness over

  Roula (shadow woman)

  Safana (shadow woman)

  Sara (shadow woman)

  sleep, difficulties

  social status and

  stench of cell

  time as enemy of


  Wafae (shadow woman)

  See also Samara


  Shawket, Dr. Saib


  Sidqi, General Bakir

  Simpkin, Michael

  Sirri, Sahar


  social status and shadow women

  social successes of Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother)

  Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr

  song about Saddam Hussein

  sons favored over daughters

  spying request to Salwa Al-Husri (Mayada’s mother) from Dr. Fadil Al-Barrak

  “staring,” crime of

  suicide as sin

  Sunni Muslim Al-Bejat clan

  Tabaeya Iraniya deportations

  takreem (award)

  teeth torn out

  telephones bugged in Iraq

  “This Beautiful Science” (Mayada)

  Tilfah, Khayrallah

  Tilfah, Sajida. See Hussein, Sajida (Saddam’s wife)

  time, article by Mayada

  time as enemy of shadow women





  ceiling, hanging from

  cigarette burns

  death from

  delirium from


  Dr. Fadil Al-Barrak

  electrical shocks

  feet beatings

  fingernails torn out

  hook, suspended from


  Mayada Al-Askari


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