The Z Directive (Book 1): Extraction Point

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The Z Directive (Book 1): Extraction Point Page 9

by Thompson, Chris

  “That’s why you brought me in. Don’t doubt me now.” Jack told him acidly. “Ramsay out.”

  Hall closed the line of verbal communication and watched as Jack reactivated his helmet camera, an image of Doctor Reed appearing on screen for a few seconds as though to confirm her presence before Jack closed it off.

  “So it seems like he’s going to be able to complete the mission.” Hall commented, looking to Maxwell. Immediately, she saw that he looked troubled. “Is something wrong, Sir?”

  “Have you put in any information requests on Bolvinox?”

  “I submitted the requests to the appropriate agencies, sir, but I’ve not heard anything yet. A preliminary search we did ourselves didn’t reveal anything special about Bolvinox. Do you think there’s something we’ve not been made aware of?”

  “These days I don’t think we can rule anything out. Chase up those requests, I want everything there is to know about Bolvinox and any private security teams they employ on my desk within the hour.” Maxwell declared, leaning back and looking at his computer screen.

  “Should we perhaps deploy a second team regardless of Major Ramsay’s wishes? If this data is as vital as he’s asserting then we should take steps...”

  Maxwell tapped his fingers on his desk while taking another long pull on his cigarette, and then he looked towards Hall.

  “Prep fire team twelve, get them ready for deployment just in case, but we’re going to give Jack a little more time to work. I brought him in for a reason.” Maxwell stated. Hall nodded.

  “Is there anything else, sir?”

  “Not at this time. Get me that Bolvinox information.”

  Hall nodded, turned and left the office. Back on the walkway, she started to go back towards the stairs, preparing to go down and instruct a few of the technicians to follow up on the information requests about Bolvinox.

  Jack looked at Emma while she explained the situation. She’d arrived in Dewbury as the outbreak reached the city; having been laying low and attempting to figure out what her next move should be. As she had the data, she knew Bolvinox would be coming for her - indeed, they’d made several efforts to catch her that she’d narrowly avoided. Not knowing who she could trust, she didn’t feel safe walking into a police station or going to a military base. So she’d travelled for days without a plan, stopping in Dewbury with refugees from Chicago as the first cases were reported. She’d become attached to a medical group and been taken to the hospital they were now hold up in. It didn’t take long for the hospital to be attacked. Understanding what they were dealing with, Emma tried to secure the facility and, at the very least, provide a safe haven while she figured out the best next move.

  “I’d hoped that in the confusion and the chaos the Bolvinox security people wouldn’t be able to find me. We worked quickly - there were more of us then - to secure the ground floor and create a fortified area we could defend with whatever we could use.”

  “What did you do then?” Jack questioned.

  “After that we secured the second floor as a fall back, but we stayed on the ground level as long as we could. Everything seemed to be going well until someone drove through the front doors and that damn car alarm started going off like it was ringing a dinner bell. We retreated to the second floor, but eventually the infected made it through so we came up here. There weren’t as many infected up here so we quickly dispatched them, shored up everything and hoped we could last long enough for some kind of rescue.”

  “So how did you come to reach out to the military? What changed?”

  “What changed?” Emma asked, shaking her head. “Simply a lack of options. There’re just so damn many of them and we were trapped... I didn’t see any other way out.”

  “So what did you do?”

  “While we were on the ground floor there was a soldier who died. I took his radio from what was left of him and used it to get in touch with his commanding officer. A lot of ringing around and I was put in touch with Maxwell. He wanted to confirm my identity so I borrowed that laptop and did a video call; I showed him a fraction of the data and told him he could have the rest when he got me and the other survivors out.”

  Jack nodded. It was interesting to discover what had happened in the events leading up to their meeting, if only so he knew how strong Emma was.

  “So, Doctor Reed,” he addressed her more formally than he had previously, “ostensibly, you’ve been leading this group of survivors?”

  “Call me Emma.” She instructed. “And yes. Why?”

  “I just want to make sure that when you give the order to leave the others will follow.”

  “I understand. And I suppose you’re leading that group of soldiers?”


  “I thought you said you were in a cabin in the woods this morning.”

  “That’s true too.” Jack said, smiling briefly.

  “You look a little young to be retired, Major Ramsay.”

  “Call me Jack, and I didn’t retire.” Jack told her. He sighed, feeling that as she’d explained so much he should offer her some kind of explanation, but also not wanting to squander their time with a lengthy, unnecessary conversation.

  “Well?” She pressed. Jack shrugged.

  “I was on a mission in... some place.” Jack started. “My team and I were serving a dual purpose of both investigative and strike team out there. Well, most of us; Ty was elsewhere on a support operation, leaving me and the rest of the team in-country. It took a couple of weeks but we finally managed to arrange a meeting with our targets. I was to go alone, but the moment I arrived at the location I knew something was wrong. It turned out that my true identity had been leaked to the local militia who had sent word back to our targets. With my true purpose compromised, I was taken hostage, both for ransom and interrogation. Turns out me and this other guy, Grier, were both suspected of being traitors, so to appease the higher ups, I was burned and when they eventually went for Grier he was killed while they were trying to arrest him. Grier was actually the traitor... a pity they didn’t find out sooner.”

  “Oh my, what happened?”

  “I was held captive and tortured for close to six months but I managed to escape. I made my way back to the States and, with Ty’s help, I managed to settle down.”

  “How did they learn about your true identity?”

  “I’m not entirely sure, but I know the one responsible for the order to leak it was Maxwell. He was my CO and, ultimately, the only one with full knowledge of our operation.”

  “Holy shit.”

  “Yeah. The real kicker is that Maxwell and I used to be friends, but I guess in the grand scheme of things, a friend in this line of work is a somewhat relative term.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s life.” Jack responded, shrugging casually. “Let’s check on the rest of your people, make sure everyone is good to move out then try to figure out a plan to get the hell out of here.”

  “How are we going to escape?”

  “There’s an extraction point in the park not far from here. As you heard, we’re going to try to synchronize our evacuation from this building with the travel time of the helicopter so we can arrive at the same time they do. That way any of Bolvinox’s people out there shouldn’t have an opportunity to cut off our avenue of escape. Barring that, you must also have heard me mention a secondary extraction point?”

  “It sounds like a really good plan, but what if it doesn’t work?”

  “Beyond that, there’s a travel corridor out of the city we can use providing we can secure a vehicle.” Jack reassured her as he stood up. Emma didn’t look convinced.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I am. I’ve done this kind of thing before.” He told her, smiling confidently as he reached down. She took his hand and he helped her to her feet. With a sigh of resignation she stooped to pick up the lantern and then followed Jack back into the corridor. The group had moved down to a nurse’s station at the far end on the right.
The survivors were lingering there with most of the team standing amongst them - all but one of them.

  “Where’s Bridges?” Jack demanded as he came closer.

  “Went to find the latrine.” Tyrone responded. He glanced at Emma. “Doctor.” He acknowledged.

  “Jack says you’re going to get us all out of here.”

  “We’ll do our best.” Tyrone responded.

  “Sir,” Cross came over the radio, “we’ve repositioned in a building just west of the hospital. Sightlines aren’t as good but we’ve got some cover and we’re clear of the infected for the moment.”

  “How’s it looking out front?’ Jack wanted to know.

  “There are still a decent number of them lingering around the front entrance; I want to say about a quarter of what was there before.”

  “Understood. Any indication where the Bolvinox security personnel are?”

  “Not yet. Rodriguez is scanning the surroundings, but it’s slow going. There are a lot of places they could be hiding.”

  “I want to know as soon as you have something.” Jack responded.

  “I’m here!” Bridges called out from a corridor on Jack’s left. Jack glanced in his direction and shook his head frustratedly.

  “No one missed you.” Smith told him.

  “Aww, you’re breaking my heart.” Bridges returned sarcastically as he came closer.

  “If you two are finished, we need to talk about ways out of this death trap.” Jack told them aggressively before glancing at Emma. “Are there any vehicles nearby you’re aware of?”

  “I think...” She trailed off looking distant for a moment. “I think there was an ambulance near the east entrance to the hospital, but I saw it when we first arrived, so it could easily have been taken by someone else long before now.”

  “It’s worth checking.”

  “What are you thinking, Jack?” Tyrone wanted to know.

  “I’m thinking that a distraction of some sort would probably be in our best interests, and that a vehicle might be perfect for that.” Jack explained, looking at the other survivors. They were a mixture of average looking people, none that were particularly strong or athletic looking and none dressed in such a way that might imply they were anything but a civilian.

  “No firearms?” Jack questioned.

  “No. There were, but we lost them on the second floor.” Emma responded.

  “All of you be ready to move out as soon as we give the order.” Jack told them.

  Exhausted, but relieved to have the hope of escape, they nodded to confirm their compliance.

  “Okay, we need a few minutes to check our gear. When we get back, let’s go over how we’re going to get out of this.” Jack announced, nodding to Tyrone. Bridges and Smith followed as Jack walked away; Emma started to come too, but Bridges stepped in her path.

  “Stay with the others, Doctor Reed.”

  “If this is relevant to how we’re going to get out of here, then I want—” She started, but Jack turned around and attempted to defuse the situation, resting his hands on Emma’s shoulders.

  “It’s not relevant to the plan I have to get you and the others to safety, I promise. I just need to go over the supplies my team and I have. Please, wait with the others. We won’t be long.” Jack told her as reassuringly as he could. She looked at him, her eyes flashing momentarily with frustration before she abated and returned to the group of survivors by the station while Jack joined his team up the corridor.

  “Okay, ammo?” Jack asked.

  “Used about a quarter of mine.” Tyrone responded.

  “Same, maybe a little more.” Smith reported.

  “Yeah.” Bridges added unhelpfully.

  “So we’re good on that. We’re going to need quite a bit if we’re forced to hold down a position for any length of time.”

  “So what’s the great plan you’ve got?” Bridges wanted to know.

  “We’re going to call in the helicopter when the team is ready; it’s a ten minute hike to the extraction point so we’ll wait here a little while so we can arrive at the same time they do - that should reduce the risk that Bolvinox will get in position before we’re there... not to mention the infected being drawn in by the helicopter.” Jack explained.

  “So, you’re planning on getting all these people out?” Bridges asked.

  “Of course.”

  “I’m just saying...” Bridges trailed off, lowering his voice a little so it didn’t carry down the hall. “I’m just saying: we’d move a lot faster with just the doctor, or better yet, just the flash drive.”

  “You want to leave them behind?” Jack asked incredulously.

  “Our mission was to extract the data, not haul a bunch of people to the extraction point. You’ve not seen how riled up those things can get when there’s a big enough group of people - when there’s a big enough meal. Something about a large group travelling together draws them in like a vacuum sucking up dust if there’s nothing to distract them.”

  “Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that.” Jack told Bridges. “I suppose I should mention the second part of the plan.”

  Chapter Six

  Finding a window overlooking the east side of the hospital was easy enough, and with the aid of night vision they were able to locate the abandoned ambulance. It was powered down; no lights, no siren, and as such, had few undead around it.

  “I’m not sure why I have to be the one to do this.” Bridges complained as they looked out of the window.

  “Because I said so.” Jack responded; he didn’t add it was also because although he was a good marksman, he was also an annoying shit and if anyone could draw in a large crowd of the undead, he was confident Bridges would be able to manage it.

  “So, assuming the ambulance works, that I’m able to draw in a crowd of the infected and attract the attention of Bolvinox so they think we’re going the other way, how am I supposed to get to the damn helicopter?” A surly Bridges wanted to know.

  “You’re not going to go that far out of the way. Once you’ve led them in the wrong direction find somewhere you can ditch the ambulance where it won’t be easily detected, then double time it to the extraction point. Make sure it won’t take you any longer to get there than it will take us. You may want to run.”

  “I’ll be with you to keep you safe.” Smith told him condescendingly.

  “And when are we pulling out?” Cross asked over the radio.

  “A little before we do. When Ty and I were there, the north side looked clearest, but you’ve probably got a better idea than we do.” Jack responded.


  “Once you join the convoy, Ty and I will cover the front while you and Rodriguez cover the rear; we stay moving quickly, avoid as much enemy contact as possible and go straight to the extraction point.” Jack declared firmly.

  “Understood.” The team responded, though Bridges was a little more subdued in his response than the others.

  “Bridges, Smith, start making your way down now. Check on the status of the ambulance and make sure it’s operational.”

  “On it.” Smith answered. Bridges said nothing and simply followed his comrade as she set off to a stairwell they’d identified on their way to the window, which would be closer to the ambulance.

  Tyrone and Jack were left alone looking through the window; Tyrone said nothing, simply staring out into the gloom.

  “You’re not a fan of my plan?” Jack questioned, sensing his friends unease.

  “It’s a good plan.”

  “So what is it?”


  “If you’ve got something to say, spit it out before we hit the road.” Jack told him shortly. Tyrone glanced at him, and then towards the door of the room they were in. He took his helmet off and gestured for Jack to do the same. Jack shrugged questioningly, but complied.

  “Are you sure this is for the best?” Tyrone asked.

  “Splitting the team up?”

  “Leaving the
flash drive with her. If she goes down—”

  “That could to happen to any of us. The infected don’t seem to be entirely picky over who they eat.”

  “But the Bolvinox security team is; they’ll be gunning for her first. If you or I had the drive, even if she—”

  “We’re not going to let anything happen to her.” Jack interrupted tersely. “I gave her my word.”

  “And in any other circumstance you know I’d back you all the way. But there’s a bigger picture here, a sort of end of the world kind of picture. If she gets wounded by a sniper and the infected tear her apart before we can reach her then getting that drive back will be almost impossible. We take the drive now and that risk is mitigated by a hell of a lot.”

  “So you’ll take the drive and leave me to it?” Emma questioned angrily, appearing in the doorway. “I thought I could trust you!” She snapped, her eyes focusing on Jack. He started towards her, passing by his friend.

  “And you can. While I can understand Ty’s concerns, you keep the drive until we get back to base. I’ll make sure you don’t get hit.”

  “I don’t know, Jack. Maybe I was right, maybe I should—” She was saying, Jack interrupted her by stepping close and taking hold of her shoulders.

  “You’re doing the right thing coming with me. The plan I have is sound and we will all do everything we possibly can to keep you, and the other survivors, safe.”

  Emma still looked a little rattled, glancing around Jack towards Tyrone.

  “He’s right, Doctor, we’ll make sure you’re all safe. I was just thinking of some alternatives, nothing more.”

  “Well, they’re pretty shitty alternatives!” She snapped at him, and then sighed. “Fine. But if I think you’re going to ditch me or if you try to take the drive—”

  “We won’t.” Jack assured her. “Now, please, make sure the others are ready to roll. We‘re going to be moving out soon.”

  Jack released Emma and she, once again, looked at him as though she was trying to decide whether she should trust him or hit him. Seemingly deciding to do the former, at least for the present, Emma turned and left, stepping out into the corridor and walking away. Jack listened for a few moments, and then looked back towards Tyrone.


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