Marco & Rakia 2

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Marco & Rakia 2 Page 8

by Tina J

  “I know and you don’t have to keep saying it. I believe you.” She stood on her tippy toes to kiss me. My arms lifted her up and she happily slid down.

  “Sssssss. You feel so good Antoine.” She bit on my neck and dug her nails in my back.

  “How good?”

  “Real good.” Our tongues met. I leaned her against the wall and gave her pussy a beating. I wasn’t angry. I just needed a nut and the only one who could give it to me, is her.

  After we finished and got in the bed, there was a light knock at the door. We both knew it was Rak, because my son is still a baby and no one else is here. I threw a t-shirt on and sat up in the bed. I didn’t think it was appropriate to be laid up in the bed damn near naked and she come in. Ang, asked her if she were ok and she looked at me.

  “Is he ok? Did you find him?” I looked at Ang. She had no idea either.

  “Yea. He’s good.” Rak, is no dummy so the next question out her mouth didn’t surprise me.

  “He’s with her, right?” I put my head down.


  “Rak, don’t ask a question you don’t want the answer to.”

  “I knew it.” She leaned against the wall.

  “I didn’t say yes.”

  “Tech, I’ve been around long enough to know, when you don’t wanna tell something. Not that you’re keeping secrets but you know what I’m saying. Don’t worry, you didn’t have to tell me because I felt it in my heart. I knew, once he didn’t answer for me, she had him.”

  “Sis, are you ok?” Ang ran over to her.

  “Yup, I will be.” She wiped her eyes and stepped out the room.

  “Rak.” Ang went behind her and walked in the spare room.

  “I’m ok, y’all.” Ang looked at me with sad eyes. I couldn’t control what the nigga did. Nor, did I want a part in the shit.

  “Rakia, you can stay here for as long as you want.” I told her and leaned on the door.

  “Thanks, but no thanks. It’s time for me to do grown up things.”

  “What?” Ang sat next to her.

  “I have the money my grandmother saved up for me. I’m going to get an apartment, some cheap furniture, a hoopty and call it a day. It’s time.”

  “I’ll help you with whatever you need.”

  “It’s ok.”

  “I’m not taking no for an answer.” She looked at me and I nodded, to let her know, we had her for whatever.

  “Tech, I know that’s your brother but all I’m asking, is that you don’t tell him anything about me.”

  “You’re pregnant by him.”

  “I’ll send him ultrasound photos and promise to call, when I’m in labor. Please Tech. I need you to do this.” I ran my hand down my face. Ang, gave me a look saying, I better agree.

  “Fine.” I walked away and went to my room. She didn’t want me to tell him, where she’d go and I know, for a fact, he doesn’t want her to know where he is. They both had me in a fucked up situation. Ang, came in the room and climbed in the bed.

  “I know, it’s hard for you to be in this situation. But she’s pregnant baby and the less stress, the better. If she continues, it’s a possibility the baby won’t make it, full term.” I sat there quiet.

  “It’s gonna be fine Tech.” She kissed me and laid on my chest.

  “I hope so because being in the middle, sucks.”


  “I haven’t seen you in a while.” Shana said and sat next to me at the bar.

  “Move around.” Ang and I, were at the club, having drinks. Her parents had the baby and we wanted to have a night out and enjoy ourselves. We asked Rakia to join but she was too afraid of running into Marco. I knew for a fact, he wouldn’t be here because he was caught up with Mia. I only know that because I rode by the house, when I ran out to take my son to Ang’s parents and his car was there.

  “Tech, why can’t we be together?”

  “Because he’s married bitch.” Ang lifted my hand up and showed my ring. Shana, clearly saw it and gave zero fucks.

  “You still salty about me sucking his dick?” Ang laughed and sat down.

  “Never. He made me the wife. I own him.”

  “Do you?” She was trying hard to press my wife’s buttons.

  “Yes ma’am. You tried again and he wasn’t beat, correct.”

  “Only because you’re here.”

  “No, it’s because he won’t risk this.” She pointed to my heart.

  “He won’t risk getting his hurt, or hurting mine. It’s called being in love and not letting fake ass, side bitches destroy what we worked hard to build. Ain’t that right baby?” She slid her tongue in my mouth and I sat her on my lap.

  “Don’t even stoop to her level. You know who I belong to.”

  “What the fuck ever. He’ll be back.” Ang waved her off and she left. If things couldn’t get any worse, Marco walked in with Mia, close behind him. So much for him not showing up. I tried to keep my wife, from turning around but it was no use. He came straight to me and sent Mia, to find a table. I guess, he knew not to fuck with Ang.

  “We got a problem.”

  “And you couldn’t come speak about it, without your ho?” Ang, got up. I felt the same way. Since when did he start bringing bitches to speak to me? I could see if it were Rak. She was his baby mama and supposed to be, his wife.

  “I’m not gonna disrespect you Ang and I know you’re feeling some type of way, but it ain’t what you think.”

  “So those hickeys aren’t what I think? Thank goodness, Rakia didn’t come. Do you know what that would’ve done to her, to see you two together?”

  “I see it, Ang.” We turned around and Rakia was standing there, trying her hardest not to cry.

  “I came to get out the house but it looks like, I should’ve stayed in.”

  “Rak, can I talk to you?”

  “HELL NO!” She screamed out, shocking all of us. His facial expression changed. I knew, it was time to separate him from her.

  “Marco, you brought me here to spend time with this bitch?” Ang, snapped her neck and so did he.

  “Aye! Tha fuck you say?” Mia got nervous.

  “Nothing. I’m ready to go.”

  “Wait for me, over there, like I said. And don’t bring your ass over here again.” Like the lost puppy she is, Mia went to the table.

  “Ang, this wasn’t a good idea. I’ll see you later.”


  “Marco, don’t say shit to me, with those fucking hickeys on your neck. You didn’t even have the decency, to cover them up.” She walked out and he tried to chase her but I blocked him.

  “Man, you know she can’t drive when she’s upset.”

  “Ang, go with her.” I said and she ran out but not before mushing him in the head.

  “I’ma fuck you up later, Ang.” She stuck her middle finger up and kept walking. Those two stayed arguing, like brother and sister. That’s why I never got in it. He would never disrespect my wife and I would never, do it to Rak. The other bitch Mia though. I’ll play her the fuck out and won’t think twice.

  “Z, is in town.” He picked up the beer he ordered and took a swig.

  “Does anyone know where?”

  “Nah. I’ve had someone staking out Shana’s place but nothing, yet. How is she?” He took another sip.


  “Don’t play.”

  “Bro, you know I don’t like to get in your shit but you put me in it. She’s having your seed. How could you do her like that?”

  “Honestly.-” He was about to speak and this bitch walked up.

  “Marco, I’m ready. Hey Tech.” I sucked my teeth.

  “Why are you so angry? You act like, I fucked around on you.” I laughed.

  “Marco, get your girl.” He wasn’t gonna say anything because we both knew, he still wanted Rak. We may have disagreed in front of Mia, about them sleeping together but when it came to me speaking my mind, he never interrupted and vice versa.

; “No, Marco. I wanna know why he has an attitude? You barged in my house and started calling me ho’s.” I didn’t even allow her dumb ass to finish.

  “It’s what you are and whenever my brother is in your house, or anyone else’s, you damn right, I’ma barge the fuck in.” Marco had a smirk on his face. We never allowed a bitch to get in between us. Plus, his crazy ass would bust down a bitch door, if the roles were reversed.

  “You didn’t have to fuck me, for me not to like you. He may forgive you but I don’t owe you shit. I’m out bro.” I slammed my drink down and walked out before, my hands made it around her throat.


  “Do you prefer all hundreds, or it doesn’t matter?” The bank teller asked, when I withdrew, 10k from my account.

  “Hundreds are fine. It’s easier for me to count.” We started laughing. She handed me the envelope and I headed out to the car with Ang. She and I, had been out all day, picking up things for the small condo, I got at a good price. The day we went, the person met us there, liked me, took my check and told me, I could move in whenever. I got the keys and said, why not today?

  “You ready?”

  “As ready as, I’ll ever be.” She looked at me and smiled.

  “I’m proud of you Rak.”


  “Because you’re hurting and still handling business.”

  “I’m hurting but I have to do this. He made his choice Ang and it would be stupid of me, to stay in the house. If he wants to be with her, they can live there together. I damn sure won’t be like some of these women, who share a house with the baby daddy and his chick.”

  “I wouldn’t do it any differently.”

  “Do you think, I’m running?”

  “Not this time. You’re right about him moving on so why would you stay? Granted, he hasn’t asked you to leave but who would stay?” She said when we pulled up at the house.

  “Are you sure him and Tech, aren’t here?” I asked and pressed the code to the gate.

  “Yea. I asked Tech, to keep him away for at least an hour or two.” I nodded and she pulled in. We stepped out and I took a deep breath. This house is everything and more to me. I’m going to miss it.

  I pressed the alarm on the house, went in the kitchen to grab some bags and walked up the steps. I opened the door and broke down. The bed was still made and all the items, I purchased that day in the mall with his mom, were laid out everywhere. I went through each bag and only took out the things, I’d really need, like the laptop, its case and the IPad. I didn’t really need the IPad but I wanted it. I removed one Louis Vuitton purse, one pair of the red bottoms and a pair of Jordan’s. Everything else, remained in the bag.

  I went to the dresser and only took out the things, I brought with me from my cousin’s house. Rahmel, brought me a lot of things from Target, like pajamas, clothes and his girl picked me out the underclothes. I noticed the expensive lingerie set, Ang told me to buy, to wear for him, in the drawer the day we were at Short Hills mall. The same day, my aunt destroyed my truck and Zaire called himself, kidnapping me. He must’ve saved all the things that were in the other truck. But when did he put them in here? I don’t recall seeing them before.

  It didn’t take me long to pack my things and I only left with two bags. One was the few items his mom and I, shopped for and the rest were the things, I brought with me. I walked in the bathroom, removed my toothbrush and hygiene products too. He didn’t need to have any remnants of me left here. I’m sure his chick wouldn’t appreciate seeing it anyway.

  Ang, came in and asked if I were ready. I took the envelope of money out my pocket and placed it on the bed. People may think, I’m crazy for giving it to him. However, he didn’t have to buy me, to stay with him. I’m not saying he was but the things I’m leaving with from the mall, the day I went shopping with his mom, came up to the exact total, I withdrew from the bank so I’m giving him, his money back.

  “Yea, I’m ready.” We walked down the steps. She opened the door and I took one more look at the house. I should destroy everything in here, like a ratchet chick would. But where would it get me? He still wouldn’t be my man and my heart would still be broken. I set the alarm on the door, put my things in the car and made sure the gate closed too. I was depressed leaving his estate but its what’s best and I knew it.

  Ang, dropped me off at the small condo and helped me bring things in and put them away. We also blew up the air mattress to make sure no holes were in it, in case, we had to go back to the store. Ang and I, were going furniture shopping tomorrow because she wouldn’t take no for an answer, about purchasing stuff. I left the subject alone and walked her downstairs, to her car.

  “Remember the alarm company is coming early, so be up.” Tech, paid extra so the people could come the following day. He didn’t want me to move out as it was but he said, if I did, a security system had to be set up. I don’t know why, when this area has mad old people. It was perfect too because it would be peaceful.

  “After they’re done, call me so we can pick out furniture.”

  “Ok.” She hugged me.

  “Love you sis.” I waved, ran in the house and put both locks on the door.

  I glanced around the house and it was pretty spacious for a two bedroom. I had so many ideas, for how I wanted to decorate. I looked on the floor and the television was still in the box. I pulled it out, along with the Blu-ray player and put in one of Kevin Hart’s comedy specials. I needed to laugh and he could make it happen. I started putting the curtains up, making the bed, putting the rest of the groceries away and ended up falling asleep right after.


  “Let me find out, you don’t know me anymore.” Ang came in with lil Antoine.

  “I’m sorry.” It’s been two weeks and all I’ve been doing is sleeping and doing class work. If I wasn’t doing that, I was working.

  I found a job as an Entry Level, Electrical Engineer in Morristown, NJ. The pay was $16 an hour and had great benefits. I didn’t need a job right now but the money I had saved, would run out eventually, so I did what I had to. The people were so nice there and the boss loved me already.

  “You know, you can come over anytime you want.” She waved me off.

  “Soooooo, Marco’s been asking about you.” She plopped on the sofa. I picked out a nice living room set, when we went furniture shopping and I think she loved it, more than me. Her and Tech, spared no expense on my stuff. I mean, my bedroom set was a California King and we all know those are expensive. I’ve never slept in a bed so big, except Marco’s. The dining room set was beautiful and the baby’s room wasn’t decorated yet, because I was superstitious. However, they promised to take me shopping when I was ready. Little did they know, that’s something, I’m doing on my own.

  “I don’t care.”

  “Yea, ok. Anyway, he wants to see you.”

  “No, thank you.” I had the baby on my lap.

  “I don’t blame you.” She said and flipped through the channels.

  “Oh, can you give him this, the next time you see him?” I handed her an envelope. She opened it and smiled.

  “He’s gonna love this.” It was an ultrasound photo of the baby. I kept my end of the bargain, so Tech wouldn’t tell where I was.

  “Can you take me to the store?” I asked and she nodded yes.

  “What’s wrong with your car?” I did buy me a 2014 Nissan Rogue and it was in great shape. It only had 24,000 miles on it and one owner. You can’t beat that. I didn’t go out, besides to work anyway so I didn’t need anything fancy.

  “Nothing. I like riding in yours.” She laughed. We piled in the car and was singing all the songs on the radio. Even lil man, was making noise in the back seat.

  I grabbed all types of food, snacks, and whatever else, I thought was needed. It was only me but Rahmel stopped by a few times a week, with his girlfriend and had me cooking for them. She was so nice and I loved her, for him. He’s been giving me money too. I ask him to stop, but he tells me,
he won’t because I’m alone and he never wants me to be without again. I loved my cousin and wished we were still roommates. However, this is what I needed to do. Who knew, living on your own could be fun, peaceful and sometimes lonely? I enjoyed it though. It won’t be lonely for long, when my baby comes.

  “Yea, Marco and I, are together again.” I froze when someone said that. Did she just say they were a couple? I knew he was probably sleeping with others but a couple? Unfortunately, when I saw who it was, I sucked my teeth. I wouldn’t put it past her for trying to rub it in my face.

  “Let’s go Rak. I have my son.” I understood because we didn’t need anything popping off.

  “Looky here.” Ang and I, were placing things on the conveyor belt. I pushed the cart ahead of me, to make sure lil man, was blocked and she could move him, if this chick got crazy.

  “Hello. Mia, is it?” I continued watching the lady ring me up.

  “You know my name, bitch.”

  “WOW! I’m a bitch. You don’t even know me.”

  “Stay away from Marco, or I’ll beat your ass worse than its ever been.”

  “Not a problem. I haven’t seen him in weeks. You’re doing a great job occupying him.” I gave her a thumbs up and helped the cashier bag the few items. It wasn’t anything cold and mostly can and box foods for sides, to my meals.

  “Keep it that way.” Ang, pushed the cart.

  “What do you want from me Mia, Huh? You came here to get Marco and you have him. Why are you bothering me?”

  “Because I know it’s you, he’s been spending the night with.” Shock had to be written on my face. She knew too because she rolled her eyes.

  “I’m sorry to tell you this but we haven’t spoken or seen one another, since I found out about you two. If he hasn’t been with you, its someone else. Have a good night.” I walked next to Ang and she kept looking behind, to make sure she didn’t run up on me, as she says.

  “Can you believe he’s been with someone else?” Ang, never responded.

  “Ang?” She looked at me and then the road.

  “What?” I stared at her.

  “He’s not with anyone else.”


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