Dear Baby Daddy

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by Alexis Adaire
























  Other Matchmaker Series Books

  Also by Alexis Adaire

  The Book Hangover Lounge

  About the Author

  Dear Scarlett,

  I received your application letter yesterday and have read it several times since. I have to say that you’re correct in thinking that it’s not the kind of request I normal handle.

  I have been doing this a long time, and What The Heart Wants has a wonderful record of proven success when it comes to matching two people who are both looking for love and a long-term relationship.

  As you stated, though, you are not looking for a forever relationship, and you have no desire to fall in love. I’m sincerely sorry that the men in your past relationships failed you and left you distraught when it comes to men in general. We all have experience with relationships that don’t work out, and I do wish you’d consider letting me help you find a good man who will change your opinion and open you to the delicious wonders of a stable, long-term romance. I promise you would not be disappointed.

  Please think it over and get back to me. Regardless of what you decide, I pledge to respect your decision and do my utter best to carry out your wishes and find you the perfectly appropriate man.


  Grace Graham

  Dear Grace,

  I honestly appreciate your concern for my romantic life, but I’m sorry to say it’s not a concern I share. I’ve had three serious relationships in the eight years since I graduated from WUSL, and in all three instances I learned too late that the men I thought loved me were also loving someone else, sometimes multiple “someone elses.” I understand that there are some men out there who believe in being faithful to their women, it’s just that I don’t have the time, desire or patience to continue sifting through guy after guy, hoping to find one of them.

  In short, maybe not all men cheat, but it seems like all the ones I pick do, and I simply can’t go through that again.

  With that in mind, I repeat my initial request:

  I don’t want a romantic relationship. I don’t want anything ongoing. And I absolutely, definitely do not want to fall in love.

  What I want is a handsome, intelligent man from a good, solid family, who will agree to have no-strings-attached sex with me until I’m pregnant. After that, he will need to be fine with walking away from the situation and never contacting me, or my future child, ever again.

  I understand what a bizarre request this is of a matchmaker, especially one with such glowing recommendations as yours. Nevertheless, this is my desire. The reason I came to you with this is because you evidently are an expert at reading people, and as I stated above, I have very specific criteria for the man who will assist me with this project and help me start my own family.

  I truly hope you’ll consider doing this for me. I’d gladly pay double your standard fee, because obviously this is a pivotal moment on my life and I absolutely do not want to make yet another bad choice of man.

  Thank you,

  Scarlett Byler

  Dear Scarlett,

  I got your name and address (and pictures!) from Grace Graham at What The Heart Wants matchmaking service, so I’m assuming you also got mine and that this letter won’t be a total surprise. Or at least, that’s how I think this works; I’m still fuzzy on the details to be quite honest.

  The idea of using a matchmaker to find a girlfriend or wife seems silly to many people, because these days dating apps and online services are where everyone seems to go. Color me old-fashioned, because the moment I met Grace, I felt her service was the perfect fit for me.

  So, where do we start? I guess I should tell you a few things about myself first, right?

  I’m 32 years old and have lived my entire life here in St. Louis. I’m an attorney specializing in Intellectual Property Law, and I have a thriving practice my law-school friend Josh and I started three years ago. Physically, I’m 6’3” and fit (okay, I admit it: I’m a gym rat who plays basketball at the Y a few days a week). I like to think I’m a nice guy, but I leave that up to others to decide. I just do my best to respect people in the hope they’ll do likewise with me.

  I like gazing at sunsets and walking in the rain. The former I do from the window of my downtown office since I seem to be working late often, and the latter I do because if I don’t, my French bulldog Miles will pee on the hardwood floors.

  Can’t wait to meet you,

  Mason Brewer

  P.S. Grace said we’re supposed to trade a few letters before meeting. Seems a little strange, but I’m okay with it if you are.

  Dear Mason,

  This letter is not going to go the way you probably think it will, so please be ready and keep an open mind, okay?

  When I received you letter, I had to call Grace and ask her if she’d discussed my situation with you beforehand. Her response was, “No, dear, that’s up to you. I just make the matches.” She’s such a sweet woman that I couldn’t find it in me to push her on the matter, so I suppose it really is up to me.

  First things first: I’m a very normal person and have many friends and co-workers who will happily attest to that fact. I would have Grace vouch for me, but we haven’t yet met in person; I’m moving back home to St. Louis in a week after spending three years working in Dallas (I’m a graphic designer).

  Okay, then. Here we go…

  I am not looking for a husband. Nor am I looking for a long-term relationship, a boyfriend, someone to date, or even just a hookup. Well, technically, I guess I am looking for a hookup, but not a standard garden-variety hookup.

  I want to have a baby. Within the next twelve months, hopefully. My reasons for wanting to do this by myself are personal and aren’t really worth getting into.

  I’ll stop there for now, because if you’re absolutely not interested in being a part of this situation, there’s no need for me to go on.

  Please let me know if you have any questions, okay?

  Oh, I’m 29 years old, 5’7” and fit. And I’m a lot more fun than this letter probably makes me sound.


  Scarlett Byler

  P.S. I’ve never met a man whose name is composed of two professions!

  Dear Scarlett,

  Whoa! Your letter was quite the surprise.

  I’ve read it (and re-read it a few times) and am still a little fuzzy on the details of what you’re proposing.

  So apparently, you are looking for someone to father this child you want? I’m assuming you mean via artificial insemination, correct (you said you want to do it by yourself)? You’re looking for a sperm donor and employed Grace, right? That would make sense, because she’s proven to be a spectacular judge of character, both internal and external.

  I’m flattered that Grace thinks me sperm-donor material, but if we meet and agree to pursue this (I’m guessing you’d want to meet in person first), there would be a few things to work out. As I said, I work in IP law, but I have a friend who would be glad to draw up the necessary documents, including a sperm donor agreement.

  I’ve always wanted to be a dad, but this is a little different.

  A few questions:

  Would I, as the biological fath
er of this child, be involved in the raising of the kid, as in shared legal custody?

  If not, would I be allowed to meet the child and see him/her from time to time?

  Are you expecting any kind of financial support from the father until the child reaches adulthood?

  Wow, I have a million other questions (can I help pick the name?), but I guess those are the most important ones, so let’s start there.

  Looking forward to hearing from you again soon,


  Dear Mason,

  Well, shit. I’m afraid I didn’t explain myself very well at all in my first letter. I apologize for that, so please allow me to clear up the misunderstanding.

  I’ll have a be a little blunt here, so forgive me if I disturb your delicate sensibilities. ;)

  I am not looking for a sperm donor. Well, technically I guess I am, because that liquid is a critical part of the recipe. No, the idea of an artificial insemination procedure being the beginning of my little girl’s or little boy’s life is beyond depressing.

  No, what I’m looking for is a man to impregnate me directly. Assuming you agree to all this and we get along, we would need to have intercourse as many times as it takes for me to become pregnant.

  It doesn’t have to be a clinical exercise, either. We could drink some wine and have a fun time. But yes, you are guaranteed to get lucky on the first date. And the second, and the third, and however many it takes. Also, when I say “date,” I don’t expect you to buy me dinner or take me dancing first. In fact, I insist you don’t. Our dates will be pretty much exclusively about sex.

  What a deal, right? Not too many women are willing to offer these kinds of terms!

  I would let you know when I become pregnant, and from that moment on you have no obligations to me or the child whatsoever. In fact, you will not have anything whatsoever to do with the child. Ever. I will raise the child myself, and am more than able to do that, in both a nurturing and a financial sense.

  To avoid problems down the road, we would definitely need all of the important points above to be drawn up in a document that both of us will sign. I would be more than happy to pay your friend for his/her services in the matter.

  Like I said at the beginning of this letter, pardon my bluntness. I honestly don’t want you to think I have any interest in you romantically, and it’s better to state that now so nobody’s feelings are hurt after we meet. Hope you understand.

  I’m crossing my fingers that I haven’t completely chased you off at this point, because you seem like an intelligent, honest man, and with any luck those traits are hereditary.

  Waiting anxiously for a reply,


  Dear Scarlett,

  Well, that certainly cleared things up. Thanks for being honest and forthright about your situation.

  When I first saw the pics and short bio that Grace sent me, I got my hopes up. Apart from your obvious attractiveness, something told me that we were well suited for each other. Or maybe it was just me having faith in Grace not to steer me wrong. Regardless, I was optimistic and couldn’t wait to see where this might go.

  Unfortunately, where it went was in a totally unexpected direction.

  Now I guess it’s my turn to be blunt.

  I would’ve loved to meet you and earn the privilege of having sex with you, but I’m sorry, this is just not for me. As an attorney, I’m hyper-aware of the myriad legal ramifications of something like this. Furthermore, as a man, the idea of fathering a child whom I will never see just doesn’t feel right.

  Thanks for the offer, but I’ll have to pass. Best of luck to you in your search.




  I completely understand your reticence, and if I’m honest with myself, I have to say your message made me even more comfortable that you could be the man I’m seeking for this little project. It’s not every day you see a man with scruples (and an attorney, no less!).

  Why don’t we do this? Let’s meet for a drink and get to know each other a little, then see where things go. If you change your mind, great. If not, maybe we can be friends. After all, Grace evidently thinks we’d be great together, and she’s the relationship expert, right?

  And just to make sure you understand where I’m coming from: I’m not desperate. I will wait until I find the right man, the best possible choice. If it takes a year or two, I’m good with that. But Grace says you’re Mr. Perfect-For-Me, and everything you’ve shown me so far gives me no reason to doubt her solid judgement.

  You pick the time and the place, and I’ll be there. I promise to be wonderful company, and I swear I will not force you to have sex with me.

  Still anxious,


  P.S. If you refuse to meet me, there goes Grace’s perfect record. You wouldn’t want that hanging over your head, would you? ;)

  Dear Scarlett,

  All right, all right. You drive a hard bargain, woman. You really should have been a trial attorney.

  Yes, I will meet you for drinks.

  I’m actually looking forward to it, because you are one fascinating person and I’m dying to learn what makes you tick. And sure, you can’t have too many friends. Let’s meet at Dillinger’s on Washington Avenue next Friday at 6:00, at the main bar. I’m away on business earlier in the week, plus that gives us both ample time to talk ourselves out of it.

  Just so you know, I plan to buy one of those little male chastity things. You know, the type that puts your junk in a little cage with a tiny lock? Yeah, I’ll be wearing one, and I’ll leave the key at home, just to make sure I don’t get taken advantage of. If your smile is anywhere near as devastating as it is in your picture, a precaution like this is a necessity.

  I’ll be the guy in the pink tuxedo with a white carnation. Or is it the other way around? I always forget.

  My number, in case anything comes up: 314-555-2791


  P.S. Dear God, what did I just agree to? ;)


  Sucker! You are sooooooooo easy. : )

  Seriously, though, thanks for agreeing to meet. I’m glad to see you came to your senses, at least partially. You sound like an awesome guy and I’m sure it’ll be fun meeting you. The worst that can happen is we’ll hate each other and both demand refunds from Grace. And who knows, we may end up being besties.

  See you at Dillinger’s. I’ll be the mysterious woman at the bar in old-school, silk stockings with the seam up the backs.



  P.S. So sorry to hear a little cage is all your junk requires. Haha.


  Why am I so damned nervous?

  It’s a nice spring evening in St. Louis and I feel heated up inside like it’s July.

  I find a metered parking spot on Washington Avenue about a block from Dillinger’s. It’s a quarter of six, so I have plenty of time. I check my makeup in the mirror and touch up my hair, patting myself on the back for finally caving and getting it colored. The stylist did a bang-up job, and I’m now the proud owner of “hot toffee”-colored textured layers, spilling down perfectly to my shoulders.

  Deciding on an outfit was even more difficult. Assuming that I end up liking Mason, I really need to convey that I want to have sex with him. But I don’t want my outfit to look like I’m trying to convey that. It’s a difficult tightrope I’m walking tonight. I finally decided on faded jeans with a simple white V-neck tee and a long navy cardigan. The sleeves on the sweater are pushed up mid-forearm, and I’m rocking my beloved Christian Louboutin pumps with stiletto heels, a birthday present to myself that was way more than I should have spent. And of course, a push-up bra.

  I do a quick cleavage check as I approach the bar. Everything is perfect; just a hint is showing. I see my reflection in a window and take a deep breath.

  You look awesome, Scarlett. Just be yourself.

  Dillinger’s is packed, as expected for a Friday happy hou
r. I walk in and check my phone. I’m still five minutes early, so maybe I arrived before Mason did. Walking toward the main bar, I notice a few appreciative stares from men. Hopefully, Mason will have the same reaction.

  But what if he doesn’t? What if this seemingly great guy doesn’t like me?

  I tell myself it wouldn’t be the end of the world. I could just tell Grace it didn’t work out and ask her to try again. Or maybe try a different matchmaker, or a different method altogether.

  All of my worries melt away in an instant when I see him sitting there at the bar. Holy shit is this guy handsome. Like, old-school handsome. Short dark brown hair, nice solid jawline and a great nose. His neat, trimmed beard is sexy as fuck.

  And he’s looking right at me with eyes that say he likes the way I’m put together. Like he would devour me right here on the spot if he could.

  I have to say, I feel exactly the same about him.

  Mason stands and smiles as I approach. He’s wearing a nicely tailored dark gray suit with a lavender print tie, so he’s not afraid to be bold, fashion-wise. With every step towards him I feel myself growing less confident. This man is fucking beautiful. Perfect, maybe. Jesus, Grace was worth every penny of that steep fee.

  When I reach him, he opens his arms and gives me a nice hug and a peck on the cheek. “If you’re not Scarlett, then we have to get out of here before she shows up,” he whispers in my ear.

  I smile up at him. Yeah, he’s a tall one, all right. “It’s a pleasure to meet you in person, Mr. Playing Hard to Get.”


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