The Unbroken

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The Unbroken Page 45

by C. L. Clark

  Luca ignored the barb. “You’re not leaving, Beau-Sang. I’m stripping you of your post, and you’re under arrest.”

  The comte chuckled. “Arrest? On what grounds?”

  “Dereliction of duty, for a start.”

  “A jury will find I’ve performed my post admirably. Unlike you.” His grin vanished, and he looked Luca directly in the eye. “I brought them to heel, and at every turn, you squandered it. If your uncle wants to conduct a trial of competence, you’ll be found wanting.”

  Their audience rustled behind Luca, and she felt the pressure of their uncertainty. Beau-Sang knew Luca’s insecurities and how to capitalize on them. Then she felt a warmth behind her. Gil stood just behind her, and his presence lent her strength. His nod was slight, and she remembered his words the day she’d tried to use Aranen’s magic.

  Faith is the absence of doubt. I have faith in you. She wasn’t alone. He would stand by her in this.

  Luca stepped over to Beau-Sang’s desk and peered into the half-full box. Their arms brushed as she plucked up a paper nonchalantly and pretended to read it. Then she spoke calmly, to show his threats had no effect, even as a part of her screamed that he was right, that she needed him. She needed that steadiness to maintain her bluff.

  “We have other suspicions.” Luca let her gaze drift to Aliez, who waited at the threshold with Richard and Gil. She murmured for the comte’s ears alone, “You want the best for your daughter, but she suspects you. The general and I have evidence enough to have you hanged for murder. Either way, you’re leaving this house with me. Whether you do it with your last shreds of dignity intact is up to you.”

  Beau-Sang threw his head back and laughed, his shoulders shaking. Luca stepped back to avoid being jostled. He was the kind of man who thrived on control of the bodies around him. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of so much as a shove.

  “I’m glad you’re so thrilled,” Luca said. “General, we’re done here. Bring in your men.”

  Cantic nodded and signaled for the blackcoats to come in with their irons.

  Beau-Sang smiled broadly the whole time. “You don’t have enough to convict me for murder, Princess.”

  “Two young Qazāli have been reported missing. You hanged them the day you took office.”

  The comte’s eyes widened just enough that Luca knew it was true even though he scoffed. “Those Qazāli were hanged for kidnapping Balladairans. They were rebels.”

  Across the room, Aliez’s hands covered her mouth in horror. Luca grimaced. She wished Aliez had stayed back.

  “Rebels or not,” Luca said, with all the certainty she didn’t feel, “they didn’t commit the crime you executed them for. You did.”

  They all watched her now, silent, hanging on her next word. It was a thrill she’d never felt before, this frisson of power. They were hers and she was queen, and for once, every part of her was aligned.

  Cantic’s blackcoats arrived, and she directed them wordlessly. Aliez and Richard made space for them, both looking rudderless. Gil stood just off to the side, one hand on his pistol and one hand on his sword, which he was wearing for the first time in months.

  Beau-Sang growled as the soldiers cuffed him. “Your uncle will learn what you’ve done,” he snarled at Luca, face purpling with fury. “You’ll never touch that throne! You are a disgrace.”

  Luca flinched, but she said nothing as they dragged him away, only stood among his belongings as if they were now hers. She kept her jaw hard and steadied her trembling leg with her cane as one by one, the room emptied.

  By the time Luca made it outside, Cantic and Aliez were watching Beau-Sang’s carriage roll to the compound. Cantic stood beside her horse.

  “I wonder how many civilians know what’s happening.” The general looked askance at Beau-Sang’s daughter beside her, as if gauging the girl’s capacity for gossip.

  Now that Beau-Sang was gone, Luca felt as if she were slowly deflating. This was only the beginning. “If the illness hits the city or the Quartier, we’ll have chaos.”

  It did hit the city.

  The first case was a merchant whose brother was a soldier. Or maybe the merchant gambled with soldiers or sold to soldiers—the facts were unclear, and rumor carried the day. The important part was that the entire family took sick, and the merchant died on the third day, covered in a blistering rash.

  The chaos was immediate.

  As the illness spread from merchant to customer to child to child to parent, Luca could practically hear the wail of terror rise up from the city.

  Because of her choices, everything was crumbling around her. Even the city she was supposed to stabilize as proof that she could steer an empire.

  Where El-Wast had seemed lifeless and hollow following the burning night, reports said it was now a corpse infested with maggots. The harbor was overrun, civilians storming every seaworthy vessel. Luca could see the picture in her mind. Balladairans shoving forward, waving money and sheaves of paper, shouting their names and affiliations and influences. Whatever would help them escape.



  In the weeks since the Grand Temple fell, the ranks of the slums had swollen. The displaced Qazāli crowded around the edges of the tent “quartier,” huddled against the elements with nothing but heavy blankets and the dung fires to stave off the desert night’s chill.

  Though the children roamed freely, occupying themselves with mischief, the adults and some of the older children, like Ghadin, moved through the camp on edge. They knew that something was coming, even if they didn’t know what.

  Only Touraine, Jaghotai, and the other rebels knew the edge of the cliff they overlooked while the Qazāli death pox ravaged the Balladairans. Only they knew how far they had to fall if they took one false step.

  The night Touraine and the others were to attack the compound, they held a feast for everyone. Another circle of fires, another night of dancing and music, and the luxuriously average meal of dried goat meat, beans, and stringy vegetables shared thinly among the slum dwellers. The fires fought back the night, casting the walls of the New Medina in gold as if it were sunset. The worn Shālan script seemed to come alive in the flickering of the firelight. In a way, it was alive; the dancers cast shadows on the wall, which danced in turn.

  Touraine tried to pull her head back to the celebration. She sat around a fire with Noé and the few other Sands who turned coat the night the temple fell. Their silence was familiar and comfortable. The noise was not, though she was glad the Qazāli had some joy to scrape out of the ashes Balladaire had made of their city.

  She thought again of walking away, but it was only idle now. This celebration was as much for her as for the civilians who’d spent the last weeks mired in fear and grief. It was to celebrate Niwai’s rats and dogs and the ingenuity of decimating the enemy with what they feared most, and to celebrate that Balladairan fear. And it was to atone for the deaths of Qazāli caught in the cross fire of the disease, those who hadn’t caught the laughing pox as children. It was one last night of life for Touraine and Jaghotai and all the fighters who would likely die for Qazāl later that night.

  And to prepare Djasha to become another kind of death plague, one that would sweep through the darkness and tear the last remnants of the Balladairan army to shreds. If Shāl would hear her prayer for power.

  This was the decision Jaghotai and the others had come to while Touraine was gone. A good thing, too. She would never have agreed.

  And yet…

  How far would you have gone, if you could have saved Aimée and Tibeau?

  From across the circle, Djasha caught Touraine’s eye, then stood and left the circle of light. Touraine left Noé and the others at her fire and followed. One by one, the rebel council slipped away.

  The darkness swallowed them up. Above them, the millions of stars scattered like shrapnel across the blackness. On the edge of the desert, away from the desperate joy, Touraine and the rebel council and their fore
ign priest gathered in a circle around the dead body of a blackcoat. Jaghotai helped Djasha to kneel over the dead woman. Niwai’s head was cocked to the side, their vulture perched on their thick glove.

  Then the Apostate began to pray.

  Jaghotai, Saïd, and Malika were silhouetted against the darkness by their lanterns. The flames carved their faces into sharp-cheeked masks. They looked more like Touraine felt. Queasy. Uncertain. Not for exactly the same reasons, but Touraine appreciated that much.

  She was still grappling with what they were about to do here, and what that meant for later that night. She had never forgotten Djasha’s threat after she and Jaghotai had taken her. To use Touraine’s own blood against her. She hadn’t forgotten the Taargens stealing her soldiers for their own rituals. And she definitely hadn’t forgotten the lesson that was beaten into her—or out of her—in Cantic’s training: Uncivilized. Uncivilized. Uncivilized.

  Touraine’s stomach clenched but held steady as Djasha made her first cuts along the body.

  No one else had to be here, Djasha had said. And yet here they were, all of them. What did that say about the rest of them? Not Niwai, who had made their own sacrifices to appease their god—but the rest of them? The Qazāli had cut themselves off from the Brigāni sect of Shāl because of this exact use of magic. Because of the Emperor Djaya and her bloody use of Shāl’s gift.

  The magic wasn’t a corruption itself, Djasha had explained to Touraine when the plan was decided. Every god had two sides, like a coin, and each gift had a price. Knitting and unknitting—which required animal flesh and human flesh respectively, the life’s blood. Other gods governed elsewhere, just as costly. Farming and plague. Hunting and husbandry. Wisdom and madness. Empress Djaya had reached too far, forgetting Shāl’s One Tenet. That was all.

  “Aren’t you worried about reaching too far?” Touraine had asked Djasha before, in Jaghotai’s tent.

  “I’ve reached this far before.” Djasha had grimaced. “Shāl’s mercy be upon me as I deserve.”

  Her tone of voice had made it clear what mercy she thought she deserved: none.

  “I thought you couldn’t do Shāl’s magic anymore?”

  The Brigāni woman had sniffed hard, fiddling with the golden ring in her right nostril. “I couldn’t. I lost my faith in Shāl when he took my family from me. I lost my magic. I found a new god with the monks, and then I lost that one, too. And yet here I am.”

  “The Apostate.”

  The older woman’s golden eyes had flashed as she grinned a jackal’s grin. “We’ll see.”

  A desert wind made Touraine pull her borrowed robe tighter in the darkness far from the bright celebrations. She knew what her fascination said about her.

  Despite everything, a part of her wanted this.

  As Djasha cut, she prayed. Jaghotai prayed. Malika and Saïd prayed. Even Niwai closed their eyes and murmured in their own language.

  Touraine watched.

  Even in prayer, Jaghotai didn’t relax fully. She did soften. Anger turned solemn. Touraine could tell that it was no idler an exercise than training, though. It comforted Jaghotai, as much as the Jackal could be comforted.

  Touraine had gone so long without comfort. The people she’d trusted to do that before were dead or in prison. And sky above did she need something.

  Djasha’s prayer rose to a pitch as she cut out the blackcoat’s heart and raised it to her lips. The sharp coppery tang of blood filled Touraine’s nose and coated her tongue, even though she kept her mouth clenched tight against rising nausea.

  A thrumming in the air tingled over Touraine’s skin and through her chest, like lightning striking too close and the clap of thunder that follows.

  Touraine knelt.

  The compound wasn’t home.

  It had never been home, but it reminded her of home. The layout of the desert compound was a yellowed mirror of the compound in Balladaire, but tonight, in the dark, she could almost pretend they were the same.

  Touraine crouched on the walkway of the compound’s southern wall, where the soldiers on guard duty patrolled the perimeter. Djasha had climbed up first and unraveled the patrolling soldier’s heart. The silent death unnerved Touraine more than watching a soldier blown apart by cannons. Then Djasha crouched beside Touraine, eyes glowing golden, even without the stars. It was bizarre to see the once ex-priest with so much strength.

  “I can’t maintain this for long,” Djasha murmured as if she could read Touraine’s thoughts. Perhaps, Touraine thought with a start, the other woman could.

  While the others climbed up the ladders and onto the ramparts in their dark clothes and veils, Touraine surveyed the place that was not her home and yet held her heart in its fist. To her left, the gate in the west wall facing the medinas. A bare dirt road ran from the gate and split the compound neatly into north and south: the infirmary in the northwest corner, where even now Touraine wretchedly hoped Balladairan soldiers were dying and the Sands were not; the brig in the northeast corner, where Touraine had spent more than enough time and where Djasha would rescue Aranen; between the infirmary and the brig, the administrative building, where she had been court-martialed, where Cantic gave orders and Luca wrote laws and Touraine had tried desperately to find a place in it all. The compound had never seemed so huge from the ground. The height of the wall also gave Touraine the perspective to see how badly she’d failed and how badly Balladaire had failed her.

  Every time she was here, she felt helpless. Always at the mercy of some Balladairan or another, hanging from their whims. Not tonight. Tonight, she came of her own will. She didn’t want mercy. She wanted them to burn.

  There were six more buildings on the southern side of the compound, closest to Touraine and her mixed company of rebels. Two barracks faced each other in the southwest corner, and another two faced each other in the southeast corner. In the middle, the canteen faced the administrative building, and the supply stores sat squat behind the canteen. The remaining Sands were probably under guard in one of the barracks; the rest were garrisoned by the Balladairan soldiers.

  The compound was noisy, and despite the order of the tents, she had a feeling that the well-oiled army of Balladaire was gunky with fear and sickness. The figures running circuits from barracks to tents to mess hall seemed manic, not efficient.

  On either side of Touraine, the leaders of the rebellion crouched: Djasha, with her golden eyes, frail body, and the force of a god in her veins, and Jaghotai, raw strength and over thirty years of just rage begging for an outlet.

  “You sure you don’t want to stay up here?” Touraine asked them. “We’ll need you to get out.”

  “I’ll end this with my bare hands or die trying,” growled Jaghotai.

  No less than Touraine expected.

  Djasha nodded solemnly, her eyes locked on the jail where her wife waited.

  They took each other in one last time. The moment seemed to stretch, until Jaghotai held out her forearm. Touraine clasped it.

  “We pray for rain,” Touraine said.

  “No.” Jaghotai squeezed Touraine’s arm tightly. “Be the rain.”

  The rebels descended on the compound like a summer storm.

  The attack went wrong from the very beginning.

  Jaghotai surged down the wall with a platoon of her best remaining fighters, aiming for the western barracks to surprise the soldiers in their beds. The rifles would be least useful there, in the close quarters. Above them, looping around the wall they had cleared of sentries, some Sands who had joined the rebels waited with Touraine’s treasonous guns to give Jaghotai cover. As the alarm cry went up, Saïd and his group snuck east with Djasha to the jail under cover of chaos.

  Touraine led her group up the middle, to the supply stores where the Balladairans kept spare munitions as well as blankets and uniforms. She and her new soldiers crept through the shadows, and all around her, the darkness seemed alive with danger. Which it was. Her lungs swelled with the heady buzz of doing what she was me
ant to do.

  Two of her makeshift soldiers took out the two guards at the supply door. Easily done—they were confused at the alarm and groggy with sleep or illness. The guards hadn’t fully registered that the compound was under attack until it was too late.

  Touraine and Noé slipped into the building, leaving a handful of their soldiers outside to guard their backs. Something was wrong. There was no clerk, but that didn’t set her senses off. She sniffed.

  “Sir, there’s no powder,” Noé said in a low voice.

  “Down!” she hissed. She signaled at the rest of them, but they were slow to react.

  In the close quarters, the gunshots sounded like thunder, and smoke clouded the dark room, ruining the little night vision Touraine had. She ducked low and ran. She and Noé scrambled together for the door. She tripped over soft, solid lumps as she wove a snake’s path back to the exit.

  She gulped fresh air when she was outside and dived immediately to the side. The rebels she’d left were wide-eyed in the dark, holding their knives and the muskets Touraine had kept from Cantic.

  “A trap,” she said raggedly. “Don’t go in. Don’t show them your back.”

  She dragged Noé aside. “We need to get to the barracks. The other Sands—”

  He nodded, his narrow face solemn in the dark. He turned to go, but before she even let go of his shirt—the hooded shirts the Qazāli wore, not the standard-issue conscript coat—they paused at an all-too-familiar sound.

  Balladairan marching drums, keeping a sharp cadence.

  “The alarm,” Noé said, maybe in denial. He tried to shrug her off and see to his mission, but Touraine held fast.

  She shook her head. “Alarm’s been set off.” It had been for ages, though the attack couldn’t have been on longer than ten, fifteen minutes even. This sounded too far away, from the south. “The Balladairan reinforcements are here.”

  Sky-falling fuck.


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