Common Powers

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Common Powers Page 74

by Lynn Lorenz

  Without waiting, he removed the damaged plug and put it in one of the small parts boxes, labeled it and put it on the workbench. He’d have to go through the front office to get the part from the supply room. Hopefully, Flynn would have the owner’s permission for work by now.

  Estaban went back to the counter. A customer was handing over the keys to a car as Flynn typed in the info. When they were done and the man had found a seat and a magazine, Estaban stepped up to the counter.

  “So, you get permission for the plug change?” He wanted to let Flynn know it was just one plug, not the set.

  “Yeah. He wants you to do the whole set.” Flynn gave him a don’t-mess-with-me look.

  For a moment, Estaban thought about defying his manager and standing up for what he believed Smith’s garage stood for—honesty and integrity. But if he bucked Flynn, he’d take a chance on being fired and he needed his job.

  He chewed his cheek, spinning the choice over in his head. It was the difference between twenty bucks and a hundred. He had no idea if the owner could afford it or not. Was cheating a customer worth risking his job over? Or his honor? He’d backed off a relationship with Phillip to avoid being fired and almost lost his chance. He swallowed down his anger at being put in this position.

  “Carl, can I talk to you? In your office?” Estaban needed to either shut this down or get sucked in. Just thinking of that made him feel dirty.

  Flynn glanced over at the customer flipping through a magazine, then back at Estaban, with a twist of his lips.

  “Make it fast.” He stood and moved faster than Estaban gave him credit for, down the hall to his office. Estaban followed him in and Flynn shut the door.

  “I think you’re making a mistake padding the bill.” Estaban put his hands on his hips and shook his head. “If Joe finds out you’re cheating customers, he’ll have your hide and mine for going along with it.”

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” Flynn reared back and narrowed his eyes. “I run this place, not you.” He poked his finger into Estaban’s chest. “Don’t forget it.”

  “But Joe Smith owns it and I don’t think he’ll be happy if I tell him what you’re up to, now that you’re running the front desk.” Estaban pushed Flynn’s hand away.

  Flynn took a step closer, backing Estaban against the door. “Listen. If you think you can blackmail me over a measly spark plug job, you got another thing coming. I’ll get rid of you so fast, your head will spin.” He snapped his fingers in front of Estaban’s face. “Now, you can walk out of here and change those plugs, or you can walk out of here and keep walking. You choose.”

  Estaban clenched his teeth and his fists. Flynn knew he needed the job, but Flynn also needed him. He was the best mechanic between San Antonio and Houston, and he knew it. If he walked, Smith’s would be shut down. And if he told Joe why he’d quit, Flynn might find himself trying to explain his new management style of ripping off customers.

  “I’m not doing it and I’m not leaving. You need me. You just lost Phillip up front, Jimmy’s nothing but a packhorse, and there isn’t another mechanic worth a damn to be had for miles.” Estaban snorted. “And if there’s one thing Joe Smith prides himself on is his reputation. He won’t be happy if he finds out you’re working to besmirch it.” He crossed his arms and stood his ground. “Go ahead. Let’s call him and ask.”

  Like air escaping from a slashed tire, Flynn slumped with a hiss. “Fuck.” He wiped a shaking hand over his face. “You’re right. Go ahead. Replace the plug. I’ll straighten the paperwork.” He couldn’t meet Estaban’s gaze. Something about his reaction bothered Estaban.

  “What’s going on? This is about more than padding some tickets.”

  Flynn moaned and pushed his palms into his eyes. “I fucked up. Bad.”

  “What? How?”

  For a moment, Flynn looked as if he was on the verge of collapsing. He lost the color in his face and his hands shook. Phillip thought he’d just wave him out of the office, but he took a deep breath and exhaled.

  “I borrowed some money. Wrote a few checks I shouldn’t have on the garage’s account, that’s all. I’m just trying to put that money back.” He dropped his hands and shrugged. “I got a little too deep in debt, gambling at the casino. But I can earn it back in no time. I just need a little help, that’s all.” He pleaded with his eyes for Estaban to understand, but he was barking up the wrong tree.

  “Not embezzling from Smiths.” Estaban shook his head. “This is not a good way. You’ll get found out! Hell, I found you out! If Joe finds out, whether you’re married to his sister or not, it won’t mean a damn thing. He’ll put you in jail, you idiot!”

  Flynn grabbed Estaban’s arm. “You gotta help me!”

  “Like hell I do.” He shook Flynn off. “Come clean to Joe. Borrow the money from him and then pay him back. Don’t do this.”

  “Fuck!” Flynn gulped hard and Estaban expected him to burst into tears, but he pulled himself together. “Never mind. I’ll figure it out.”

  “I hope so.” Estaban opened the door. “I got to go back to work. You too.”

  He left the office with Flynn trailing. He went to the supply room, picked out the right plug and headed back to the front. Without a look at Flynn, he exited into the work area, letting out a long breath.

  For now, he’d kept his own honor and Smith’s reputation intact. He’d avoided a major mistake getting involved in a scam, but Flynn’s last remark didn’t set well with him. How would Flynn figure it out and what did that mean?

  Chapter Nineteen

  Edward showed Sammi through the doors to his salon, making a sweeping motion with his arm. “Voilà! The Spring Lake Day Spa!” His eyes sparkled as he looked around the front room.

  “Oh, Edward!” Sammi clapped his hands. “It’s marvelous!” He took in the antique desk, the shelves filled with everything from handmade soap to all sorts of hair products. The aroma—a mix of vanilla and lavender—filled the air, giving him a feeling of relaxation and contentment. Diaphanous curtains puddled on the varnished hardwood floors and spilled soft sunlight through the windows. Even the cowhide-covered chairs were elegant. “This place is to die for!”

  “Thanks! I’m so proud of it.” Edward pointed down a hall. “The first room is manicures, the second is pedicures, and at the end is the massage room. Now, let’s see what we’re going to do today.” He sashayed over to the reception desk. “This is Beth. She’ll know your schedule for today.” He propped one hip on the edge of the desk and winked at Sammi.

  “Hi, Beth! I’m Sammi.” He held out his hand and she took it for a gentle shake.

  “Hi, Sammi! Let me see what Edward booked for you.” She ran her gaze over the computer monitor. “Okay. I’ve got you with Joy for The Man-icure, it’s designed for the guys. After that, you’ll head to the pedicure room, for a one-hour hot stone massage and pedi with Maylene.” She sighed. “You’re going to think you’ve died and gone to heaven. Maylene knows how to work a body’s feet.”

  Sammi exhaled. “Wow. That sounds…incredible.” He couldn’t believe he was finally here, in Edward’s spa, getting a day of pampering. He threw his arms around Edward and gave him a big smack on the cheek. “Thank you! This is the best Christmas present I’ve ever had!”

  Edward laughed and hugged him tight. Beth winked at Sammi. “Merry Christmas, honey. But that’s not all! Don’t forget, after all of that, you’ll get a one-hour massage with Edward. It’s guaranteed to cure what ails you!”

  Sammi released Edward. “I can’t wait to get started!” He tossed his head, whipping his bangs out of his face. “I think I’m going to enjoy being spoiled like this.”

  “Good. You deserve it. Beth, Sammi is in culinary school in Houston. He’s a wonder in the kitchen”—Edward cleared his throat—“and in the bedroom,” he fake whispered. “Hopefully, Mitchell will do some pampering of his own when you get back to Houston.”

  “Oh, I would never let him spend this kind of money on m
e.” Sammi shook his head. They didn’t have a lot of money to just throw around, which was why this meant so much to him.

  Edward smiled. “I know. But every now and then?”

  “Well, maybe…” Sammi giggled.

  “Right. So, let’s get you started. I’ll take you to Joy, then I’ll see you later. If you need anything, just ask for it. We offer wine, cold drinks, water and coffee. Let Joy know and she’ll make you comfortable.” Edward winked again and led him down the hallway, stopping at the first room.

  He guided Sammi inside. “Joy, this is Sammi. A dear friend of mine. He’s getting The Man-icure today. Then take him to see Maylene for a pedi.”

  Joy, wearing a trim white jacket, stepped forward. “Nice to meet you, Sammi. Come on over to my station and take a seat.”

  Sammi followed her, sat down, and listened to all the things she was going to do to him, his hands and his arms. From trimming, shaping, buffing, and exfoliation, he’d never had it so good.

  For the next three hours, he’d be treated like he was someone special. Not like the whore he’d been, or the slave, or even a lowly culinary student, but a man who had friends, a life of work and study and learning and love.

  Sammi blinked back tears as Joy lowered her head over his hands and got to work.

  * * * *

  Maylene shepherded him down the hall, carrying his boots. “Do you need to use the restroom? It’ll be another hour before you can.” She paused at the door.

  “Good idea.” Sammi stepped inside, closed the door and relieved himself. He’d had a cup of coffee with his manicure and a glass of white wine with his pedicure. His feet felt so good, he didn’t want to put on his boots back on. The wine helped with the relaxation of his body. He finished, flushed, and washed his hands.

  “Okay. I’m ready.” He stepped out and smiled at Maylene.

  She nodded and knocked on the next door. “Sammi’s here.”

  Edward opened the door with a big grin. “How’d you love it, so far?”

  “Amazing!” Sammi sang out. Maylene put his boots next to a chair in the corner of the darkened room, then slipped away. A few candles were lit and soft music played. The scent of eucalyptus filled the air.

  “So, now we get to the good stuff.” Edward waved to the large table. “You’ll need to undress—with or without your briefs—and stretch out on the table, face down, and use the sheet to cover yourself. I’ll step out and give you a few moments. Put your clothes on that chair.” He winked and left the room.

  Sammi stood there for a moment, letting his eyes adjust to the dim light. He took a deep breath and pulled off his sweater, pushed down his cargo shorts, then paused as he decided whether to go completely naked or not.

  Naked won. He folded his clothes on the chair and climbed up on the table, pulling the sheet over his ass. The table was warm beneath him as he snuggled down, and positioned his face in the pillow ring. He giggled when he saw the floor through the opening. A knock on the door sounded.


  “Yes!” Sammi had to keep remembering to breathe and he wasn’t sure where to put his arms, either dangle over the sides of the table or next to him.

  Edward shut the door and came to him. “Okay, put your arms next to your body. Are your head and neck okay?” He stroked Sammi’s back. “I’m going to tell you what I’m doing to you, and we can chat or you can just close your eyes and enjoy. Right?”

  “Right.” Sammi inhaled and exhaled.

  “If you feel any pain, let me know. Some soreness is expected but this is a relaxation massage, so I won’t be going into deep muscle territory.”

  Sammi wasn’t sure what that meant, but he was up for anything. He trusted Edward completely.

  Sammi closed his eyes as Edward began. The oil he used smelled citrusy with a hint of almond. Delicious.

  “I’m going to work on your shoulders and back. Most people carry their tension there.” Edward kneaded his back, only digging a bit harder on his shoulders. Sammi moaned—he couldn’t help it. It hurt.

  “How’s school going? Do you like it?”

  “It’s good. Hard, but in a good way. I’m learning so much.” Sammi sighed.

  “You’re going to be a wonderful chef.”

  “I hope so. Adjusting to school at first was…well, I’m doing well now. Mitchell has been so supportive.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.”

  Their conversation died down as the combination of the soft music, the dim lights, the scents of the oils, and Edward’s constantly moving, caressing hands lulled Sammi into a state of relaxation. His worries vanished, his breathing leveled out, and his thoughts emptied.

  When Edward moved the sheet over his ass lower, Sammi came more awake.

  “I’m going to do some massage on your glutes. I’m getting a hint of tightness there.” Something in Edward’s voice changed. A hint of worry, maybe.

  “Anything wrong?” Sammi tried to push up and look back at Edward.

  “Shh, honey. It’s nothing.” Edward pushed him back down. “Really.” He massaged one cheek, digging his fingers into the firm globes. Sammi hissed.

  “Sore there? No surprise.” Edward chuckled. “I’ll bet that sweet ass of yours gets a workout from Mitchell.”

  Sammi laughed. “You bet. He’s a beast.”

  Edward moved on to the other cheek and Sammi hissed again. Another tender spot.

  “As long as it’s okay with you. You have to let him know what you need, not just know what he needs, honey.”

  “I talked to him, like you said.” Sammi sighed. “I think he understands what I want and that it’s okay to be my daddy, to be more…dominant. I want him to care for me, but not order me around all the time, you know. I think he’s cool with it and he’s relaxing more into the role.”

  “That’s so good. I’m happy for you.” Edward moved lower down to Sammi’s thighs and worked those long muscles. Since Sammi waxed his legs, there wasn’t any hair to pull, so Edward’s oiled hands glided over his skin.

  “Uh, that feels so good.” Maybe he should let Edward know.

  “Good.” Edward continued working.

  Edward working his thighs, calves and good Lord above! His feet! Edward’s skill shone bright as he worked Sammi’s feet, using his thumbs to press into his heels, then pulling on his toes.

  Sammi moaned. Who knew rubbing your feet could feel so good? And that it was…erotic? Anyway, his dick thought it was.

  “Now, roll over.” Edward removed his hands and held up the sheet.

  “I think there’s a problem.” Sammi cleared his throat. “I’m not sure I should, uh, turn over.” He leaned on one elbow and looked back over his shoulder.

  Edward looked up, blinked, then burst into laughter. “Oh! I get you now!” He got himself under control. “Don’t worry. It’s normal. Guys get hard all the time during massages. Face it, if we’re getting rubbed and stroked, we think it’s sexy time.”

  Sammi giggled. “I wasn’t sure if it was normal or not.” He turned onto his back and Edward lowered the sheet to cover his groin.

  Yep. His cock stood up, tenting the sheet.

  “I guess you like my massage?” Edward wiggled his eyebrows at Sammi.

  Sammi grinned. “My body sure does. What do I do about it?” He pointed at the sheet as he tracked his cock’s stiffening.

  “Well…” Edward bit his lip. “This isn’t supposed to be the ‘happy ending’ sort of massage. I think Mitchell would kill me if I did that. Besides, it’s sort of illegal.”

  “And what would Jack say if he knew?” Sammi rolled his eyes. Both had men who were alphas and not good sharers. “Would he arrest us both?”

  “Probably only me. You—I’m not sure what he’d do. It might not be good. Or fun.” Edward sniggered and shook his head.

  “I can’t stay like this. And the more you touch me…”

  “I have the front of you to do still.” Edward put his fists on his hips. “What do you want to do? F
inish the massage? Quit? You could think of something boring, like baseball or one of the other sports?”

  “I’ll try. I really want to finish the massage. I might not get another one for a while.”

  “Okay. Let’s just talk a bit.” Edward oiled up Sammi’s arm and worked on it, sliding down to his fingers.

  “How’s business? You must be doing really well?”

  “It’s going great. At first it was a bit…slow, but now it’s taking off. I’m thinking of hiring more employees.”

  “Wow! I’m so happy for you.”

  Edward moved to his other arm. “Thanks.”

  “It must have cost a lot to get the house fixed up as a business.”

  “It did, but Jack helped me keep the costs down. Nothing extravagant. No big spending. At first, I was a little resentful, but he was right. Starting a business is hard and the odds of it failing are pretty high.”

  “You’re lucky to have him.”

  Edward snorted. “I think he’s lucky to have me. His life would be boring without me.”

  Sammi laughed. “I think I’ll ask him about that.”

  Edward moved to massage Sammi’s head. “I’m going to work on your head a bit. You’ve got a lot going on up here.” He thumped Sammi’s forehead.

  “Good or bad?” Sammi opened his eyes and stared up into Edward’s.

  “Nothing to worry about.” He ran his fingers over Sammi’s temples.

  “That feels good. Are you sure?”

  “Honey, I’d tell you if I came across any problems. You’re fine.” He leaned down and gave Sammi a kiss on his forehead.

  Sammi sighed, closed his eyes and trusted in his friend. “This is so nice. I want one every day.” He giggled. “Well, maybe once a month.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Sammi had fallen asleep. Edward hated to wake him, but his time was up.

  “Sammi, honey.” He gave him a pat on the arm. “It’s over. How do you feel?”

  “Wonderful.” Sammi stretched and sighed.

  “I’ll be back. You go ahead and get dressed.”


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