Ruby Mage

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Ruby Mage Page 21

by Dan Raxor

  I stared down in abject horror at the sudden pain.

  With a rapid scan I sought this new foe.

  I sneered seeing the wolf-kin alpha with a bow in his hand and terror in his eyes.

  He knew he’d scored a hit, and gained my attention.

  I grunted from the pain, becoming desperate.

  Sending the excess energy out of my body, I fired flames in a wide swath as I bought myself space.

  This magic was not a controlled fireball and instead an expanding wall of fire. The spell was so bright with a growing billowing that the flames were reminiscent of napalm.

  With the drain great, and the excess energy depleted from my core, I extinguished the fire that was dancing over my skin.

  A wave of exhaustion crashed into me. Both the tremendous pain, and drain of magic left me staggering and struggling to stay on my feet.

  When I saw the golems, the mounted troops were taunting the big creations. They stopped their aggression on me to focus on Sir Nathanael and his cavalry. Targon charged around them, rearing his horse high and stopped mere feet from me.

  I raised a hand for help and we clasped forearms. He yanked me onto his horse in front of him. There was a snap of wood behind me, and without warning he rapidly extracted the headless arrow out of my guts by the fletching.

  The pain in my abdomen screamed at me, causing me to cry out. I was fading, the exertion and damage taking its toll.

  Slumping to the side, I fought to stay conscious. The rhythmic bouncing of the horse speeding us away from the carnage lulled me into a sleep I hoped I’d awake from.


  Lornia - Unknown

  Date Unknown

  I stirred with a groan, feeling stiff as a board. My hand shot to my stomach, touching a thick wet padding.

  “Easy Master,” Susanna said from my side in a loving tone.

  Her thick lips landed on my clammy forehead. There was a commotion as I peeled my eyes open. I wasn’t in my tent. The interior of the walls told me I was in a stone building. Likely inside Trimi where the drenched clothes told me I fought a fever.

  “Trevor!” Lidia squealed racing to my side. She gingerly bent down to hug me. “How do you feel?”

  “Water,” I managed to croak out.

  Rivinia came in with a wooden mug, sliding beside Lidia to slowly help me quench my thirst. I greedily drank until I gave a slight cough, bringing about a series of pins and needles to my stomach.

  When I winced, Lidia fawned. Harmony scampered away from Pete to cling to Lidia’s leg. Her haunted sunken eyes and thin frame filled out some, telling me time had transpired.

  “How long was I out?” I moaned.

  Lidia cringed before saying, “Two weeks.”

  “So tired,” I muttered before closing my eyes, dropping back into a slumber.


  There was a soft singing that brought me around this time. Libby was strumming a harp while singing a lullaby. She saw that my eyes were open, exchanging a smile with me.

  Susanna slept on the floor back to back with Rivinia. I searched for Gabriella and Ryleigh, not finding them in the room.

  Beside my bed rested a cup of water. When I shifted I felt a wet towel under me. Great, I’d pissed myself. Marvelous, at least my fever broke. I guess if I were in a hospital they’d have put a catheter in.

  Here, I got a towel.

  The wound screamed at me while I sat up. Libby left her chair by my side, kissing my cheek before heading out of the room. Lidia ran in a moment later.

  “We need to get you home! Where they can properly heal you,” Lidia said desperately. I hated seeing her looking so concerned.

  Sir Nathanael strode in behind my sister. He wore a regal outfit for once. He was nobler looking in this, but it was odd to see him out of his armor.

  “Talk about timing!” Sir Nathanael said joyfully. “Master of fire and flame, I come bearing a gift, sort of. It only cost you thirty gold and is worth every coin.”

  A decrepit old man was wheeled in on a wooden chair. The Lornian device creaked and squeaked as it rolled to where I sat up.

  His wrinkly face scrunched, looking up at me with a squint. “Your hand, my Lord,” he requested with a broken aged voice.

  I had figured it out by now, happily extending my hand into his. The magic from his core was weak and minimal. It also had a green tinge to it. The transfer of energy shot into my stomach, making the area blessedly numb.

  I couldn’t see anything transpire because of the wrap, and the magic had me unable to feel my skin knitting together. I cursed and promised next time I’d remove the bandage first.

  The old man passed out right as he finished healing my wound. I felt great and awful at the same time. I checked his pulse to see if he still lived, and thankfully found him alive.

  “How old is he?” I asked.

  Sir Nathanael shrugged. “Old enough to make the trip from Branfield. Duke Lacroy sent him with a minor fee as thanks. Branfield is the next closest major city to the dwarves. The dwarves sued for peace returning the rest of our livestock to the Duke,” Sir Nathanael said, wheeling the old man to an assistant to take him out. “You should feel—”

  “Amazing, this is better than the healers at my home. I take it you plan on catching me up?” I asked and he nodded. “One second.”

  I tapped Rivinia and Susanna with my foot one at a time until they stirred. They leaped up to hug me. Then gasped when I removed the bandage to show my firm abs. Hey, I lost ten pounds. Talk about a diet. After their tender embraces I grew confused.

  “Where are the vixens?” I asked looking around the room. Their faces dropped slightly at me asking about the wolf sisters.

  Rivinia stared at the ground and Susanna found the courage to speak.

  “Gabriella tried to get past the golems when she saw you were facing a charge of dwarves. She was flung back into the forest, kicked by a golem. I … we … think she survived even though she shouldn’t have. She was sent flying toward the wolf-kin. The tracks showed a massive wolf-kin scooped her up, taking her away with the—”

  “No!” I said planting my butt in the bed in dismay. I wanted to cry, shout, and demand that life return my lovers to me at once. “And Ryleigh?”

  Sir Nathanael cleared his throat. “Refused to do anything besides try to rescue her sister. She broke free of our attempts to restrain her and charged recklessly to find the enemy.

  “My orders were not to pursue. The troops regrouped, holding a defensive formation until you were safely away. We fought a cavalry skirmish with the golems. A soldier would distract them while the calves were chipped away at. When they collapsed, they gave up, and returned to dirt.

  “Then we marched to harass the foe and try to exchange prisoners. You wounded more than a few on your own who we corralled up,” Sir Nathanael said.

  I wanted to punch him. A few on my own… Pfft I won the fight. Let it go or it’ll consume you.

  “And,” I said, finding strength in knowing they were likely alive.

  Sir Nathanael fidgeted slightly before stiffening. “Negotiations ended up working. We traded captured scouts and imprisoned workers they had for their wounded but not your guards. There was a catch though.”

  Susanna looked at me sadly to say, “I tried to explain the delay in their rescue was not your fault. I said you were incapacitated and bedridden. They expected us to go charging in to save them. All my attempts to placate them were ignored.” She gave a long and painful sigh before continuing, “They said you failed them and they’d be seeking a new alpha. A wiser alpha in the north. They fled.”

  Sir Nathanael said, “The wolf-fey escorted them out of our lands, taunting us as we tried to convince them to return to your side.”

  “Unreal… I get it in a way. The vixens were extremely ruled by loyalty. No one attempting to rescue them was an affront,” I grumbled.

  “We assumed the same thing, sorry Master,” Susanna said, tears welling in her eyes.
  “You did your best. These wolf-fey are taunting us. Seems like they want another fight,” I said. It was Rivinia who winced this time. “What?”

  Susanna said, “They retreated into an old cavern that a dragon died in during a dwarven decimating. Ha! Say that one three times fast.” Her face soured. Gabriella was great at little sayings like that, causing us to sadden. “Anyway, they’re dug in deep. And yes, probably want you to lose troops attacking their superior position. They’re smarter than I thought they were.”

  I fumed, blowing a long exhale of frustration. I patted the bed beside me, spurring Rivinia into motion to lean into my side.

  “Lady Lidia, before I figure out the situation. Are you okay?” I asked.

  She nodded. “I’m great. If you can’t tell we’re in Trimi, and I love it!” she said with widening eyes.

  “Love what, Mommy?” Harmony said and Lidia melted.

  “Come, darling, uncle needs to hold court. We shall visit the kitchens!” Lidia said, confirming what I suspected.

  She only wanted to go home so I could heal. I watched the two of them leave the room. I sighed, glad they were happy.

  I frowned, feeling disgusting. “Out with you, let me clean and dress for a proper meeting, and I’m famished. Could you set up a buffet, Sir Nathanael?” I asked politely.

  Targon cleared his throat from the doorway to say, “Viscount Nathanael has already set up a table, Baron.”

  I smirked, wanting to jump for joy. Instead I said, “Out, all of you, besides my guards.”

  Susanna retrieved a bucket with soapy water, immediately washing me. Libby prepared an outfit. Rivinia hummed while washing my hair that was likely coated in fever sweat.

  “You okay, Master?” Libby asked.

  I sighed. “I almost died to protect you all. I understand Gabriella rushing to my aid, in a sense. Ryleigh didn’t listen and got herself captured. She would have obeyed me, I think. I’ll never know.”

  There was a collective gasp at this.

  “What do you mean, Master?” Rivinia said.

  “I can’t say this clearly enough. They left us. On their own volition. That is bullshit!” I shouted, feeling a hole in my heart.

  They nodded in agreement.

  “Listen, you three are my inner circle. If you get captured I’d be lost. I would do whatever it took to rescue you, assuming I’m alive and awake,” I said in a painful tone.

  I straightened my back, eyeing them each long enough to have their attention.

  “My desire is to have you in a setting like this forever. Around me, happy, and content. I can’t do that if I’m given your finger in exchange for gold because you’ve been captured,” I said sternly. “So let’s avoid dashing into the enemy recklessly.”

  “While this is sad about the sisters, are you saying you want to extend my contract?” Libby said hopefully.

  I almost rolled my eyes. Seeing her exposing her emotions to me softened my resolve.

  “Yes, now tell me what happened. How did they break free?” I ordered and Libby let out his bated breath.

  “She ripped herself out of my arms, Master. I … tried,” Rivinia said from behind me. Her tender attention paused as she recalled the memory. “The vixens were stronger than they appeared.”

  Susanna scoffed. “Look at this.” She pointed to her eye. “It's a good black eye. Gabriella clocked me when I held her back. They … their loyalty to you Master. At least it used to be…”

  “I gave you an order. You followed it, they did not. I’ll hurt, but never forget them and maybe they realize they erred in their judgement. That is the most we can hope for. Now out, all of you. I’m going into that privy room to blow it up, and then I’m capable of dressing myself,” I said to a light chuckling from all of us.

  “And then what, Master?” Susanna asked, kissing my cheek.

  “We learn what being a Baron means. Also, I feel beyond amazing. As soon as we can, we start shoveling gold from Pangea to Lornia. We do that until we can buy a young and vital healer!”


  Lornia - Trimi

  294th day of the 1st year of King Partel’s Reign

  The drafty keep allowed the stone framing to radiate a chilly atmosphere. I could feel the wintery cold through my thin boots, and wanted to blast flames over the frigid walkway. Thankfully, I packed a spare robe to feel somewhat cozy.

  Rivinia reminded me I was lacking armor to stop annoying things like arrows. She had a point, although I wasn’t sure I could wear anything that didn’t melt. I’d have to add it to the list of questions to ask the mages guild.

  My retinue flowed behind me with Libby and Susanna in battle gear and Rivinia in a matching robe that I wore. The shape of a golden ruby was hand stitched over my heart. All my uniforms now had a signet to go with the outfits and I adored the symbol.

  Our walk for the Viscount’s court was brief. I entered the main room to find it mostly filled with folks I didn’t know. Lidia sat without Harmony with three empty seats beside her. Everyone at the table was dressed for a formal occasion and staring at me in a mix of fear and awe.

  There was zero warning when Sir Nathanael hurled his wine cup at a young man flirting with a serving girl. All eyes shot from me to the boy. The poor girl squeaked, vanishing for a side room.

  The young man collected himself to say, “Baron Trevor, Lady Rivinia, Lady Libby, and Lady Susanna.”

  I bowed to the Viscount. He stood, gesturing for the empty seats.

  “Thank you for hosting me, dear Viscount,” I said, seeing his two lovely wives for the first time.

  They were definitely arm candy. The raven-haired beauty on his right wore a tiny tiara, smiling. The blond haired woman was younger, seventeen at most, and swollen with a child that was likely kicking already. Noticeably missing was Lady Laurn and the other wives of his late father.

  Rivinia neared to whisper, “If you seat one of the other women they will be elevated to spouse status. A hand maiden at the table is appropriate to fill in for the social aspect and your self-entertainment.”

  I gulped. Just when I was loving Lornia, I grumbled again. A quick spin had me shooing Susanna and Libby to the bleachers where other attendants waited. They both pouted but left.

  There were some light murmurs about this, but I went to sit beside Lidia. My sister was beaming with happiness.

  “Sorry, that one is for Pete, take the one over,” Lidia said. I went to warn her when she flashed me a ring on her left hand. “Only an engagement, yes, I know what that seat is for, and Pete will be here in a minute after Harmony is set to her nap.”

  “Are you nuts?” I exclaimed.

  The two of us had a staring contest.

  “Everything okay?” Viscount Nathanael said from the end of the table.

  I growled, plastering a fake smile on my face. “Perfectly fine, Viscount. My Lady Lidia has informed me of minor news of a personal matter. Are we going to shout at each other or is there going to be a private meeting after?” I asked politely to gasps.

  Apparently, I was breaking some edict, or Lornian rule.

  “Relax. The Baron can speak to me how he wishes. He took to the field of battle and won the day, likely saving my life, and more importantly yours. This roasted pig was possible only because of him,” Nathanael said in a boastful manner.

  My mouth was watering at the mere mention of delicious pork. I was about to ask where the hell the food was when I was served by the flirting girl from earlier. I sipped my wine, instantly spitting it back into the cup.

  A rapid wave sent Libby over to my side where I ordered her to bring me fine wine like at home. Or a whiskey. Anything would be better than this piss filled wine.

  She argued there was no such thing as fine wine here and I pouted. After a series of hushed tones that earned us glares, she informed me the sweetest thing would be brandy and it got expensive. My eyes lit up at this, sending her to get me a fancy bottle.

  So, I didn’t talk to Lidia. Sh
e pretty much kicked me in the nuts by deciding to get married without talking to me.

  Who the heck marries a deerman? Sure, he was good looking, supportive, and tender, always made her smile, and… dammit. I guess I was the bad guy here.

  I would wait to apologize. I asked Rivinia who these people were and she shrugged. A few snide glances were shot at the fire mage and her fey maiden. Like I gave a fuck about the silly court politics.

  Maybe I would one day, but that day wasn't today.

  When my brandy showed up, one of the wives huffed her way over.

  “This is the Viscount’s table,” she huffed and I just stared at her blankly.

  “Obviously,” I retorted to new gasps. “Is this a blasted high school? I literally pissed myself so the peasants wouldn’t revolt. Apparently, I need an example. Fine, that does it. Who wishes to challenge me to combat?”

  I dumped the piss wine under the table and filled my cup with brandy. The Viscount was chewing his food with a smirk. His wife was hovering, Rivinia was giggling, and Lidia was terrified. My gorgeous but deadly girls were ready for violence and other noble servants were on edge too.

  “Pela, come sit dear. Your place is at my side,” Viscount Nathanael said in a sour tone. The lady didn’t move. “Ask for brandy next time and you won't offend us.”

  “Where I come from the wine is closer to this brandy, almost identical. It is merely a custom breach. I apologize, Viscount Nathanael,” I said to another stupid round of gasps. “Why the hell is everyone so offended?”

  “You challenged them, and they have no desire to become a sacrifice. You offended me, and then admit to a mistake. You deferred to my station after questioning it,” the Viscount said with a sigh. “That is a rational response. Court dictates you stick to your first statement even if you were in the wrong.”

  “To the changing times!” I said with a salute of my mug.

  Tipping my cup back, I gulped the brandy down in a big swig.

  Oh, shit.

  I tried to hold it in, I really did, but I belched like a novice drinker.

  When both men and women at the table chuckled, I snorted and said, “Lornia is odd. That would have caused a gasp, in Pangea.”


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