Ruby Mage

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Ruby Mage Page 31

by Dan Raxor

  “I can however make you a Hand of the King. Which means you can bully the shit out of the stupid nobles to raise armies, strengthen defenses, and rally to win battles. The dukes will sour slightly, except you’ll be in the dreaded south that everyone hates.

  “There is Harun Port that is vacant, no. You don’t get Harun because the Dukes will raise a shit storm if I give it to you. Loon Harbor has an old man ruling the small port city. The good news for that city is, it's all new. The bad news is it's under defended and a key entry weakness to my kingdom. Do you see where I’m going with this?”

  I huffed, listening intently and was glad he paused.

  “Loon Harbor needs a military leader, is far enough that others won’t care that I’m there, and it’s a bit of a blank slate to mold to my whims,” I said and he smiled. “The downside is it has a ruler already in place.”

  The king leaned back in the raised chair, confidently tapping the table. “What would you do about that?”

  “I’d need to know more,” I admitted.

  “Old, pays his taxes regularly. For a count he is wealthy with lots of children. Leads a peaceful city that will get crushed in the coming wars,” King Partel said.

  “Move him to Harun, if he doesn’t, strip him of his title, and send his loyalists to Harun with him,” I said.

  “Forget Harun. Duke Tarkon is marrying his second daughter to a very promising man of minor nobility named Alexander, to Harun,” the King informed me. “Handsome fellow who wins all the tournaments we host. He is being sent to help defend the south with his military prowess as a general.”

  Politics were never my thing and this was showing it. “I don’t want to co-lead. If he is a good man I’ll dig into his stuff or plant something and then kick him into retirement. Any who cross me, I burn.”

  The king pounded the desk three times. A procession of orderlies in robes came forward carrying rolls and rolls of parchment.

  “It will take them hours to set up. Come, follow me, and stick a hood on the elf,” the King said, leaving out a back door.

  “Where we going?” I said, wiggling through the orderlies to catch up to him.

  He chuckled and said, “Drinking. Lord Trevor, I’ll probably never see you again, and I have one last gift for you in exchange for your service in defending the south. Oh, um… and for the horses. I’d finally feel tall on them.”

  “It better be a really good drink,” I said and he giggled.

  Even the guards broke their stern expressions to break into a laugh with him. That was ominous. “The drinks are terrible, but the company is delightful.”

  “What kinda drinking place is this?” I questioned.

  “That… it’s not like you have a choice.”

  I plastered a fake smile on my face, exiting the back of the building to find a massive carriage being pulled by four of my stallions. He smirked with a guilty shrug. I entered the luxurious cabin, a bit miffed by the turn of events.

  The good news was, brandy was on the menu for this guy.


  Lornia - Crimm

  352nd day of the 1st year of King Partel’s Reign

  We rode in silence and only Rivinia was allowed to enter the carriage with me.

  “They’ll come for her,” Partel said, as if she wasn’t in the comfy wagon.

  Rivinia had said the elves had offered to free her from her previous employers a few times. She didn’t know what being an elf was and while that was intimidating, it was irrelevant. Her bindings prevented her from that option. Something that I’d change.

  “I’ll let her go if she wishes.”

  “Interesting,” he said, opening a window for us to see the nice homes passing by. “What is she to you?”

  I raised an arm and Rivinia snuggled in. “My friend, advisor, and lover. Recently we talked about being a baby momma, but you know, things move fast in Lornia.”

  “Good, elves are known for strong bonds. She will be with you until you die of old age. Assuming they don’t abduct her. This actually helps some. That Farlake gal, the quarter fey, is she like her?” the king asked.

  I was feeling offended, but I realized he was merely doing politics. “Are you saying I need a wife?”

  “If you don’t pick one, I have the authority to issue one,” he said and I sighed. “Just make the Farlake gal your wife. In all the years I’ve followed court I’ve never seen one of Telfi’s children become a noble. Do you know why?”

  “The Council of Dukes is the only thing I can think of. Honestly, I just want to enjoy the kingdom while I improve my magic,” I said.

  He snickered at this, finding it humorous. “I literally have a fake king on the throne, tell me about wanting privacy. You want that mob to go away. Marry someone and say you’re happy. It will help, but not completely. If it's a big deal, just leave her behind when you go home, if you do leave.” I scowled at this. “Don’t get upset at my words. It is merely advice. Take it how you will.”

  “This one pushes me for a baby, and you want me to get married. Lornian society is so different.”

  “Exactly, and you’re here now. Get married or get proposals until you do. As a Hand of the King you can marry more than one woman. You never know, there are actually some beautiful, charming, and well-mannered young ladies that would make your life easier,” the King informed me.

  I sighed. “I know. I like the exotic women here, and more than one is delightful. You are dancing around the subject. Who do you want to attach to me?”

  “This has all been arranged since you won the Battle of Trimi Woods. Did you figure it out yet?” he asked. “I’ll give you a hint, you can’t marry this one but in the future you should with bind your families together.”

  I snapped my fingers. “Not marry… Alexander right? A tourney champion who can help me lead men. Norlan would need to protect my lands and train my troops. You set me up with a second son who has no real power and is being installed as a count to appease the Dukes. Why do they want him gone?”

  “He literally is too good with a sword and shield. All noble children can compete in tournaments. If you win, you get rewarded. Normally it's a fine stallion or a daughter someone doesn’t want to pay a dowry for. I pulled some strings, playing the dukes for a minor win. I sent him to…” he paused, hoping I’d figure it out.

  “Harun Port where he can no longer compete. This helps that city buffer its defenses and you actually get a win all around. Well played,” I said and he gave a smirking nod. “So what do I have to do to keep you happy once I get to Loon Harbor?”

  He sighed, staring out the window as the city transitioned from nice to decent housing. The sound of a ship’s bell rang loudly.

  When it quieted he said, “I’ll be sending a spy, or three. An official advisor will show up to relay information between us and help with ensuring you don’t burn all my southern nobles for disobedience. What I mean by that is, let the advisor be your diplomat. You’re too blunt with too little training. Great for a southern general, bad for a southern king.”

  “King?” I said questioningly.

  I noticed the outside was at a downhill angle and our speed was nice. Almost as if the road had been cleared for our journey.

  “You’re going to be powerful, something others always resent. Especially when they aren’t bound to you.

  “Since you’re a man, without a doubt you’d be seen as the southern king and dukes will be prodding you to rebel so they can garner more power up here as I have to fight you in the south. Except no one will fight me.

  “Anyway, this carriage ride will be enough to give appearances that you're a favored friend. I’m the King’s Squire and none would question me protecting his grace’s latest carriage noble,” the King laughed, enjoying the notion.

  “Wait you are driving me in this carriage to let rumors spread I’m plotting with the king?”

  “Glad you’ve caught up, yes. It will help keep a few of the others out of your court when you arrive,” h
e said with zero shame.

  “And the decoy? Where is he at the moment,” I said with a scoff.

  “In bed with the harem of harlots I gave him,” the young looking man said. “I lied, the paperwork was done. I brought you here for an even trade and to sow seeds of rumors that benefit me later.”

  The carriage came to a halt. “I wasn’t aware you needed to trade me evenly, Squire.”

  “A squire always settles the debts the king orders him to. Trevor, smart to swap my name. Call me Leon from here forward,” the King said, exiting the carriage when the door opened.

  I followed him out with Rivinia right behind me. Varin and Siofra sat on the driver’s seat of a second carriage as the first one rolled away. Both were giving me goofy grins as if they knew something I didn’t.

  The establishment was a sailor dive bar. The Buccaneers - a coin a brew - just for the mates.

  I giggled at the sight. The king of Lornia was leading me into a drinking pit that couldn’t even be bothered to fix one of the batwing doors. I wanted this grand entrance too.

  “We need this in our castle, but working,” I wished to Rivinia over my shoulder. I spied her smile from under her hood. “What!? These doors are awesome.”

  A doorman went to stand in my way, trying to bar my entrance. I charged magic into my body, readying to unleash.

  “What! No, no, and no. Bad Trevor,” the King scolded. “Let him through, Tiny.”

  The big oaf stood aside and I returned my magic. When he let me in, he pulled Rivinia’s hood down and immediately put it back on. The reason for my initial rejection was clear.

  We were in a gay bar with only men inside. I had even missed the no vagina allowed sign because I was fixated on the batwing doors.

  Alright, gay guys weren’t a personal sexual taste, but I certainly had no problem with it. Apparently, a man loving a man was okay here. Bigotry against sexual orientations in Lornian just wasn’t a thing. That was saved for your social status, wealth, and how you were born.

  Leon led us to a dancing fairy in a cage that glowed bright green. My studies said a healer was green.

  Was this a healer!?

  The moment the dancer saw the King he froze, shaking his head in denial. Leon simply bobbed his head. What looked like a brother shook his head no faster, displaying his angst.

  A few customers watched the display with growing concern.


  A spell washed over me and I was caked in ice. Siofra entered the bar, unfreezing me and Rivinia. Guards swarmed into the bar, which was deathly silent besides the rattle of armor.

  He cast without showing he had power. I bet I witnessed something very rare and I wanted that concealment spell.

  The king pointed to what was likely a brother. The guards lowered the cage he was frozen in. One of the mages unfroze the brother with the other slapping a collar on his neck. I was handed the chain.

  To say a lot transpired in a few seconds would be an understatement. There was a gay healer dancing in a cage, the king had magic, and I was being gifted the healer.


  The healer tried to bite my hand. I kicked him in the balls before he could. Siofra grabbed the man by the hair, dragging him out for the carriage. The king followed us as the healer was deposited beside Juniper and her daughter.

  “That healer has a master. He fled them, trading me some favors for a few years of fun. Want to know a secret?” the King asked and I nodded. “Keep him happy and he won’t run… but for real, lock him in a dungeon too. We’re even now. If you kill my advisor I send you, you won't wake up one morning.”

  A horse was brought to the King and he hopped on. The sound of trotting faded as the King and his guards disappeared into the city.

  I was stunned. Talk about a twist. I could work with this though.

  With a smile on my face I hopped into the carriage. Juniper handed me documents that I handed to Rivinia.

  “You flipping bitch, I’ll -”

  Siofra froze him. “I’ll ride with you, Master. Varin is taking us to Madames.”

  Siofra sat in the carriage beside me and hopped into my lap. I knew she was ensuring I felt her butt squishing into my dick. Yeah. I was ready for the chaos to be over and get some me time.

  “What were the documents?” I asked.

  “Your title, Hand of the King, or Prince,” Juniper said.

  “Huh?” I said with furled brows of confusion.

  Siofra’s tender arms wrapped around my stomach, hugging me. “You silly man. You accepted to be the Hand of the King. That means if the King is without an heir…”

  “Surely he has offspring?” I said, not certain.

  “He does, but it tosses you in the bottom rung,” Juniper said and I let out a loud sigh. “And no one calls a hand - the hand. Prince is what ya are in title. Every first to twelfth daughter of every noble is going to be swarming you. Good thing you like a harem of women. You just became the most eligible bachelor.”

  “So there was no paperwork to sign?” I was confused by that part.

  “No the king just didn’t want to wait while the headmaster approved the documents. Umm…” Juniper said. She paused inspecting the healer further. “This man resembles someone closely that is on every wanted poster in the kingdom with a huge bounty. I play the game that is called the King’s Court. His story is not a mystery and yet somehow he was hidden.”

  “Can we secure him, and what is the tragic backstory?” I asked, feeling my excited cock poking into her butt. I held in my chuckle when she left my lap, revealing a pitched tent. Siofra noticed and was so adorable when she blushed fervently that I made her hop back on. “Sorry, I had an itch.”

  Juniper patted her teenage daughter's hand who was giggling. “This would be Duke Inbad’s healer. Rexa City, about six days east of here and the furthest eastern Duke. This man held a channeling concealing collar that he told only one person about. He kept exploiting that one person for money and lost his collar. He became a known healer who eventually escaped and entire armies scoured to capture him.”

  “Kinda brilliant to hide him in a dive bar,” I said.

  “A sailor’s bar? But yeah, no mage would go down to that section of town willingly. It’s rampant for thievery, violence, and nasty things. Anyway, I have a torture dungeon I’ll stick him in until it’s time to move him. He’ll be moved from there in a big storage chest. Good thing he’s small,” Juniper said matter of factly.

  “Can’t he refuse to heal?” I asked with a frown.

  “Sure, but he can’t heal himself and healers feel extra pain. Just bully, bribe, or torture him. Not my problem once you leave Crimm,” Juniper said with a shrug.

  “I hear you,” I said, mulling over the ideas.

  “Alright. So what’s next?” Siofra asked.

  “I smell like armpit, I haven’t bathed properly in what feels like a month, and my hair feels like it has spiders nesting in it. I’m going to a refined bathhouse, then spending two days letting my ladies milk their favorite toy, and finally -”

  “Cow fey men milk?” the daughter blurted to Juniper.

  “No sweetie, they do not. He wants to have a lot of sex.”

  “Guilty. Why did you bring her?” I asked.

  Siofra cleared her throat. “My half-sister will age slightly slower than a human. She is being groomed to be Juniper’s replacement for the next Farlake representative in the capital. Father complains of Crimm often.”

  “Are you learning anything?” I asked.

  She smirked and said, “That a woman can be more powerful than men, to the point even kings do them favors. Today I learned that you are someone special.”

  I leaned into Siofra, feeling vindicated in making a difference. I only had to hold a healer hostage, accept a title that meant I was going to war, and say I ran away from dozens of ladies wanting to have my babies. Yeah, typical stuff for a fire mage in Lornia.

  While I gazed out at the city eager to see Madames Inn, I couldn’t
help but tease Siofra’s butt with my boner. She wasn’t the only one excited for after bath fun.


  Lornia - Crimm

  353rd day of the 1st year of King Partel’s Reign

  By the time my stinky butt got in a bathhouse it was dark out. My city guards escorted me to an uptown private spa where I was pampered like a Lornian prince.

  I had to explain that I wanted massaging, nail clipping, extra hair pruning, and scrubbing… everywhere. The servants obliged with confused looks as to why a man would want his feet scrubbed but I ignored them. Then I soaked in a tub, falling asleep for a bit.

  My entire party I brought from Riverten to here - was given a spa treatment. A little reward for surviving the journey and something Varin approved since it was close to Madames.

  After feeling like a refined human again, I returned to a suite on the fourth floor that overlooked the city. Yeah, I closed those shutters quickly, still groggy from the journey, and decided to get some quality sleep before fun.

  The chilly bed warmed up as Rivinia returned from the bathhouse, snuggling into me.

  My beauty sleep ended when the sun peeked through the shutters. I rolled out of bed, tossing a few logs on the fire before peeing in an actual room with a wooden seat.

  I stretched with a big morning smile. When I opened the shutters, I saw countless smoke stacks and a beautiful view of stone rooftops. Unfortunately, my fire had died down during the night, and my body was covered with goosebumps.

  After closing the shutters, I retrieved my robes to find a woman or three to warm me. Rivinia rotated in the bed, realizing I was up and about. She propped herself on her elbows.

  “Want me to help or find my own release,” Rivinia asked and I deviated to sit by her.

  I certainly love her perky small boobs. A passing thought I had that caused a smile.

  “You really want a child?” I asked and she nodded.

  “A magical male would help my child be strong... I… I’d like that you’re taking my request seriously,” Rivinia said.


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