Bad Girl

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Bad Girl Page 14

by Piper Lawson

  “We’re not dropping the program.” The words sound raw from my dry throat. “Can we take a coffee break?”

  Derek shoves his hands in his pockets, and Todd lets out an annoyed sigh. “Sure,” Derek offers.

  I rise from my seat and top off my coffee from the carafe in the corner. I feel Derek’s presence before I see him.

  “Listen,” he starts under his breath. “We talked about using the program as a PR exercise. Do features on some of the kids. Hell, maybe we can claim a tax write-off if we spin it right.”

  I picture the faces of the high school kids who come through the studio. Performing here gives them something structured, but more importantly, it gives them space to create.

  “They’re not charity cases, Derek. They’re artists. My father got that when he started the program. We’re not doing them a favor; they’re doing us one.”

  I go back to the table, taking my seat. Derek follows.

  Across the table, Serena raises a brow. I probably look like I’m about to murder someone.

  Derek turns to the lawyer. “Let’s talk about our stars. How goes the outreach regarding current contracts?”

  “We’ve tried to reach Mr. Jamieson. Reminded his attorney he’s under contract.”

  Jax’s name makes me sit up straighter.

  “Nothing?” Todd sounds exasperated. “I’ve worked with some divas, but this is ridiculous.”

  “He told us to take him to court.”

  “Then do that.” Todd’s not bothering to hide his irritation. “Or let’s move the hell on, Derek. He’s not a rock star anymore. He’s a glorified car salesman.”

  Serena jumps in. “As the person who runs this label’s social media and half our ad budget? Jax Jamieson is still the biggest rock star on the planet. He could turn this around by breathing on it. His fans haven’t forgotten him.” Her gaze flicks to me. “Even if he’s forgotten them.”

  I swallow the lump that rises in my throat at the mention of his name. “Have you talked to him?”

  “He won’t answer calls or return them.” Wicked’s lawyer weighs in.

  “I don’t understand how you let him walk away in the first place,” the production head mutters, looking around the table.

  That’s a story you would never understand.

  It’s been two years since I saw his handsome face, but in some ways it feels like ten.

  In some ways, it feels like yesterday.

  My fingers slide under the table, tapping on my thigh. I pull out my phone and glance at it. The number hasn’t been used in two years.

  It’s my best weapon right now.

  Derek clears his throat. “Haley, I’m sorry about the program. But we’re going to have to cut it, effective this week.”

  “No. You’re not.” I lift my face to the circle of executives.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I can get him for you.” My voice is level even though my stomach turns over.

  The head of production scoffs, but Derek leans in.

  “A new Riot Act album will get Wicked attention,” I go on. “A couple of singles picked up by Hollywood for summer blockbusters. And most importantly, everyone will be calling for interviews. Which means we can get our artists—all of them—back in the spotlight.”

  Todd laughs. “I heard about your father’s track record of finding talent, but what you’re talking about isn’t magic. It’s voodoo. Jax Jamieson’s vanished off the face of the earth.”

  I ignore Todd and turn to Derek. “Two conditions: One, I produce the album. Two, you don’t cut my program until after the album’s recorded. It goes platinum in the first month, we keep the program.”

  “You can’t be serious,” Todd says flatly, but Derek’s gaze is fixed on me.

  “You think you can make it happen?” he asks.

  “Get a studio ready.” I hold out a hand. “Do we have a deal?”

  He shakes.

  I finger the sheet of paper in my jacket pocket, then I nod to the lawyer. “Call Jax again. Only this time, you’re going to tell him this...”

  Thank you for reading Bad Girl! I hope you enjoyed the continuation of Jax and Haley’s story of love, loss and life off tour.

  * * *

  Find out whether the label that broke them apart can bring them back together in Wicked Girl, the final instalment of the WICKED trilogy…

  He was a legend, until he walked away.

  I was nobody, until I was dragged into the light.

  I was never supposed to be part of Wicked, but it was always part of me.

  Now it's my turn to do something that matters…

  Even if the man I love hates me for it.

  * * *

  One-click Wicked Girl Now!

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  I’m going to share something kind of personal. Something I haven’t shared with that many people in my life…

  I want to write full-time. There it is.

  It always seemed crazy, but guess what. After three years of writing on midnight caffeine trips after long days at the office, I’m so close I can taste it.

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  Also by Piper Lawson


  (Jax + Haley)

  * * *

  Good Girl

  Bad Girl

  Wicked Girl

  Forever Wicked

  * * *


  * * *


  (Max + Payton)

  * * *


  (Avery + Charlie)

  * * *


  (Riley + Sam)

  * * *


  * * *

  Easy Love

  (Wes + Rena)

  * * *

  Bad Love

  (Logan + Kendall)

  * * *

  Twisted Love (coming soon!)

  (Ben + Daisy)

  * * *


  * * *


  (Dylan + Lex)

  * * *


  (Nate + Ava)

  * * *


  (Dylan + Lex novella)

  * * *


  (Ethan + Jordan)

  * * *


  (Kent + Dahlia novella)

  About the Author

  I read and write stories where the girls aren’t doormats, the guys aren’t asshats, and secondary characters aren’t second-class citizens. A card-carrying millennial, I have two business degrees and zero hope of starting a fashion label (unlike my Travesty characters). I crave quirk the way some people crave kink, and believe life is too short not to do what—and who—you love.

  My home base near Toronto, Canada is shared with my wonderful sig other. I know he's the perfect man because not only is he TDH (tall dark & handsome), but he will beta read for me under duress. And really, that's what love is. Beta reading un
der duress.

  To my readers: I'm beyond grateful to you guys who make it possible for me to write. Thank you for buying my books. And inspiring me. And sending me wacky ideas. You're the reason I keep doing this.

  I love hearing from you! Stalk me on:

  The Interwebs➜




  Thank Yous

  This book wouldn’t have happened without the support of my awesome advance team and reader group (ladies - thank you for the support, nail biting, and patiently rocking in the corner while I finished part 3). Pam and Renate, thank you for your eagle eyes! Nothing gets by you. Mandee, thank you for creating Jax’s rock star-worthy signature, Jax is at least 20% more badass now. Natasha, you are the most amazing designer, thank you for letting me tweak this until we got it just right. Lindee, I couldn’t imagine better photography to inspire my books. Cassie and Devon, thank you for questioning, polishing, and pointing out I meant to say IV chord, not iV chord. Danielle, thank you for the amazing promo graphics, and generally helping me stay organized and making sure I don’t release new books in a vacuum. Plus of course Mr. L, the world’s best beta reader and the guy who makes sure my world doesn’t break while I’m sequestered in my writing cave. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

  Copyright 2018 by Piper Lawson Books

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  Line and copy editing by Cassie Roberston

  Cover by Natasha Snow

  Cover photography by Lindee Robinson

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  This book is a work of fiction. References to real people, events, establishments, organizations, or locations are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.




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